Online Letter 173 13 August 2021 Dear Online Friend(s), I wish all my Indian friends in India or abroad a very Happy Independence Day! This 75th Anniversary of Independence we celebrate day after tomorrow is quite significant in that the next quarter century must be the most active years for Christians to introduce Christ the Supreme Deliverer to their non-Christian fellow-Indians. I quote below a paragraph from the concluding chapter of the book, Christ of the Indian Road, authored by Dr. E. Stanley Jones (1884-1973) in 1925. He was an American Methodist Missionary, a good friend of Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948). “Jesus does not stand before the blind and the leper and the poor and the sinner and discourse philosophically on why they are in such condition, but lays His hands of sympathy upon them and heals them through His servants; and more — He puts His gentle but condemning finger upon the conscience of the hale and hearty Pharisee in the crowd and asks why he has allowed all this? “Why?” He persists in asking. And for the first time men begin to feel that they are in very truth their brother’s keeper, and that the wretchedness of the poor and the sick is not a sign of their sin of a previous birth, but the sign of the sin of the privileged in this birth for allowing it.” The spirit of these lines of Dr. Stanley Jones is reflected in my article, Divine Deliverance, attached here. The teaching and instructions in this write-up are meant to stir up Christians everywhere to do what Christ expects of them in times like these. Do take time to read it and forget not to forward it to friends everywhere. Jai Hind! R. Stanley