StanleyOnBible Letter No 177 - 1 February 2022

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Jan 31, 2022, 1:17:34 PM1/31/22

Online Letter 177

1 February 2022

Dear Online Friend(s),

The year 2022 continues to fill the air with hopelessness because of Corona just like 2020 and 2021. Unless we look ABOVE, not AROUND, life would become fretfully miserable. Here’s the Psalmist with an uplifting message for our heart: Psa 146:5,6, “Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God, who made heaven and earth.” Memorizing the Psalm 121 and reciting it frequently will be a booster for our spirits. This is one of the Psalms most of us memorized in the Sunday School!

In the Online Letter 176 was the attachment of 30 Solemn Sermonettes which I wrote during my hospitalisation, Nov-Dec 2021. I thank God for its wide circulation edifying His people. The same will shortly be released as a 72-page booklet and attached to the Online Letter for free downloading.

I continue sending daily short messages similar to the above Sermonettes through WhatsApp and posting on my YouTube. I’m sure several of you are receiving the same. Do send your number to 99949 04808 or 98430 11943 if you desire to regularly receive them. Each month’s messages would be attached as a collection to the Online Letter on the 1st of the following month. This letter brings you the first collection. I call it, Bible Seeds (Bag 1). They are quotable and expandable. Hopefully, by the end of 2022 we will have “twelve bags full!” I covet your prayers for me for God’s gracious enablement. I’m quite healthy now.

R. Stanley


    Bible Seeds (Bag 1)  (English) 4 pages




R. Stanley, 13 Church Colony, Vellore 632 006, India
Tel: 00 91 98437 07600, 98430 11943 (WhatsApp)

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