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StanleyOnBible Letter No 200 - 13 September 2023

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R. Stanley

Sep 13, 2023, 3:38:14 AM9/13/23
to StanleyOnBible,

Online Letter 200

13 September 2023

Dear Online Friend(s),

My 3-week hospitalisation in November-December 2021 was similar to Apostle Paul’s imprisonment which gave him compulsory rest from a hectic schedule and made him write three Epistles, namely Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians! Being unable to write lengthy articles, as I had been doing over the years, because of too many needle pokes in my hands, I started penning quote-like sermonettes which had a wide circulation through WhatsApp. 400-plus such sermonettes were compiled as a 448-page hardcover volume, titled BIBLE SEEDS, and released on 2 September 2023 in a 600+ believers’ gathering in Thanjavur. The entire book is a fullcolour print on quality art paper. It’s designed to be a daily meditation. Each seed-thought would serve as a study or sermon starter. This valuable illustrated book is attached here for free downloading. Hardcopies are priced at Indian Rupees 500/-. Forwarding extra. Be edified, exhorted and encouraged!

Incidentally this is the 200th Online Letter of my website. The First letter was sent on 10 September 2002 and the hundredth one on 1 April 2019. With these Letters under “My Letters” section you can walk through the history lane of my ministry after my retirement from the Blessing Youth Mission which I founded with a few others under God in 1971. I wash with tears the feet of Jesus who is the same yesterday, today and forever. I thank God for Mr. Ashok Vedasironmani who handled my website from the inception until 2020, and Mrs. Manoramya Wilson who has redesigned it in 2020 and is taking care of it since then. My deep appreciation with heartfelt thanks to these dear ones for their selfless labour.

Meet you soon with the 201st Online Letter! Until then, grace be with you!

R. Stanley



Bible Seeds    (448 pages) pdf


R. Stanley, 13 Church Colony, Vellore 632 006, India
Tel: 00 91 98437 07600, 98430 11943 (WhatsApp)

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