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Week 2: Reflections on the Portuguese dictatorship

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Nov 9, 2024, 11:12:26 AM11/9/24
to Newsletter-Portuguese-Cinema-Days-in-Berlin

As the Portuguese Cinema Days in Berlin 2024 enters its second week, the focus will be on life in Portugal before the 25 de Abril Revolution. The films explore a historical context that, though rooted in Portugal's past, draws significant parallels to contemporary global challenges.

Les mains invisibles foto2.png 

Next week, on November 11th, the central theme will be Exile. This session includes:

  • Les Mains Invisibles / Invisible Hands, by Hugo dos Santos, tells the story of Portuguese people fleeing their homeland and finding temporary refuge in a house in Paris. [trailer]

  • Os Salteadores / The Outlaws, a short animated film by Abi Feijó about a group of Spanish refugees who sought shelter in Portugal during the Spanish Civil War. [trailer

  • Antes de Amanhã / Before Tomorrow, a short film by Gonçalo Galvão Teles about a young Portuguese man preparing to leave his country. [trailer]



On November 13th, the focus will shift to Resistance to the Dictatorship.

  • Clandestina, by Maria Mire, tells the story of Margarida Tengarrinha, a young artist who, in 1955, joined the underground resistance in Portugal. By forging documents, she played a key role in the anti-fascist movement, contributing to the fight against the regime’s repression. The film uses temporal anachronisms to suggest a premonition of history repeating itself and to reflect on the value of resistance in times of oppression. [trailer]

  • In the same session, we will screen three animated shorts, including A Noite Saiu à Rua by Abi Feijó, an exceptional film that, through the iconic caricatures of João Abel Manta and the music of Zeca Afonso, encapsulates the history of 20th-century Portugal in just a few minutes. The animation touches on topics such as the Colonial Warfascist propagandacapitalismclericalism, the repression by the PIDE, and the hopes inspired by the April Revolution.  [excerpt]

  • Nevoeiro by Daniel Veloso, about the struggles of the workers' movement in a time of intense political repression.  [trailer]

Join us for these powerful films that invite deep reflection on Portugal's history—and its relevance in our world today.

@Kino Moviemento.
All sessions start at 19:30.
Original versions with English subtitles.
Price: 8 Euros.

For more information and to check the full schedule, visit: Portuguese Cinema Days

Até já, 

Helena Araújo

PS. Last week, we had a full house and a thought-provoking debate on the lives of women before the revolution. If you missed O Que Podem as Palavras / What Words Can Do by Luísa Sequeira and Luísa Marinho, be sure to catch it next time. The audience's reactions on November 6th made it clear—it’s a must-see.

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