Tinder is still the best free dating site, bar none. Unfortunately for all of us… I really wish another company would step up and take away the number one spot from them, but as of right now nobody has.
BUT! It only helps if you have great pictures. If you have awful pictures like this one:
… then you’re going to have an impossible time with the ladies.
That’s something that you’ll need to do, is get your photos looking good. But how do you do that? I have some quick easy tips for ya:
First, make sure that you’re using a real camera. Why? Because this graph right here, for starters:
And I can tell you with my own experiences that, that graph is pretty much accurate.
I ran some experiments a few years ago testing this very thing. I had some cellphone pictures that I had started using to great success before I upgraded to an actual camera.
The cell phone pictures were awful quality (they were grainy, not as bad as the above picture of me, but still not great) but they had great subject matter. What I mean by great subject matter is that they had great poses, they made me look good and etc.
They were pretty much the best quality cell phone pictures that a guy could get, but they were still cell phone quality pictures.
While I was still learning everything, this was still good for me. I had a lot of fun.
But then I upgraded to an actual camera, and this was also before I actually learned what to do with it.
So I went from using great subject matter photos, even if bad quality to the opposite. I had great quality photos but awful subject matter.
But what happened?
I got about the same number of matches as my cell phone pictures, more or less. What this tells me is that quality of the photo itself is literally just as important as the quality of the subject matter of the photo.
But when you combine both of them? That’s when you start seeing some great results.
So that’s my first tip, get somebody that knows how to use a camera and knows how to pose you or learn it yourself.
The second tip is to wear fitting clothes. I was guilty of this for I don’t know how long! But after I started upgrading my fashion the very first thing I learned was how much better I looked when I chose things that fit!
Here’s another example:
The pictures themselves are awful, but they do their job; which is to show how much different you can look with a fitted shirt.
Learn how to dress, or at the very least get clothes that fit. That’s my second tip.
For my third tip, learn what you want to do with your pictures. What I mean by that is that you’re not actually selling yourself in your photos. What you’re selling is your life (but you want to look as great as possible in those photos).
The more you can pack into a photo, the better it will be.
Take my current profile photo for example:
Is it perfect?
Absolutely not! I took that photo myself and the background is a wreck! There are so many ways that this photo can be improved.
But! It does do a lot of things for me:
I’ve got a great smile, it’s full of personality with both myself and my cousins dog and it has a dog in it. There are other things that make this a pretty good photo, even though it can be improved.
And my PhotoFeeler results back this up as well:
Granted, I believe that screenshot was after only 10 votes and I recommend you get 20 votes minimum (I did get dropped down to about 93% I think after 20, but still that’s not a lot of people getting voted higher than me).
What makes a great photo though? I’ve got more tips you can read here but the above should be a great start for you to help get you going.
Thanks for reading,