Smell the desperation? History is repeating itself, remember when Time
and Newsweek made Howard Dean their cover boy and prematurely declared
the death of the Kerry candidacy?
The GOP Convention was a show of the very same hysteria that destroyed
the Howard Dean candidacy, and phony polls which are supposed to
create a false impression by manipulating the margin of error are
Evidently, the media is desperately seeking to keep the Bush candidacy
alive because the Zell meltdown on Chris Matthews (his apres
convention rant) has gotten virtually no coverage. Howard Dean, raised
his scratchy voice a couple of decibles to invigorate his supporters
and the broadcasters ran with it for days. Old Zell implied heavily,
in the split-screen interview, that he was going to come over to
Herald square to kick Matthews' ass. That's not newsworthy? Fire and
brimstone flashed from his eyes, and such incoherent malice has not
been seen since the last time Ann Coulter appeared on Fox and Zell can
certainly yell louder than her.
No need to fret, sooner or later, it will be "ring the Zell for mental
health" week, and the Grand Old Party's, "Rant & Roll" Convention will
receive the scrutiny it deserves.
Maureen Dowd hit the hammer on the head when she said, "It's always
amusing to watch Republicans try to get down. At convention time, they
stop bilking Joe Lunchbox to act like Joe Lunchbox. By the time the
twins finished their White House Valley Girl routine, and Karl Rove
and Karen Hughes went all giddy in the sendup, the convention's arc
was clear. Highly scripted screwball moments designed to soothe fears
that the Bushies are bullies alternate with high-octane, turbo moments
designed to stir up fears that we won't be safe without the Bush
The script is perverse and hypocritical --it's not possible to wage a
war on terrorism without intelligence. We need to prove that freedom
is bigger than the capacity to bully, and what about the pursuit of
happiness, isn't that the nature of the freedom that the Declaration
of Independence extolls?
Enlightenment, or true happiness is not a transcedental state. It is a
condition of broad wisdom, boundless energy, and good fortune wherein
we each shape our own destiny, find fulfillment in daily activites,
and come to understand our ultimate purpose in life is not Karl Rove's
If the heart & soul of America does not determine the outcome of
election 2004, expect 4 more years of unprecedented misery. Perhaps,
if or when George Bush and his CIA Director learn how to connect the
dots, they can credibly say they have the capacity to defend America.
In the meantime, Bush should stick to reading children's books --if
the national security was a priority concern, he would demonstrate the
capacity to hold on to his CIA Director until John Kerry reports for
This explains more or less how I feel when election day comes around and
I'm too lazy to get off my butt and vote. The media always seems to make
the forerunners Democrat against Republican. But I don't necessarily
blame the media for that because the loser always seems to think he has
one last trick up his sleeve.
Does Kerry remind you of anyone in particular when toting around his
rifle? I've said before that I would cast a vote to the first woman
candidate who sports a mustache. Wouldn't it be humane to see John begin
to grow one as a gesture addressing the media's depiction over his
chances being a lost cause. I remember seeing Al Gore with a full beard
briefly way after election year. He`d gotten himself fattened up too.
The fact that either news media, or the VIP his self, delayed such images
to be broadcast/released indicates that humans are human too, and "I'm
only a man (being told what to do by my advisors)" mentality. I love this
great country because they still provide a space on a ballot form to fill
in the "other" space where one can write in Clint Eastwood and plug the
tad. Who knows how things will be when everything becomes digitized.