OSS Beta 6

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Travis Tabbal

Jul 4, 2013, 2:40:23 AM7/4/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
Added the ViewText mobilizer, seems pretty reliable. Not quite as pretty as Instapaper, but not bad. For the user with duplicate article bodies on the MacInTouch feed, try using ViewText and set that feed for simplified web page. It seems to clean it up for me. The articles also look nicer and get the full content.

Added some logging when a cache file would be overwritten, attempting to debug the Mac feed above, but while that's not the problem in this case, it's a useful sanity check.

Use a pre-parsed date available from the server. Again, defaulting to right now if it's not available. Should be more reliable.

Enable more threads for the background web page downloader.

Multi-thread the NewsBlur article download and database import. This results in significant speed increases. However, it does use more CPU and RAM.

Watch battery and performance and let me know if it's causing a problem. I can turn down the threading, the current levels are a bit of a stab in the dark, but it seems to work well on my Note 2.


Jul 4, 2013, 8:03:48 PM7/4/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net
It worked really well.  I deleted release newsrob and installed beta 6 from scratch without having been through any other beta's.

2 Issues - it created a folder called 0000_top_level_ at the same level as "All Articles"  they seem to be the same.   Also there was no default checked under Local Cache -> "Reading list" - it downloaded only 49 articles originally before I upped this value - but that might a newsblur thing because I didn't check the number of articles waiting and I just uploaded my OPML for the first time.


Travis Tabbal

Jul 4, 2013, 8:15:45 PM7/4/13
to christophe...@gmail.com, new...@googlegroups.com

Thanks for testing! I thought I got rid of the top_level folder. I'll have to double check that.

Alex Harper

Jul 4, 2013, 10:39:38 PM7/4/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
> Added the ViewText mobilizer, seems pretty reliable. Not quite as pretty as Instapaper, but not bad. For the user with duplicate article bodies on the MacInTouch feed, try using ViewText and set that feed for simplified web page. It seems to clean it up for me. The articles also look nicer and get the full content.

OK, I'll try that.

> Multi-thread the NewsBlur article download and database import. This results in significant speed increases. However, it does use more CPU and RAM.

This seems to have broken unread article sync. I show 15 unread articles in a folder on the NewsBlur web interface, many several hours old. However none of those feeds are visible in beta 6 after several hourly syncs.

I just forced a manual sync and saw a brand new unread article appear in NewsRob. However, as soon as the sync was done, it immediately appeared to have been marked read and was hidden (I hide read articles). If I changed to view both read and unread the new-on-this-sync article was there, but the others were gone (I only cache unread articles).

Reverting to beta 5 and a clear cache immediately synced the missing articles, so I'm guessing that no read state was sent back to the server.



Jul 5, 2013, 12:34:45 AM7/5/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net

I can confirm Alex's problem. 
Beta 6 on my Icona A200 is failing to download new articles, but starred articles are downloading fine, even after app removal - clean - re-install.
Beta 5 on my LG Nexus 4 is downloading all new articles OK.



Jul 5, 2013, 1:21:57 AM7/5/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net


Jul 5, 2013, 1:26:23 AM7/5/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net
I still the Top Level folder

Travis Tabbal

Jul 5, 2013, 10:59:47 AM7/5/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
So it's not pulling down unread articles that you marked on the web UI or just missing some of them? How many feeds do you have? I have a couple ideas I need to look at. Unfortunately, NewsBlur seems to be experiencing issues, at least for the server I'm hitting.


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Alex Harper

Jul 5, 2013, 11:17:20 AM7/5/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
> So it's not pulling down unread articles that you marked on the web UI or just missing some of them?

It appeared to be missing any new unread articles that were visible in NewsBlur. No obvious pattern except recent articles. The missing unread articles were across about 15 feeds in several folders. The "newly arrived" article I watched be marked as read at the end of sync was from a feed which was in a folder with no other unread articles that day.

> How many feeds do you have?

74, though some are so low volume they were not visibly affected.

> I have a couple ideas I need to look at. Unfortunately, NewsBlur seems to be experiencing issues, at least for the server I'm hitting.

I see that too, looks like an upgrade broke something: https://twitter.com/newsblur


Mark Otway

Jul 5, 2013, 11:59:38 AM7/5/13
to Newsrob Group

You could try Dev.newsblur.com


Jul 5, 2013, 8:45:13 PM7/5/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
instapaper problem still occuring. gonna try some stuff with new mobilizer tomorrow.
if you liked the 2 docs i sent you (gr export & newsblur import), mail me ahead of time and i'll create a "how-to" doc for feedly as well on sunday evening. can do that for whatever "browser-rss-client" you want as long as it's available in a free or testing version. i also offer my support, if you need a translator for a german version. an easy task, because there is not much "app-generated text output". i prefer english original versions for all the software i use, but talking from experience, localization helps to reach more people.

Scott Fringer

Jul 5, 2013, 9:44:20 PM7/5/13
to new...@googlegroups.com

I'll chime in here that since moving to beta 6, I'm seeing the issue with some messages not being downloaded in NewsRob but being present in both Newsblur web and Newsblur for Android.



Travis Tabbal

Jul 5, 2013, 11:09:21 PM7/5/13
to new...@googlegroups.com

I think I figured out the missing sync. I'll probably push out a version for that tomorrow. But first I want to try a better way. The newsblur developer got back to me about a feature request that will let me download just the articles I want, no need to loop through all the feeds and articles. It will be faster and cleaner. Now I just have to write it. Lol.  It should be faster to write as well. 

Mark Otway

Jul 6, 2013, 7:39:28 AM7/6/13
to Newsrob Group

Btw, I noticed that just going to www.instapaper.com/m is broken, so they're clearly having significant issues.

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