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Richard Moore

Sep 22, 2014, 11:10:00 AM9/22/14
Bcc: FYI

    The earth’s climate is changing. Sea levels are rising. We are all at risk. The role of humans in climate...
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    17.09.2014 Author: William Engdahl Is the CIA’s ISIS Cult Already Collapsing in Iraq? Column: Politics Region: Middle East Country: Iraq Since the early 1950’s,...
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    Washington should respect the sovereignty of Syria in its attempts to deal with the Islamic state, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in a phone call with...

    Homeland security in the hands of dysfunctional organization? Not a surprise, goes hand in hand with a dysfunctional organizational mission.
    At the department, leaders face low morale and frustration — while on the outside, higher pay beckons.
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    • Richard Moore

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    5 hrs · 
    Madison County Commissioner Dan Happel visits the Flathead Valley Tuesday to give a presentation on Agenda 21, the United Nations action plan for “sustainable development” in the 21st century.
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    • Richard Moore
    6 hrs · 
    President Obama needs your help starting World War III! Find out how you can help! Subscribe! Written by John Loos Staring Brianna Bake...
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    Quite an analyst, and researcher, this Saker...
    Trust not in princes, nor in the children of men, in whom there is no safety. His breath shall go forth, and he shall return to his earth; in that day all his thoughts shall perish.
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    Remember the parade of Ukrainian nazi soldiers in Donetsk when two street-cleaning machines followed them?
Today, after the march of Maidummies in Moscow, the streets were cleaned with water too! The street-cleansing machines had the Ribbons of St. George and banner "We are cleaning up after the march of the traitors" :)
    Remember the parade of Ukrainian nazi soldiers in Donetsk when two street-cleaning machines followed them?
Today, after the march of Maidummies in Moscow, the streets were cleaned with water too! The street-cleansing machines had the Ribbons of St. George and banner "We are cleaning up after the march of the traitors" :)

    Remember the parade of Ukrainian nazi soldiers in Donetsk when two street-cleaning machines followed them?
    Today, after the march of Maidummies in Moscow, the s...

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    21 hrs · 
    The largest oil field in the world was discovered yesterday just 30 kilometers off Scotland’s coast. As many Scots reeled from the defeat of their push for independence, the British government announced that the massive oil field has...
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    22 hrs · 
    From 'For the first time ever, Iran and China have begun joint naval drills in the Persian Gulf. “Discussing and studying the two countries’
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    22 hrs · 
    Russia and China have recently achieved a significant boost in their bilateral relations, primarily in the economic, energy, space and scientific as well as military...
    detailed background info on Ukraine
    Trust not in princes, nor in the children of men, in whom there is no safety. His breath shall go forth, and he shall return to his earth; in that day all his thoughts shall perish.
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    An old love song is threatening to ruin a small-business in New York. That's after royalty collectors...
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    The fight against terrorism must begin by placing more pressure on those countries which are supporting and financing insurgents in Syria and Iraq, Syrian President Bashar Assad said while speaking with an Iraqi security official in Damascus.
    Video: Some Indus Valley ruins -- the cities of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa -- are extremely radioactive, including skeletons found there.


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    Much like Al Qaeda, the Islamic State (ISIS) is made-in-the-USA, an instrument of terror designed to divide and conquer the oil-rich Middle East and to counter Iran's growing influence in the regio...
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    The third convoy of Russian humanitarian aid for eastern Ukraine has arrived in the war-torn city of Donetsk. Earlier, Kiev and self-defense forces signed a ...
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    Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Share on Google Exposed: U.S Weapons tested in the latest aggression on Gaza Less than one month after killing more...
    La manifestazione pro Russia ieri a Cisinau, capitale della Moldova. Come potete vedere, così come in Ucraina, anche in Moldova c'è molta gente che non vuole entrare in UE, non vuole far parte della NATO e non vuole schierarsi nella guerra contro la Russia. Stranamente i nostri media non parlano di questi cittadini che hanno l'opinione contraria alla politica dell'Occidente e la esprimono in maniera democratica. L'opinione diversa da quella che piace ai burocrati di Bruxelles e ai loro padroni ultraliberisti e speculatori della finanza corrotta. L'opinione che nasce dai cuori stanchi dalle guerre, dalla povertà e dai sfruttamenti. I nostri media cominceranno parlare di queste persone condannando le loro azioni e chiamandole "separatisti" o "terroristi" quando loro imbracceranno le armi per diffendersi dai golpisti di turno innescati dagli USA&Co. 
Grazie all'amico @Antonio Alessandro Ruggiero per la foto scattata e condivisa in tempo reale.

    La manifestazione pro Russia ieri a Cisinau, capitale della Moldova. Come potete vedere, così come in Ucraina, anche in Moldova c'è molta gente che non vuole en...

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    October 26 early parliamentary elections: Poroshenko tries to present himself as a new "father" of the nation with an artistic haircut, while Avakov, Turchinov,...

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    What cease fire?
    A powerful explosion happened at a military plant in the rebel-held Ukrainian city of Donetsk. A fire is...

    The article includes these statements:
    "There is no large-scale treatment center for Ebola patients in the capital, Freetown, so many patients have to be placed in a holding center until they can be transported to a facility hours away..."

    "The government says it wants to visit every residence in this country of about 6 million, with the aim of instructing people in how to stop the disease from being transmitted and to find out who is harboring sick people, with potentially ...

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    The population was ordered to stay indoors, while 20,000 volunteers were enlisted to identify households where people infected with the Ebola virus are hiding.
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    Going Underground's Afshin Rattansi talks with Jullian Assange in an exclusive interview. They discuss...
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    We cannot ignore any location where the policies of UN Agenda 21 rear its demonic head. Let's look at...
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    • Richard Moore

    This is a test, when it's for real, you'll be hearing these words over your own TV's, from your own leaders...
    Sierra Leone confined its six million people to their homes on Friday for the next three days, as the Ebola-ravaged country began what was believed to be the...
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    A WA organic farmer could face $800,000 in court costs after losing a GM crop contamination case.
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    The FBI are experts at uncovering terror plots ... experts because they create them in the first place.
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