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Stefano Moretti

May 14, 2014, 10:44:13 AM5/14/14
Just a brief note to remind everyone that there is still one core/compulsory module to go though, mine on Phenomenology, which is essentially about collider tests of the SM, which I will run in June. I will schedule the lecture slots once all our visitor timetables are finalised.

Stefano Moretti

Jul 9, 2014, 10:16:46 AM7/9/14
Schedule of the module will be as follows, unless there are objections.

Mon 14, 21 & 28 Jul 09:00-11:00
Fri 25 July & 1 Aug 09:00-11:00

As much of the syllabus (Higgs & SUSY) has been covered during the NExT PhD Workshop, I reckon that 10h will suffice. We can schedule more if needed.


Stefano Moretti

Jul 9, 2014, 12:08:32 PM7/9/14

One change to avoid overlap with Sasha’s course:

01/08 09:00-11:00

changed into

31/07 09:00-10:00

01/08 09:00-10:00


Stefano Moretti

Jul 11, 2014, 5:47:57 AM7/11/14
This module has now been scheduled on JANET too, as follows.


Time                                                Visimeet Virtual Room

Mon 14, 21 & 28 Jul 09:00-11:00   SEPnet 1

Fri 25 Jul                  09:00-11:00    SEPnet 6

Thu 31 Jul                  09:00-10:00  SEPnet 6

Fri    1 Aug                 09:00-10:00  SEPnet 6

Course material at

Various SEPnet VC rooms are currently under maintenance (because of failures or deployment of new software), so remote students should preferably use free licences on their Laptop/Desktop as described here:

In particular, the Soton VC room itself (from where the module will be delivered)  is under maintenance and repairs should be completed on Fri 18 Jul, which means that the first lecture for this course will be given from the VC room by using a laptop while the rest, hopefully, from a fully functional cube.

Stefano Moretti

Jul 18, 2014, 9:24:34 AM7/18/14
I remind the students that the module on Phenomenology is compulsory attendance for all. S.

Stefano Moretti

Jun 22, 2015, 10:48:33 AM6/22/15
This is an heads up that this year the Phenomenology course that I am running will take place between 9 and 21 July. I am currently finalising the slot bookings so to avoid overlap with Prof. Khalil module also due in July.

Stefano Moretti

Jul 6, 2015, 6:41:36 AM7/6/15

This module has now been scheduled via Visimeet on JANET (starting on Thursday this week) as follows.


Time                                                     Visimeet Virtual Room


Thu  9 Jul                    17:00-18:00  SEPnet 5

Fri   10 Jul                   17:00-18:00  SEPnet 5

Mon 13-Fri 17 July        11:00-13:00  SEPnet 5 (every day)

Most SEPnet VC rooms should be available this time of year, so remote students, if wanting to use them, should approach their local VC staff (IT/admin) to make a booking of the physical room (local IT staff will then prepare it for use, if required).


As usual, the sessions can also be followed by the students using Visimeet free licences on their Laptop/Desktop as described here:


Finally, portable Visimeet units should now also be available at all nodes, so these can be booked as well and used by several students at the same time, if they wish, in alternative to the VC room.

Stefano Moretti

Jun 2, 2016, 11:14:17 AM6/2/16
to next-phd-lectures

This 2015/16 edition of this module has now been scheduled via Visimeet on JANET (starting next week) as follows.


Date                            Time                                                    


Mon  6 Jun                11:00-13:00 

Wed  8 Jun                10:00-12:00 

Fri     10 Jun               10:00-12:00

Mon 13 Jun               10:00-12:00 

Fri      24 Jun               10:00-12:00

Fri        1 Jul                  09:00-11:00


A few additional lectures will be scheduled in July.


Virtual venue is SEPnet 5.


Course materials are found at


Most SEPnet VC rooms should be available this time of year, so remote students, if wanting to use them, should approach their local VC staff (IT/admin) to make a booking of the physical room (local IT staff will then prepare it for use, if required).


As usual, the sessions can also be followed by the students using Visimeet free licences on their Laptop/Desktop as described here:


In addition, portable Visimeet units are now also available at all nodes, so these can be booked as well and used by several students at the same time, if they wish, in alternative to the VC room.


Finally, all lectures will be video recorded and made available to all Visimeet community users.

Stefano Moretti

Jul 2, 2017, 2:12:27 AM7/2/17
to next-phd-lectures

Dear First Year Students of the NExT PhD School,


The core course on Phenomenology will this year be split into two parts, the first one (run by Prof S Moretti, SM) will cover SM Phenomenology while the second one (run by Prof S Khalil, SK) will cover BSM Phenomenology.


Both lecturers will deliver their modules from the Southampton SEPnet VC Room (46/4121) & Visimeet Virtual Room SEPnet 5 (Meeting# 55993734).


The course contents is as follows.


SM: QCD and EW Tests (lecture notes: up to page 93 of plus the separate module


SK: Higgs Phenomenology, Fermion Masses, CP and Flavour Violation (FV), g-2, Neutrino Masses and Lepton FV (LFV) (lecture notes to be distributed by the lecturer).


The schedule of lectures is as follows.


SM: Wed 21 June 10-12

         Fri 23 June 12-14

         Fri 30 June 10-12


SK: Tue 4 July 11-13

        Fri 7 July 11-13

        Fri 14 July 11-13

        Tue 18 July 11-13

        Wed 19 July 11-13

        Fri 21 July 11-13

        Tue 25 July 11-13


The schedule and links to resources are available on the NExT calendar as well.


All lectures will be broadcast live across Visimeet and recorded/stored therein.


Stefano Moretti

Jul 2, 2017, 2:18:36 AM7/2/17
to next-phd-lectures
The first part of the course (run by Prof Stefano Moretti) has now ended and the second one (run by Prof Shaaban Khalil) is due to start this coming week.
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