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Schulte-Ufer Stainless

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Les Russell

Sep 14, 2004, 5:05:44 AM9/14/04
I would just like to make a short introduction to Schulte-Ufer
Stainless. Schulte-Ufer Stainless is a manufacturer of the highest
quailty stainless steel cookware in Europe and we are now available to
the North American Market. For anyone interested, we have just opened
our online store available to anyone within the North American
marketplace, including the USA, Canada and Mexico. We hope that you
may take the time to discover the World of Schulte-Ufer Stainless. I
am certain the you will find the highest quality product available in
North America at the most reasonable value. Thank you for your time.

Les Russell
Schulte-Ufer North America

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