StanleyOnBible Letter No 192 - 10 February 2023

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R. Stanley

Feb 10, 2023, 6:53:56 AM2/10/23
to, StanleyOnBible

Online Letter 192

10 February 2023

Dear Online Friend(s),

We least expected such a tragedy in Turkey and Syria at the beginning of 2023 when the sound of "Happy New Year" greetings is still around the corner. God makes no mistakes but we are at a total loss to understand why He allowed it.

Kindly read the attachments, “Turkey-Syria Earthquakes," and lift your hearts and hands in holy intercession before God. Do forward it to all your Christian friends. Request your Pastor to fill the entire Sunday Service of 12 February with this subject, setting aside all other items. After collective prayer, he can ask atleast a dozen members to individually stand up and pray in the midst of the congregation.

Thank you.

R. Stanley


  1. Turkey-Syria Earthquakes (English)
  2. Turkey-Syria Earthquakes (Hindi)
  3. Turkey-Syria Earthquakes (Kannada)
  4. Turkey-Syria Earthquakes (Tamil)
  5. Turkey-Syria Earthquakes (Telugu)



R. Stanley, 13 Church Colony, Vellore 632 006, India
Tel: 00 91 98437 07600, 98430 11943 (WhatsApp)

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