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Hank Kroll

Nov 12, 2008, 2:20:26 PM11/12/08
to N e w s
Mythical GW nothing compared to GM.
Eighty percent of the foods you eat now contain genetically modified
grains or their chemical by-products. In 2002 Jeffery Smith’s Seeds of
Deception was published exposing the dangers of untested and
unregulated genetically engineered or modified (GE/GM) foods that most
people in the US eat each day with no knowledge of the potential
health risks. Efforts to inform the public have been quashed and
reliable science has been buried.

The world’s leading plant genetic modification expert, UK based Arpad
Pusztai was vilified and fired from his research position at
Scotland’s Rowett research Institute for publishing industry-
unfriendly data that he was commissioned to produce on the safety of
GM foods. His Rowett Research study was the first ever independent one
conducted on them anywhere. He undertook it, believing in their
promise, but became alarmed at his findings. His results were
startling and have implications for humans eating genetically
engineered/modified foods.

Pusztan found that rats fed GM potatoes had smaller livers, hearts,
testicles, and brains, as well as damaged immune systems; they showed
structural changes in their white blood cells, making more susceptible
to infection and disease compared to other rats fed non-GM potatoes.

It gets worse. Thymus and spleen damaged showed up, as did enlarged
tissues, including the pancreas and intestines. There were cases of
live atrophy as well as significant proliferation of stomach and
intestinal cells that could be a sign of greater future risk of
cancer. Equally alarming was that all this happened after only 10 days
of testing, and the changes persisted after 110 days—that’s the human
equivalent of 10 years.

GM foods today saturate our diet, particularly in the USA. Over 80
percent of all processed foods sold in supermarkets contain them.
Other GM foods include grains like rice, corn, wheat, legumes like
soybeans (and a range of soy products); vegetable oils; soft drinks;
salad dressing; vegetables and fruits; dairy products including eggs;
meat and other animal products; and even infant formula. There’s a
vast array of hidden additives and ingredients in processed foods
(such as tomato sauce, ice cream and peanut butter).
Some of the above information was excerpted from Stephen Lendman’s

The genetically modified additives are not mentioned on the labels of
these products because such labeling is prohibited. The more of these
foods we eat the greater potential to our health. How many soft drinks
do you consume each day?

Henry Kissinger said, “Control oil and you control nations. Control
food and you control the people.” GW/GC was invented to keep us
focused away from GM.
Henry Kissinger decided that US agriculture policy was “too important
to be left in the hands of the Agriculture Department”, so he took
control of it himself. You know the kind of future Henry Kissinger had
in mind in 1970 when he said, “Control oil and you control nations.
Control food and you control the people.”

The world desperately needed grain, Americans had the greatest supply,
and the scheme was to use this power to “radically change the world
food markets and food trade”. The big winners were grain traders like
Cargill, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) and Continental Grain; they were
helped by Kissinger’s “new food diplomacy” [to create] a global
agriculture market for the first time”.

Food would “reward friends and punish enemies”, and ties between
Washington and business lay at the heart of the strategy. The global
food market had been reorganized, corporate interests were favored,
political advantage was exploited and the groundwork was laid for the
1990’s “gene revolution”.

The Rockefeller Foundation was to play a decisive role as events
unfolded over the next two decades. The reorganization began under
President Richard Nixon’s as the cornerstone of his farm policy; free
trade was the mantra, corporate grain traders were the beneficiaries,
and family farms had to go so that agriculture giants could take over.

Bankrupting family farms was the plan to remove an “excess of human
resources”. Engdahl called it “a thinly veiled form of food
imperialism” as part of a scheme for the US to become “the world
granary.” The small family farm had to go. Agriculture had to be
turned into “agribusiness” dominated by a few corporate giants with
incestuous ties to Washington.

Dollar devaluation was also part of the scheme. Under Nixon’s economic
plan the gold window was closed in 1971 to let the currency float
freely. Developing nations were targeted as well with the idea that
they forget about being food-self-sufficient in grains and beef, rely
on America for key commodities and concentrate instead on small
fruits, sugar and vegetables for export.

Earned foreign exchange could then buy US imports and repay
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank loans that create a
never-ending cycle of debt slavery.

The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was also used, as
was later the WTO with rules written by corporations to suit their
bottom line.

In the midst of a world-wide drought, and a stock market collapse
Henry Kissinger released the April 1974 classified memo. National
Security Study memorandum 200 (NSSM 200) was shaped by Rockefeller
interests and aimed to adopt a “World Population Plan to action” for
drastic global population control i.e. reduction. The US lead the
effort, making birth control in developing countries a prerequisite
for US aid.

Engdahl summed it up in blunt terms; “If these inferior races get in
the way of our securing ample, cheap, raw materials, then we must find
ways to get rid of them.”

The NAZI also aimed big and sought control of the world. Population
culling or “eugenics” was part of their scheme to target “inferior”
races to preserve the “superior” one. Kissinger’s scheme of “simpler
contraceptive methods through bio-medical research” was reminiscent of
DuPont’s old slogan, “Better things for better living” which was later
dropped for, “Better things fore better living through chemistry.” As
evidence increased in the toxic effect of chemicals they began using
the new slogan, “The Miracles of Science.”

Kissinger’s plan had two aims. 1. Secure US grain markets. 2. Control
populations. Thirteen unlucky countries were chosen, India, Brazil,
Nigeria, Mexico and Indonesia to mention a few. Exploiting their
resources depended on instituting drastic population reductions to
reduce home-grown demand.

To learn more how these plans are instituted and controlled by the
people who own the Federal Reserve System of banks (not owned by the
US government) read my book: The Frog is Cooked. Be warned! The first
editor of this book had to be hospitalized for depression! and
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