The signs were clear from the early days of the presidential contest that Obama was, like every presidential candidate, a handpicked puppet. His cadre of national security and foreign policy advisors included the most notorious war criminals, intelligence/security “advisors” and corrupt think tank assets in the world. His campaign was bankrolled by Wall Street, and big corporations. His policy agenda was taken from the playbook of the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Both neoliberal (and neocon) elite power and money coalesced behind Obama, as his political rivals dropped off.
AIG is not “too big to fail”. It is simply too important a repository of dirty money and dirty secrets to be exposed. Barack Obama and his administration know this.AIG, one of the largest pools of investment capital on earth, is also one of the largest launderers of drug money and illegal funds for covert operations. Mike Ruppert’s investigation "AIG" (From The Wilderness, August 14, 2001) exhaustively deconstructed AIG, exposing continuing connections to covert operations, narcotrafficking, money laundering, and AIG’s central role in the Wall Street/Washington power nexus.
It is no surprise that Barack Obama is the top recipient of AIG funds.
The Smooth Criminal Transition from Bush/Cheney to Obama Corrupt new administration deepens and expands systemic criminalization and war agenda By Larry Chin | |
Global Research, April 4, 2009 | |
To sober, clear-eyed observers of history and political deception, the ascension of Barack Obama held the promise for unprecedented new dangers: a revitalized New World Order, led by the Anglo-American empire’s neoliberal criminal faction and an iconic, deceptive new facilitator; and a continuation of Bush/Cheney criminality and war, under smarter and much more effective management. Now, just months into their tenure, the Barack Obama administration has more than fulfilled the promises he made to his elite constituency, deepening the mass destruction of Bush/Cheney, while charming its victims all over the world into enjoying their own demise. The empire’s facilitator Beneath his seemingly boundless charisma and charm, Barack Obama has always been an utterly ruthless politician. He has been a compromiser who has danced with the darkest forces of political and criminal power, while winning over common people; a consensus-abiding chameleon and a “pragmatist”. Obama is the true model of what George W. Bush only claimed to be: “a uniter, not a divider”. The signs were clear from the early days of the presidential contest that Obama was, like every presidential candidate, a handpicked puppet. His cadre of national security and foreign policy advisors included the most notorious war criminals, intelligence/security “advisors” and corrupt think tank assets in the world. His campaign was bankrolled by Wall Street, and big corporations. His policy agenda was taken from the playbook of the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Both neoliberal (and neocon) elite power and money coalesced behind Obama, as his political rivals dropped off. Obama’s record in the US Senate was one of general complicity with Bush/Cheney and the status quo, including enthusiastic support of the consensus "war on terrorism" deception and the big 9/11 lie. Former US congresswoman Cynthia McKinney has described how, in her encounters with Obama, the senator from Illinois repeatedly refused to act in opposition to Bush/Cheney policies. Time again, during his days in the Senate, and throughout the presidential campaign, Obama has not only fully supported the Bush/Cheney administration on the Patriot Act, and the wholesale the militarization and criminalization of the United States. Immediate destabilization The naïve, the hopeful and the ignorant have continued to harbor fantasies about “change”, even as Obama promptly destroyed every single hope, starting with the composition of his administration. He hand picked a transition team, and then a cabinet consisting entirely of legendary war criminals and corrupt elites, each more malodorous and corrupt than the next. From Iran-Contra participant Robert Gates and war criminal Richard Holbrooke, to Hillary Clinton and an economic advisory team comprised of the architects of Wall Street destruction, including Paul Volcker, Robert Rubin, Larry Summers, and new Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. Under Geithner and Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke, the Ponzi scheme that is Wall Street, the wholesale robbery of the American people begun by Alan Greenspan, Bernanke, and Bush/Cheney Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson has not only continued unabated, but has metastasized with each new bailout, and every new fraud orchestrated by Geithner. While the people on “Main Street” have continued to suffer a new Great Depression without real assistance from the Obama administration, the New World Order’s financial coffers continue to fill with stolen US taxpayer money. No relief for the impoverished, while the administration “bails out” banks and Wall Street, under such frauds as the "Public Private Partnership Program". Leaving the wolves in charge of the financial henhouse, Geithner and the Obama administration authorized Congress to toss out securities pricing standards on “toxic assets”. (Also see this op-ed, and the piece by Arthur Leavitt, former head of the SEC, and the Carlyle Group.) Essentially, the Obama administration is simply going to let the banks and financial institutions, that created the crisis with their massive Ponzi schemes, determine how they wish to price their own “toxic assets”. This move, not surprisingly, sparked a huge Wall Street rally. Some even hailed it as the end of the crisis. A criminal stimulus plan Obama’s so-called stimulus package is yet another Trojan horse. As exhaustively and incisively detailed by Michel Chossudovsky in “America's Fiscal Collapse”:
AIG: Obama strikes back for the empireThe Obama administration’s most telling criminal hand was revealed in its handling of American International Group (AIG), one of the largest beneficiary of the “bailout” frenzy. The Obama-AIG conspiracy, which continues to unfold, is also the least well understood. While popular “outrage” has been channeled (by the corporate media, Obama, and Congress) to focus on the least important symptoms of the problem---bonuses paid to AIG executives---the greater crime that is AIG itselfhas gone unnoticed. As was the case with Enron, and with every action of Bush/Cheney, the AIG “outrage” is another “limited hangout” and cover-up. AIG is not “too big to fail”. It is simply too important a repository of dirty money and dirty secrets to be exposed. Barack Obama and his administration know this. AIG, one of the largest pools of investment capital on earth, is also one of the largest launderers of drug money and illegal funds for covert operations. Mike Ruppert’s investigation "AIG" (From The Wilderness, August 14, 2001) exhaustively deconstructed AIG, exposing continuing connections to covert operations, narcotrafficking, money laundering, and AIG’s central role in the Wall Street/Washington power nexus. AIG’s involvement to US covert operations stretches back to World War II, in its roots as C.V. Starr, the intelligence-related proprietary founded by OSS agent Cornelius Vander Starr. The Starr proprietary was connected to CIA/OSS figures Paul Helliwell and Tommy Corcoran. The notorious CIA fronts connected to C.V. Starr, including Civil Air Transport, Sea Supply, and Air America/Pacific Corp were exposed by Peter Dale Scott in his book Drugs, Oil, and War: The United States in Afghanistan, Colombia, and Indochina. It is also a huge financial “pass-through”, whose counter-parties include Goldman Sachs and (not surprisingly) the same major financial institutions that are the top recipients of the US government’s TARP bailout. It is no surprise that Barack Obama is the top recipient of AIG funds. AIG’s money also lines the pockets of other members of the Obama administration, and prominent members of Congress, including Senator Christopher Dodd, who has been accused of a sweetheart deal aiding AIG. The man in the shadows AIG’s former CEO, Maurice "Hank" Greenberg remains a pivotal figure connected to the institution, which he has fought against, sued, and publicly lambasts the officials in charge of his former company, his “baby”. Greenberg is a member of world planning groups (Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission) and the Heritage Foundation, a former candidate for CIA director (1995). He is longtime friend of the Bush family. So well-connected is Greenberg that he was considered as a nominee for CIA director by Bill Clinton in 1995. The profile of Greenberg in the June 20, 2005 edition of Time magazine, "Down But Not Out", details Greenberg’s career as a government asset, foreign policy guru, and strongman. In 2005, while still heading AIG, Greenberg was the target of multiple investigations into the orchestration of sham transactions, the inflation of reserves, illegal stock trades, deception, and book-cooking in an investigation by Eliot Spitzer, who declared that AIG was “a black box run with an iron fist by a CEO who did not tell the public the truth”. Spitzer’s probes of AIG, and other Wall Street malfeasance, was subsequently and conveniently stopped in its tracks, when Spitzer became entangled in a prostitution scandal. Although Greenberg was forced to resign as CEO and chairman of the AIG board, he remains to this day, the CEO of Starr International (SICO) and C.V. Starr, the private holding companies that control billions in AIG stock. It is the Starr companies constitute the conglomerate’s original roots as an intelligence-related proprietary. In other words, Greenberg remains in charge of the heart of AIG.Was AIG manipulation behind Wall Street rally? For the past few weeks, the US stock market has enjoyed a robust rally, despite otherwise nightmarish economic news. One of the factors that sparked this rally was the news that major banks such as Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America---banks that were reportedly on the verge of collapse, and subsequently major recipients of TARP bailout funds---posted profits in January and February 2009. How was this possible? A report by Tyler Durden, citing an anonymous insider trader involved with AIG trades, reveals that manipulation fraudulently transferred US taxpayer money to AIG’s counter-parties---the top banks and financial institutions---with AIG as the “pass-through”. The profit report sparked a market rally that comes at the expense of US taxpayers. The complete report (thanks to Jenna and the Mike Ruppert Blogspot for this find) is damning and startling: Excerpt:
Bush/Cheney’s war is also Obama’s war On March 27, 2009, Obama launched his “new strategy for Afghanistan”. This new strategy is a continuation and expansion of the Bush/Cheney war plan, hatched in the wake of the false flag operation of 9/11, utilizing the identical “war on terrorism” and 9/11 lies as justification. As articulated by Obama:
The consensus "Al-Qaeda" deception is not only alive and well under Obama, it is now the justification for a surge of 21,000 US troops into Afghanistan, massive covert operations throughout Central Asia and the Middle East, and an even more aggressive “war on terrorism”. This is the conquest of the “Grand Chessboard” that the Anglo-American elites wanted to execute after 9/11, but “squandered” due to the Bush/Cheney administration’s “fumble” in Iraq. Obama, who is making the rounds with the G-20 leadership as this report goes to press, will not fumble with a war that is consistent with the “war on terrorism” goals that he has articulated for years, and promised to deliver (to his New World Order “bosses”) throughout his campaign. As detailed by Michel Chossudovsky in “The Democrats endorse the "Global War on Terrorism": Obama "goes after Osama”, the Obama promise is more perpetual war:
“Withdraw from Iraq, but remain in Afghanistan. Confront Iran, challenge Russia…Apart from the rhetoric of ‘bringing the troops home’ from war torn Iraq, which may or may not be carried out, what distinguishes the Democrats from the Republicans? “A more articulate, knowledgeable and charismatic President? “A more dignified and diplomatic approach to US foreign policy? As a pacifying and unifying icon, Obama was positioned to perpetuate the cover-up of the American Empire’s crimes, and retrieve the “squandered opportunity” presented by the false-flag operation of 9/11: a world united behind imperial war.
A call to resistAs this writer warned in “Obama: return to elite status quo”, written shortly following Obama’s victory:
For those who have spent the past eight hellish years opposing and resisting the crimes of Bush/Cheney, prepare yourselves for worse: the “friendliest” fascism, and the most dangerous stealth messenger in history. | |
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