Inflation on steroids!

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Hank Kroll

Dec 5, 2008, 2:24:55 PM12/5/08
to N e w s

Third-world-status in three years!
It will take 9 trillion to prop up the dollar, banks and insurance
companies. The news reports 700 billion but that figures doesn’t even
come close. Be prepared to pay $10 for a candy bar.

The only good news about the dollar suddenly becoming worthless is the
fact that the top of the food chain responsible for ripping off our
standard of living will loose most of their booty unless they can
convert it to hard currency or real estate into foreign countries.
When it takes a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread like
it did in Germany near the end of the war you will understand what I
am telling you.

Can you imagine negative yields on Treasury Bills? That’s what we have
right now. Why would any country want to invest in Treasury Bills that
loose money?

At the present time we have a cascade of bankruptcies—and double the
unemployment of last year. Is your nest egg being turned into an
omelet? Bush admits he wasn’t ready for war and apologized on national
television for the state of the economy. I have never ever seen a
politician apologizing for anything so the situation must be real bad.

As the world’s power structure shifts to the Fare East and Asia
Marshal Law and 20,000+ troops threaten the US. There are a lot of
foreign troops stationed on the US-Canadian border. China holds many
of the mortgages on farms and businesses in America. You can’t blame
them is they want to protect their collateral.
Back in 2002 “Residents of New Mexico, just north of the border with
Mexico, report that Chinese troops are operating out of northern
Mexico and frequently make incursions into the United States.”
“Two U.S. Border Patrol agents, who have spoken on the condition of
anonymity, fearing they will lose their jobs, said they have seen
Chinese troops on the northern side of the border and that they have
duly reported the situation to their headquarters. The agents said
large numbers of the troops are frequently on U.S. territory about 32
miles southwest of Las Cruces, N.M., near the town of Deming.”
“The Border Patrol, U.S. Customs Service and the Luna County, N.M.
Sheriff's Department officially claim no knowledge of the incidents.
However, the Border Patrol and local law enforcement have previously
reported to local news media that Asian-appearing soldiers in military-
style uniforms have been seen with Mexican troops along the border,
and on one occasion exchanged gunfire with U.S. officers on the U.S.
side of the border. The Chinese troops are reported to be in large
units, in full uniform and not accompanied by Mexican troops.”
“The Border Patrol officers say they have informed their headquarters
of the foreign troops on U.S. territory. Following their disclosure, a
unit of U.S. Marines---or individuals dressed like Marines---joined
the Border Patrol officers and engaged the Chinese troops in
conversation. Officially there are no Marine units based in the
“China has been reported to be interested in taking over a giant, high-
tech electronics spy center, which has been operated for years by the
Russians near Lourdes, Cuba, and has been eavesdropping on U.S.
telephone and radio communications all along the East Coast. By Mike
Blair, American Free Press 12/8/2003
The Great Depression is nothing compared with what in on the horizon.
Those who control the money control the price of oil, gold and grain.
Grain prices are down to less than half and farmers can’t afford to

On the other side of the world Russia was counting on $75 a barrel oil
to keep their economy going and now that it is down to $50, Putin is
mad as Hell and blaming the US for Russia’s problems. For the first
time Russian war ships are going through the Panama Canal. Something
is up.

The most in-your-face method of eliminating 6-billion humans is chem-
trails. Jets are now spraying us all the time. The chemical
composition of chem. trails over Montana has changed to a black,
metallic goo. Montana is the headwaters of the Missouri River which

People are reporting more sickness and doctors are puzzled by
increased cases of pneumonia. There is an increased death of pets and
cancer in pets. When you see an X in the sky it is a marker that can
be seen by satellites to delineate the area for population reduction.

A nano-based chemical spray containing nano-bots that inject needles
into internal organs also triggers GM foods. Genetically modified
crops are triggered with contact agents coming that out of the air.
Every day we are told that there are too many people on the earth. It
looks like they plan to starve and kill us with full-scale weather

Hitler clones without souls—the worst, the most evil creatures on the
planet are everywhere. Some are genetically altered super warriors
being trained to live among us and programmed to be activated at some
prearranged future time. Genetic cloning has been going on for a very
long time. Hitler actually had youth camps filled with blond-haired
blue-eyed boys near the Russian border. During World War II pilots
were given order to bomb and strafe these camps. One pilot made a low
pass afterward. What he saw turned his stomach-thousands of dead boys
ten to twelve years of age.

Hitler closer to dropping atomic bombs on New York City than anyone
realizes. The bombs, Fat Boy and Little Man that the US dropped on
Japan could have been captured Nazi bombs. Go to You Tube and type in
Hitler’s bombs. I hang out at the senior center and talk to WWII
veterans and they confirmed to me that several of Hitler’s atomic
bombs were being shipped from Germany to Japan at the same time that
the US dropped the bombs on Japan.

More rifles and pistols were sold in the last 45 days than the entire
year. People are scarred and buying guns and ammunition like crazy.
The Illuminati seeks to pit one group against another. Don’t fall for
it. Recognize who the real enemy is.

It is not about money anymore. It is about power and control. As of
December 4, 2008 crude oil is down to $48. The precious metal prices
and commodities are being controlled by shorting the markets. Silver
is down to $9.80 per ounce however, you can’t buy it without paying a
25 to 50 % premium. The Canadian Mint can’t keep up with the demand.
Rifle ammunition will go from 80 cents a round to $1.50 soon.

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