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Hank Kroll

Nov 18, 2008, 8:44:39 PM11/18/08
to N e w s
Are you free when you are forced to sign your children into the forum
public schools of “social engineering’ to ‘domesticate” their ideology
instead of teaching knowledge?

Are you free when your children are being subjected to personal body
searches, testing of body fluids, without tolerance without meaning or
right, and police power to gang “sweep” schools without “criminal
intent” of students? These are very serious acts of violated Trust and

The agency sends the message to our children, of how much sovereignty
agency has and how “meek” the parenting must be if protective public
policy procedures are “made” necessary by contract. Your “required”
signature upon any document should be avoided or representative of
reserved Rights, which makes the unit “void” on its face.”

Are you free when you are brought before a state charter courts
practicing maritime law for the purpose of ambushing and subverting
civil and your constitutional rights?

Such courts are identified by the gold fringe state and maritime flags
mounted on a military spear or staff with the Presidential Eagle
mounted on top. Next time you are brought up before the court keep
your eyes open. Notice how the flags are displayed and look at the
arrangement of the court room. Notice how the Judge sits up on the
Captain’s bridge above the secretary/ensign which is higher than the
jury box. People sitting outside the railing of the ship are flotsam
and cannot communicate with the bridge.

It is OK to ask questions in the court. Ask, “Do I have Constitutional
rights in this court?” Ask them that if I contract with this court, am
I conspiring to subvert my Civil and Constitutional rights? Tell them
that when two or more people conspire to commit fraud it is punishable
by ten years in jail and a ten-thousand dollar fine. All officers of
the court including your attorney are conspiring to commit fraud on
the public by subverting your constitutional rights.

Legal title 4 American flags have a height to length ration of 1 to
1.9 and are usually displayed on a staff with a ball on top. When this
“legal” American flag is displayed in a public office you have
constitutional rights.

The government agency has proliferated by using fraudulent devise and
elliptical “words of art” to confuse the People into believing in the
false teaching for ‘inferior’ benefit. How do you retain your civil
and constitutional rights? By reserving rights a citizen remains in
Propria Persona at signature and the unit is void of ‘promise’ as UCC
3-104.3. When you sign any document put “Without Prejudice UCC 1-207”
above your signature.

The following are a few of the many questions you must ask yourself
and the court:

1. Are you free when career-politicians, tax collectors, police, and
courts are more of a threat to life, liberty, and property than are
common criminals?
2. Are you free when you must send your children to a school where
your public servants can “legally kidnap” your children, confiscate
your property and put you in prison?
3. Are you free when you must ask and pay your public servants for
“legal permission” to get married even though marriage is a religious
4. Are you free when your church must pay your public servants for a
“license so its members can ‘Legally worship” the creator?
5. Are you free when you believe that your rights come from public
servants instead of from the creator?
6. Are you free when your public servants make you pay ransom to a
private insurance company before you can drive your car?
7. Are you free when you cannot drive on public streets without
buying a drivers license and car registration from you public servants
giving them the LAWFUL TITLE OF OWNERSHIP to you in exchange for a
“certificate” of title that shows you gave owner-ship away?
8. Are you free when you can no longer practice free enterprise
without an ID number that identifies you like a convict and buying a
license from your public servants?
9. Are you free when you must read non-mainstream publications in
order to learn THE TRUTH?
10. Are you free when your nation has more political prisoners than
any nation on earth and is building more expensive prisons every year?
11. Are you free when your public servants say a crime needs no
victim, by claiming a crime is an offense against an abstraction
called a state?
12. Are you free when your public servants can know every financial
transaction you make and can “legally pry into “your bank account
records without your knowledge or consent?
TO BE GOVERNED ”To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied
upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled,
indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued,
censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right not the
wisdom nor the virtue to do so.” ”To be GOVERNED is to be at every
operation, at every transaction noted, registered, accounted, taxed,
stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized,
admonished prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It
is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general
interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced,
exploited, monopolized, extorted, from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed;
then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be
repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed,
disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot,
deported, sacrificed, sold betrayed, and to crown all, mocked,
ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored.” That is government; that is
its justice; that is its morality.” --- P.J. Proudhon, General Idea of
the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century, translated by John Beverly
Robinson (London: Freedom Press, 1923), pp. 293-294.
The above was taken from my book, The Frog is Cooked available at all
major books stores around the world and &

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