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J Prichard

Sep 14, 2004, 2:18:55 PM9/14/04
I am wanting to know how many people have seen the movie, "Outfoxed,"
and what your views are on it. For those of you who don't know what it
is, it is a story that shows the unbelivable biased that FOX News
towards the GOP. If you haven't seen it-- it is a must see for any
American who wants to be informed, regardless of political party. I am
not a member of any specific political party, but I expect myself to
be informed on what's going on in my country. Share your thoughts and
views on the show, or what you think of FOX News. :)

Sep 15, 2004, 12:18:40 PM9/15/04
i really hope the movie "outfoxed" helps American (who sometimes are
blind or do not want) to realize how wrongly they are reacting towards
the muslim culture or others...
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