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StanleyOnBible Letter No 172 - 28 July 2021

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Jul 28, 2021, 7:24:31 AM7/28/21

Online Letter 172

28 July 2021

Dear Online Friend(s),

Greetings in the Name of Jesus the Victor!

On the 24th June 2018 I was prompted to read afresh the 2nd and 3rd Chapters of the Book of Revelation. The message of Christ the Head of the Church to the seven Churches in Asia spoke volumes to my heart. I immediately wrote down in my diary what God desires that I must personally do in response to these messages. There were at least 25 lessons.

As usual I was browsing through my old diaries to keep myself abreast of all that they contain. When the above list hit my eyes, I was instantly inspired to bring it out as a short article because this is Olympic season and that’s the talk of the town. The outcome is the attached write-up, Christian Olympics. You may download it freely for your reading and forwarding. If possible keep a printout of the same inside the backcover of your Bible for frequent self- examination. This would keep you ever-ready for the imminent Return of Christ!


R. Stanley


  1. Christian Olympics  (English) 4 pages
  2. Christian Olympics  (Tamil) 4 pages



R. Stanley, 13 Church Colony, Vellore 632 006, India
Tel: 00 91 98437 07600, 98430 11943 (WhatsApp)

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