OSS Beta 4

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Travis Tabbal

Jun 25, 2013, 8:54:55 AM6/25/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
This has the timestamps being populated properly, it will default to when the article was synced if there is a problem parsing the date from the server.

It also has a little fix for folders not populating in some cases.

Some have asked about per-feed settings. They should be being stored on the SD card. GR feed settings won't carry over, but existing BewsBlur feed settings should be restored. I'll make sure of that as the next to-do. :)

Thanks for the reports everyone, I'm glad to see it working well for everyone and getting these bugs ironed out.


Jun 25, 2013, 7:14:41 PM6/25/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net
Thanks I will give it a whirl tonight.


Jun 25, 2013, 10:58:21 PM6/25/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net
This BETA 4 release is looking good to me - thank you Travis for all your work on this - it great to have some movement in NewsRob development - there simply
isnt a better android news app out there that supports OFFLINE READING (This is the killer feature) - I will continue to use and report any problems I see.

Arigato gozaimasu!

On Tuesday, June 25, 2013 5:54:55 AM UTC-7, Travis Tabbal wrote:

Mark Otway

Jun 26, 2013, 4:52:58 AM6/26/13
to Newsrob Group

Yep, looking good.

Couple of questions/points:

1. What does starring an app in NR do now? Does it share the story? Maybe we could replace it with "save to instapaper/readitlater/etc"?

2. Might be good to remove the unsubscribe feed option, unless the api means it can be implemented.

3. Anyone else tried the instapaper mobilizer? Does it work for them?

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Jun 26, 2013, 7:14:08 AM6/26/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net
awesome. i was hoping for a new newsrob version.
so far i used feedly to substitute google reader (mainly because of nice ui in browser),
but no problem, i 'll create a newsblur account as well to test newsrob beta 4.

thanks a lot

Travis Tabbal

Jun 26, 2013, 8:00:28 AM6/26/13
to new...@googlegroups.com

I forgot about starring. It's not implemented yet. It can be though, the api is there. There are api calls for the sharing as well. Same with unsubcribe.

I'll test instapaper.

Travis Tabbal

Jun 26, 2013, 8:01:59 AM6/26/13
to new...@googlegroups.com

Thanks for helping! The more people testing, the more solid we can make the code.

Travis Tabbal

Jun 26, 2013, 8:51:57 AM6/26/13
to new...@googlegroups.com

As a quick test, I enabled instapaper and it seems to work as well as readability or gwt does. I'll leave it on and see how it goes.

I also want to investigate the text feature newsblur has. We might be able to use that, though it does seem to be only for paid accounts.


Jun 26, 2013, 12:23:06 PM6/26/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net
hi travis.

i am not a app-developer, but i can give you some feedback from a costumer point-of-view.
i'll send you a list of things i noticed ...

1. this one is not on your side, but i figured out the first major problem with creating a free account at newsblur.
either you pay them ~ € 20,- or you have to wait hours, maybe days to access your account.
(#1490 in queue after account creation, about 4 hours later #1230 in queue - do the math *g)

as i said. newsrob can't do anything about that, as it is an issue with newsblur.
but for casual costumers, who look for a google reader alternative, newsblur has already disqualified itself because of this chicanery.

absolutely thumbs down for newsblur compared to feedly ...
but hey, i'll sit it out and will continue my feedback as soon as i can access my new free newsblur account ...
considering the current speed in the newsblur-login-queue, i'll be able to setup my account in about 20 hours.

till then ...
have a nice day

Mark Otway

Jun 26, 2013, 2:17:42 PM6/26/13
to Newsrob Group

Cool. I found about half the pages had no assets downloaded with an "unexpected status" error. I'll give it another go (readability is okay, but instapaper is so much better).


Rich Veight

Jun 26, 2013, 6:42:13 PM6/26/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
long time newsrob pro user, got the new beta, and signed up for newsblur. so far so good, if i run into anything wonky, i'll let you guys know. can't say thanks enough to everyone who resurrected newsrob and obviously Mariano for everything.

Alex Harper

Jun 26, 2013, 11:05:02 PM6/26/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
I'm seeing an issue where changing articles in a feed the displayed content doesn't change. The article content seems to get stuck, and advancing via volume buttons or onscreen arrows doesn't change it. If I exit to the article list and select the affected article the correct content is displayed. Also, if I step forward through enough articles eventually things will work again. Its almost as if the article identifiers are the same? Perhaps a cache ID problem?

So far I've only observed it on one feed (http://www.macintouch.com/rss.xml). In today's feed I saw it paging between the various items whose titles start with "Report".

Let me know if there's any more info I can provide,


Travis Tabbal

Jun 26, 2013, 11:12:25 PM6/26/13
to new...@googlegroups.com

Thanks. I'll try adding that feed and see if I can track it down.

Mariano Kamp

Jun 27, 2013, 12:49:20 AM6/27/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
Did you use the feed with The regular NewsRob before and there it worked. 

I am asking, because there is an existing bug that happens rarely and only for some feeds, but I couldn't track it down. 

Alex Harper

Jun 27, 2013, 1:07:59 AM6/27/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
> Did you use the feed with The regular NewsRob before and there it worked.

Yes, I had this feed before in Newsrob/Google Reader.

> I am asking, because there is an existing bug that happens rarely and only for some feeds, but I couldn't track it down.

I recall seeing minor glitches like this, but it seemed to be rendering lag on complex feeds. Usually if you wait a bit the proper article renders. For the cases today I waited 20-30s just to be sure it wasn't trying to update.


James Sorenson

Jun 27, 2013, 1:29:19 AM6/27/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net
I've been testing the betas as well, and so far so good.  I had the issue in Beta3 where the folders did not show up until the 3rd sync, but I didn't have that issue with beta4.  Downloading the web-content seems to work well as well.

I've just upgraded my NewsBlur account to Pro, so I can test the pro features.  I'd really like to get the "starred articles" features working.  None the less, Newsrob is now functional enough that the NewsBlur upgrade is worth it.  Is there any particular feature you want us to hammer?

Will this version of NewsRob eventually make it back to the Play store so we can unlock the Pro features?

- Jim

On Tuesday, June 25, 2013 5:54:55 AM UTC-7, Travis Tabbal wrote:

Travis Tabbal

Jun 27, 2013, 1:59:19 AM6/27/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
I have been testing that feed, no issues yet. I'll keep checking things, but so far I can't reproduce it.


Mariano Kamp

Jun 27, 2013, 2:37:29 AM6/27/13
to NewsRob User Group

On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:29 AM, James Sorenson <macr0...@gmail.com> wrote:
Will this version of NewsRob eventually make it back to the Play store so we can unlock the Pro features?

We haven't talked about it, but yes. When Travis is happy with the version and we have release notes we would release it to the play store. Ok with you Travis?

James Sorenson

Jun 27, 2013, 10:17:19 AM6/27/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
Open-source is no issue as far as I can tell. You post the full source code for others to compile, but the Play store has the convenient, pre-compiled version for sale. It could at least be used as a donation. In any case, thanks!

Alex Harper

Jun 27, 2013, 11:34:49 AM6/27/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
> I have been testing that feed, no issues yet. I'll keep checking things, but so far I can't reproduce it.

I can repro with a portion of today's feed. Here are the article titles from the feed, the "<---" indicates where things seem to get stuck until the next article with a "<---". Note that I've sorted the articles in the order NewsRob displays them (oldest first according to my settings), not in the order from the feed.

Update: MovieWriterPro 4.45 <---
Update: FotoMagico 4.3
Update: Radium 3.0.3 <---
New: Filedrop
New: PasswordBox
Amazon Update
Update: solidThinking Inspire 9.5 <---
Update: TenFourFox 17.0.7
Update: Film Stocks 1.5 <---
Update: Cocktail 6.4.1 (Mountain Lion Edition)
Update: Adobe Camera Raw 6.7.1
New: Pixel Master
Update: SuperDraw 1.2
Report: Security <---
Report: iPhone/Touch Platform <---
Report: Hard Disk Recovery <---

I didn't bother enclosing a snapshot of the feed, but I have it if you need it.


Mark Otway

Jun 27, 2013, 1:33:35 PM6/27/13
to Newsrob Group

Great. I'm getting withdrawal symptoms from pinning. ;-)


Travis Tabbal

Jun 28, 2013, 12:50:09 AM6/28/13
to new...@googlegroups.com

Sounds good. I don't see anything that should prevent a release being reported.

I would suggest not doing it as an upgrade though. I haven't done any testing coming from the existing build, and there are some minor database changes. I didn't implement the upgrade stuff, I don't think it would take long, just need a column for the hash in the entry table. I just haven't had the chance to get it done. I also haven't tested converting an existing Google Reader setup. Fresh installs seem to run smoothly though.

I'm going to be out of town for a few days. I probably won't have Internet access. So I'll let you decide what's best Mariano.


Mariano Kamp

Jun 28, 2013, 2:17:18 AM6/28/13
to NewsRob User Group
This comes as a surprise to me.

Hmmh. With NewsRob migrating to NewsBlur, which is in itself a little bumpy, and now NewsRob not upgrading automatically I think we're leaving a lot of people by the side of the road. I feel it will be so many, that there will only be some hardcore users left maybe measured in the hundreds. 

I could try to shuffle things around, take over and finish that next week, but not in time anymore to avoid the disruption. In that case it doesn't matter all that much anymore if it is two days late or two weeks.


Jun 28, 2013, 11:03:34 AM6/28/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net
Worked like a charm for me. Removed old version, synched with my new NewsBlur account.


Jun 28, 2013, 3:17:13 PM6/28/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
Thanks to all who worked on this version. So pleased to be able to continue to use NewsRob.

I have a couple of comments:

1. The five minute countdown status update ('Updating changes' displayed in the notification bar) is not updating statuses. Only a full sync is.

2. On the home page any feeds not in a folder are put in one called '0000_top_level_'. In the original NewsRob they were only available in the 'all articles' folder. Nothing wrong with the new behaviour but the name could be improved.

Mark Otway

Jun 28, 2013, 5:22:41 PM6/28/13
to Newsrob Group

Interesting - mine appear in "all articles".

Rod Nayfield

Jun 28, 2013, 5:36:20 PM6/28/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
I have the 0000 format as well, but I think that comes from the NB android client as I found it in the source code there.  

Alan J Robertson

Jun 30, 2013, 7:11:17 AM6/30/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
Installed it on my Nexus 7 (whilst enjoying the last day of native NR/Greader on my SGSIII!) and working really well.  Marked lots of feeds read on Newsblur and within a minute or so hitting resync updated beautifully in the NR app.  Only thing I noticed was when entering the app it shows "all articles" and "0000_top_level_".  I then go into either of those and it shows the feeds properly though so it's mainly cosmetic.

Having withdrawl symptoms from being non-Pro again though ;))  Would be nice in the fullness of time for that to return but better to still having working NR than not!

Sent by Alan J Robertson (a...@alanjrobertson.co.uk)
Tel: +44 (0)7939-558-403


Jun 30, 2013, 6:41:42 PM6/30/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net
tested newsrob over the weekend.
i preferred "instapaper" as mobilizer. it worked flawlessly. "readability worked as well.
stupid question, but which mobilizer is the "favorite/preferred one", that i should use?

only problems i encountered have been due to newsblurs free account restrictions.
beta4 looks really good so far. can't wait to try out next release.

i read marianos announcement on the homepage.
thanks for creating this awesome app.
wish you all the best in all your future endeavors.

Travis Tabbal

Jun 30, 2013, 8:08:23 PM6/30/13
to new...@googlegroups.com

I wouldn't go so far as to say that there is a "preferred" mobilizer. :) they are all under experimental after all. I may try to focus on one and really clean it up though as I do like the feature.

With the release of the source, I plan to continue on. It looks like Mariano would like to drop the mailing lists and such. I would be willing to create a new one if people would be willing to join. I doubt we will ever have a former glory of newsrob, but I think we should try to transition. I still use newsrob daily and see nothing in other clients to match it.

And I would like to thank Mariano for everything he has done. The app is great and releasing the code was a very classy move on his part. Nothing I have contributed would have been possible without his work.


Scott Fringer

Jun 30, 2013, 8:25:03 PM6/30/13
to new...@googlegroups.com


  Your efforts this far are truly appreciated. I'd been using the Newsblur Android client, and while it's come quite a ways since the early days, being able to use Newsrob with the Newsblur service is SO much nicer.

  While I don't code, I'd surely join a mailing list to track your efforts with this emerging phoenix.

Thanks so much,

Collan Seow

Jun 30, 2013, 9:13:35 PM6/30/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net
I have tried the new beta and it worked nicely
My question is that the previous version of Newsrob has a function where when I swipe twice to the left it will make the article 'keep unread' with a blue bar to show that status on the article.
In the beta, when I tried to swipe right to left it will only make the article unread but won't keep it unread.
Can you please bring back that functions

I would join the mailing list too
Thanks for the great app.

Travis Tabbal

Jun 30, 2013, 10:34:42 PM6/30/13
to Collan Seow, new...@googlegroups.com

This looks to be related to the starred articles feature. I plan to add that soon. Thanks for the feedback.

Jean Franco Caringi

Jun 30, 2013, 11:13:39 PM6/30/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
what about a g+community? it seem to be perfect for commenting and uploading reviews

Mark Otway

Jul 1, 2013, 12:07:28 AM7/1/13
to Newsrob Group

The right to left swipe is "pinning" which was only available in the pro version. I guess until we have a build with pro features, it won't be available.


Mark Otway

Jul 1, 2013, 12:08:42 AM7/1/13
to Newsrob Group

Ugh, no thanks. Does anyone use G+?
I like the list format. User voice could be another option, but that kind of implies and owner and it depends if Travis or somebody else wants to take over the reigns from Mariano permanently.

On 1 Jul 2013 04:13, "Jean Franco Caringi" <jfca...@gmail.com> wrote:
what about a g+community? it seem to be perfect for commenting and uploading reviews

Collan Seow

Jul 1, 2013, 12:51:21 AM7/1/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Travis and Webreaper,
I guess I've been using the pro for so long that I took the pinning option for granted...

Alan J Robertson

Jul 1, 2013, 2:40:55 AM7/1/13
to new...@googlegroups.com

Indeed so - it's the main thing I miss from Pro!

I'd be keen to join any new list. I'd also like to take the opportunity to thank Travis and others who have worked to get this beta out in time and a massive thank you (and good luck for the future) to Mariano for creating NR in the first place and for moving it to open source.


Randy H

Jul 1, 2013, 9:55:54 AM7/1/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
Ditto for me.  Thanks to Mariano and now Travis for keeping this app working. Only downsides with OSS Beta are (1) having to pay a too-high-fee to get active on NewsBlur before 1 July to import Google Reader feed, and (2) trying to re-discover NewsRob settings I had in the original app that do not carry over to the OSS Beta.

Would be great to see a merge of efforts between NewsBlur and NewsRob.  Really complimentary.  And NewsBlur Android app does not really exist/work.  Have a common Pro account fee (for App or Web) at $5 and you would attract a much larger user base.  Just my opinion.

Trying out Feedly in parallel now as well.  Newbies on tablet in the home prefer its iPhone-like interface. But I prefer NewsRob in headline, text mode on the phone.  Feedly's editing of the feed on the App is near non-existent.  Would love to see NewsRob expanded to include a full featured feed-editor in the app.

Mark Otway

Jul 1, 2013, 10:05:16 AM7/1/13
to Newsrob Group

Pretty sure that if you export your GR feeds as OPML today you can import them into Newsblur as soon as your account gets activated.


Nelson Ricciardi

Jul 1, 2013, 10:07:29 AM7/1/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
I would like to join the group here and thank Mariano and Travis for keeping NewsRob alive.

This morning I tried to syn my phone using Beta4 and something was off. I had to sync 4 times before the number of articles was "in sync" with what I was seeing in the web-Newsblur.

I'm also using Beta4 in my tablet and there everything was ok. 


Travis Tabbal

Jul 1, 2013, 11:03:27 AM7/1/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
The OPML export does work. You need to unzip it and use the subscriptions.xml file though.

Travis Tabbal

Jul 1, 2013, 11:26:13 AM7/1/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
The unread counts from the web interface don't seem to update as frequently as one would wish. I noticed that when I was developing it. I found though, that the articles I marked read did sync properly, even though the counts lagged. The wait time for new free accounts is more than a little irritating. That wasn't in place when I started work on the client.

I am curious though, more for the heavy users... Is $20/year really so much? IMO the lack of a paid version is one reason GR was killed. They made no money on it, so it died. Simple business. NewsBlur has a business plan, makes money on it, and as such should stick around for a while. Sure, it sucks to go from free to any paid account, but really, it's pretty cheap. Feedly has stated publicly, in their FAQ, that they intend to charge at some point. So what they are doing feels more like a bait-and-switch to me. That's not going to stop me from supporting them in the future, but I do find it a little sleazy.

One thing I've been considering for the future.... Keep in mind this is just a random brainstorm, I have no real solid plans to implement it yet.... Is to remove the pro limitations from the client and instead provide access to a private NewsBlur server instance for donations/pro type accounts. The server software is open source and I do have a working install of it, that I was planning to use for experimentation to develop better API calls on to submit back to Newsblur. All I'd really be looking for money wise is keeping the server paid for. I don't think it would take much if it's a private server for NR users only.

Also, I do intend to set up a developer account on Google Play for the new client, to make updates easier to keep up with. That won't happen until I feel we are ready for a "full" release. However, I think starred articles is probably the last big feature missing. I don't know of any showstopper bugs, though there are a couple little ones I would like to squash before then.

Nelson Ricciardi

Jul 1, 2013, 11:31:00 AM7/1/13
to new...@googlegroups.com

I paid for Newsblur. But let me tell you that I paid because of NewsRob. If Newsrob was not part of this, Newsblur would NOT be my solution.

I actually hope that in the future NewsRob will give us the option of many different cloud providers. Feedly, for example.

But I'm happy with NewsBlur as I need an offline reader for my phone and tablet. 

Travis Tabbal

Jul 1, 2013, 11:43:48 AM7/1/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
My plan is to get NewsBlur feature complete and basically debugged then start building up a Feedly client. I want to have the backend be a "commodity", and easily switch between them. That way, one provider deciding to shut down or suddenly demanding huge fees etc. would not be a problem for us. I think I'm close to the point that I can start work on Feedly, then I may consider others. As we are now full OSS, I would be happy to see others submitting patches/ideas. I know not everyone is a developer, but if someone is and has time, it would be great. If not, I'll get to things as fast as I can.

Just so I have an idea of what people like and/or need... What do you like better about Feedly, assuming both were free or the same cost? I found them quite similar on the web-UI side, personally. But everyone uses things differently or use different features. I'm trying not to make assumptions based on what *I* use alone. :)

Nelson Ricciardi

Jul 1, 2013, 11:46:46 AM7/1/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
The most significant differences are:

- how fast Feedly updates compared to NewsBlur.
- and the NewsBlur 2 weesk limitation. I understand that NewsBlur deletes whatever sits unread after 2 weeks, EVEN FOR PAID CUSTOMERS. This is unacceptable,

The web interfaces are quite similar. 

Dave Glowacki

Jul 1, 2013, 11:38:59 AM7/1/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
On Jul 1, 2013, at 10:31 AM, Nelson Ricciardi wrote:

> I paid for Newsblur. But let me tell you that I paid because of NewsRob. If Newsrob was not part of this, Newsblur would NOT be my solution.
> I actually hope that in the future NewsRob will give us the option of many different cloud providers. Feedly, for example.
> But I'm happy with NewsBlur as I need an offline reader for my phone and tablet.

I *tried* to pay for NewBlur last Thursday and my connection eventually timed out. I then waited for my free subscription to be activated and tried to add a single RSS feed and *that* timed out. Therefore, I'm using Feedly as my backend and gReader as my app, but I'd *really* like to go back to NewsRob!

I'd be interested in helping to add Feedly support. Resume available on request :-)

Travis Tabbal

Jul 1, 2013, 12:04:46 PM7/1/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
If you want to help add Feedly, I'd love it! No need for interviews/resumes. You don't even need to set up to develop NewsRob if you would prefer not to. Just provide a set of Java methods that handle requests to/from the Feedly APIs we need. I am happy to help with which ones to aim at and integration issues with the NewsRob code. 

I'd have to check, but there was a NDA we had to sign to get access to the documentation site. They might have opened that up now that GR is no more though.

Travis Tabbal

Jul 1, 2013, 12:05:24 PM7/1/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
Hmmm... Those are quite valid points. Thank you for your feedback.

Dave Glowacki

Jul 1, 2013, 12:46:16 PM7/1/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
On Jul 1, 2013, at 11:04 AM, Travis Tabbal wrote:

> If you want to help add Feedly, I'd love it! No need for interviews/resumes. You don't even need to set up to develop NewsRob if you would prefer not to.

I found the project on github and cloned it to my laptop.

> Just provide a set of Java methods that handle requests to/from the Feedly APIs we need. I am happy to help with which ones to aim at and integration issues with the NewsRob code.

> I'd have to check, but there was a NDA we had to sign to get access to the documentation site. They might have opened that up now that GR is no more though.

I've filled out the developer form and am waiting to hear back from them.

I'm training for a 7 day bike ride which happens at the end of July, so I'll drop off the Web in a couple of weeks but I'll see what I can get done in my spare time!

Alan J Robertson

Jul 1, 2013, 1:26:27 PM7/1/13
to new...@googlegroups.com

I like the sound of this way of doing things. My impression is that we all agree it's NewsRob that makes the difference here and the backend is, as you say, more of a commodity. I'm not that fussed about the web interface as long as there is one and that it syncs well.

I also like the idea of paying for a Pro version that included a private server, especially if that gave better control around retention time. I hadn't realised that Newsblur deleted items over two weeks old. I don't think that applies to starred items though does it? (I thought they'd come across OK from Google Reader). However I tended to rely on leaving articles still to be read as pinned so wouldn't want them to disappear after two weeks!



Travis Tabbal

Jul 1, 2013, 1:28:46 PM7/1/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
I see old starred articles, so perhaps it's just regular articles.

Alan J Robertson

Jul 1, 2013, 1:32:47 PM7/1/13
to new...@googlegroups.com

Good, glad you're seeing the same behaviour! Sounds like for safety I'll just star any articles that are pinned - once pinning is back of course ;-) ;-)


Mark Otway

Jul 1, 2013, 4:19:34 PM7/1/13
to Newsrob Group

That's not correct. Newsblur does not delete any articles. It just keeps the unread state for a limited time (2 weeks). Clay is planning to increase this to 30 days when he has capacity. But all unread articles are still there.

Even GR dropped articles of a certain age so it's not unreasonable. I think feedly only keeps articles unread for a time period too, ie not indefinitely.

Mark Otway

Jul 1, 2013, 4:21:54 PM7/1/13
to Newsrob Group


I wouldn't bother with the back end hosting. Capacity management etc is a lot of hassle.

Get the app multi platform (imagine Newsblur, feedly, digg, AOL etc all in one app). Make all the old pro features standard - and add a donate option if you like. Clean up the gui, and do a tablet version.

Become the killer android app. Wipe out the competition. ;-)


Alan J Robertson

Jul 1, 2013, 4:22:07 PM7/1/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
Thanks, that's good to know - and it seems starred ones hang about for even longer :)

Sent by Alan J Robertson (a...@alanjrobertson.co.uk)
Tel: +44 (0)7939-558-403


Jul 2, 2013, 2:48:05 PM7/2/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net
as mentioned before, i am not a developer.
i have a problem with "downloading articles for offline use",
but i don't know, if the problem is due to newsrob beta4.

i selected the "article + image + simplified webpage" option for downloading articles and used "instapaper".
this options/selections worked perfectly in the past.
after switching off all internet connections (after "article download"),
i found out that only 10-20% of the articles get actually downloaded.

all others say: "Webpage not available ... [instapaper-link] ..."
sry, but i didn't try without any inet connection earlier.
with enabled inet connection, no problem to read the articles.
but i guess that's not the behaviour we are looking for.
i'd prefer to download all articles for offline use. 

i am not sure, if this is another restriction for free-newsblur users,
a problem with instapaper, or if this is an actual problem with newsrob beta4 itself.

unfortunately the newsrob name & logo will be gone.
liked the logo because it was simple and descriptive.
the blue little book that indicates local storage and/or reading.
the variation of the orange rss-symbol, that showed a little face reading the book.
very classy and simple.
i would at least suggest to integrate some variation of the orange rss-symbol into the new logo and keep it simple.

On Monday, July 1, 2013 12:41:42 AM UTC+2, hplg...@gmail.com wrote:
tested newsrob over the weekend.
i preferred "instapaper" as mobilizer. it worked flawlessly. "readability worked as well.
stupid question, but which mobilizer is the "favorite/preferred one", that i should use?

only problems i encountered have been due to newsblurs free account restrictions.
beta4 looks really good so far. can't wait to try out next release.

i read marianos announcement on the homepage.
thanks for creating this awesome app.
wish you all the best in all your future endeavors.

Mark Otway

Jul 2, 2013, 2:54:43 PM7/2/13
to Newsrob Group

I see the same thing with instapaper but it was happening before beta 4. Been working with Travis, and it's possible it may be a problem at instapaper's end. GWT works but doesn't look as nice. But I also see the same issue with Readability.

Do you get a red dot on the failed articles? If so, what does the message say when you choose "show support info" from the menu?



Jul 2, 2013, 4:18:14 PM7/2/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
yep. after recognizing the problem, i scrolled through all articles and found out,
that every "not downloaded" article has a little red dot attached.
i turned off all inet connections again, to give it a try and all red dotted articles failed to download. 
sorry but i never had that problem before, or maybe i just didn't notice it until now.

here is what the "show support info" says for the "red dotted" articles:

WrongStatusException: Wrong Status Code, expected 200, but was 404
Stacktrace: -- Stacktrace:(1016)
com.newsrob.download.WrongStatusException: Wrong Status Code, expected 200, but was 404
com.newsrob.download.Downloader.loadText FromUrl(WebPageDownloadDirector.java:550)

the "article info" may be longer, but no more space on my screen and msg is not scrollable.
i hope, i can at least help you a little bit by sending you this status message.


Mark Otway

Jul 2, 2013, 4:43:05 PM7/2/13
to Newsrob Group

Yeah, that's what I see. Can you try it with Readability too? Think it might be a Newsrob parsing glitch.

It's frustrating because once an article is in that state it never retries, and there's no way to get it to other than doing 'Refresh content' on each article. But you can't do that for entire feeds (I entered an issue on github...).

Travis Tabbal

Jul 2, 2013, 4:51:07 PM7/2/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
Hmmm..... Well, Instapaper has been having some server side issues, they seem to be working better today, but that error indicates that the server told us to go away.

What do you think about having an order you could set for mobilizers, then it would just try them in sequence till it gets a good response? Or maybe just have a default one, then an option to try others to get the page downloaded.

I would also like to see an option to auto-retry failed downloads on the next sync run automatically.

There could be a glitch in there, but the HTTP status codes are pretty hard to get wrong..... Perhaps I need to escape something in the URL before storage? If you ask it to refresh that article and resync, does it work the next time or does it always fail? I'll see if I can't put more logging around that exception and see if there's something else we can do... I would really like to figure it out.


Jul 2, 2013, 5:07:45 PM7/2/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
no problem. i cleared my artricle cache and synced/downloaded articles again. this time with "readability".
for testing purposes, i sync/download only 100 articles at the moment (to be faster *g).
normally i used the maximum amount of 2k articles, because i never know,
which topic or newspaper i wanna read ahead of time.

download finished.
100 articles - no "red dotted" articles at all.
2 of 4 articles from NYT business feed do not show a "red dot",
but have not been downloaded and give you following message:
"Readability was unable to parse the Content for This Article"
the other 2 have been downloaded without problems. 

"article info":
even the 2 feeds that didn't load correctly just show
"Download took **** ms. (url)"


Jul 2, 2013, 7:18:33 PM7/2/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net
@ travis

cleared cache and fetched articles with instapaper.
same result as earlier. about 25 articles have been downloaded successfully.
the rest is "red dotted".
only syncing again, does not download missing/failed articles.
as mentioned by webreaper the article downloads, if you tell the "red dotted" article to "refetch content" manually.


Jul 2, 2013, 7:36:58 PM7/2/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net, hplg...@gmail.com
i did another test with the manually refetching of red dotted articles.
i told about 20 articles to "refetch content on next sync" at once.
same behavior as before.
15 articles got fetched; 5 did not (same article info as mentioned above),
2 new articles have been added, but did not download (red dot as well)

Travis Tabbal

Jul 2, 2013, 8:58:41 PM7/2/13
to new...@googlegroups.com

Thanks for testing. There's definitely something up in there. Is it on any particular feeds more often? If so, let me know what ones and I'll set them up so I can test them as well.


Jul 3, 2013, 12:21:20 AM7/3/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net
@ travis

no, it doesn't happen to any particular feed more often.
but there is clearly a pattern, which feeds are getting fetched correctly and which don't.

i'll try to explain:

i download the latest 100 articles.
first of all newsrob syncs stats, and fetches the "headlines" for the latest 100 articles.
then it starts downloading them in following order: 100th latest article, 99th latest article, 98th, ... and so on.
newsrob (with instapaper) downloads about 15-20 articles successfully (until ~ 80th latest article) and fails for the rest (79th latest article - latest article)
same pattern when i tried to tell articles (eg. 20th latest - 40th latest) to "refetch content on next sync" manually.
successful download of 40th, 39th, ... , 25th latest article and download fails for 24th - 20th latest article & new articles.
it seems that the "position in newsrobs download queue" decides, which articles will actually download successful.
newsrob downloads the oldest articles (of your latest x articles) at first. the last downloaded article is the latest one.

i hope you understand my description and i wasn't to confusing.
hey, i am not a developer, but could this behavior occur,
because of some kind of "request overflow" newsrob triggers at instapaper?

Mark Otway

Jul 3, 2013, 4:05:48 AM7/3/13
to Newsrob Group

I wonder whether instapaper et Al have introduced some sort of twitter style api limits for a particular IP?

Travis Tabbal

Jul 3, 2013, 9:26:39 AM7/3/13
to new...@googlegroups.com

I think that may be the case. I'm going to try adding a less well known one and see if that helps. Gwt kept working, right?


Jul 19, 2013, 7:46:08 PM7/19/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
Everything seems to work, AFAICS. Thanks for continuing NewsRob as OSS! What about the day/night mode of the Pro version. I can't find it---I even installed the Pro version again.

Alan J Robertson

Jul 20, 2013, 2:43:11 AM7/20/13
to new...@googlegroups.com

You don't need to install the old NR Pro key, it's just ignored. Day/night is an option just after pressing the menu key on the homepage (ie not in the settings menu itself).


On 20 Jul 2013 07:30, <ch....@googlemail.com> wrote:
Everything seems to work, AFAICS. Thanks for continuing NewsRob as OSS! What about the day/night mode of the Pro version. I can't find it---I even installed the Pro version again.


Jul 20, 2013, 6:34:33 AM7/20/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
I know where to find this option. It just not there! That's why I installed NR Pro and then asked here.


Jul 20, 2013, 6:38:12 AM7/20/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
Here's a screenshot: http://db.tt/2fgRLCD2

Alan J Robertson

Jul 20, 2013, 6:38:54 AM7/20/13
to new...@googlegroups.com

Weird it's showing up fine for me, have been using it since Travis reinstated it.

Perhaps do a full uninstall of all NR related files then a fresh install of GrazeRSS from the new Google group?


On 20 Jul 2013 11:34, <ch....@googlemail.com> wrote:
I know where to find this option. It just not there! That's why I installed NR Pro and then asked here.


Jul 20, 2013, 7:25:54 AM7/20/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
Just installed Beta 11.1. Now day/night mode is there.

Alan J Robertson

Jul 20, 2013, 10:14:52 AM7/20/13
to new...@googlegroups.com

Excellent - it feels such a relief to have it back, doesn't it :-)


On 20 Jul 2013 12:25, <ch....@googlemail.com> wrote:
Just installed Beta 11.1. Now day/night mode is there.

Bill Bush

Jul 20, 2013, 10:16:31 AM7/20/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
A wonderful feeling. 

Cheers, Bill


Jul 20, 2013, 2:18:53 PM7/20/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
Indeed, it is. :-)
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