Palestine. Saturday, 3 November

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Nov 4, 2012, 10:05:27 AM11/4/12
Land Theft & Destruction / Ethnic Cleansing / Restriction of Movement / Apartheid & Occupation 

Israeli gov't markets lands in east J'lem for building 5,000 housing units
Israel's land administration and its ministry of construction and housing started to market vast tracts of Palestinian lands in east Jerusalem for the construction of more than 5,000 housing units.
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IOF demolishes a house in eastern Jerusalem
Israeli bulldozers demolished the house of a Palestinian citizen located in Hizma village eastern occupied Jerusalem without a previous notice under the pretext of being built without permit.
IOF demolishes water well
Israeli bulldozers demolished in the late hours of Tuesday a water well in the region of Tawani south of al-Khalil, and arrested its owner before assaulting him and severely beat his daughter.

The Story of Al BustanThis is a three part story about the East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Silwan which threatened by Jewish settlers who are in control of archaeological tourism in the area. The state of Israel supports the settlers in order to consolidate its hold over Jerusalem, while the settlers are seeking control over the Noble Sanctuary/Temple Mount area – a site of religious importance. Part 1 of this series focuses on the destruction of homes in Al Bustan; Part 2 talks about the rise of settler archaeology; Part 3 covers the role of municipal planning which when taken all together amounts to a bureaucratic form of ethnic cleansing in slow motion.
It was not the Palestinians who blew up the King David Hotel, who blew up the British Embassy in Rome, who tried to assassinate Ernest Bevin, Britain's foreign secretary, and who succeeded in assassinating Lord Moyne, British minister of state in the Middle East. That was the Irgun, an ideological Right-wing group – and the predecessor to Israel's ruling Likud Party.
This week, on a visit to the Israel's tourism bureau in Nazareth, I came across an official brochure, “Your Next Vacation: Israel”, that suggests the answer. The brochure is supplied to travel agents around the world as well as to hundreds of thousands of tourists who arrive in Israel each year. Inside is a map, produced by the Ministry of Tourism, that shows both Israel and the occupied territories. Helpfully, it incorporates Israel’s interpretation of the territorial demarcations created by the Oslo Accords of the mid-1990s.
The doctors, merchants, and taxi drivers of the Ain al-Helweh Palestinian camp describe their chief complaints about life in the camp. At the top of the list is the never-ending conflict between armed factions and unregulated weapons proliferating on the streets.

Israeli & Egyptian Siege on Gaza
Life through the eyes of a group of Palestinian surfers, who defy both the Israeli blockade and a sea that is often polluted with raw sewage to ride the waves off the coast of the troubled territory. The programme joins Matt Olsen, the son of an American diplomat who has known Gaza since childhood, as he teaches the club's members some new skills and helps them establish a surf shack.
Israeli Terrorism
Palestinian man seriously wounded in IOF shelling
A Palestinian citizen was seriously injured on Friday in Israeli shelling of areas east to Breij refugee camp in central Gaza Strip, medical sources said.
IOF soldiers break into Fawwar refugee camp
A large Israeli military force, accompanied by intelligence officers, raided Fawwar refugee camp in al-Khalil on Saturday morning, eyewitnesses reported.
Palestinian Injured By Settlers Near Nablus
Palestinian medical sources in Nablus, in the northern part of the West Bank, reported that a resident was injured during clashes with Israeli soldiers who invaded the Orif village, south of Nablus, and clashes with dozens of local resident.
Illegal Arrests by Israel and the PA
PA security services arrest four Hamas cadres in Nablus and al-Khalil
The PA security apparatuses continued their political arrest campaign waged against Hamas cadres in the West Bank arresting three of them in the city of al-Khalil and a fourth in Nablus.
One Palestinian Youth was arrested and four others: two Israelis and two internationals were detained during the Friday non-violent weekly demonstration in Nabi Saleh. People from the village met in the main square of the village from 11:30am onwards. At 12pm the demonstration began and everyone walked down the main street of the village singing songs and clapping along. Children were in the procession waving flags and chanting into the megaphone.
18 Palestinians Kidnapped In East Jerusalem After A Settler Was Stabbed
The Israeli Police kidnapped 18 Palestinians in Ras Al-Amoud and Silwan neighborhoods, in occupied East Jerusalem after an unknown assailant stabbed, on Friday evening, a Jewish settler in Ras Al-Amoud.
Israeli navy kidnaps Palestinian fisherman
Israeli navy forces kidnapped a Palestinian fisherman after attacking his boat off the coast of Gaza at dawn Saturday, local sources said.
IOF demolishes water well, arrests its owner east of Yatta
Israeli bulldozers demolished in the late hours of Tuesday a water well in the region of Tawani south of al-Khalil, and arrested its owner before assaulting him and severely beat his daughter.
Occupation arrests a Palestinian citizen alleged to transfer money to Hamas
The Israeli Intelligence Service reported that it has recently arrested a Palestinian citizen from the Gaza Strip accusing him of transferring money and iron to Hamas.
Other Prisoner News
Prisoner on hunger strike from the moment of his arrest
Palestinian prisoner Mohammed Ahmed al-Najjar, 28, from Fawar refugee camp south of al-Khalil declared his hunger strike to protest his illegal administrative detention.
Health of detainee deteriorates in detention center
The health condition of Ammar Al-Uwewe has worsened in the Israeli Maskobeh detention center in occupied Jerusalem, his family said on Saturday.

Israeli Justice Endorses Continued Abuse of Dirar Abusisi, Richard Silverstein
Israeli Mossad agents collaborating with Ukrainian authorities kidnapped Gaza civil engineer Dirar Abusisi on a Ukrainian train nearly two years ago.  He was spirited to a Kiev apartment and by some accounts drugged and shipped in a coffin to Israel.  There he was imprisoned under sham charges that he was Hamas’ chief “rocket engineer.”  He has languished in solitary confinement without trial during that period.
Abu Subbah calls on Egypt to save the life of prisoner Abu Sisi
Dr. Atallah Abu Subbah, urged Egypt to intervene to save the life of isolated prisoner Dirar Abu Sisi after the occupation Court extended his solitary confinement for six months.
Protests / Solidarity / Activism / BDS
Iyad Burnat, a Palestinian activist from Bil'in, was on his way to the United States to give presentations in more than 15 states describing his work for peace and justice.  On Thursday November 1, Iyad was allowed by the Israelis to cross the border on his way to Amman, Jordan for his flight to the United States, but he was detained by the Jordanian border officials, who refused him entry into Jordan.  He is currently back in Bil’in awaiting the resolution of this matter so that he can continue on his journey.
IOF quell W. Bank marches on anniversary of Balfour declaration
The Israeli occupation forces violently attacked the weekly popular marches in the West Bank that were dedicated this Friday to commemorating the notorious Balfour declaration.
Massive protest against Wadi Araba treaty near Israel's embassy in Amman
Hundreds of Jordanians attended the popular sit-in that was staged on Friday in the courtyard of Kaloti Mosque near the Israeli embassy in Amman to protest Wadi Araba peace agreement.
South Africans to protest toy store supporting ‘ethnic cleansing’ of Palestinians
Report by "Stop The JNF-South Africa" - "It is unconscionable that while hundreds of Palestinian children are held in Israeli prisons, a toy shop that purportedly celebrates children, is knowingly supporting an Israeli para-statal complicit in gross human rights violations."
New report by European groups highlights growing consensus for ban on Israeli settlement goods, Michael Deas
A coalition of 22 European NGOs along with Richard Falk, the UN special rapporteur for human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories have in the last week released significant reports on financial links with illegal Israeli settlements.
The Palestinian cause is not a charity. The international community, however, has often failed to grasp the nature of the struggle for justice, preferring to channel funds to Palestinian "development" projects to compensate for the lack of will to put serious pressure on Israel. That mentality has been challenged by two recent reports that suggest that lip service to justice for Palestinians could be transformed into critical action.

This piece first appeared on Jewish Currents (a secular website). Author Donna Nevel gave us permission to republish. As Jewish activists working to end the Israeli occupation of Palestine, we take exception to Philip Mendes’ criticism of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) in “Why BDS is Ineffective and Worse: But the Issue of Palestinian National Rights Will Not Go Away” (Summer, 2012).
VIDEO - Resistance as art: profile of Palestinian artist
Yousef Katalo is a 47 year old Palestinian artist working in Hebron. For him, art in Hebron is part of resisting Israel’s occupation. “It is very important for the development of the national culture in the city”, Katalo explains, adding that “settlers come with racist thoughts, take houses, close down roads, creating chaos.”  But the chaos, the daily pressures of the occupation, is transformed into a message, a representation of suffering and resistance. “It is art with a cause,” says Katalo, adding that this makes it unique. “This is part of my struggle for freedom and independence” says Katalo, explaining that “most of my paintings, as the paintings of other Palestinian artists, embrace the cause of the oppressed people and each work gives life to the homeland.” “My art is an important from of resistance because I regard culture as resistance and resistance as art,” he concludes.  
PHOTO ESSAY: A sprawling desert prison, for thousands of refugees, Noam Sheizaf
On Thursday, I traveled to the south with a group of journalists and bloggers to view the construction of new detention facilities around Ketsiot, near the Egyptian border. When completed, the four prisons in the area are meant to be able to hold more than 16,000 inmates, making them, together, the largest detention facility for immigrants in the West.
Hamas rejects Abbas 'right of return' remarks
Ismail Haniyeh says president's remarks apparently rejecting Palestinian refugees' right of return are very "dangerous".
GAZA CITY (Ma’an) -- The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine joined Hamas on Saturday condemning remarks by President Mahmoud Abbas to an Israeli TV channel.  The leftist faction said Abbas' apparent surrender of his right to return to his childhood village Safed conflicted with PLO resolutions affirming the right of return and self-determination.  PFLP leader Rabah Mhanna said: “Abbas doesn’t have the right to surrender on these principles ... Abbas with his remarks lives in a dreamland and tries to beg for the American and Israeli position to hope to gain something”. 
MP Halaiqa: Abbas lost legitimacy
Samira Halaiqa, MP for Hamas movement, condemned remarks made by PA President Mahmoud Abbas to an Israeli TV channel.
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Resheq slams Abbas for his antinational TV remarks
Member of Hamas's political bureau Ezzat Al-Resheq strongly denounced Mahmoud Abbas for the remarks he made on Friday in which he renounced the Palestinians' right of return.

Arab Doctor's Union: Abbas’s statements shocking
The Quds committee in the Arab Doctors Union criticized the recent statement of Mahmoud Abbas, the PA chief, in which he renounced the right of return for millions of Palestinian refugees.

Alliance of Palestinian Forces in Lebanon denounces Abbas' serious remarks
The Alliance of Palestinian Forces in Lebanon denounced remarks by PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas regarding the right of return, and his rejection of a third Intifada.
Peres: Abbas true partner for peace
President lauds Palestinian leader's remarks on borders, says majority of Israelis want two-state solution.
Abu Mazen will enter Palestinian history: he will be remembered as one of the worst Palestinians ever. He will be remembered in the same league as the Nashashibis before 1948, who along with the Hashemite royals were on the payroll of the Zionists. Abu Mazen was an accidental “leader”– if he even can be considered a leader. He, along with Salam Fayyad, have been imposed on the Palestinian people. Prior to Oslo, the PLO succeeded in preventing Israel or Jordan from imposing any Palestinian as representative of the Palestinian people. The PLO succeeded on presenting itself as the “sole legitimate representative” of the Palestinian people, against the wishes of Israel and Jordan. Palestinians who tried to come forward (on behalf of Israeli occupation and the Jordanian monarchy) were either shunned or killed by their people. The PLO succeeded in foiling all schemes that intended to impose alternative (non-representative) Palestinian representatives.
Despite Abbas and Balfour, we will return to our homes in Palestine, Shahd Abusalama
On the anniversary of Balfour declaration, Mahmoud Abbas came with another declaration competing with Balfour’s. This is my reflections on both.
Abbas 'refugee' comments wow Israel, enrage Gaza
Israeli President Shimon Peres on Saturday saluted as "courageous" remarks by Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas widely seen as relinquishing Palestinian refugees' right to return to their former homes in what is now Israel.
From the Balfour to the Abbas Declaration, Fadi Abu Saada
Ramallah – Arthur Balfour made his famous declaration in 1917 and promised to give Jews a national homeland in Palestine on behalf of the British Mandate. Balfour has been cursed by Palestinians ever since. His promise led to waves of immigration, some of which Britain considered to be illegal. The end result was that the new immigrants expelled the Palestinians from their land and took their place. Almost one century into the tragedy hastened by the declaration, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was asked on an Israeli news show if he would like to live in the town of Safed, located in occupied Galilee. It was where he grew up when Palestine was still under British Mandate.
Local elections have been postponed for a few years so why were they called under procedures reserved for emergencies?

Political Developments / Other News
Three Syrian tanks entered the demilitarized zone in the Golan Heights on Saturday, Israel said, raising concerns violence from Syria's civil war could heat up a long-quiet frontier that has not seen such an incursion in nearly 40 years.
Egypt Islamists cause for concern: Israeli official
A top aide to Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said on Friday he is apprehensive about the Islamic movement that brought Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi to power and sees no dialogue forthcoming between Mursi and Israeli leaders.
Keep in mind that Israelis were the dearest friends of the former dictator: Israeli official sees ‘shocking’ dictatorship in Egypt
A senior Israeli official described Egypt’s new government on Friday as a “shocking dictatorial force” and predicted there would be no official, high-level contacts between the two countries, which signed a peace treaty in 1979.
The United States on Friday expressed its opposition to a possible visit to Gaza Strip by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, calling it a move that could undermine peace and security in the region. The spokesman for the U.S. State Department Victoria Nuland said that Hamas, which seized control of Gaza in 2007, remained a "destabilizing force" in the region. "This visit will not be favorable to advance the cause of peace and security in the region. We urge all parties to play a constructive role to bring all parties to the negotiation table," she said at a press conference . Erdogan said Friday, according to media reports, he intends to visit the Gaza Strip and would like to set a date for his visit with the leaders of Hamas. He also welcomed the recent visit to the Gaza Strip by the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani. It was the first visit initiated by the leader of Qatar since 2007, while the United States said that his visit was unnecessary. Ms. Nuland said Washington had conversations with Turkey to "try to understand its intention" regarding this visit.
Is this the lobby d'Israel at work? I thought France was a little bit neutral. Netanyahu visits Francois Hollande, and Hollande kisses up to him. Haaretz reports
GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Fatah leader in Gaza Yahya Rabah said Saturday that the UN bid for non-member status does not affect the right of return for Palestinian refugees. Rabah told Ma'an that the Palestinian Authority is seeking recognition as a state under occupation, pointing out that the right of return is enshrined under article 11 of UN resolution 194. The resolution states that Palestinian refugees should be allowed to return to their homes and compensation must be paid to those that choose not to, Rabah said.
The Palestinian Authority's ruling Fatah party wants to postpone deliberations over Prime Minister Salam Fayyad's recent proposal to form a unity government, Palestine's Ma'an news agency reported Saturday. Rumors circulated last week about Fayyad stepping down from his post to form a new government; they were flatly denied by PLO officials who said he was merely presenting a plan to form a government of “every faction.”
Fatah opposes Prime Minister Salam Fayyad's proposal to form a unity government now, but would consider it sometime after the UN bid, a party official said Friday.  Fayyad last week presented a plan to the PLO leadership to form a more inclusive factional government, according to two executive committee members who heard the proposal.  On Friday, member Hanna Amira said the proposal by Fayyad was postponed until after President Mahmoud Abbas returns from the UN where he is seeking to upgrade Palestine's status. 
Patriarch Theophilus says the Church calls on its young people to be peacemakers, so serving in the army goes against its values.
Poll shows Israel opposition party wiped out
A new poll says Israel's current main opposition party would not receive enough votes to secure a spot in the next parliament.
Israeli Newspaper Endorses Obama: : Obama is good for Israel
For Americans in general, and American Jews in particular, the United States' attitude toward Israel is just one of many factors to consider - among internal and foreign affairs, the economy and defense - when casting their vote.
Analysis / Op-ed / Human Interest
Podcast: Case against the Holy Land Five "a co-production with the government of Israel"
Linda Moreno, defense attorney for Ghassan Elashi of the Holy Land Foundation, who was convicted for giving charity to Palestinian women and children, talks about the US Supreme Court’s decision not to hear the case.
University of California and Carleton University "free speech" battles: the hidden agenda,  Abraham Greenhouse
Challenges to efforts at restricting public criticism of Israel at the University of California and Carleton University risk overlooking the true goal of many anti-Palestinians: stigmatizing criticism of Israel, rather than banning it.
Eight term incumbent Rep. Mary Bono Mack is running the above ad against upstart challenger Dr. Raul Ruiz. The New York Times recently called the race in California’s 36th District "one to watch."  Bono Mack (who is married to Rep. Connie Mack of Florida) is trailing in the most recent polls, and looks to be pulling out all the stops. Next up: Raul Ruiz hates apple pie -- and your freedoms!
Apparently, popular resistance has suddenly been elevated to a clash of visions or strategies between the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah and its rivals in Gaza, underscoring an existing and deepening rift between various factions and leaderships.  Addressing a Palestine Liberation Organization meeting in Ramallah in July 2011, PA President Mahmoud Abbas sounded as if he had finally reached an earth shattering conclusion, supposedly inspired by the Arab Spring. 
Israel's killer vegetarians (and vegans). A brief history, Ali Abunimah
“Knowing how lethal some of Israel’s vegetarians are, I shudder to think about what its vegans are capable of doing.”
Check it out. If you have an iPhone go to wx app and type in East Jerusalem, Nablus etc. See what it says. When did this start? Anyone? The native weather app on the iPhone now lists major Palestinian cities in the WB as Palestine, no longer as WB. Even E. Jerusalem! Bravo! The flip side, type Jerusalem and it says Israel. Before it didn't list a country. It was just *Jerusalem*. Which Israeli representative is yelling at [Apple ceo] Tim Cook right now?
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