A Jeff, I live in the town of Wells, Nevada a town one square mile in size with a population of about 1,200.
I made a trip to Reno on Feb, 11th of this year, driving from the east side of the state to the west. About half way across, in the Winnemucca area, I noticed heavy chemtrail spraying taking place, which proceeded me all the way into Reno. We haven't had much chemtrail spraying in our area, so I haven't made much ado about it with all the other stuff going on. Coming back early the next morning, the spraying started at Winnemucca and I followed it eastward on my way back home.
When I was about an hour away from Wells, and the spraying looked to be over Wells area, I called ahead to the city manager and asked her to go outside and look up at the sky - at the spraying trails over Wells and notice that they aren't the usual evaporating vapor trails, but are spreading out into a haze over the area and telling her that I would talk to in the next couple of days.
After getting back, I watched the chemtrail documentary Aerosol Crimes that I had earmarked. I was particularly interested in the 15-minute segment with Dr. Gwen Scott of New Mexico(56:32 1:11:54) - I watched this segment with the City Manager the next day. One of the things she found interesting was the statement about thick blood being one of the symptoms of the inhalation of aluminum and magnesium and their combining in the body.
Scott says, "There's also, apparently, some titanium in this mix from our research, and magnesium. For a long time, I couldn't understand why that would be a bad thing, because we're always encouraging people to take some magnesium. However, my brother who's a physicists, accidentally gave me an answer that I had been seeking for two or three years as to why we are seeing so many blood clots and thick, sticky blood platelets and it's epidemic now; they're constantly running commercials for blood thinners, Well, he tells me that when you combine an aluminum ion with a magnesium ion, it clots the blood and we have both of those in this mix."
In the next couple of weeks after returning, a persistent flu epidemic took hold in the County and some people were complaining of stroke-like symptoms and a lack of feeling in their hands and feet.
In addition to the City Manager, I had mentioned this to the Chairman of the County Commissioners, our local doctor and a few friends giving them a print out of the gist of the Gwen Scott statement. No one had ever heard of chemtrails or high altitude aerosol spraying.
I saw one other instance of spraying about a month later and a friend mentioned to me that he had witnessed another round of spraying prior to that while doing an outside construction project down one of the valleys. He only thought to mention it when he was bedridden for a week with multiple symptoms and I reminded him of our conversation on chemtrails and suggested that his illness might be related. He said his dog was also sick during that time period.
Over the last several weeks, several pillars of the community have passed away. One was a cancer survivor that had seemingly returned to full health and vitality. He began feeling ill one week, was in the hospital the next, and was dead the next being told that cancer has spread throughout his whole body and there was nothing they could do for him.
Another had been getting treatment for what he thought was stomach ulcers for the past six month. He also began feeling ill that same week, was in the hospital the following week and dead the next. They opened him up and closed him back up telling him he had lower intestinal cancer and there was nothing they could do for him.
During that same time, basically two weeks ago, a very active elderly woman developed an aneurism and died the same week as the other two. Also, her husband's body had stopped being able to develop blood platelets awhile back I don't know the time frame here and he is in the hospital now and not expected to live much longer.
Gwen Scott mentions "As a result of this aerosol spraying, we have seen a fungus showing up in our air supply that dramatically compromises the immune system by consuming those nutrients the immune system uses to repair and rebuild. Like every system in our body, the immune system has to keep rebuilding itself" - and I have to suspect that is what is partially at play here. But we're a rural area, so who know what's in the chemical cocktail being sprayed on us.
No one that I gave the information to has mentioned the issue when I've seen them other that the County Commissioners Chairman saying that someone he mentioned this to told him that the government was conducting a spraying program for some insect I assured him that this wasn't what this is. I find I can't get too excited though, as there are so many other diabolical abuses being rained down on us during this new millennium that no one seems the least interested in either.
I'll include the partial transcript I made of the Gwen Scott interview an interesting read and I believe she'd make an interesting guest.
Ciao for now, Gary Jacobucci
Excerpted from Aerosol Crimes (56:32 1:11:54):
Dr. Gwen Scott: "As a result of this aerosol spraying, we have seen a fungus showing up in our air supply that dramatically compromises the immune system by consuming those nutrients the immune system uses to repair and rebuild. Like every system in our body, the immune system has to keep rebuilding itself. If it doesn't have those nutritional tools to do that, the immune system becomes dramatically compromised unable to deal with any kind of invader. That's why I think we're seeing so many more colds and flues over the last
5-6 years. I know in my clients these things are epidemic sinus infections, colds and flues. That's on the lighter side on the heavier side, we're seeing a lot more cancers and some very devastating disease. Part of it has to be this fungal invasion, because this fugal invasion eats the nutrients the immune system uses to rebuild itself.
In addition to the fungal, we find particulate heavy metals in the aerosols, all of which are not good for the body. There is aluminum, which can cause the blood-brain barrier and has been associated with disease like Alzheimer's if not so extreme, certainly short term memory loss. Sad to say that the blood-brain barrier does not recognize aluminum as a toxin and lets it go through to the brain. The good news is that if you have enough essential fatty acids, the body is able to take that aluminum and push it out through the hair, which is why I think so many people that are getting hair analysis are seeing have high concentrates of aluminum in the hair it's the brain doing it's part trying to get this toxin out.
We also know that barium is part of the mix. Barium, besides being a carcinogenic, knocks pretty much all the potassium out of your body. I'm seeing in my clients, a lot of muscle weakness, a lot of heart palpitations all related to a loss of potassium or way too low levels of potassium. So, we know that since we're bringing barium in and it's knocking the potassium out, that we need to supplement.
There's also, apparently, some titanium in this mix from our research, and magnesium. For a long time, I couldn't understand why that would be a bad thing, because we're always encouraging people to take some magnesium. However, my brother who's a physicists, accidentally gave me an answer that I had been seeking for two or three years as to why we are seeing so many blood clots and thick, sticky blood platelets and it's epidemic now; they're constantly running commercials for blood thinners, Well, he tells me that when you combine an aluminum ion with a magnesium ion, it clots the blood and we have both of those in this mix.
There's a all natural substance called diatomaceous clay that has the unique quality of attracting heavy metal to it, binding with them and allowing you body to then send it out through you bowel. In most health food stores you can find it under the name of bentonite. This is something I do daily to try to remove these metals, because all metals are detrimental to the system. Again, flax seed oil, krill oil, the omega-369 oils, potassium all very important, particularly for brain function during these times.
Another epidemic is sinus infections. I use colloidal silver nasal spray it is very effective in helping to clean up all these sinus infections caused, I'm sure, by all these particulates. One of the top respiratory specialists in the United States was recently on the today show. He's written a book about the breathing crisis in this country and told the audience that death from respiratory disease had gone from #8 five years ago to almost #3. That's huge - that means that the third leading cause of death in this country is breathing, and one has to wonder what could have happened in five years to have created that kind of crisis?
This isn't like a firing squad, where you get to watch everyone go down at one time this is a cumulative poisoning that will demonstrate in different people in different manners depending on how strong their immune system was to begin with, what their genetic are, and many other factors. So this is something that will demonstrate in a lot of different ways, you're not going to have the firing squad effect, but you will have over time more and more debilitated people, more and more people who don't feel well - and more younger people, which I'm seeing quite a bit of now, in their 20's, 30's and 40's with problems that we rarely saw in that age range. When this 24/7 spraying began, I saw mostly older, frail people and infants suffering and leaving the planet, but now it's coming down the old chronological scale of people with chronological problems. I know in Albuquerque alone, 6-8% of the children were diagnosed as asthmatic today, it's 70%. It's devastating - these are children.
I would say to anybody listening, that one of the first things you can do is to start eating your medicine get rid of the junk food, get rid of the empty food, get rid of the zapped food and begin to eat organic and free range because your body is under an insult that it never experience in the history of man, I don't think, has seen before. So if you care about yourself and your loved ones, you have go begin to pay attention to what you're eating and the water that you're drinking that's the first line of defense. I also encourage people to consider an all natural vitamin and mineral supplementation because, again, our bodies need all the help we can give them in these times.
It's interesting that one of the most frequently asked questions for those that are conscious and aware of this aerosol operation is is this intended to harm us? And I can't answer that, I don't know, but what I can say is do they know it's harming us? unequivocally they do at this point in time. And so one who lives in a free and democratic country would have to wonder, why would the people that we trust to care for us and keep us safe allow this kind of thing to go on? I personally have gone way deep inside and have had many sleepless nights and can't come up with any plausible reason why you could, for any reason, harm so many innocent people in such a traumatic way. And so, I would say that if you are like me and love this country and are deeply patriotic, take advantage of the freedom that we are given here and make your voice heard; ask for an explanation; ask for a discussion, so that we can determine if this is something we want in our air supply. We can't just keep ignoring it, it isn't just going to go away unless people of consciousness and conscience decide to get up off the couch and do something and they can decide what that something is."