OSS Beta 10

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Travis Tabbal

Jul 10, 2013, 2:29:44 AM7/10/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
Okay.. I think I got the offline stuff figured out. Also fixed a few little things.


Jul 10, 2013, 2:48:59 AM7/10/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net
Downloading now, and will post feedback


Jul 10, 2013, 8:12:16 AM7/10/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net
tested offline availability and fetching of correct headers/articles.

gwt: working
instapaper: known issues
readability: working
viewtext: working

very nice work travis. beta10 works great.

in one of your postings you talked about "more debug information" for the log file.
just inform us about changes, and i'll edit my local newsrob.debug,
or post a new version of your newsrob.debug.

do you want me to mail you the latest log-file?
deleted the existing one (beta9.1) to have a new file for beta10 only.


Nelson Ricciardi

Jul 10, 2013, 8:18:37 AM7/10/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
Working good here. Thank you!

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Jul 10, 2013, 8:27:50 AM7/10/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net

NR beta 10
Working without any issue.
Nice work Travis.

Travis Tabbal

Jul 10, 2013, 9:42:22 AM7/10/13
to new...@googlegroups.com

You don't need to make changes for the newer logging most of the time, it will just show up in the log file. If you don't see any issues, there's no need to send a log. Thanks everyone for the help testing!



Jul 10, 2013, 2:19:31 PM7/10/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
One issue I have been having, not sure which beta release it started on, when I share a link from the article to, say Pocket, when the share dialog disappears, the article I am on reloads.


Jul 10, 2013, 8:15:13 PM7/10/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net
Uninstalled old NewsRob, installed Beta10.

On first 'sign-in', phone (HTC One X) became unresponsive and Android dialog prompting to wait or kill Newsrob came up.  Gave it a bit of patience and it came through and all working fine afterwards.

Noticed 'Web Mode' seems to actually work now compared to the NewsRob I had before.


Jul 11, 2013, 2:38:41 AM7/11/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net
Still got the same not sync totally issue.
My newsblur says that I have 103 unread items, Beta10 only manage to sync 82.

Please confirm. is this because I am using NewsBlur free account?


Jul 11, 2013, 2:43:52 AM7/11/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net, taufeq...@gmail.com
You also have to factor into the account that part of the 103 are probably 'really old' items.  

This was always an issue even with Google Reader and NewsRob.   If you read your 82 items, and then check the remaining - yous hould find that the 'unsynced' items are the old ones before a certain date.

taufeq rahim

Jul 11, 2013, 4:59:20 AM7/11/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
OK, will try that out. Thanks Madox
Assalamualaikum and tenx

The Prophet said:
"If Allah wants to do good to somebody,
HE afflicts him/her with trials"


Jul 11, 2013, 8:19:17 PM7/11/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
Just an additional observation, posts that are shared from the new newsblur backend link to the actual feed site rather than the Google feedproxy... Proxy link.

//autocorrect wanted to change feedproxy to terrorist....


Jul 12, 2013, 6:34:25 PM7/12/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
I have an issue with beta10 on cm 10.1.2 android 4.2

Open all articles
Scroll down a couple of pages
Click and hold article
Select 'mark read until here'
Newsrob says "confirm mark 0 articles as read"
Marking read until here works fine, but count is wrong.
Sometimes count is correct on later actions of same type



Jul 13, 2013, 6:52:43 AM7/13/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
Can't reproduce your problem , beta10 android 4.1.1 HTC one x. Mark until here in single feed and all feeds seems to work with correct count on both the prompt and the subsequent status, tried in individual feed as well as in the "all" view.


Jul 13, 2013, 7:09:51 AM7/13/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net
i have a small issue travis.

remember when i told you about the fact, that only articles from 2 newspapers got donwnloaded?
this happened, because i never visited newsblur before and i had more than 10k unread articles there.
after "marking all as read", waiting some hours, and syncing again, newsrob downloaded stuff correctly.

well, yesterday i was not at home. i synced beta10 in the morning.
all day i did not sync anything, as i did not want to use mobile network for downloading process.
so far so good. late at night i finally came back home and tried to sync beta10 again after more than 16 hours ...

here is what happened:
newsrob downloaded all unread articles per subscription.
after syncing i had 3 subscriptions with ~25 articles and 1 with ~175 articles downloaded for offline use.
i checked the newsblur website and in total i had about 2k "unread articles".
the 4 synced subscriptions gave me the exact same "unread counts" as mentioned above.

so here is my issue. is there a possibility to tell newsrob,
that it should download the most recent articles (sorted by time tags)
and not "all unread articles" for subscription A,
then "all unread articles" for subscription B, etc.

the * most recent articles would come from a broad range of subscriptions.
with the current behavior i get "all unread articles" from a few subscriptions,
more recent articles from other subscriptions aren't even synced,
because the max. number for the local reading list (*) was reached already.

only way to fetch most recent articles is to visit newsblur every few hours and "mark everything as read"
btw. if i do that i can't download anything, until i see "unread articles" in newsblur again.
that's strange because i told newsrob in the settings section,
that it should "keep and sync: all articles" not only the "unread stuff"
what so ever i can only sync articles that are "marked as unread"
while i wrote this text, there have been ~10 new articles.
i just pressed the sync button in the app and i downloaded exactly these ~10 articles.

do you know what i mean travis?
any ideas?


On Wednesday, July 10, 2013 8:29:44 AM UTC+2, Travis Tabbal wrote:

Travis Tabbal

Jul 13, 2013, 10:33:36 AM7/13/13
to new...@googlegroups.com

The sync process in beta 10 is much simpler than what you are suggesting. It makes a call to newsblur asking for a list of all unread articles. It gets a list of hashcodes back, basically an id number for each article. It filters out any articles we already have, then breaks the list up into 100 article chunks and asks the server for that list until we have them all or we hit the local storage limit. There is no per feed logic.

From your description, it sounds like newsblur is sending all the articles for a feed, then the next feed and so on. I thought they sent them date ordered.

I don't get any information about which feeds the articles go with until I download them. The hashcodes don't have that information. If you set newsrob to 2000 articles, do you get articles for more feeds? I could try randomizing the list before fetching articles, that might result in odd results though. I'll see if there is a sort parameter I can ask the api for as well.



Jul 14, 2013, 2:11:24 AM7/14/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, matt.an...@gmail.com
I've had the same problem of seeing a 0 count when I click mark read until here on my HTC Rezound android 4.03 with beta 10 but its not consistent, nor can I figure out how to reproduce it.



Jul 15, 2013, 5:25:54 AM7/15/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net
Hi all

I am having the same issue that Gonzo has.  The client download the feeds in order, no matter the timestamp.  If you have a lot of news feeds in different categories and sync every now and then you might have only the feeds in one category if your max number of entries is less than the unread articles in that category. 

If it helps, last time I used beta 4, and it worked ok in that version.  The only difference that I can remember about it is that when newsrob fetched the feeds list, the status showed something like "Fetching unread articles (0/XXX)" where XXX was a big number (all the unread articles).  Now it reads 0/150, where 150 is my max number of articles to download.

Been a bit bussy lately.  As soon as i have a few minutes to spare will try beta 4 again to confirm.


PS. Please, excuse my english

Travis Tabbal

Jul 15, 2013, 9:07:25 AM7/15/13
to mul...@gmail.com, new...@googlegroups.com

I suspect that the api is sending the hashes grouped together like that. I'll see if I can do something about it without breaking something else. :)


Jul 15, 2013, 12:14:20 PM7/15/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net

First: thanks for putting your work into this!

Here are my testing results with BETA 10. (Fresh install, android 4.2.2):

(1) a small but very annoying issue:
The app does not remember when you switch from 'feed' to 'web' mode. I.e. every article opens in feed mode and you have to switch to web mode in order to read the full article. (The 'old' newsrob remembered the choice and opened all articles directly in web mode once you switched).

(2) instapaper mobilisation does not work
 I'm not talking about the 502 error that is caused by instapaper itself. It seems more the case that the instapaper mobilisation setting is just not respected.

The combination of these issues, minor as they may appear, restrict the usability of the app quite a bit. One of the main advantadges of newsblur that set it apart from the competition was that you could open full articles in readability mode directly from the article list. A feature that is rarely found amongst competing apps, by the way. The only one I found so far is GReader ...

And if I may add a feature request: displaying date and time stamps in the (simple) article list view would be nice ....

Alan J Robertson

Jul 15, 2013, 12:40:41 PM7/15/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
Re #1 - I thought that it was on a per-feed basis as to how it opened things.  I have most of mine on feed, but some on simplified webpage+images - those show as web, but then others that are on feed remained on feed even after switching to web in NR of old?


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Jul 15, 2013, 5:25:20 PM7/15/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
Yup, be mindful that you lose all of the old Newsrob settings when you switch to Travis's builds. That threw me off a few times.

Travis Tabbal

Jul 16, 2013, 12:03:13 AM7/16/13
to new...@googlegroups.com
OK. I've done some investigation and found that newsblur does send me the unread hashes grouped by feed. So that's why you see the change on Beta 10. Unfortunately, I don't see an option to request them ordered by date in the API docs. I am going to try reaching out to them to see if there is an undocumented option available to do that. My only other option would be to randomize the list I get back before requesting articles, so they would spread more evenly over the feeds. I hesitate to do anything real intensive or fancy like trying to loop over them all and try to evenly distribute them as it would likely use a lot of resources to do it and I'm already being a little free with things like CPU/RAM use. :)

So I guess the big question is, would that be enough? Just randomly ordering the fetch list? I don't have metadata locally to do anything like a date sort. The response I get back is just a list of hash codes grouped by feed.

Thinking about it, I found a pretty simple way to do it that has almost no impact on performance. This one just randomizes the list after filtering out the ones we already have but before actually downloading anything. So if you have a low limit, it should spread them out more.



Jul 16, 2013, 8:34:18 AM7/16/13
to new...@googlegroups.com, tra...@tabbal.net
Great, it works!

So let me get it straight with numbers as an example: I fetch 4k unread feeds hashes, shuffle them a bit and afterwards get the first 200 (max download count)
If I understand it, the downside is that I might get old articles mixed with the newer ones.  I could swear it worked as usual back in beta 4, but I might be wrong. Is it because of Netblur o did something change in NR client that could cause this behaviour?

Thanks a lot for the fast response!

PS. Tried to sync a few times, it worked every time but once.  I have multiple feeds categorized in different category folders.  The time it failed I got every feed at top level as if i didn't have any folder categorizing the feeds. I assume it's simply a glich between NB and the client.

PS2. Excuse my english :P
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