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What's the best dating app in United Arab Emirates?

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Feb 26, 2020, 1:13:29 AM2/26/20
Are you looking for dating applications in the UAE?

the best dating app in United Arab Emirates -

Dubai is a modern city with around 2.5 million inhabitants, of which 88% are expatriates. Thousands of new single people move to Dubai to start a new career every year and DubaiDatingDreams is here to help them start dating, find new dates and start new relationships.

Our members are based in Dubai, and if you are one of the thousands of people who are thinking of moving to the city to start over in your life, you can meet new singles in Dubai even before you arrive.

Naughty Dating Only (Link available on my profile) is the online dating website where expatriate singles connect, single people, join our community to meet singles and create new relationships.

Friends in Dubai

Dubai is one of the most visited cities in the world and does not surprise anyone, as it houses: the tallest building in the world: Burj Khalifa; the most luxurious hotel in the world, Burj al-Arab, also known as "The only 7-star hotel in the world"; many lovely beaches and pools; and amazing sports activity centers to visit.

Millions of new single young people are attracted to the city and visit every year. Creating new friends online and potentially meeting them in person when you arrive in Dubai is something that can make you feel welcome, and you can enjoy your free time by dating new people and experiencing new places and attractions.

Join this dating website and start meeting our individual members, who are looking to meet new singles and find new appointments online. Online dating with DubaiDatingDreams is how single people connect to meet new friends and create lasting relationships.

There are two things I understand from your question: you want to date an Arab woman to finally marry her; and you want her to be more religious.

This will make things a little difficult for you. Usually, if you are religious, you will not seek dating, but to get married. So I won't look for appointments if it's you. You need to contact families directly. The way it works is that you find someone who has a daughter or a sister, this is done directly through you or through contacts (friends, acquaintances ... etc.) that can make the presentations. The intentions must be clear from the beginning. Then you visit them (preferably with your family) and meet her in a family environment (her parents and siblings would be present).

If things work well, you start talking about marriage. Everything would be discussed (where are you going to live, what do you have to offer, what conditions do you have ... etc.). If it doesn't work, repeat with other people until you do.

However, keep in mind that, although the last one comes from the girl, the first one is usually from the parents, and although most Arabs have no problem with their daughter marrying a non-Arab while he is a Muslim, It is more convenient for them If it is Arabic. This makes them easier to ask about him (yes, they will investigate, they don't want to throw their daughter at anyone who comes, they want to make sure he treats her well), easier to communicate and less likely to be taken to another country where they will only see her once every year or two. Most Arab girls who marry non-Arab men generally marry those who are nearby (Kurds, Turkmen, Berbers, etc.). My best friend married a Kurd, when his ethnicity grew up, he didn't blink.

Feb 26, 2020, 1:14:57 AM2/26/20
The Dubai dating guide advises how to look for tourist girls and how to connect with local women in Dubai. Travel, enjoy and have fun with hot single girls and you could even meet the love of your life. Read more about how to date beautiful women, where to find sex and how to have sex in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

View of downtown Dubai from Burj Khalifa
Dubai is the capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). While it houses some 10 million people, its population size is increasing rapidly thanks to a thriving economy and an incomparable opportunity fueled by finance. The city also houses the most impressive artificial attractions in the world, which include the tallest building in the world and the largest artificial island. While the nation is governed by Islamic law, the massive influx of Western professionals has caused a natural tension between more liberal cultures and the traditional fundamentalism of Islamic law. However, the city is still a global tourist attraction, which means there are many foreign girls to meet.

Dubai Top 10 Overview:
Possibility of picking up girls: 3.5 / 5

Daytime Pickup: 3/5

Pick-up at night: 4/5

Girls looks: 4/5

Girls attitude: 3/5

Nightlife in general: 4/5

Local English level: 2.5 / 5

Getting around the city: 4/5

Budget per day: US $ 60 - $ 2000

Accommodation: US $ 20 - $ 1400

Girls in dubai
Most people think of an extremely fundamentalist type of Islamic girl when Dubai is mentioned; However, this is only partially true. While there are many girls who are extremely religious, there are others who are more contemporary in their approach to life. Due to the commercial paradise in which Dubai seeks to become (or it could be said that it has become), its doors remain open to the western influences of immigrant professionals taking jobs in the city. This, over time, has created a fusion of cultures, which means that there are some less radical local girls and many foreign girls as well.

Looks Girls looks: 4/5
There is a variety of ethnicities in Dubai that is due to the metropolitan nature of the city and that is a very popular tourist destination. In addition, there are also a few really attractive Arab girls. They have olive complexion; Sometimes, blue or green eyes accentuate their well-formed bodies with the latest trends. As a result, it offers so much beauty that it doesn't have many options. In terms of foreigners, you should expect many Russian girls.

Attitude Girls attitude: 3/5
This is an area that you should consider. Women tend to have a lot of power in a situation where you approach with potential romantic interest. In general, most people keep to themselves. Everyone is so busy with the next job or big deal that people barely talk for other reasons. Usually, there is a big difference between someone on vacation and a local, so if you approach a woman at random, you can be rejected immediately. Also, if it persists, your actions may cross the line of being illegal. Now, this is true with Emirati girls, but foreigners are more friendly and forgiving. They are more open to be addressed. Most foreign girls are friendly, and you will generally be recognized if you try to start a conversation. However, the general objective of the public is to pursue the wealth offered by a career in the city. As a result, most people are busy during the day. This generally does not lead to a friendly conversation. In addition, the locals will always have a natural distance with foreign visitors.

Where to get sex now
It's easy to have sex online in Dubai. You just need to find the best girls available. Watch girls online here!

How to flirt with girls
Valuation Collection Possibility of collection: 3/5
If approached correctly, you have a fairly high probability of engaging with a pretty foreign girl in Dubai. It is important to realize that local girls are off limits due to religious reasons and you will discover that this applies to 99% of Emirati women. When it comes to foreign girls, most are Russian, Asian and some are from Europe. They are on vacation or working in the city. The best time to play is at night. Meet someone from a dating platform or see one of the clubs in the "Nightlife" section.

Tips for the day
Day rating Chance to pick up during the day: 3/5
Your chances of getting hooked during the day are pretty good, but not SO great. It is important to remember that culture is decidedly against any form of sexual activity outside of marriage. This amounts to a little bit of trouble

Feb 26, 2020, 1:15:37 AM2/26/20
On Wednesday, 26 February 2020 11:43:29 UTC+5:30, wrote:
I am a married woman in her 40s, a typical soccer mom, overweight but not obese. I don't have any kind of image, but I have tried to describe myself and what I am looking for as accurately as possible.

Every time I activate my profile, I receive several dozen responses the first week, mostly from very average and nice men who are frustrated at home. Many of them are sincere that they love their wives, but their wives for whatever reason are simply not interested in sex. Some are rude and send images with an x ​​rating, but they are a minority. I am sure that if I had written a different type of profile I would get a different type of response. Women in AM greatly outnumber men, so there is a bit of despair in many men, particularly those with average income and appearance, to be elected.

If I like someone's initial overture for me and their profile, I will write and respond by email several times. If there is still interest, we will organize a meeting for a coffee or lunch to determine how we click in person. I met a writer, an engineer, several executives from large corporations, a couple of people who owned their own local businesses, an art curator and other interesting people. It goes like a typical blind date, although generally more uncomfortable. One of the challenges is to be in a place where it is not easily heard. If I'm not sure about the connection or the person, we can meet at another time or several until I feel comfortable. I have never felt pressured to move too fast, although you have to keep in mind that this is not a typical dating relationship and you cannot expect me to court you for a long time. If everything goes well, we will kiss at some point and probably the next meeting will be at a local hotel.

I have met about 10 men of the website in person and I have found that they are all interesting, charming, pleasant and pleasant people. Unfortunately, chemistry cannot be determined through the Internet and, when choosing to have an adventure, chemistry is very important, if not the most important. So, of those 10 men, I have not had a strong chemistry with any of them, but several have attracted me. As expected, men are not so worried about chemistry and almost always have a closer relationship. Over the course of six months or so, I have had sexual relations with one of the men on several occasions and I have tried to organize a meeting at the hotel with some more that I liked very much, but the schedules have not aligned at this time .

Feb 27, 2020, 12:46:54 AM2/27/20
On Wednesday, 26 February 2020 11:43:29 UTC+5:30, wrote:
any one have intense sex song recommendations?
im talking would-be-played-in-a-50-shades-red-room-scene (as much as i hate that movie.) along the lines of the crazy in love remix- any darker songs that could be used during bdsm. not quite sure if there’s a genre??? so posting here is my best bet. thanks(:

Feb 28, 2020, 12:56:33 AM2/28/20
On Wednesday, 26 February 2020 11:43:29 UTC+5:30, wrote:
I ruined the first kiss!
I went on a date tonight with a really amazing guy who’s older than me. I usually don’t get nervous on dates but this person made me nervous because they weren’t what I was expecting (in a good way). After the date he walked me to my car, and he went in for the kiss and I was not expecting tongue on the first date so the whole thing went bad because I had my mouth shut and he was trying to French kiss. It was very awkward.

I left the date feeling so embarrassed and am worried I might’ve ruined everything? Help!how to approach a girl in instagram
Hi like the title says, I would like to get know someone I saw on instagram, this girl is someone I saw a couple of years ago on facebook (I even had her as a friend) I liked her very much (physically speaking) she is not like an instagram or facebook model but is very cute and pretty in my opinion, anyway I didn't make any attempt for many reasons, some time after that I closed my facebook account (is still closed), but recently I opened an instagram account just of a curiosity for the platform and I saw her profile, I haven't followed her there yet. Looking from her account she not that active but post stuff from time to time so I think she uses IG often.

So anytips to start talking to her and maybe to lead to dating? I wouldn't ask for tips in the internet but since the only way of contacting her is on the internet (this case instagram) it might sound weird or funny but I kind feel it in some way like it is stalking, I don't like that and would never do that, I would like to get to know her without looking like I'm stalking her online, like I said this might sound like maybe is not the case or I'm just nervous or I'm thinking it too much, and also well I don't want to screw up this opportunity.

I want to try and give it a shot, hopping that it will work and if it doesn't well at least I tried, and won't have the feeling that I should have done something.

Like I said like her and would to know her and see where this goes.

Thanks in advance.

Feb 29, 2020, 12:16:58 AM2/29/20
On Wednesday, 26 February 2020 11:43:29 UTC+5:30, wrote:
My fwb told me to “keep myself clean” but I found out she was been taking it raw from another dude (possibly more?)
I’m kind of heated so I gotta vent. I’ve been having sex with this girl for about 2 months now. We get together once or twice a week. Well she texted me before things really started to take off to “keep myself clean and not give her anything”. And has reminded me of that constantly. Fine. I always use condoms, and if I have been with someone sketchy then I know to get tested. The other day I asked if she wanted to get together and she said she couldn’t because she was getting together with another guy. I joked and said he could use my condoms if they fit and she said “No, he hates them and low key I do too haha.” What the fuck? Luckily I don’t take a chance with any kind of birth control and always use protection. But damn, practice what you preach. Don’t remind me to keep myself clean, do it yourself.

Mar 1, 2020, 2:05:41 AM3/1/20
I (M) have given up porn for the longest stretch of my adult life, and my perception of sex has changed immensely.
Like any pubescent young man growing up in the internet age, I became addicted to porn. From 12-17 porn was my only sexual experience. Then when I started having sex, I felt like my priority was making my partner come and being “impressive” with how I fucked a girl. I always got compliments about how long I lasted but it was honesty because the only way I could finish was to masturbate.

After being porn-free for a 7 months now I’ve realized that I was training my subconscious for years to see sex in a shallow light. To see a sexual relationship as temporary. To compartmentalize sex separately from love. There were a few years where all I wanted were short-term sex only relationships and now looking back I regret that time more than anything. I was having sex with girls on impulsivity and nothing else. People that I had no other connection with. I know I hurt people.

I’m not trying to shift my guilt on to the porn industry but it took me until 24 years old to realize that porn built my entire perception of sex. I wish I could go back and never have been a part of it.

As of now I am porn and sex free for months and plan on staying that way until I find someone I really want to grow with. Sexually and otherwise.

I’m not trying to demonize porn but I know it’s made a huge psychological impact on me personally and maybe there are some out there who can benefit from evaluating its effect on them.

How has porn affected your(female or male) perception of sex and/or sex life?

Mar 2, 2020, 12:08:22 AM3/2/20
On Wednesday, 26 February 2020 11:43:29 UTC+5:30, wrote:
My new boyfriend shows my body so much love
He’s constantly looking at me, my butt, my boobs, my vagina. He loves my vagina. Anytime I take my pants off (even if it’s in the most non sexual manner) he gets so excited and rushes over just to see it. Sometimes he’ll just sit there and look at and play with my vagina and tell me how hot it is. I love the kisses he gives it and how sometimes during sex he’ll stop just to go down and kiss it for a bit. It is just the best thing ever and gives me so much confidence especially because in my last relationship (of 4 years!) I could count the times my boyfriend even touched or looked at my vagina on my hands. It sucks that I settled for that when this amazing man was out there! I love him for many reasons but I love how good he makes me feel.

Mar 2, 2020, 11:47:28 PM3/2/20
On Wednesday, 26 February 2020 11:43:29 UTC+5:30, wrote:
A week after that, I walked to my truck to find a passive-aggressive note taped to the windshield. It read "Thank you for being so selfless and caring, and reminding me how much of a piece of shit I am! <3." I never brought it up with her or talked to her.

Through mutual friends, I found out she later bragged about it and how awesome leaving the note was. This promptly got her expelled from my friend group, and she's not invited to things anymore (Thank god for good friends.)

Tonight, I was walking back to my dorm and a man was resting on a bench outside. He followed me to my door and asked for my name. He told me his girlfriend was supposed to leave a note for the door next door, but accidentally put it under my door and he wanted to check for it.

Keep in mind my college is private and extremely safe. Violent crime rates are 0, or extremely close to.

I checked, keeping the door largely shut to keep him out. When there was no note, he didn't leave, and my suspicion rose. He forced himself into my room, jamming a leg through the door. He eventually got his whole body in, even though I had one hand on the door (it opens inwards). He pointed at the blanket and went "that's a nice blanket, where'd you get it?" At this point I knew what this was about. I told him Target, and that he should leave.

He left himself all the way in the room, and asked if he could see the blanket. He got in my face. I backed away. He said "That's Red's blanket. Not yours."

I was terrified, so I grabbed the blanket, and handed it to him. He told me "Don't be a dick" before walking off with it.

I promptly called residential life and my RA. I got the campus police involved, and I gave an official testimony. I talked to the authorities for 30 minutes or so. They said they would contact her and find the man, and that if I ever see him, to call them immediately.

I'm very shaken up about this whole thing, and I don't feel safe in my dorm. Are my feelings valid, and was this an unjustifiable aggression and form of harassment? I can't help but tell myself that, if I gave her the blanket, it never would have happened. What in the world should I do moving forward?

I hate how scared this has made me. Thanks for reading.

TL;DR: Ex-girlfriend sent someone to force themselves into my dorm room and intimidate me into giving him a blanket my ex-girlfriend wanted back.I took legal action, and am wondering about my next steps.

Mar 4, 2020, 5:43:17 AM3/4/20
On Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 11:43:29 AM UTC+5:30, wrote:
Matchmaking dates back to as early as 1600 and single people's dating and relationship needs since then haven't changed much hundreds of years later. In the library of Cupid, we asked fellow professional cupids about their process, their most memorable matchmaking moments, and why matchmakers still matter. They also serve some really practical advice for those who are seeking eternal romantic bliss.

Previously, we featured Michele Fields, Julie Ferman, and May Hui.

Image courtesy of Saskia / saturdaynightsalright.comNothing is more rewarding for a matchmaker than seeing singles she paired turn into a happy couple. Being awarded an iDate award for stellar matchmaking work probably feels just as gratifying, and Caroline Brealey is one of the few who would know exactly how that feels. This week, we feature the founder of UK-based Mutual Attraction, a professional matchmaking and introduction services that prides itself for its bespoke approach to matchmaking.

Matchmaking seems like one of the most exciting professions there is. Have you always seen yourself as a professional cupid? What made you decide to become one?

I often joke there is no degree to be a matchmaker, though wouldn’t it be amazing if there were?!

Becoming a matchmaker isn’t something I ever thought of doing. In fact, my background is in children’s services, in particular children with complex needs. There were two reasons why I became a matchmaker: firstly, I recognized there wasn’t a matchmaking service that appealed to me at the time – a young, smart woman who wanted to take a proactive approach to dating. Many of the services were geared towards older women or at least, I perceived them to be old-fashioned. There were no matchmakers who didn’t say how ‘exclusive’ they were and how they only worked for ‘refined’ people and the wealthy. The seed was planted, and after hearing about a friend's terrible experience with a high-end matchmaker (second reason), I started doing some serious research. To cut a long story short, a few months later Mutual Attraction was born!

What are the most important factors to consider when creating a match?

Because each person we work with is so different, what’s going to be really important for one person won’t be for another. For that reason, it’s down to the matchmaker to really get to know their client, understand what makes them tick, and get to the crux of who they are searching for.

We always look at certain topics such as values, morals, energy levels, interests, goals, plans for the future, views on family, deal breakers, holidays, what their friends think, and how they define themselves (good and bad!). Because we meet everyone in person, we also like to imagine the scenario of two people on a date. What would they talk about? How would they be dressed? Where would they go? It’s really helpful for us to visualize two people on a real date.

Who are the best candidates for a matchmaking service? Why do you think certain people turn to matchmaking to find a partner?

I think people who use a matchmaking service are switched on to the fact that it is a great way to meet like-minded people in a safe and time-efficient way. Mutual Attraction members are busy Londoners. They’ve often done the whole online dating thing (which totally works for some people), but find they aren’t meeting the right type of people. When time is precious, it’s a bit soul-destroying giving up your free evenings after a long day at work to find that within two minutes, the person in front of you is not right for you at all. We’ve all been there, right?!

The best candidates for a matchmaker service are:

Want quality, not quantity (if you want three dates a week, you’ll be better off using online dating)
Willing to really get to the bottom of what it is they’re searching for in a partner and relationship and more importantly, why they’re looking for it
Open to feedback, suggestions and working with a matchmaker closely
Happy to take themselves out of their ‘typical dating zone’
Image courtesy of Saskia /

Is there a specific trait that prevents someone from being successfully paired? Do you have some requirements for your clients?

We don’t have specific requirements as each person who comes to us is so different that they can’t be put into a box. We do, however, ensure that all our members are actively looking to meet someone for a committed relationship as opposed to a bit of ‘casual fun’, shall we say! We also work with professional people who live life to the fullest.

I often use the example of work. We work with the type of people who, if they were unhappy in their job, they would make changes, wouldn’t sit around feeling sorry for themselves, and would take action. They are dynamic, intelligent go-getters!

In what ways is professional matchmaking more effective than online dating?

The key differences are that matchmakers:

Meet everyone in person so people can’t fib about things like their height!
We take time to really get to know all our members, they aren’t just a ‘profile’.
We do I.D checks so we know the people are really who they say they are.
We only work with people who are actively looking for commitment.
Are trained and can get a real feel for people – something a computer can’t do.
Put those things together and you have a recipe for more compatible matches!

How have dating apps such as Tinder changed the matchmaking industry?

I think dating apps like Tinder, which are all about looks, create a difficult dating environment for everyone – unless you’re super hot! I completely understand its popularity, but isn’t judging a potential life partner by one photo a bit ridiculous? What smart person would do that? The impact is we create a shallow dating society where people are more interested in how you look than what you’ve got going on in your brain (or a least a combination of the two!). I find that quite sad and I hope people don’t get caught up in the ‘game’ of it.

I find that more and more people are moving away from using dating apps if they are serious about finding love. Apps can be great if you want to have a bit of fun, but for those looking for a committed relationship, it can be a bit of a challenge to suss out who is serious and who is with their work buddies having a laugh!

Any unforgettable matchmaking anecdote you would like to share?

I was working with a client who wasn’t sure whether she wanted to meet the guy I had matched her with. After lots of ‘He’s amazing, give it a chance, it’s just coffee’ kind of conversations, she agreed (and I did a little dance!). Thank goodness she said yes because they are now married and are starting a family!

Is matchmaking as fun as it looks or is the stress level equal to that of a neurosurgeon? Would you recommend professional matchmaking as a career option?

Matchmaking is a fantastic career, but I have to hold my hands up and admit I thought it would be more of a straightforward career than what it is. Just getting a matchmaking service off the ground takes huge amount of work and time, particularly to build up a network. If anyone out there is thinking of becoming a matchmaker for an easy life, then all I can say is… don’t do it! But, if you’re prepared to put in some serious leg work and truly want to help people find love, then it’s a very rewarding career.

I am lucky to coach and support matchmakers in their journey through my matchmakers training program and one-on-one mentoring. You’ll be seeing more and more matchmakers emerge as the industry grows.

Image courtesy of Saskia /

How much do you charge for your service? Are there significant differences in rate? Some matchmakers are more expensive than others, but differences in fees aside, what makes your services special?

A 3-month membership with Mutual Attraction is an investment of £3,900 + vat. For that, we do what most matchmakers do in a year in three months. We quickly realized that people don’t want year-long memberships where they meet one person a month – it’s a long time to wait! Our members are professionals who are looking for love now. Why meet your special someone in a year when you could meet them now?!

Mutual Attraction is the only London dating agency to have won the prestigious ‘Best Matchmaker’ iDate award and we were also the 2014 winners of the Matchmaker of the Year award at the UK Dating Awards. We keep our members at the heart of everything we do. It’s easy to go off on tangents and offer lots of different services within your matchmaking package, but we keep our focus on matching clients with compatible like-minded people. Our job is to help introduce people to the love of their life and that’s exactly what we do.

If you were to pick a popular figure to match, who would you pick and what kind of date would you set?

Love this question! I would absolutely love to match Taylor Swift; I think she is completely misunderstood.

If there’s one piece of advice you’d have for singles who are looking for a partner, what would it be?

Be proactive. If you're dating online, make sure you set aside time each day to do it. If you enjoy dating events, get your tickets early and put it in your diary so you make it happen. If you are matchmaking, then embrace it, take the opportunities to meet lots of like-minded singles. Whatever you do, get stuck in and approach dating with a positive mindset. Just think: your special someone is out there and you’re taking the first steps to finding that someone. :)

To find out more about Caroline Brealey's services:

Visit her site -

Drop by her Matchmaker Training website -

Like Mutual Attraction on Facebook -

Check Cupid's Library's blog every week as we feature more matchmakers.

Mar 4, 2020, 10:12:56 AM3/4/20
On Wednesday, 26 February 2020 11:43:29 UTC+5:30, wrote:
It's just sex...?
You see it often - I'm not just looking for sex, I want something meaningful. Sex with emotions is so much better. I want an emotional connection. Etc.

...I just want to fuck.

Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy emotions sex. Sex can be awesome with someone you have feelings for, when it serves as a physical representation of emotions and desire and all that. But I also feel that while sex can be all that, sex can be other things as well. I can enjoy sex with someone I have little to no emotional connection with, for no other reason than we both want to fuck each other. That, too, is a type of interaction.

Sex is a form of communication. Like conversations, and as such, there are many different types of sex. You can have a deep and meaningful conversation with someone you care about, baring your soul and your innermost self. And you can have a conversation with the person standing in line behind you at Starbucks. That, too, is enjoyable in its own right. Just like sex that isn't emotionally connected. ...Starbucks sex. :P

Sometimes I wonder if we don't over-complicate things regarding sex. All the expectations and requirement we load onto it may sometimes get in the way of our carnal desires, and the ability to just enjoy it for what it is. We expect someone who meets those requirements to fulfill our sexual desires, even if they don't. Or we're not able to enjoy sex with someone who meets our sexual desires but not the emotional ones.

As I said, I just like fucking. Lining up all the emotional stuff is great, but even if that’s not all there, I still enjoy a great round of sex for what it is – just two people giving in to carnal desires.

Mar 5, 2020, 6:13:32 AM3/5/20
On Wednesday, 26 February 2020 11:43:29 UTC+5:30, wrote:
I am a 41 year old male happily married to my 36 female wife. Been married over 9 years, together over 12. Never any issues, it's actually been the perfect relationship.

Prior to that I was married, my ex and I had 1 daughter. Things didn't work out, I have/had full custody of my daughter. Raised her as a single father for a while. The ex ended up passing away, so she is not in the picture (hasn't been for a very long time). It was a very bad relationship...

I meet my current wife via an online dating site. Hit it off very well. She is the perfect match for me. My daughter (18 now) thinks of her as her mom. She has raised her as if she was her own. We have together a daughter (6). We are a total happy functional family.

Here is my question (trouble). I started a new job about 2.5 years ago. There is someone that works there (39f) that I have gotten to know over the recent 6-8 months. If I wasn't in the perfect relationship this would be the person I would want to be with. I feel totally guilty for thinking this. I can tell we both could potentially have feelings for each other, but neither of us are acting on it. I would never cheat or betray my wife, I was on the receiving end of that and would never do that to any. So an affair is not even an option or idea.

It is just my luck to find two perfect matches for me. At times I find myself weighing the risk and benefits of bringing up these feeling or exploring the possibilities. I am afraid to risk everything I have for a grass is greener on there otherside situation. But, then again hear that little wisper that there could be better for everyone bothers me...

Looking for advice from others who may have experience this, or that have sound advice to give.


What's the best dating app in United Arab Emirates?

Mar 6, 2020, 6:15:37 AM3/6/20
On Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 11:43:29 AM UTC+5:30, wrote:
Advice about cheating (?) early in relationship
I first started dating this guy six months ago. We click so well. I feel like he’s my best friend. Our careers lives and family align frighteningly well.

When we had been dating for about six weeks everything was going really well. We were not boyfriend and girlfriend at that stage. We had both come off dating apps and agreed we weren’t dating others. He broke it off out of the blue and said he feels like we’re great friends and he’s not feeling the chemistry. This knocked me sideways as I was sure I hadn’t imagined it all and he had been driving the conversations about our relationship and had told his family about me. After a few days he came back and asked forgiveness and another chance said he can’t be without me. I gave it a week. Went on a date with someone else, nothing happened I wanted my guy back so we got back together.

We have got closer, I’ll admit I’ve fallen for him although I haven’t told him. He has had some times where he goes quite withdrawn for less than a week. He doesn’t ignore me at these times.

3 weeks ago he broke it off again. Told me he’s broke inside and so confused. He thinks he needs to not be in a relationship to work his issues out. I didn’t react well and refused any conversation and just ignored him. Slowly over the last ten days we‘ve been talking more and more. Initiated by him. He told me he loves me for the first time which is the worst of circumstances. We have met up twice and had dinner and hung out.

I miss him like a physical pain in my stomach. I’m not interested in anyone else emotionally.

I agreed to go on a date with him tonight. I was excited, I cautiously wanted to give it another shot. We’ve talked a lot about his anxieties and about what I need from a relationship.

Last night he sent a message to me telling me what when we had known each other for five weeks he slept with another woman. This is why he broke it off the first time. He felt terrible and it’s been eating him up and causing problems for him and confusion. He felt that we couldn’t start again without the truth on the table. He wants a future with me.

My pride and logic tell me not to bother. On the other hand I am in love with him. We get on so well. I can see a good future with him. My family already love the idea of him and haven’t even met him yet.

Sorry this is long, well done if you’ve made it this far! I felt like I needed to put the detail in. Advice please.... throw the whole man out or dive into a relationship with potential for a serious future? I’m at a real cross roads and my emotions won’t let me see straight.

Mar 8, 2020, 11:02:19 AM3/8/20
On Wednesday, 26 February 2020 11:43:29 UTC+5:30, wrote:

Mar 11, 2020, 2:14:54 AM3/11/20
On Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 11:43:29 AM UTC+5:30, wrote:
I want to meet someone who knows how to respect other people, people that are real to themselves and not be acting like a hypocrite. Also someone that has a sense of humor.. the ones that can make me laugh easily. I always need a good laughter to release stress that's gathering in me ,I am starting! It is so emotional for me to start the new page in my life. I think that it is like new page because I think that I am ready for stable family life and for serious relationship

Mar 12, 2020, 7:59:29 AM3/12/20
On Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 11:43:29 AM UTC+5:30, wrote:

Mar 12, 2020, 12:16:25 PM3/12/20
On Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 11:43:29 AM UTC+5:30, wrote:

Mar 13, 2020, 7:17:11 AM3/13/20
On Wednesday, 26 February 2020 11:43:29 UTC+5:30, wrote:
And many, many more. You don’t need to do anything to reach members from these sites. They show in your search on Adult Friend Finder. I’m sure you already see that you are going to be really busy next few days, weeks, months…

I could go on for hours about Adult Friend Finder. I’m deeply in love with it for years and it never let me down. It is hands down the best investment in online dating ever.

Are there any cons of joining AFF? Hell yeah! You already know that there is no perfection with adult dating sites. There are many old profiles on it. Some of them haven’t been online for months! I guess it’s not easy to remove all of them when you are working with so many people. And then there is always some bastard who slips through the filter and tries to spam members. Again, I understand this, but the company should work harder on it and do something about it. That’s pretty much all for the negative side of AFF. Not much, but there is room for improvement.

You really need to try your luck on Adult Friend Finder. I wrote a bit longer Adult Friend Finder review here. Your experience on it greatly depends on your location and goals. Don’t give up and don’t spam. Contact a few people and give them some time to answer. See how it goes from there. It is still your best bet in search for adult dating sites.

Mar 15, 2020, 8:05:35 AM3/15/20
On Wednesday, 26 February 2020 11:43:29 UTC+5:30, wrote:
really enjoy dating

Mar 20, 2020, 12:41:57 AM3/20/20
On Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 11:43:29 AM UTC+5:30, wrote:
Does anyone else feel this way? I kind of feel odd for wanting this, I used to be a very jealous person, but now I just want other girls to be able to experience him and vice versa. What is a good way to bring this up and talk without him getting the wrong idea and thinking I just want to F another girl? thank you 💖

Mar 28, 2020, 12:07:21 AM3/28/20
On Wednesday, 26 February 2020 11:43:29 UTC+5:30, wrote:
He went along with it, but he was to slow and not in the good way, and any time there was any garment hard for him to take off he'd just give up but like a kid, you know how sometimes little kids don't want to do something so they act like they don't know how to do it so you'll do it for them, that's how my ex acted.

Apr 2, 2020, 6:29:35 AM4/2/20
On Wednesday, 26 February 2020 11:43:29 UTC+5:30, wrote:
Of all of the people to accidentally send something like this to, a same-sex friend is probably the least bad person. I mean, it could have been a parent or coworker. It'll be fine. Maybe, your friend can give you some pointers or something.

lorens white

Apr 11, 2020, 1:03:43 AM4/11/20
On Wednesday, 26 February 2020 11:43:29 UTC+5:30, wrote:
That’s just not likely to happen with an inexperienced partner. And I presume many people feel this way, regardless of gender or orientation.

Apr 18, 2020, 12:17:33 AM4/18/20
On Wednesday, 26 February 2020 11:43:29 UTC+5:30, wrote:
I just wanna get fucked and fuck a lot. Not drunk, not bud. fuck me hard .I love to suck. disease free and ready now for sex.,,
I do not want money. Just knock me...

Apr 25, 2020, 1:10:53 AM4/25/20
On Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 11:43:29 AM UTC+5:30, wrote:
I’m single mom seeking for fun
I’m honey right now if you are interested text me at 2136002831

May 1, 2020, 12:20:53 AM5/1/20
On Wednesday, 26 February 2020 11:43:29 UTC+5:30, wrote:
Am available for you if you need my service
Message has been deleted

May 15, 2020, 2:15:37 AM5/15/20
White female sexually deprived by the ol Man, with his permission to get some strange dick so if you are a well hung white male who wants to fuck an older woman while the ol Man watches us hit me up please

May 22, 2020, 1:06:17 AM5/22/20
I am here seeking for a trust worthy man that ready for a good relationship and if you want to hookup you can call or text me (304) 459-9316

May 26, 2020, 7:17:04 AM5/26/20
I am Kim, single mom, looking for friends with benefits. I am 5’8” tall and breast size of 38DD. Contact me on 3303555790. Don’t send me nude picture. Only serious minded guy please
Message has been deleted

Jun 2, 2020, 3:01:14 AM6/2/20
Are you ready to be mine coz I don't want to be disappointed any more want to be happy with only one man...

Jun 5, 2020, 3:55:23 AM6/5/20
Looking for a bbw who will $wallow a load,Drop me a line soon.Need to meet a lady soon.

Jun 13, 2020, 6:21:59 AM6/13/20
You know that a ,,o.g. never looses his g

Jun 17, 2020, 2:38:35 AM6/17/20
First name Flora

About 28-year-old woman

Civil status Single

Appearance 5'3" (160 cm), Pretty good
gray eyes, black hair

Lives in Nead

Miami County

Indiana, United States

looking for A man

I am here for Love, Friendship, Other reasons

Registration date

Last visit Yesterday

Status Online 11 hours ago

Flora1458's photo

I need a serious man to spend the rest of my life with being a single is not easy so i want to have my man beside me always and enjoyed life together.................................................

Jun 22, 2020, 5:37:07 AM6/22/20
On Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 11:43:29 AM UTC+5:30, wrote:
> Are you looking for dating applications in the UAE?
> the best dating app in United Arab Emirates -
> Dubai is a modern city with around 2.5 million inhabitants, of which 88% are expatriates. Thousands of new single people move to Dubai to start a new career every year and DubaiDatingDreams is here to help them start dating, find new dates and start new relationships.
> Our members are based in Dubai, and if you are one of the thousands of people who are thinking of moving to the city to start over in your life, you can meet new singles in Dubai even before you arrive.
> Naughty Dating Only (Link available on my profile) is the online dating website where expatriate singles connect, single people, join our community to meet singles and create new relationships.
> Friends in Dubai
> Dubai is one of the most visited cities in the world and does not surprise anyone, as it houses: the tallest building in the world: Burj Khalifa; the most luxurious hotel in the world, Burj al-Arab, also known as "The only 7-star hotel in the world"; many lovely beaches and pools; and amazing sports activity centers to visit.
> Millions of new single young people are attracted to the city and visit every year. Creating new friends online and potentially meeting them in person when you arrive in Dubai is something that can make you feel welcome, and you can enjoy your free time by dating new people and experiencing new places and attractions.
> Join this dating website and start meeting our individual members, who are looking to meet new singles and find new appointments online. Online dating with DubaiDatingDreams is how single people connect to meet new friends and create lasting relationships.
> There are two things I understand from your question: you want to date an Arab woman to finally marry her; and you want her to be more religious.
> This will make things a little difficult for you. Usually, if you are religious, you will not seek dating, but to get married. So I won't look for appointments if it's you. You need to contact families directly. The way it works is that you find someone who has a daughter or a sister, this is done directly through you or through contacts (friends, acquaintances ... etc.) that can make the presentations. The intentions must be clear from the beginning. Then you visit them (preferably with your family) and meet her in a family environment (her parents and siblings would be present).
> If things work well, you start talking about marriage. Everything would be discussed (where are you going to live, what do you have to offer, what conditions do you have ... etc.). If it doesn't work, repeat with other people until you do.
> However, keep in mind that, although the last one comes from the girl, the first one is usually from the parents, and although most Arabs have no problem with their daughter marrying a non-Arab while he is a Muslim, It is more convenient for them If it is Arabic. This makes them easier to ask about him (yes, they will investigate, they don't want to throw their daughter at anyone who comes, they want to make sure he treats her well), easier to communicate and less likely to be taken to another country where they will only see her once every year or two. Most Arab girls who marry non-Arab men generally marry those who are nearby (Kurds, Turkmen, Berbers, etc.). My best friend married a Kurd, when his ethnicity grew up, he didn't blink.

looking Local Girl For Love And Marrige.

Jun 25, 2020, 2:58:21 AM6/25/20
Dynamics of Sugar Baby Relationships

As great as the advantages are, keeping up with this lifestyle takes a toll on relationships kept outside of the sugar coupling. For one, the bond with a sugar daddy is unlikely to result in marriage. The entire affair is concocted as a temporary arrangement. This transaction just happens to include sex, and it is typically expected that feelings will be excluded from the relationship. Marriage can happen, but it is a rare occasion.

Since the long-term prospects are minimal, many sugar babies still pursue regular dating avenues simultaneously. Having a boyfriend on the side is possible, but it is especially challenging. If they are unaware of the arrangement, suspicions are bound to start mounting. The endless adornments are going to be impossible to conceal, along with their origin.

If a sugar baby's boyfriend is somehow okay with the arrangement, it can work, but he might start feeling like a pimp without the profit. The bottom line is this: don't drag an innocent party into this lifestyle unknowingly, especially if actual romantic feelings are involved.

Image courtesy of Marin /

Handling Social Situations and Cultural Perceptions

Once a sugar baby has worked out all kinks between her and daddy, she has to figure out how to present her newfound “love” to the world. Ultimately, she will have to come up with a different explanation to satisfy everyone.

Family members can be the most difficult people to appease, and they can become very uncomfortable with the entire affair. If at all possible, she should not let her real dad know. Father and Daddy have absolutely no reason to ever cross paths. The real threat comes in the form of friends, especially acquaintances that are exuberantly youthful.

Gal pals could become bitter when they witness all of the grandiloquent gifts. If they don’t just outright try to steal another baby’s daddy, then these friends might resort to name-calling and ostracism. Schoolmates and work associates are also prone to gossip, so never discount the possibility of having other sugar babies as friends and confidantes.

Rules for Keeping a Well-stocked Sugar Bowl

Getting involved in what is still widely considered as an unorthodox lifestyle, sugar babies would be wise to stick to certain rules, which are outlined below. (A sugar baby may not always abide by them, but it certainly wouldn't hurt being armed with the knowledge that for every misstep in what otherwise should be a performance, there are accompanying risks.)

Rule 1: Ladies should always present their own version of the contract. While it will rarely be accepted verbatim, it is an excellent way to establish general expectations and limits.

On occasion, unread written contracts can contain damaging stipulations that were missed during signing. In worst-case scenarios, a sugar baby can be required to return all gifts when the couple parts ways. This sucks, especially because all of the sexual favors are impossible to refund. The moral of this lesson: check the fine print at least twice, and make sure to factor in all possible interpretations.

Jun 29, 2020, 1:30:57 AM6/29/20
On Wednesday, 26 February 2020 11:43:29 UTC+5:30, wrote:
> Are you looking for dating applications in the UAE?
> the best dating app in United Arab Emirates -
> Dubai is a modern city with around 2.5 million inhabitants, of which 88% are expatriates. Thousands of new single people move to Dubai to start a new career every year and DubaiDatingDreams is here to help them start dating, find new dates and start new relationships.
> Our members are based in Dubai, and if you are one of the thousands of people who are thinking of moving to the city to start over in your life, you can meet new singles in Dubai even before you arrive.
> Naughty Dating Only (Link available on my profile) is the online dating website where expatriate singles connect, single people, join our community to meet singles and create new relationships.
> Friends in Dubai
> Dubai is one of the most visited cities in the world and does not surprise anyone, as it houses: the tallest building in the world: Burj Khalifa; the most luxurious hotel in the world, Burj al-Arab, also known as "The only 7-star hotel in the world"; many lovely beaches and pools; and amazing sports activity centers to visit.
> Millions of new single young people are attracted to the city and visit every year. Creating new friends online and potentially meeting them in person when you arrive in Dubai is something that can make you feel welcome, and you can enjoy your free time by dating new people and experiencing new places and attractions.
> Join this dating website and start meeting our individual members, who are looking to meet new singles and find new appointments online. Online dating with DubaiDatingDreams is how single people connect to meet new friends and create lasting relationships.
> There are two things I understand from your question: you want to date an Arab woman to finally marry her; and you want her to be more religious.
> This will make things a little difficult for you. Usually, if you are religious, you will not seek dating, but to get married. So I won't look for appointments if it's you. You need to contact families directly. The way it works is that you find someone who has a daughter or a sister, this is done directly through you or through contacts (friends, acquaintances ... etc.) that can make the presentations. The intentions must be clear from the beginning. Then you visit them (preferably with your family) and meet her in a family environment (her parents and siblings would be present).
> If things work well, you start talking about marriage. Everything would be discussed (where are you going to live, what do you have to offer, what conditions do you have ... etc.). If it doesn't work, repeat with other people until you do.
> However, keep in mind that, although the last one comes from the girl, the first one is usually from the parents, and although most Arabs have no problem with their daughter marrying a non-Arab while he is a Muslim, It is more convenient for them If it is Arabic. This makes them easier to ask about him (yes, they will investigate, they don't want to throw their daughter at anyone who comes, they want to make sure he treats her well), easier to communicate and less likely to be taken to another country where they will only see her once every year or two. Most Arab girls who marry non-Arab men generally marry those who are nearby (Kurds, Turkmen, Berbers, etc.). My best friend married a Kurd, when his ethnicity grew up, he didn't blink.

I'm seeking for serious relationship I lost my boyfriend to car accident last year August friend advised me to come online because she got her man in this site....and we can do video chat live face to face sometimes before we finally meet..

Jul 2, 2020, 1:54:49 AM7/2/20
If a guy just expectantly asked that I would straight up just leave. Men who can't give oral but expect it are such a joke. Especially if their pubic hair is not trimmed at all. Like you think I wanna swallow a ton of long ass hairs while I go down on you? Think again.

Same here. It's a basic expectation for me, and I don't feel remotely bad about it since I've never been with a single guy for whom blow jobs weren't also a basic expectation, so why shouldn't I be able to say the same? I've only ever met and been with guys who were desperate for the chance to eat girls out but in my head I know it would be an instant turn off if a guy disliked vaginas. I'd be immediately done with the encounter.

Jul 13, 2020, 4:56:27 AM7/13/20
On Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 11:43:29 AM UTC+5:30, wrote:
> Are you looking for dating applications in the UAE?
> the best dating app in United Arab Emirates -
> Dubai is a modern city with around 2.5 million inhabitants, of which 88% are expatriates. Thousands of new single people move to Dubai to start a new career every year and DubaiDatingDreams is here to help them start dating, find new dates and start new relationships.
> Our members are based in Dubai, and if you are one of the thousands of people who are thinking of moving to the city to start over in your life, you can meet new singles in Dubai even before you arrive.
> Naughty Dating Only (Link available on my profile) is the online dating website where expatriate singles connect, single people, join our community to meet singles and create new relationships.
> Friends in Dubai
> Dubai is one of the most visited cities in the world and does not surprise anyone, as it houses: the tallest building in the world: Burj Khalifa; the most luxurious hotel in the world, Burj al-Arab, also known as "The only 7-star hotel in the world"; many lovely beaches and pools; and amazing sports activity centers to visit.
> Millions of new single young people are attracted to the city and visit every year. Creating new friends online and potentially meeting them in person when you arrive in Dubai is something that can make you feel welcome, and you can enjoy your free time by dating new people and experiencing new places and attractions.
> Join this dating website and start meeting our individual members, who are looking to meet new singles and find new appointments online. Online dating with DubaiDatingDreams is how single people connect to meet new friends and create lasting relationships.
> There are two things I understand from your question: you want to date an Arab woman to finally marry her; and you want her to be more religious.
> This will make things a little difficult for you. Usually, if you are religious, you will not seek dating, but to get married. So I won't look for appointments if it's you. You need to contact families directly. The way it works is that you find someone who has a daughter or a sister, this is done directly through you or through contacts (friends, acquaintances ... etc.) that can make the presentations. The intentions must be clear from the beginning. Then you visit them (preferably with your family) and meet her in a family environment (her parents and siblings would be present).
> If things work well, you start talking about marriage. Everything would be discussed (where are you going to live, what do you have to offer, what conditions do you have ... etc.). If it doesn't work, repeat with other people until you do.
> However, keep in mind that, although the last one comes from the girl, the first one is usually from the parents, and although most Arabs have no problem with their daughter marrying a non-Arab while he is a Muslim, It is more convenient for them If it is Arabic. This makes them easier to ask about him (yes, they will investigate, they don't want to throw their daughter at anyone who comes, they want to make sure he treats her well), easier to communicate and less likely to be taken to another country where they will only see her once every year or two. Most Arab girls who marry non-Arab men generally marry those who are nearby (Kurds, Turkmen, Berbers, etc.). My best friend married a Kurd, when his ethnicity grew up, he didn't blink.

I'm new on here , my name is Sandra I live in Austin Texas single never married and no kids I'm so lonely and bored I want to start a new life with a good man text me if interested

Jul 20, 2020, 7:15:13 AM7/20/20
gorgeous let's talk.looking for sex and more if possible

Jul 24, 2020, 2:16:28 AM7/24/20
I’m Myguel W,Negrin.I’m a Field Maintenance Technician by profession,working with Continental Resources in Alaska. I’m Caring,loving and imperfect too,but I sure know how to treat a Queen. I really love adventure,I love to play chess too,that’s just a little about me. I will like to meet a matured lady who is open for relationship. Kindly reply this post if interested.

Aug 4, 2020, 2:02:30 AM8/4/20
I tuned in to porn early this morning I'm looking for someone to play with and enjoy looking for mutual play and other. Would love to play with a nice cute clean hole

Aug 4, 2020, 10:35:03 PM8/4/20
Mature guy here looking for some fun when I am in the Fort Worth are this month. I will be there for 3 weeks and looking for at least 4 to maybe 6 times for enjoyable hour or so. I am interested in 1 or 2 petite females. You must be a passionate . For more details, get back to me. I am D & D free and Covid free and you should be to.. If something like this interest you, Get back to me and let's see if we can work out a meet. We can also exchange Pic's.

Aug 6, 2020, 1:41:40 AM8/6/20
On Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 11:43:29 AM UTC+5:30, wrote:
> Are you looking for dating applications in the UAE?
> the best dating app in United Arab Emirates -
> Dubai is a modern city with around 2.5 million inhabitants, of which 88% are expatriates. Thousands of new single people move to Dubai to start a new career every year and DubaiDatingDreams is here to help them start dating, find new dates and start new relationships.
> Our members are based in Dubai, and if you are one of the thousands of people who are thinking of moving to the city to start over in your life, you can meet new singles in Dubai even before you arrive.
> Naughty Dating Only (Link available on my profile) is the online dating website where expatriate singles connect, single people, join our community to meet singles and create new relationships.
> Friends in Dubai
> Dubai is one of the most visited cities in the world and does not surprise anyone, as it houses: the tallest building in the world: Burj Khalifa; the most luxurious hotel in the world, Burj al-Arab, also known as "The only 7-star hotel in the world"; many lovely beaches and pools; and amazing sports activity centers to visit.
> Millions of new single young people are attracted to the city and visit every year. Creating new friends online and potentially meeting them in person when you arrive in Dubai is something that can make you feel welcome, and you can enjoy your free time by dating new people and experiencing new places and attractions.
> Join this dating website and start meeting our individual members, who are looking to meet new singles and find new appointments online. Online dating with DubaiDatingDreams is how single people connect to meet new friends and create lasting relationships.
> There are two things I understand from your question: you want to date an Arab woman to finally marry her; and you want her to be more religious.
> This will make things a little difficult for you. Usually, if you are religious, you will not seek dating, but to get married. So I won't look for appointments if it's you. You need to contact families directly. The way it works is that you find someone who has a daughter or a sister, this is done directly through you or through contacts (friends, acquaintances ... etc.) that can make the presentations. The intentions must be clear from the beginning. Then you visit them (preferably with your family) and meet her in a family environment (her parents and siblings would be present).
> If things work well, you start talking about marriage. Everything would be discussed (where are you going to live, what do you have to offer, what conditions do you have ... etc.). If it doesn't work, repeat with other people until you do.
> However, keep in mind that, although the last one comes from the girl, the first one is usually from the parents, and although most Arabs have no problem with their daughter marrying a non-Arab while he is a Muslim, It is more convenient for them If it is Arabic. This makes them easier to ask about him (yes, they will investigate, they don't want to throw their daughter at anyone who comes, they want to make sure he treats her well), easier to communicate and less likely to be taken to another country where they will only see her once every year or two. Most Arab girls who marry non-Arab men generally marry those who are nearby (Kurds, Turkmen, Berbers, etc.). My best friend married a Kurd, when his ethnicity grew up, he didn't blink.

Trans girl, 25, looking for sex, nsa, preferably in Cheltenham area, ideally with another trans girl, but any gender is fine. I have c cup boobs and a cute dick.

Aug 6, 2020, 5:00:23 AM8/6/20
Depends what you mean by authentic. There are tons of dating apps/sites. Some are blocked in the UAE.

The more famous ones are tinder, happn, badoo (think it's crap now), and a few other less known ones.

They all work to a certain amount. I've personally used the 3 I listed. And I've actually met people from tinder and happn though I'm no longer on them because I've found someone good.

Edit: I forgot to mention that on almost all dating apps you will see prostitution. That's not to say there aren't any real girls on there.

Tinder for example: mostly you'll see normal girls and every now and then you'll see a prostitutes profile. They are generally easy to spot as they either have their numbers on there and/or the profile pictures are super sexy.

There are some fake profiles as well made either by people trying to see if their spouse/partner is on the app.

Saddest thing though is girls who make a profile and put their instagram ID just so they might find more followers.