The PGP key to issue control messages in the Big 8 (comp, humanities,
misc, news, sci, soc, talk) hierarchies has been passed to Russ
Allbery. Russ's long association with Tale and dedication to the
Usenet community serves to insure that there will be no disruption
to the affairs of the Big 8 or news.announce.newgroups.
In fact, some elements of Usenet administration which had been
unavoidably neglected in the recent past will be returned to a
healthier footing. For instance, checkgroups will be issued shortly.
In order to improve the administration of the Big 8, more teamwork
and team decision-making have been instituted. Immediately joining
Russ in overseeing the Big 8 process are Group Advice members
piranha and Todd M. McComb. A broader group of volunteers will
be collected in order to better cover the needs of news.announce.newgroups
and the various Big 8 databases during periods when any one volunteer
might be overwhelmed.
This plan has the explicit approval of Tale and will be undertaken
with continued cooperation and support from, as per his
desire. At this time, the formerly-unofficial group creation
guidelines prepared by Russ Allbery will appear as the new official
guidelines, also with the full consent of Tale.
Further revisions to streamline the group creation process are
planned, with an eye toward making it less frustrating for all
concerned. These will proceed according to 1) Time needed to update
scripts created by Tale, 2) Public sentiment, and 3) Desire not to
change too much too quickly.
In this time of transition, we are sad to see Tale go, as well as
heartened and optimistic about our new ability to fix those portions
of the process which had fallen into neglect. We hope that the
Usenet community joins us in that enthusiasm, while retaining
patience for the unavoidable problems which will occur along the
Russ Allbery
Todd McComb
> In order to improve the administration of the Big 8, more teamwork
> and team decision-making have been instituted. Immediately joining
> Russ in overseeing the Big 8 process are Group Advice members
> piranha and Todd M. McComb. A broader group of volunteers will
> be collected in order to better cover the needs of news.announce.newgroups
> and the various Big 8 databases during periods when any one volunteer
> might be overwhelmed.
Finally. I really like that things are going to start moving again.
tschau, Sebastian
"Eine kurze richtige Antwort (mancher mag sie als unfreundlich
bezeichnen) ist besser als eine lange, freundliche, falsche."
-Dirk H. Hohndel <>
Good luck to you all. I'm glad to see things are moving forward.
Graham Drabble
Hopefully it doesn't burn you out, Russ. Thanks for taking up the
responsibility. Modest suggestion: you might consider providing a trusted
backup person with the keys just-in-case.
> In order to improve the administration of the Big 8, more teamwork
> and team decision-making have been instituted. Immediately joining
> Russ in overseeing the Big 8 process are Group Advice members
> piranha and Todd M. McComb.
A group of people that has already done a lot for Usenet. Thanks!
> A broader group of volunteers will
> be collected in order to better cover the needs of
> news.announce.newgroups and the various Big 8 databases during periods
> when any one volunteer might be overwhelmed.
Don't hesitate to solicit for additional volunteers.
>Longtime news.announce.newgroups moderator David C. Lawrence aka
>"Tale" is unable to continue in his public role, as he will be
>dedicating more time to his private life. We hope the entire Usenet
>community joins us in wishing him well, and thanking him for his
>years of service.
*sighes* We knew that. Tale has been non active for years.
>The PGP key to issue control messages in the Big 8 (comp, humanities,
>misc, news, sci, soc, talk) hierarchies has been passed to Russ
>Allbery. Russ's long association with Tale and dedication to the
>Usenet community serves to insure that there will be no disruption
>to the affairs of the Big 8 or news.announce.newgroups.
Are the keys still in his name?
>In fact, some elements of Usenet administration which had been
>unavoidably neglected in the recent past will be returned to a
>healthier footing. For instance, checkgroups will be issued shortly.
That would be nice, the bot broke other a year ago.
[group advive]
The advantages of moderator hand off, Riss I know and believe I can
trust, I can not say both for the other two.
>This plan has the explicit approval of Tale and will be undertaken
>with continued cooperation and support from, as per his
>desire. At this time, the formerly-unofficial group creation
>guidelines prepared by Russ Allbery will appear as the new official
>guidelines, also with the full consent of Tale.
It might have been better if Tale had posted.
As will be will be, I just hope the the news admins that still acept
and act on control messages will do so, perhaps with great luck a few
that currently do not will start to do so again.
news:alt.pagan FAQ at
news:alt.religion.wicca FAQ at
news:news.groups FAQ at
Want a new group FAQs
One thing we intend to do is make the role more easily transferable,
rather than tied to one individual. That will involve rewriting
some things to be more robust, and just generally keeping that in
mind when writing scripts and procedures.
>Don't hesitate to solicit for additional volunteers.
We intend to solicit volunteers as soon as we have more things
working. While that may sound somewhat backwards, we're a little
afraid of a "too many cooks" situation occurring before we get some
decisions made.
Todd McComb
A key is just a key, a string of bits. The purpose of the announcement
is to inform everyone that it is no longer being used in Tale's
name. For obvious reasons, it is the same key he used.
>It might have been better if Tale had posted.
There are many things about this change which could have been
improved, not least of which is the matter of timeliness. As you
said, Tale has not been active for years. He was not available to
post. Perhaps someday you will hear from him again, but I would
not expect it soon.
Todd McComb
Well, that's welcome news. No offense, but it'd be good to either see
this reposted with a PGP signature or a copy posted to
--- Aahz <*> (Copyright 2002 by
Hugs and backrubs -- I break Rule 6
Androgynous poly kinky vanilla queer het Pythonista
"Well, you'd better start deciding which is more important to you, Zack:
friendship or your job. Which is to protect Earth. When you've figured
that out, you let me know." --JMS, "Messages From Earth"
> Well, that's welcome news. No offense, but it'd be good to either see
> this reposted with a PGP signature or a copy posted to
It was supposed to be archived on, but I see that this too
isn't working at the moment. One more thing to fix.
I've just posted a checkgroups message, for additional confirmation.
Signing messages posted to n.a.n is a good idea, but we're not set up to
do that yet. I'll keep it in mind.
Russ Allbery ( <>
Yes, I don't rule out reposting that announcement with a PGP
signature, but I do think that -- after a certain interval of
individual choice -- everyone can believe that Russ and piranha and
I did send the message, simply because we will be posting and not
saying otherwise. Whether you believe we have Tale's consent is
another issue, and probably not one we can answer to 100% satisfaction.
That's just the nature of the situation.
We definitely *should* fix the archiving issue. I believed the
announcement would be archived. There are lots of things we need
to fix.
Todd McComb
>Longtime news.announce.newgroups moderator David C. Lawrence aka
>"Tale" is unable to continue in his public role, as he will be
>dedicating more time to his private life.
>The PGP key to issue control messages in the Big 8 (comp, humanities,
>misc, news, sci, soc, talk) hierarchies has been passed to Russ
Congrats, Russ.
I believe a bit overdue but not by a whole lot.
Now go out and rock Usenet. Make it everything it should be.
I tend to do my is-this-a-real-RFD check by looking for
!!!bounce-back at the end of the
Path header. Same goes here.
(I mean, either it's really from ISC, it's a forgery from Russ
himself, or it's a massive conspiracy by the admins of a bunch of
major sites. Occam's Razor.)
>Whether you believe we have Tale's consent is another issue, and
>probably not one we can answer to 100% satisfaction.
Mmm, he handed over PGP signing, which I'd say is a pretty strong
Jeffrey M. Vinocur
On an unrelated note, do you still not have the keys and access to the moderator forwarding server databases? As a co-moderator of several
groups I'm curious whether there will be any change (for the better) in
administration of those databases. Obviously there have been some serious
problems with that aspect in the last year.
>> Well, that's welcome news. No offense, but it'd be good to either see
>> this reposted with a PGP signature or a copy posted to
> It was supposed to be archived on, but I see that this too
> isn't working at the moment. One more thing to fix.
Okay, the automated archiving probably still isn't working, but the two
recent announcements are now properly archived on
> >In article <>,
> >Russ Allbery <> wrote:
> >>I've just posted a checkgroups message, for additional confirmation.
> >>Signing messages posted to n.a.n is a good idea, but we're not set
> >>up to do that yet.
Google does not report any posting of a checkgroup Yet.
> (I mean, either it's really from ISC, it's a forgery from Russ
> himself, or it's a massive conspiracy by the admins of a bunch of
> major sites. Occam's Razor.)
The fewest steps to achive an outcome is most likely correct
explaination. I do belevie Russ sent the post.
> On an unrelated note, do you still not have the keys and access to the
> moderator forwarding server databases?
That's correct.
> As a co-moderator of several groups I'm curious whether there will be
> any change (for the better) in administration of those databases.
> Obviously there have been some serious problems with that aspect in the
> last year.
I'm afraid I don't know the exact current status of that. I've been
fairly preoccupied with the n.a.n stuff lately.
I don't know if Google shows control messages or not....
>I do belevie Russ sent the post.
Actually, I sent the post, on behalf of Russ and piranha and myself.
Russ sent the post about checkgroups, and the checkgroups itself.
Todd McComb
The short answer is "no." There is some sort of communication issue
there. The person doing the work at ISC believes everything is
going well. We do plan to improve this functionality, but I wouldn't
say it's at the top of the list. Hopefully things will continue
to work "well enough" until then. As stated in the announcement,
ISC has affirmed its support for our work, so at least in terms of
attitude, everything is upbeat there. I realize that isn't necessarily
Todd McComb
>>The PGP key to issue control messages in the Big 8 (comp, humanities,
>>misc, news, sci, soc, talk) hierarchies has been passed to Russ
>>Allbery. Russ's long association with Tale and dedication to the
>>Usenet community serves to insure that there will be no disruption
>>to the affairs of the Big 8 or news.announce.newgroups.
Russ is the sole "owner" of big-8 now.
Godfather of brainwashing and a fuehrer
at the same time?
Zig heil!
>Longtime news.announce.newgroups moderator David C. Lawrence aka
>"Tale" is unable to continue in his public role, as he will be
>dedicating more time to his private life.
>The PGP key to issue control messages in the Big 8 (comp, humanities,
>misc, news, sci, soc, talk) hierarchies has been passed to Russ
>Allbery. Russ's long association with Tale and dedication to the
>Usenet community serves to insure that there will be no disruption
>to the affairs of the Big 8 or news.announce.newgroups.
>This plan has the explicit approval of Tale and will be undertaken
>with continued cooperation and support from, as per his
>desire. At this time, the formerly-unofficial group creation
>guidelines prepared by Russ Allbery will appear as the new official
>guidelines, also with the full consent of Tale.
Zig heil to New World Order!
This is about the corrupt "power elite" of usenet,
the same thing as your corrupt governments
and about those evilest of all evil Freemasons,
who rule your sorry asses,
interested in maximizing the process
of sucking the blood of many by the few.
It is about your sick world and the WWIII,
you have cooking on your plate.
It is about bio-robotization of humans
and reduction of human intelligence
to the level of a functioning machine.
It is about your totalitarian dictators
and fascists, manipulating your guilt
and fear, while posing as some kind of
public servants, protecting all from
"evil", they themselves invented and
It is about the evilest of ALL evil,
calling the others evil, just as a decoy.
It is about corruption and deceit of
proportions unseen.
It is about so called New World Order,
and the foundations of it.
It is about these vicious criminals
against humanity, destroying your freedoms,
while making the sucking sounds with their
mealy mouths about protecting those very freedoms.
It is about the hunt down on your dissidents,
the best of your kind.
It is about you, people of the planet Earth,
during the last convulsions
of the Age of Corruption,
you all being fed as Information Age.
It is about your only two remaining "laws":
1. Money = god,
and god = money.
2. Either I suck your blood,
or you will suck mine.
There is just no other way.
It is about your world, coming down on you.
Eat it now.
In article <>, piranha <>
> (Galimatias) wrote:
>> Why can't responsible, knowledgeable, people like Russ determine
>> the ISP of "librarian" and request that he either stop his
>> disruptive posting to n.g. or lose his posting privileges?
>> (Has the eagle flown?)
> because people like russ are busy brokering peace in the middle
> east (a losing proposition these days), hunting down osama bin
> laden personally, and finding a cure for cancer.
Oh, finally, long time no see.
Ladies, Gents and assorted bio-robots,
itshehebe piranha, the big-sucking-8 fuehrer wannabe is here
to continue the campaign
of global deception and lies,
of fabrication and perversion
of all there is to pervert.
The first step, usually, on the way of self-promotion,
is licking asses of those, who are long due to retire,
and yet unable to loose their grip on power.
Yes, "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely",
and usenet gives these fascists an equivalent
of absolute power.
Licking the ass of Russ Allbery REALLY good
is about the best way to be noticed
and have a chance to be appointed,
mind you, APPOINTED
by the current clique of usenet fascists,
ruling the big-sucking-8,
the most censored, most blatantly fascist
and yet, most propagated hierarchy there is.
It is a hierarchy where the most blatant
censorship and group takeover with perverted
tricks of "moderation" by the most blatant,
self-admitted fascists, such as David Kinny,
who took over one of the most important groups,
the root of the entire AI hierarchy,,
who conducted a campaign of lies, fabrication
and outright deceit,
is not only accepted, but promoted and cherished.
First of all, power on usenet,
like in the fascist or totalitarian systems,
is passed via appointment.
Screw the idea of democracy.
That idea is outdated and cancelled,
just as the 1972 global nuclear self defense treaty
cancelled by this 2nd derivative Freemason, Bush,
that senile monster with a mind of a juvenile,
who came to finish the trip of New World Order,
as blatantly and arrogantly proclaimed
by his own father,
one of the slimiest CIA figures in history,
whose dumb ass was ruled by the "silver fox", his wife,
just as was the case with the rest of them,
"rulers" throughout the times.
The same story as with that honorary 33 degree Freemason,
Reagan, who used a decoy of calling Russia the "evil empire",
just to delude all and distract everyone's attention,
plus put Russia on defensive.
"The best defense is an attack",
an ancient Roman technique,
and that 3rd rate movie actor
with mentality of a deranged cowboy
knew it all too well.
Because the REAL evil empire was his,
and he knew it all too well.
Service to that very evil empire
was exactly the reason he was awarded
a honorary highest degree in Freemasonry,
for his "long time and extensive cooperation
with Freemasons".
The question naturally arises:
What kind of "cooperation"
and what kind of "projects", significant enough
to result in awarding him the highest degree
in Freemasonry, were carried out by him
to benefit the agenda of Freemasonry?
Another words, a conspiracy behind the scenes
between Freemasons and Reagan
that resulted in some of the most devastating
developments in the world affairs,
directed by the hands of those servants of the beast,
whose sign is 666,
posing as some kind of seekers of light,
heart and truth just to delude all
as they always do.
On every single bar code
there is a sign of the beast.
The leftmost two thin lines are 6
and so are the rightmost two lines
and so are the two lines in the middle,
thus implementing the commandment
of that very beast:
"On the forehead of every single man
or in his right hand,
there must be my symbol, 666"
They seek power over others,
forever improving their skills of manipulation
of symbology with the help of occult and Kabbala,
during their secret rituals deep at night.
Some references before we go on:
Reagan invented the idea of star wars,
trying to create the biggest military advantage
for his evil empire
in order to complete the trip of global domination,
just as Freemasons and Illuminati crave for
as evidenced on the back of one dollar bill.
"Novus Ordo Seclorum" - "New World Order".
That is what this is all about.
Yes, the same as here, control, domination, oppression,
violence of unlimited and unprecedented grade
and things of that nature. The same perverted,
crimially minded members of the "power elite",
hiding behind the concepts of democracy, freedom
and "protecting the american people form 'evil'",
they themselves invented and defined,
just like it is here, on big-sucking-8.
The same tricks, the same lies,
the same manipulation,
the same mass deceit,
the same violence,
the same blood boiling idiocy and intolerance.
The same totalitarianism and fascism
of raging grade, knowing no limits whatsoever.
Another words, the same old shit
since the times of poisoning of Socrates,
who gave you all the very idea of democracy,
about the most advanced idea
in the entire history of mankind
besides the idea of love,
being the very essence of life,
given to you by Jesus.
You nailed that one to a piece of wood also,
just as you always do to anyone, who stands
on your rotten, corrupt and violent way.
Then you have built the churches in his name
and used him as some kind of a commodity,
pretending to be serving him,
while, at the same time, stuffing your bellies,
making everyone pay you a "sin" tax,
using the tricks of guilt and fear manipulation.
and guilt.
That is how you tick by now
as a result of unending manipulation and
mind programming by the evillest of all evil,
manipulating your subconscious every place you look.
The very concept of god was perverted,
as though god was some kind of a ferocious monster
to torture you all
for non submittal to the doctrine,
even though that very Jesus told you
"how can you punish the blind for not
being able to see".
You burned Pythagoras alive and with him
the biggest library and accumulation of
the most advanced knowledge
on the face of the planet Earth,
he gathered traveling by foot
throughout all lands,
that was said to be burning for months.
Pythagoras gave you the most essential ideas
you use in modern technology and science,
the ideas that preceded your most advanced
scientific work by nearly 2 millenniums.
The Furrier analysis is but a byproduct of his
ideas. The idea of an octave and a concept of
harmonics, that is at the core of modern science,
technology and music was his idea.
The ideas of the most profound and mystical
significance of sacred cosmic proportions were his.
The solution of a triangle that finally laid
the foundation of modern civilization
as, for the very least, it allowed precise
calculation while dividing land into parcels
was created by him also. It helped to resolve
many conflicts between the people
and increased the precision of architecture
and science by the orders of magnitude.
The ideas of Pythagoras lay at the very foundation
of Masonic obsession with symbology to a large
extent. They took that sacred knowledge
and eventually perverted it to the point
well beyond horrendous,
finally leading to what you have now and,
specifically, the idea of New World Order.
Freemasons, the direct descendants of Zealots,
used the ideas of Pythagoras and converted it all
into a service of the beast, whose sign is 666.
Now, what remains of Pythagoras
"could comfortably fit on a post card",
so utterly it was all destroyed,
just to prevent any genuine progress
and a process of de-hypnotization of the masses,
kept in all sorts of delusions
throughout the times by the same evil,
blood thirsty conmen,
who are so negative and so uncreative
that the only thing they are capable of
is to forever invent new ways
of sucking the blood of others
and enlarge their bellies,
driven by the fear of "survival"
as they know not that very trust,
that propels all life.
Finally, they came to the point
where the real "god" of theirs
is the paper good of money,
and so they ended up forever
accumulating it, hoping to somehow
manage to run away from that very fear
of "survival".
They even invented this perverted idea
of "survival of the fittest",
the most devastating and life condemnating idea
there is.
That is the extent of their "creativity".
It is such a profound negativity
and mistrust toward their own being
and all life as such,
that it basically invalidates
the very concept of divine or "god".
If sucking blood of many by the few
is what you call "creativity",
then what your very idea of god is worth?
What is this very craving and thirst
for blood of others if there
is god to guide you all
and provide you everything in nature and beyond?
It is UTTER and COMPLETE negation of life.
It is an escapism from creativity
and brotherhood of all people
of the planet Earth
and not only people,
but all life as such.
Only if you TOTALLY mistrust
that very essence of life
can you become such blood thirsty monsters,
seeking one thing and one thing only,
maximization of the rate of sucking
of the blood of many by the few.
You massacred Mansur,
and you annihilated so many
of your brightest starts,
that it is simply amazing
you survived to this day.
You forever try to kill every single one,
who challenges your thirst
for sucking the blood from many
by the very few.
As a result,
you have not made any genuine progress
since the stone ages.
Now, it is OBVIOUSLY taken for granted,
and undisputedly so,
that Russ is on the par
with the world caliber "heroes",
better known to the masters throughout times,
as the biggest and most destructive monsters
that ever walked the face of the planet Earth.
Let us analyze it and see what those "heroes"
are made out of.
This conman Bush,
that mentally retarded idiot
with mentality of a 2 year old,
utterly incapable of grasping
the consequences of his own actions,
and can not even be held liable
as a criminal against the mankind
on the basis of his utter mental inability
to grasp it all,
without ANY proper legal proceedings,
without ANY evidence,
accepted by the courts of proper authority,
started a war,
and not against some terrorists,
but against the country of Afghanistan
merely furthering the agenda of NWO
and global domination.
At this junction, it is totally controlled
by the evil empire.
His initial claim
that they are interested in finding
"those, responsible for this horrible act",
was pure deceit,
just as you see it here, on usenet.
His real interest is the world hegemony
of evil, as the concept of New World Order,
pronounced by his own father states.
It is global domination, fascism and totalitarianism.
It is converting the people into puppets
and bio-robots, the functioning machines,
used by these very monsters
to become fatter and fatter and fatter
in their never ending thirst for blood.
That is why they created an extensive
collection of movies on the subject
of vampirism. It is done in order to create
the subconscious acceptance of vampirism
and make your vulnerable, suggestive
and programmable minds accept that very
"power" as something real,
planting the subconscious fear in you all.
Fear on one side and inevitability on the
other side. Cunning as it gets.
As Freemasons know all too well,
once you accept ANY idea,
you become a subject to it.
You become vulnerable to symbolic manipulations
using it as a sword of sorts.
That 3rd derivative Freemason, Bush,
knows ALL too well
that about the ONLY card in his deck
is the card with the sword.
he can not possibly be of any assistance
to his own country
or solve ANY of the most urgent problems,
facing the world,
coming down on you.
His intelligence is on the par with an amoeba
and about the only thing he is interested in
is a fascist boot of "might makes right".
That is his only and exclusive tool and weapon.
The sword is the ONLY possible way
for him to keep his "ratings"
and look like something real,
something of significance.
He will create some the most devastating events
in the entire history of mankind
while perverting it to look like
he is a genuine servant of "good",
ridding the world of all "evil",
even though he is the manifestation
of that very evil,
spreading the fire of violence
throughout all lands
and achieving his own agenda
of world domination
manipulating and fabricating
left and right.
A typical mind of an evil monster
from the lands of the Masonic empire
of the united sucking states that
blatantly and arrogantly put the very
evidence of its satanic origins
on its own currency.
He poses as true and genuine servant
of his own people,
which is a lie, and nothing but a lie,
as he is the servant of the beast,
the one that sucks your energy,
interested in creating
the world hegemony of evil.
The evidence is all over.
It is so clear and concise,
that you must be totally deranged
not to see it,
or be such a pathological case,
manipulating the most perverted lies
to make them look like truth,
that it is well beyond comprehension.
The whole operation in Afghanistan
is a scam
and it is not clear,
and will probably remain secret
until the end of times,
who did it and why
and what agenda does it serve.
Using this scam with Afghanistan,
these evil monsters were able to
manipulate the world opinion,
playing the same guilt and fear card,
and obtain an overwhelming approval and
support and, at the same time,
boost their military budget to the levels
exceeding the cold war period by far.
For what?
These very servants of evil run their mealy mouths
about "cold war is over" and
"a new deal and cooperation" and,
at the same time,
spending more money on the military
than the entire Europe and Japan combined,
all in the name of "fighting terrorism",
being the masters of manipulation and fabrication,
using the most potent tricks
of manipulation of symbology
learned from Freemasons and Illuminati.
They are spending $400+ billions annually on this scam,
which is factors of magnitude more than
it would take to restore the entire economies
of Eastern Europe, Africa, Afghanistan and
the entire Middle East combined.
But they are not interested in restoration
of those economies. Instead, they are interested
in finding new tricks to facilitate their agenda
of global domination, keeping those economies
in a devastated state.
They brag about "free trade" and yet, keep the entire
world in powerty, starvation and misery just to make
sure no one can match their race of "blue blooded"
and they remain the exclusive dictators on the face
of the planet Earth.
The budget of this size is factors of magnitude more
than it would take to rid the entire world of hunger
according to the opinions of the experts.
The most amazing thing is that they managed
to manipulate guilt and fear of all their
people and support this biggest military
expansion on record even though the former
"enemies" are now being called friends.
How could the military budget of this magnitude
be justified with this "war on terrorism" scam?
Even at the times of the most expansive, nuclear
accumulation, the military budget was smaller
than it is now.
They will never "win" the war on terrorism
with these tricks and they are not even interested
in it and they know all too well, it is simply impossible.
Just the other way around.
The more they go around the world
and step on the other people with their
fascist boot of "might makes right",
the more they saw the seeds of that very
terrorism. That is probably the very
strategy of this global deceit as it
begins to feed on itself. It is likely
that the terrorist activity will increase
throughout the world and new countries
will be placed on a "black list" to be hit next
in this world hegemony of evil,
hiding behind the concept of
protecting all from "evil",
just as it is here on usenet.
That is about the fastest way to expand
the domain of the evil empire globally
and no country in the world
would be able to object.
Otherwise, they will be classified
as supporters of "terrorism" and become subject
of the next high tech military attack themeselves.
Cunning as it gets.
Even to believe this military expansion scam
is done in the name of "war on terrorism",
one must be simply senile or naive to the point
of oblivion.
It is not about terrorism.
It is essentially the same thing
as "war on crime" scam. The more war
on crime there is, the more you become
a fascist and a totalitarian state,
creating the very motivation to commit
that very crime you claim to be fighting
just to oppose you.
It is but a scam with the hidden agenda
of totalitarianism and fascism,
meant to convert the people
into functioning machines
eventually to be used
by the fattest parasites there are
to become fatter and fatter,
and build the tremendous enterprises,
feeding on this thing.
It is about the world hegemony of evil
and undisputable domination
by the evil empire
over all lands.
It is not a coincidence
that after becoming a president,
Bush immediately appointed the most ferocious,
the most senile and the most violent monsters
into top positions in the government,
related to violence, domination and military.
The unprecedented process of disassembling
the very foundation of his own country
and destruction of the most fundamental ideas,
such as democracy and justice, constitution
and other most fundamental principles,
has ALREADY been largely completed.
From now on, there is basically nothing left
of what was known as justice,
and especially the international justice,
which will inevitably lead
to great instability in the world.
The corrupt congress has already annihilated
some of the MOST fundamental protections,
provided by the constitution of the USA.
The totalitarian and fascist terror
is upon your land and all others.
At this very junction,
the actions by the most radical
right wing monsters
in the government of the USA
are nothing different
than an attempt to topple the government
and install the reign of the beast
upon all.
The situation in the world
is so destabilized
and the people are already
so corrupt and insane,
as their minds are being constantly jammed
with all sorts of ideas of violence
from any and all the channels
of communications and media,
that it is about the best time to
make his final attempt.
Your minds are already programmed
via trick of constant and unending repetition
of the most primitive and shortest ideas there are,
that the mankind has essentially became
the land of bio-robots,
literally programmed to oblivion.
Most of the communications are done
using the simplest and the most idiotic
ideas and templates.
An average sentence length is about 3.5 words
and an average word length is about 3.5 letters.
Vast majority of your communications
are virtually meaningless as there can be no
information in "How are ya? - Nice. How is
weather? - Nice" type of exchanges.
Thus, it has come the time
to complete the work of the beast.
There has never ever,
in the entire history of mankind,
been a better time to do it,
and again,
the evidence of that beast
is so compelling and so pervasive,
that all you have to do
is to pull out your vallet
and look at your own
one dollar bill.
On that very dollar bill,
you have written with your own hand,
your own death sentence,
and again,
using the Masonic symbology.
The symbol of a pyramid
is the symbol of the most powerful empire,
fallen into dust.
Furthermore, the writings in Latin
under the pyramid are:
1. "Novus Ordo Seclorum", meaning "New Order Of the Ages",
or, in modern terms, "New World Order".
Thus, the idea of NWO goes back to the times
of creation of the USA.
It is not a new idea by ANY means.
The symbol with the pyramid inside
is the Seal of the Illuminati.
Adam Weishaupt founded the
Illuminati of Bavaria in 1776.
Illuminati are the hidden worldwide cult
of world rulers or the "elite",
so secretive, that there virtually exist no
information about it even though they control
over half of the Internet, "entertainment" industry,
media, molding your minds and programming them
in any way they please, vast amounts of banking,
shipping, oil exploration and many other industries.
They think of ordinary people as "sheep"
to be lead to "enlightenment".
On the surface, they are interested in progress
and "enlightenment", but their secret agenda
is of the most profound evil.
It is essentially a pathological craving
for domination over all others,
guided by the powers of occult,
just as the beast craves for.
Their most secret concept is the idea of a
"fall from grace" or death
and eventual resurrection at some point,
which will happen between the years 2010
and 2020 according to their long term plans.
Since the time of creation of Illuminati
hidden society, their idea is to "lead the sheep"
to the eventual state of acceptance of a single
world government and a global totalitarian state.
Illuminati foundation lays in Freemasonry
and they accepted the occult symbology
of Freemasonry as their very guiding principles.
Thus, they are at the same time Freemasons
of the highest, 33rd degree. In fact, Freemasons
are used as a front of this hidden organization
as Illuminati pretend to not exist at all.
Using their usual tricks of deception,
Freemasons will claim that Illuminati no longer
exist and were active during the end of 17th century.
Here is a quote by their founder Adam Weishaupt:
Spartacus (Weishaupt) to Cato (Zwack, A Lawyer)
"Nothing would be more profitable to us than a
right history of mankind. Despotism has robbed
them of their liberty. How can the weak obtain
protection? Only by union; but this is rare.
Nothing can bring this about but hidden societies.
Hidden schools of wisdom are the means which will
one day free men from their bonds.
These have in all ages been the archives of nature,
and the rights of men; and by them shall human nature
be raised from her fallen state.
Princes and nations shall vanish from the earth.
The human race will then become one family,
and the world will be the dwelling of Rational Men."
Yes, hidden societies,
hidden societies.
Interestingly enough, is the idea of
"shall human nature be raised from her fallen state".
Thus the most dearly held concept of a phoenix,
the bird, risen from the ashes,
represented by the number 13.
Thus, he has laid down the concept of New World Order.
Then he goes:
"Morality alone can do this. The head of every
family will be what Abraham was, the patriarch,
the priest and the unlettered lord of his family,
and Reason will be the code of laws to all mankind.
This is our great secret. True, there maybe some
That is where those "family values" come from.
Yes, morality is the trick.
"Good" and "bad" definitions.
Black and white.
The foundation of fascism.
The morality can be changed at will
in any way they please
at any given time. Things,
that were classified as "bad" before,
could be easily made "good"
and vice versa.
Morality can not be proven because it is based
on beliefs aledgedly derived from the "holy" books.
But who wrote those books?
Well, they say god did it.
So it goes back to blaming god.
Arguing about morality is essentially arguing
about existance of god, an excersize in futility.
Thus, morality becomes about the most potent
trick in their bag, serving the agenda of
eventual totalitarian state on a global scale.
Interestingly enough, morality has already been
accepted by the people at large as some "ultimate"
way to resolve any issues. It has become the
final determinant.
"Because it is a GOOD thing to do"...
That is about ALL you need
to justify virtually any act,
be it the most horrendous act of violence
and evil.
Then he goes on:
"But alas! the task of self-formation was
too hard for the subjects of the Roman empire,
corrupted by every species of profligacy.
A chosen few recieved the doctrines in secret,
and they have been handed down to us
(but frequently almost buried under rubbish of
man's invention) by the Freemasons.
Freemasonry is a Royal Art, inasmuch as it
teaches us to walk without trammels, and to
govern ourselves."
So, according to Weishaupt,
"... the task of self-formation was
too hard for the subjects of the Roman empire..."
Therefore, they need to be organized
by some external force, some "enlightened" "elite".
This is where the roots of fascism are.
Nevertheless, the idea of NWO,
as it is being currently played out,
is their secret doctrine of
a single world government,
a super state,
a global totalitarianism,
fascism, ruled by "right" and "wrong",
"good" and "bad", black and white.
Wonder why do these antiglobalists
rage so much?
It has been said by one of the Illuminati's mind
programmers and trainers that, according to his
information, the world government is to be
openly pronounced by the year 2020.
At that time, the United Nations is to become
an obscure organization having no effective power
to do anything of significance.
for more information.
The designs of many symbols in the
Great Seal of the USA are composed of 13 units.
13 leaves.
13 arrows.
13 stars.
13 berries.
13 stripes on the flag.
13 raws of stones on the pyramid.
"E Pluribus Unum" contains 13 letters
and so is "Annuit Coeptis".
There are 10 places on a great seal
where the number 13 is used.
What is so special about number 13?
13 is the number of death and rebirth,
death and reincarnation, sacrifice,
the Phoenix. 13 is known as "devil's dozen" in
some traditions.
Some references from
---------------- Quotes begin -------------------
A former witch, William Schnoebelen, in his book,
Satan's Door Revisited, p. 4.:
"The Phoenix, of Bunnu is believed to be a divine
bird going back to Egypt ...
This Phoenix destroys itself in flames and then
rises from the ashes.
Most occultists believe that the Phoenix is a symbol
of Lucifer who was cast down in flames and who ...
will one day rise triumphant.
This [belief] also relates to the raising of
Hiram Abiff, the Masonic 'christ'."
Albert Pike, in Magnum Opus, writes, "...
the Eagle was the living Symbol of Egyptian God
Mendes ... and the representative of the Sun
.." [p. xviii]
Manly P. Hall, in his book, The Lost Keys of
Freemasonry, states, "These were the immortals
to whom the term 'phoenix' was applied, and their
symbol was the mysterious two-headed bird,
now called an eagle, a familiar and little
understood Masonic emblem ."
[p. 108]
In one sentence, we see the admission that the
Phoenix Bird of Ancient Satanic Egypt was changed
into the Masonic Eagle and then Pike's admits that
the Eagle is the Symbol of the Sun God and of the
God of Mendes, both symbols being common Satanic
symbols of Satan/Lucifer !
---------------- Quotes end -------------------
Wonder why Russ Albery, the godfather of brainwashing
and party propaganda on usenet calls himself an eagle?
The eye on the top part of the pyramid,
is an all-seeing eye of Horus, god of horror.
It is used to instill a subconscious fear.
"Big brother watching" type of thing.
George Washington, whose picture is on the
front side of one dollar bill, was a Freemason.
Another words, one dollar bill is about the hardest
evidence of the USA being the Masonic empire there is.
So obvious it is.
"When a Mason learns the key to the warrior on the
block is the proper application of the dynamo of
living power, he has learned the mystery of his
Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his
hands and before he may step onward and upward,
he must prove his ability to properly apply energy."
Illustrious Manly P. Hall 33°
The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, page 48
Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, Inc.
Richmond, Virginia, 1976
"Warrior on the block"...
Looks like the right wing representatives in your
governments indeed. Their zeal and viciousness just
about fits this concept indeed.
"Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious
name to give to the Spirit of Darkness!
Lucifer, the son of the morning! Is it he who bears
the Light, and with it's splendors intolerable blinds
feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!
Morals and Dogma, page 321
Illustrious Albert Pike 33°
Sovereign Grand Commander Supreme Council 33°,
The Mother Supreme Council of the World
"We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists,
and we shall provoke a formidable
social cataclysm which in all its horror
will show clearly to the nations the
effects of absolute atheism, origin
of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend
themselves against the world minority of
revolutionaries, will exterminate those
destroyers of civilization, and the multitude,
disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic
spirits will be from that moment without compass,
anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where
to render its adoration, will receive the pure
doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the
public view, a manifestation which will result
from the general reactionary movement which will
follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism,
both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
Illustrious Albert Pike 33°
Letter 15 August 1871
Addressed to Grand Master Guiseppie Mazzini 33°
Archives British Museum
London, England
Quotes by Madam Blavatsky 32°:
"Lucifer represents.. Life.. Thought.. Progress..
Civilization.. Liberty.. Independence..
Lucifer is the Logos.. the Serpent, the Savior."
pages 171, 225, 255 (Volume II)
"It is Satan who is the God of our planet and
the only God." pages 215, 216,
220, 245, 255, 533, (VI)
"The Celestial Virgin which thus becomes the
Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same
time; for she is the ever-loving beneficent
Deity...but in antiquity and reality Lucifer
or Luciferius is the name. Lucifer is divine and
terrestial Light, 'the Holy Ghost' and 'Satan'
at one and the same time." page 539
'The Secret Doctrine'
by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Hymn to Lucifer
by Aleister Crowley 33°
"Ware, nor of good nor ill, what aim hath act?
Without its climax, death, what savour hath
Life? an impeccable machine, exact
He paces an inane and pointless path
To glut brute appetites, his sole content
How tedious were he fit to comprehend
Himself! More, this our noble element
Of fire in nature, love in spirit, unkenned
Life hath no spring, no axle, and no end.
His body a blood-ruby radiant
With noble passion, sun-souled Lucifer
Swept through the dawn colossal, swift aslant
On Eden's imbecile perimeter.
He blessed nonentity with every curse
And spiced with sorrow the dull soul of sense,
Breath life into the sterile universe,
With Love and Knowledge drove out innocence
The Key of Joy is disobedience."
This arrogant, chest pumping idiot, Bush,
knew all too well,
that he is UTTERLY incapable
of helping the USA
to solve its problems
and find solutions to the issues of mankind,
including the global environmental collapse
About the only thing he is capable of,
is to use the same old trick,
used by all other corrupt politicians,
a trick of decoy.
They simply start some war,
and play the guilt and the fear cards
to the extreme,
pumping up the concept
of "national suckurity",
yes, suckurity,
to hush down all those,
who might oppose them.
On that background,
they weave their nets of evil
and advance their hidden agenda
of the most profound evil.
They manipulate the media moguls
to make sure they only present
a totally biased information
to their own people.
Interestingly enough,
CNN, in unprecedented manner,
in the entire history of the USA,
blatantly announced that from now on,
it will censor all the information
and present only certain kinds of views,
they call "responsible information".
Just like it was done
in the socialist Russia
or the fascist Germany.
Thus, you laid the concept of freedom of speech
under the thumb stone.
From now on, you have no such a thing,
and will be fed the lowest grade crap
from nearly any place you look.
Poor you, poor you.
The concepts of democracy,
freedom of speech
and some of other of your most dearly held ideas
are but history.
From now on,
it is a global totalitarianism
by the evilest empire
that ever was.
Who do you think owns and runs CNN?
What is a logo of AOL?
Well, the same pyramid
and the same eye of Horus.
What is a logo of CBS?
So, the evilest empire of all
sucked-in the whole world
into this grand scam in Afghanistan,
and again, without ANY evidence.
All these concoctions,
they call evidence,
can not be recognized in principle
as they are done in violation
of the most fundamental principles
of justice.
Thus, your justice is dead,
domestic or international,
and so comes down your entire record
of legislature, law and principles
upon you.
From now on, it is a huntdown
instead of justice.
You can basically cancel
the legal system at this point,
and you wouldn't loose a thing.
In fact, you might even gain something,
compared to what you have on your hands now.
Because in the current context,
the people themselves
would probably resolve it just as well,
as they know all too well,
their time is near.
Even according to the materials
provided by the Offense Department of the USA,
which, from now on, is what its true name is,
and the opinions of the worlds foremost
environmental experts
by the year 2018 the planet Earth
will become...
a living hell.
These servants of the beast
started with one thing in Afghanistan
and ended up with a totally different one
and this is not the end of the story.
The story just barely begun.
The world hegemony of evil is upon your lands.
For each of the 6 thousand people
claimed to have died in New York,
you have nearly a 1000 people of Afganistan,
and UTTERLY innocent people, mind you,
suffering death and starvation,
horrible cold and humiliation,
uprooting from their homes,
being forced to live in refuge camps,
eating the dog shit,
these evil monsters throw down from the planes,
in this global deception campaign,
covering up their red horns
and trying to look "humane".
Just as the latest news reports arrive,
some horrible war crimes are being disclosed.
Killing of innocent people,
rape and pillage,
pulling the teeth out from the dead,
decaying bodies.
Just the other day,
there was a devastating attack
on the column of the cars, going to Kabul
to participate in currently held ceremonies
in government.
They were specifically rerouted to the back roads
by the spies and totally annihilated
by the USA killers in the air,
all in the name of "good".
The scene was the most
horrendous devastation imaginable.
Every single car had thousands of holes.
It is currently believed
that the person with the radio
informed the evil empire
and they came to do
their horrendous crime
against those innocent people.
War crimes?
Nope. It is all nice and dandy.
The international war tribunal
will not even bother.
So, the games have begun,
and all the parties
will be manipulating it
to their advantage,
causing the devastation and destruction
to their opponents,
and the evil empire
is all to happy
to annihilate ANYONE,
even if they are innocent.
At this very junction, different warring
factions in Afghanistan, give false information
to the evil empire and identify their enemy clans
as members of terrorist networks, using the evil
empire as the most potent weapon to destroy the
competing clans, and the evil empire is all too
happy to accommodate, no matter who is end up being
Because the people of Afghanistan
are but filth of the "inferior race"
to these blood thirsty monsters,
thinking they are some kind of pure blooded
Aryan race of rulers.
Those people do not count for anything.
They are just considered a "collateral damage",
the most cunning trick,
invented by the same evil monsters,
to disguise the most horrendous murder
as some equivalent
of a collateral on a loan for your house.
So cunning and perverted these cowardly monsters are.
They will not use the terms "murder" or "killing",
"destruction" and things of that nature.
Instead, they will lie to all
and make it look like
the most innocent thing there is,
being evil to the bone and marrow.
All your food that expired
a long time ago
is being simply thrown away in Afganistan
and used as a cunning trick
to make the servants of the beast
look like the most humane of all.
Some are even getting rich on this scam.
So corrupt you have become.
That is how ALL the fascist systems operate.
They think one Aryan is worth MUCH more
than any other "filth" or "infidel",
such as Afghanistani people,
who knew so much misery and horror,
you can not even begin to comprehend it all,
you fat, violent parasites,
posing as servants of "good".
So, for 6 thousand people, millions of innocent people paid.
And without ANY court proceedings.
Is THAT what is left of your concepts of justice?
They toppled the present regime
and, for all practical purposes,
took over the Afghanistan.
Was THAT the "goal" they had initially?
You mean you can just annihilate the whole Earth,
need be, just to find a few people
you claim are responsible,
even before the jury is in order?
Meanwhile, did they catch the one,
they claim to be responsible so far?
Will they EVER catch him?
What happened?
Just another scam, just as usual.
That is EXACTLY how this global imperialism
of the New World Order,
as pronounced by that arrogant idiot,
the father of this monkey ass, Bush,
was supposed to work.
"Might makes right".
This is one of the main principles
of that very evil empire,
that called the others evil,
just as a decoy.
That is how they "take care" of their own people,
if those do not follow the party line.
Some of the most progressive,
intelligent and educated people,
genuinely contributing
to the modern world,
have been either annihilated
or otherwise destroyed
via millions of poisonous tricks and lies
of all kinds.
For example, what happened to that CNN reporter,
who was broadcasting the pictures of destruction
of Baghdad in the real time during
the desert scam operation. He was one of the
most honest reporters there are. Yes, his direct
broadcasts from the roof of the hotel in Baghdad
were not in alignment with the desires of the
evil monsters, conducting that campaign of destruction.
They only wanted a party propaganda and deceit
to be shown on the idiot box, you call TV.
But he had the courage to simply show it how it is.
Because he is a honest man.
That is why you do not see him any longer
on the idiot box, even though
he is one of the most unprejudiced
and courageous reporters in the whole world.
He just simply vanished and instead of him
they installed a puppet and a party propaganda peddler
as their main international affairs correspondent.
Plenty of the most progressive and honorable people
were destroyed or incarcerated
by the hand of that criminal,
Edgar Hoover, who created the most paranoid,
secretive and criminal system of espionage
on the most honorable and progressive people
of his own land,
that later became the FBI.
Hoover was a Freemason.
That "hero" of yours
conspired with the mafia
and was regularly paid
by that very mafia
in form of winnings from the horse races,
that were specifically cooked up
for him to win.
He would be simply given the information
in advance what horse to play on,
and that horse
would inevitably bring any money he wanted.
Another interesting thing
about that Masonic criminal
was his extra marital affairs with
men, all done in secret.
Is THAT how your "heroes" operate?
Another Freemason was Lyndon Johnson.
Now, who was responsible
for the murder of Kennedy again?
What happened to the wounds on his head
when the body was flown
from one place to another?
Well, the holes were completely different
than they were before.
Has ANYBODY found ANYTHING about it?
Nope, not to this day!
How is it possible?
Now, WHO was the head investigator on his murder?
Well, another Freemason. Remember?
Warren commission.
Edgar Warren was a Freemason.
What a surprise,
what a surprise.
He made certain orders
to prevent full and unbiased investigation
of about the most horrendous murder
in the entire history of the USA.
Who was Prescott Bush,
the grandfather of your pigmy ass,
ruling the house of the white mouse?
Well, one of the most radical
and ferocious Freemasons
in the entire history,
only on the par with Albert Pike,
one of the most "honorable" Freemasons there are.
Heard of KKK?
"I took my obligations from white men,
not from negroes. When I have to accept
negroes as brothers or leave masonry,
I shall leave it"
- Albert Pike 33rd*
Delmar D. Darrah
History and Evolution of Freemasonry 1954, page 329.
The Charles T Powner Co.
"General Albert Pike, who stood high in the
Masonic order, was the chief judicial officer
of the Klan."
As owner-publisher of the Memphis, Tennessee,
Daily Appeal, Albert Pike wrote in an editorial
on April 16, 1868:
"With negroes for witnesses and jurors, the
administration of justice becomes a blasphemous
We would unite every white man in the South,
who is opposed to negro suffrage, into one
great Order of Southern Brotherhood, with an
organization complete, active, vigorous,
in which a few should execute the concentrated
will of all, and whose very existence should be
concealed from all but its members."
Pike became a Convicted War Criminal in a
War Crimes Trial held after the Civil Wars end.
He had fled to British Territory in Canada.
Pike only returned to the U.S. after
his hand picked Scottish Rite Succsessor
James Richardon 33° got a pardon for him after,
making President Jackson a 33° Scottish Mason
in a ceremony held inside the White House itself!
Welcome, USONA (United States Of North America),
as the people of the South America call you.
How about the murder of Dr. Marin Luther King?
Ever heard?
Now, you, conmen, even have a holiday in his name,
But it is ALL fake,
and you know it, don't you?
You are just using the same trick,
the same decoy,
the same lies,
the same perversions and deceit,
just as you always do.
You don't "care", or do you?
How many of you truly care about
Dr. Martin Luther King?
No one is going to argue
the issue of terrorism
being the problem in the world.
First of all, the very roots of it
need to be examined and they may
turn out to be quite different
then what you are being fed.
When justice is only applicable to
one party and not the other,
and that other party tried all
it can to resolve it and all in vain,
then you have the seeds of terrorism
sown with your own hand.
That is how it is.
Yes, in some cases, the reason may be some manifestation
of radical nationalism or religious fanaticism and
intolerance, leading to fanatic violence.
But not in all the cases by far.
There are ways to handle the issues of terrorism.
There is United Nations, Security Council
and other international organizations,
treaties and conventions.
The international terrorism
can not be resolved just to facilitate one empire,
and the evilest empire of all,
no matter what kind of cunning tricks
of guilt and fear manipulation
they use to suck-in the whole world
into this grand scam
to promote the world terror of totalitarianism
played by the servants of the beast.
It needs to be resolved according to the principles
of the international affairs
and not as a trigger happy Texan cowboy style.
Because it may end up costing WAY too much
to the whole world at the end.
It is a matter concerning the whole world
and it needs to be carefully studied,
and analyzed by the most intelligent
and insightful people of the world.
They need to come to a joint conclusion
and provide their recommendations
on how to solve this issue.
Because it can not be solved
to facilitate the interests
of a single empire,
no matter what kind of campaigns
of lies and deceit they use,
those servants of the beast.
The root causes of it need to be examined
and the attempts to resolve it in a constructive
manner need to be created.
According to some of the most insightful views,
the sword is not the way to do it.
After all, is THAT how you solve the disputes
in business or any other activities in your societies?
Do you go to a business meeting and put a gun on
the table of negotiations?
Or you work things out
to make sure both parties can live with it?
Then how come you go with a gun to solve these
Oh, there is simply no other way to solve it, huh?
Oh yes, there are.
You haven't even tried to look at them,
because YOU want to remain on the top of all
and dictate your evil will
with the power of the sword.
Yes, dictate, just as you do here, on usenet,
in the most propagated hierarchy there is,
big-8, ruled by the same exact fascists and
totalitarian dictators.
You are not even interested in having a fair deal.
Just give "evil Saddam" some computers to bring
up the level of Iraqi people to the world standards.
Give them some contracts.
Send some education people to help them catch up
with the "modern" world. It will help them,
and it will help you. You will even make money
on that thing at the end and you know it
ALL too well.
After all, who fed Saddam for as long, as you did?
The same scam as with Bin Laden.
The same scam that you ALWAYS use
throughout the world
to overturn the governments
and install your puppets,
violating your own principles
and international conventions,
supporting the murderers and terrorists
and doing all sorts of other
not so noble things you do.
Just the other day, the information has been
revealed that the plane crash in Scotland
in the 80s was a setup. Later on, Libya was
accused of hiding those alleged terrorists
and all sorts of sanctions were imposed against
Libya to bring it to its knees.
But the underlying reasons for that scam were...
Well, one of the largest oil feels in the world,
found in Libya. Also, there is a project to build the
oil pipeline from Turkmenistan via Afghanistan
to serve the US interests.
So, the same evil monsters staged that whole "operation"
just to get their hands on one of the largest oil fields
in the world and the pipeline? Exciting, ain't it?
Would be interesting to see if any more details
on that whole "deal" will ever appear in the world media.
Anybody wants to take a bet on it?
Yes, YOU, the evil empire,
promote that very terrorism,
you pretend to be fighting,
and even at this very moment,
while, with the other side
of your sucky lying input hole,
you are making all these sucking sounds.
One more time:
This whole thing in Afghanistan is but
a huge farce to get closer to the borders of Russia
for one thing, because...
Well, because you know it all too well,
according to the studies
of your own Offense Department,
which is what its true name is,
that about the only inhabitable place on Earth,
literally within the next 16 years,
will be...
Guess, monsters.
Yes, it will be Siberia in Russia.
THAT is where we are at.
you planted the top secret plans
of nuclear annihilation of Russia,
disclosed on the front cover
of your own major magazine
in the month of February,
just a couple of years ago.
Remember that talk with Putin?
"Look guys, you are telling everybody
the cold war is over, but this is the problem
I have with you".
And he showed them the front cover
of their own major magazine
with that very map
of nuclear annihilation of
of Russia and Ukraine.
Is THAT how friends behave towards one another?
Yes, that was a plant.
According to that monstrous plan,
all, most developed and densely populated areas
in Russia and Ukraine, were marked as the red hot zone
of nuclear annihilation.
The estimated damages,
even according to your own estimates are?
Well, just some stinky 20 million people!
Hitler is turning in his grave.
He is simply jealous!
But that was a decoy again, Freemasons.
Ever heard of the Bohemian Club?
The rulers of the world?
Some of your top politicians, businessmen,
members of government, supreme court,
military and "intelligence"
by invitation only,
discussing the "hottest opportunities"
in the whole world?
Poor you,
poor you.
The Bohemian Grove is a 2700 acre redwood forest,
located in Monte Rio, CA.
It contains accommodation for 2000 people to "camp"
in luxury. It is owned by the Bohemian Club.
July 11, 1997 Speaker: Ambassador James Woolsey
former CIA Director.
"Rogues, Terrorists and Two Weimars Redux:
National Security in the Next Century"
July 25, 1997 Speaker: Antonin Scalia, Justice
Supreme Court
July 26, 1997 Speaker: Donald Rumsfeld
Some talks in 1991, the time of NWO proclamation
by Bush:
Elliot Richardson, Nixon & Reagan Administrations
Subject: "Defining a New World Order"
John Lehman, Secretary of the Navy,
Reagan Administration
Subject: "Smart Weapons"
But the real thing still remains secret,
at least as these monsters think,
and that is...
The nuclear attack on this scale
can not be carried out
without completely devastating
the environmental situation,
effectively ending life
on the planet Earth,
and you KNOW it ALL TOO WELL.
What was that plan about then?
Simple, perverts.
To weaken Russia and make them paranoid
so they spend all the money
on strengthening their nuclear arsenal
to oppose you.
Then hit them at the weakest point.
That is what kind of a chess game you play.
But the real attack would be...
Well, biological.
Yes, biological.
Forget all these international conventions
and treaties of all kinds.
ALL fake.
That way, you do not have to destroy the infrastructure
or cause a tremendous impact on global environment.
It simply remains intact,
but those "inferior race" Russians
just simply go poof.
Nice show, ain't it?
Because you need to move to Siberia,
the largest piece of real estate
in the coldest region of the Earth,
and the time is near.
It takes time to build a new infrastructure,
and you have but 16 years left.
THAT is why,
that is why,
you see what you see
on the idiot box,
you all call TV,
feeding you all sorts of the lowest grade shit
and the most horrendous kinds of violence
just to dumben you all
and convert you into bio-robots,
the functional machines,
used by the fattest parasites there are
just to become fatter
and fatter
and fatter.
What are these sucking sounds going on right
now about "new cooperation" and "new deal"
of "friendship" with Russia?
Well, ask Freemasons.
ALL fake.
You will NEVER EVER relinquish
your reign and allow any other country
to be on the equal footing with you,
either in terms of military might,
or commerce and business,
technology or anything else for that matter.
So evil you are at the very core.
Because you are ruled by the beast.
That is all there is to it.
You don't believe a single word you say
and ANY and ALL "agreements"
anybody signed with you
is just a check,
signed with an ink
that will simply vanish one day.
Yes, NONE of your so called agreements
are worth ANYTHING.
You are bankrupt.
You have a tremendous negative bank balance
from ANY angle you look at it,
and some things you can still manage
to keep "top secret".
Look at, monsters,
it isn't even funny at this junction.
All your so called secrets
are utterly transparent.
One more time,
to Freemasons and all those,
who share the same views and beliefs:
How many times do you have to be reminded?
Another lil thing: you were told to keep
NASDAQ at below 1500. It is around 2000 now.
You were forewarned.
Your entire economic system globally,
may collapse in no time at all.
Why are you so suicidal?
Now, as far as the Arab world goes.
After all, this is YOU,
who kept not only Iraqi,
but all Arab lands, under the lid.
It is YOU, who divided their lands
and imposed YOUR version of the universe
upon these people.
Sure, some local dictators
will forever do the same thing,
but even Stalin and the people of his kind,
would deal with you, suckers,
at least for the purpose of trying
to assert his own nation
as an equal partner
in the world affairs
and improve their economies.
But you refused it all. You want to be the
ONLY one that counts, rules, dominates and
But you are fake.
You are but a horrendous fraud on a global scale.
Because you are but the blood sucking suckitalists
and you do not wish ANY other model of the universe
to become a reality,
but the model of sucking the blood
of many by the few.
That is why you conducted a relentless campaign
against the experiment in Rajneeshpuram, Oregon,
the experiment to create a new model of society
where people could live rejoicing and celebrating
every single moment, working for themselves
in freedom and harmony with nature.
But that model was not based on suckitalism
and, worst of all, it was beginning to look like
it was working.
So you, monsters, destroyed it all.
Some of the most powerful and influential representatives
of your corrupt systems including the royal crown,
the founder of Nike Shoes Company, Bill Bowerman,
that drug addict, who was getting off on sniffing
a glue, who lived nearby, the president Reagan,
your corrupt media moguls, all were doing all they
can to destroy that very experiment for at least
5 years until they eventually succeeded
as they ALWAYS do.
You even throw those people, who made you
filthy rich, on the streets, like used condoms.
Rotten to the bone and marrow
is the verdict.
How many conflicts and wars Russia started in the world
since the WWII?
How many wars truly evil empire started?
Well, the factors of magnitude more.
Not only that, but this whole scam in Afghanistan,
was a result of YOUR work.
YOU were pumping this conflict
and helping the same Bin Laden
to penetrate Russia from the south.
YOU fed this whole thing.
YOU gave them money.
YOU gave them weapons.
YOU gave them nearly all they've got.
Well, because you are not interested in Afghanistan
or the people of that land.
You are interested in RUSSIA.
Because, for one thing,
they represent the biggest challenge
to your global domination.
YOU want to be the ONLY "superpower" there is,
so you can dictate your evil will upon all
and rule the planet Earth, serving the beast.
Isn't THAT how the story goes?
At the time of operation in Afganistan,
the evidence was not there about Bin Laden's involvement,
or the extent of participation of various parties,
or the underlying reasons for it all.
Only some CIA and NSA fabrications and usual lies.
True information is likely to be kept
in the topmost secret archives
for another 40 years,
if the mankind manages
to survive to that time.
At that time, no one would give a flying dead chicken
about what happened 40 years ago.
Sure, they'd be making some hissing sounds indeed,
but this senile/infantile Bush
might as well be dead by then,
and all his vicious top brass in government,
that happen to be some of the most radical
and the most warring Zealots
and Freemasons you can find,
is so old, they'd be dead pretty soon anyways.
Who are you going to bring to justice,
if ever?
Who would give a flying dead chicken about it
in 40 years from now?
Just the other day,
the ABC released some 40 year old
top secret information.
It says that the same criminals
from the CIA and NSA
planned a destruction of their own navy ships
and killing of plenty of their own people,
just to fabricate the case
that it was done by Cuba,
in order to start
another thread of global escalation,
violence and destruction.
Mind you, the evilest empire that ever was,
the united sucking states,
started more wars since the WWII
than all the other countries of the world combined.
They always blame others,
but end up being the military aggressors themselves,
using all sorts of tricks and lies,
deceit and fabrications,
they forever use.
So, that kinda covers the issue
of "WEALLY wesponsible people
like Russ Allbery,
that worm, calling himself an eagle,
insulting the highest symbol of his own land,
doing it again in Afghanistan".
Interestingly enough, the New World Order concept was
announced when?
Well, it was announced at the time of the conflict in Iraq.
Well, because Bush, the senior,
by that time,
knew that the newest military weaponry
was ready to be tested
in the "real life" situation.
It was:
1. "Smart bombs", that are dumb enough to hit the
Chinese embassy in Belgrade, "just to show them
who they are".
2. Stealth technology in bombers and fighters.
3. Advanced system of global electronic espionage,
all linked up in real time, able to identify the
objects of less than a couple of feet in size
any place on Earth any time of the day or night.
So, if that whole thing was working, then...
Well, then OBVIOUSLY, the "new world order"
has arrived.
That is why that slimy Bush,
a trigger happy monster,
went as far as violate the secret
agreement among Illuminati
and announced the New World Order
about 30 years before it was to be announced.
It is likely to have been a sabotage
within the Illuminati spheres of influence.
In the Illuminati world government the USA
was not to be the number one player in the world.
They were supposed to be not even on the second place.
But Russia and China was.
So, the Texan cowboy pulled the trigger most likely.
That was about the most scandalous proclamation possible.
Now it became the living evidence of this whole grand
scam of a single world government, ruled by Illuminati
and Freemasons.
Isn't that how the story goes?
Then there was this dirty trick with "Evil" Saddam,
when he was trapped in order to be used as the first
real warfare exercise to test the concept of NWO
and show to the whole world "who is your daddy",
a typical bully tactic of a Texas cowboy,
used by the evil empire since the day one.
Now, I betcha all the "intelligence" agencies
in the world, CIA, NSA, KGB,
and offense department,
have ceased their operations.
Because they are all falling on their asses,
having fun reading this lil piece of poetry here.
Have fun, munkstas.
Acharya Veeren treats.
There are zome other nice presents,
stashed away in some nice places,
to make sure you are kept
properly enter-
Not to worry.
Iraq was a perfect test field for several reasons.
First of all, it was a perfect excuse.
The Iraqi army has become the third largest army
in the world, which was pissing off the evilest empire,
because they did not want to loose the grip
"in the area where we have our interests", the
Middle East.
You see, the evil empire needs no other justification
to do ANYTHING it pleases beyond the concept of
"it is in our interest", no matter what region
of the planet we are talking about.
Because it is ALL "theirs"!
No law, no international principles or agreements,
or anything else is needed for them.
They are so blatantly arrogant
and so cunning and violent,
that they do not even bother
to consider the very agreements they signed.
All the other countries that signed ANY agreements
with these monsters were, are and will be routinely
screwed ANY way these cowboys and monsters want.
There is just unlimited number of tricks available,
and, most of all,
the most potent foundation of Masonic heritage,
based the mastership of manipulation of symbology
since the ancient times.
When you see the debates between the right
wing monsters and their opposition, the
skills of manipulation, fabrication, lies
and deceit are simply obvious on their face value.
Because most of those right wing monsters
are Freemasons or Illuminati.
Have you heard of a religion
that gathers deep at night,
performing the rituals
and learning skill of manipulation of symbology?
Skull and bones,
skull and bones.
You can not even begin to imagine
what you are dealing with.
They kinda miss the entire idea
that there are different countries in the world.
They know all too well,
it all belongs to THEM.
One more time: "Might makes right",
aka about the most fundamental guiding
factor of theirs.
The powers of the beast are many.
The powers of symbology are simply horrendous.
Interestingly enough, historically,
a VERY substantial part of the US presidents
and the supreme court in the USA were...
Freemasons again.
The same is throughout the world.
England is another example.
Interestingly enough, at least they ordered
some investigation into perverse Masonic
influence in the government, police and
other areas because it became abundantly
clear, the whole thing was affecting
the operation of the entire country.
Some disclosures of who is a Freemason
in government and police followed.
But in the USA, they TOTALLY suppress the
very existence of such perverse influence,
so there are no traces of it in the media,
even though even Freemasons themselves
published some limited lists
of who were the Freemason presidents,
supreme court justices, members of government,
famous businessman and others.
But ONLY in the past.
You can not possibly get the information
that is fresher than the same magic 40 years.
Yes the masters of deception seem to never
go to sleep.
Oh, you secretive cult,
chasing the paper god of money
with the symbol of the beast,
your time has come.
Thus, they can interpret anything they want
in ANY way they please.
And if that is not enough,
you bring in the congress,
and create any laws you want.
That is how it works,
that is how it works.
The congress consists of what kind of people?
Well, PLENTY of them graduated
from the most prestigious schools there are,
such as Yale, Harvard and Stanford.
These are the places
where they prepare the next generation
of your rulers.
Ever heard of Skull and Bones fraternity at Yale?
Heard of Harvard University?
Well, tellya a secret, just don't tell anybody,
that is where a significant percentage of your
next elite passes through.
Your TV and movie archives
have PLENTY of evidence
and specific shots and symbols
where your top politicians
meet and shake their hands,
or otherwise engage in various procedures,
be it in the hands of law, or otherwise.
There are secret handshakes, allowing them to
identify one another and even determine their
level or degree.
It is a totally secretive cult and, since no
information is ever published on who is who,
there is just no other way to know you might
be dealing with the one of your kind.
Now, they claim to be seeking "light, heart and truth",
which squarely places them in the religious domain,
even though, they routinely delude everyone,
claiming they are either some kind of
"charitable organization", and that is a pure bluff,
supported by specific evidence,
or some kind of a club, or whatever they might lie to you.
Just go say hello on alt.freemasonry
or simply examine the archives of that group.
It'll blow your mind to pieces,
if you have any part of your brain,
still alive and functioning.
They never disclose their lists of current members.
Has anybody ever heard
of any other religion,
that is so secretive
as not to allow disclosure
of their membership?
Did president Carter ever hid the fact
that he is Christian.
In fact, it would simply sound ridiculous.
Why hide it, unless you are a criminally minded pervert,
hiding behind the cover of darkness?
Now, which one of your other presidents admitted
he is a Freemason? Anybody has a reference on this?
Which member of the congress, supreme court,
military, intelligence, or any other branch of
government admitted he is Freemason?
Is it possible to see some references on this?
Specific requests were made,
and on numerous occasions,
and the result?
Still waiting for it, just like with Russ Allbery,
David Lawrence, aka tale and the rest of this
criminal gang, ruling the big-8.
Anybody remembers the Oliver North story?
Well, look up the archives.
There is a shot there, where he uses a Masonic
symbol with his right hand. As clear, as a bell.
Nice long shot. All there. That is one of the
most potent symbols there are.
In fact, the same symbol is REQUIRED to be used
during the court proceedings. Exciting, isn't it.
It is like you are supposed to wear red horns
whenever you speak to the judge.
What a great progress have you made!
There are plenty of other examples in your own archives.
They are not even secret.
You can just go and get it if you want.
Oh, you have no time for that because you
are sucking Russ’s ass here?
Poor you, poor you.
Get ready to service your new fuehrer, piranha.
Some interesting surprises are forthcoming indeed.
According to some pretty solid information
from some pretty informed people, pretty high "up there",
the planet Earth was divided into these lile rectangles
in the early sixties of the 20th century.
Each rectangle is a "property" of the USA
and there were specific people "responsible" for it
in the military and "intelligence" organizations.
So, the whole planet Earth
is like a piece of real estate,
all of which "belong" to the USA,
lil did anybody know.
Sure, not in exact and formal formulations,
but in the essential meaning.
Now, since the Middle East
is OBVIOUSLY in "our interests",
that is ALL the justification
the evil empire needs
to do ANYTHING they please there.
To make it possible, a pretty simple exercise was
Anybody remembers what was the set of initial events
that led to the Iraq conflict?
There was this lil, tiny article in Boston Globe,
You just place one "lil tiny add"
and you become filthy rich,
which is "the American dream"
of pussy in the sky with diamonds.
The nightmare, they call a dream,
that all the bio-robots,
chasing the money god,
who run their mealy mouths
about how do they love their
country and their freedom,
dream about all their useless lives
of misery and submission to DA system.
Lil do they realize
that THEY exist for DA system
and not DA system for them,
as they were told.
They are mere numbers
in the giant computer,
ran by the big brother watching,
just as an eye in the back
of your dollar bill shows.
It is not an eye of god.
It is an eye of instillation
of tremendous, numbing fear
into all bio-robots,
programmed to oblivion.
The ultimate in perversion.
for some strange reason,
they are all too ready to tell everybody:
"Go to hell now, I don't lick asses anymore.
Take your job and shove it up your ass.
I am filthy rich now".
That is the essence of the American Dream,
a pussy in the sky with diamonds trip.
It is the most negative thing there is,
UTTER condemnation of your own country
and the principles it stands upon,
such as suckitalism,
to call an escapism
and condemnation of the very system,
the "American dream".
If things are so nice and kosher,
then why do you tell them all
"go to hell", and piss in their faces?
Why do you need to run away
from it all?
To where?
Just keep going.
Enjoy life.
You love your country.
You love your ideals.
You love your system.
You love those freedoms,
your run your mealy mouths about.
Then why do you tell them
"go to hell and shove your job up your ass"?
First of all,
you are all in hell already!
Didn't you know?
Are you some kind of a slave,
that finally became free?
Then what was that freedom
you were running your mealy mouths
about before?
No, suckazoids,
YOU condemn that very country.
YOU, perverts,
lying your teeth off
all your miserable, useless lives,
putting the poisonous plastic smiles
upon your dumb, sucky input holes,
condemn the very principles,
that very country stands upon.
You condemn business as such.
You condemn the very idea of working.
You condemn all there is to condemn,
once you run away
after winning some virtual pussy lottery
and think, from now on,
you are protected by the paper god of money.
You run from your own people
and that thing,
you called freedom before,
was but a lie,
because now your found a true "freedom",
and that is:
you give a fuck
about anybody and anything,
but your own bank account.
You were chasing the paper god of money
all your useless, miserable lives,
and you finally "made it"!
Made what, dummies?
You merely signed your own death sentence, idiots.
You will NEVER be able to reconcile
this utter negativity toward your own system
until the day you go poof.
Do you realize this?
Back to the original tree of corruption.
Anybody knows what Kabbala is?
You, suckers, only want to suck.
But you don't want to learn your own roots.
So, naturally,
you get corrupt to the bone and marrow,
as you are at this very junction.
The conflict in Iraq
started with one tiny article
in Boston Globe,
somewhere in the back pages.
It said:
Saddam suddenly learned
(from whom do you think?)
that the Kuwaitis
drilled for "his" oil,
using the sophisticated oil drilling equipment,
provided by your know whom,
drilling not vertically down,
but under the angle
into a disputed territory.
Obviously, Iraq was claiming it is their oil.
So did the Kuwaitis.
By the way, I am Acharya Veeren.
You'd be dealing with Osho for one thing.
Ever heard?
The one, you poisoned.
Saddam went to Kuwaitis and told them to
"stop drilling for my oil".
They laughed at him and said:
"Go to hell!
We are in bed with the evilest empire,
that ever was or is,
and there aint a single sucking thing
you can do abouts its".
Abouts its, abouts its.
Nice, huh?
To say such an arrogant thing
to the third most powerful army in the world,
just about ready to defend honor
of the Arab people,
abused by these western empires to the hilt,
and ready to change the balance of power
in the Middle East?
Anybody heard of a "Churchill Elbow"?
Well, interesting story indeed.
When the Arab lands were divided by the west,
without ANY involvement of the Arab people of course,
the pencil slipped
as a result of the Churchill's elbow interference
and you ended up with the Arab world,
divided with the border between the countries
kinda crooked.
That was later known
as Churchill Elbow.
Oki, doki.
Saddam says OK, gets up and goes where?
Well, he goes to Americans
as a matter of intercourse.
What ELSE was he to do?
Go to the United Nations
and get sabotaged by the USA,
using their voting power,
just like they did the other day
regarding the horrendous events
in the lands of Palestine?
He comes in
and, being the shroud politician he is,
asks the Americans:
"do you have ANY interest in that matter?"
They say: wut?
Sorry, dude,
we give a flying dead chicken
abouts its,
abouts its.
That was that seemingly dumb bitch,
a representative of the USA
in about the hottest region
on the whole planet Earth.
How is it possible
that she made such a blatant "mistake"
without consulting Washington, DC
and make such gross misrepresentations
on the subject of "our interests"
in the hottest region of the world,
by far?
You mean the evilest empire of all
would put the dumbest bitch
in the whole free sucking werld,
utterly without a functioning brain
to even figure out such a simple thing
as to dial up the red hot phone back home
and ask:
"what is our position on this matter"?
WHO put her on that job and why?
WHO is responsible for this "mistake"
in "management"?
Guess who.
ANY active neurons on line?
Planet Earth,
Planet Earth,
Static again...
What an unfortunate circumstance...
You need it all too bad at the moment.
Then she should be hung by her pussy
as she essentially caused
that horrible war
that resulted in millions
of innocent Iraqi people,
suffering the consequences
of destruction of Iraq,
millions of children,
living in starvation,
poverty and disease,
the educational and transportation systems destroyed
to the point of no return
and on and on and on.
Yes, SHE was responsible for that war,
as if she APPROPRIATELY consulted
her own government, mind you,
she MUST have been told
"Tell him this:
Oh no, my ole buddy.
You don't fuck with Kuwaitis.
We won't let you do that.
Because it is not nice.
You are a nice man, huh?
Cause we never support but nice people.
Please, get off it, Saddam.
You simply have no chance".
What would the American cowboy mentality
do in place of "evil" Saddam?
They'd do EXACTLY the same thing he did.
They'd kick the Kuwaitis ass so good,
they'd remember it till the end of times,
as that is how noble Americans
from the land of freedom
resolve the issues
throughout history.
Just as they did in Afghanistan.
And so he did.
Nice setup, huh?
PURE beauty!
As soon as he did,
the strangest thing happened.
The evil empire
started running around the globe
in a global deception campaign,
running its mealy mouth
about "freedom, democracy",
making all the other sucking sounds
they usually make.
They sucked-in the whole world
into supporting their agenda
of world domination,
manipulating every single fact
to their advantage
and playing the guilt and fear card,
just as they always do.
Then came the MAIN part,
the fun of killing.
They fired up their stealth bombers,
tested all the "smart weapons"
in the real war theater,
and exercised their global espionage network
of satellites and electronic surveillance planes
and gadgets.
Hello, Mr. gadget.
Later on,
they used all this information
and experience gathered
to perfect this global system
of hegemony and violence unseen
since the dawn of civilization.
They did the whole works indeed.
At this junction,
they do not even have to fly
their planes into the war zones.
They can just release the rockets
from far away,
turn back,
and fly to their bases.
The rockets will finish the job of destruction,
using the sophisticated techniques
of Artificial Suckology,
they used to call
Artificial Intelligence.
That is the story of takeover of
by the same fascist, David Kinny,
an intellectual pigmy,
who is so blatantly dumb,
as to claim he can "moderate"
even the subjects of such profound significance
with his AI-mad-bot,
with a piece of software,
written by the idiot,
who is now brainwashing
and "corrupting the minds of young"
at the university of Melbourne,
the lands of Australia,
one of the cradles of civilization.
It is such an arrogant insult
to his own discipline
and to the entire pseudo-science
of Artificial Suckology,
a science a maximization of the rate of sucking
of the blood of many by the very few,
the same pseudo-science,
that gave you these "smart weapons"
and put one empire,
and the evilest of all,
at such a tremendous advantage
over all the lands there are,
that you will all remember
the beginning of the end.
Yes, here, on news groups,
you have the same fascists,
TOTALLY censoring,
the very root of entire AI hierarchy
and publishing ONLY the advertisements
or the shit they see fit.
Where are all these noble "spam worriers"?
save the planet Earth,
from the end of times.
Thus, you lost even the ability
to have a place for discussions
on this, probably most significant forum
in the whole Usenet.
Poor you, poor you.
Your life as people of the planet Earth
depends on that forum
to a significant extent.
The benefits of operation in Iraq:
1. Test of the concept of new weapons
and accumulation of necessary data
to perfect those weapons.
2. Test of stealth technology.
3. Test of global espionage networks,
satellite surveillance, etc.
4. Getting rid of old, outdated bombs.
5. Replacing them with MUCH superior "smart bombs",
all at your expense.
6. Getting an extra $112+ billion of bucks to the
military and all the fat Freemasons, as military
contractors. You know how much all these Bushes
made out of that single number? Guess.
7. Finally showing to the whole world
"who is your daddy"
and ending up the dispute
of who is the "real" superpower
left in the world.
Once the whole world would see
this monster thing in action,
there would be no country,
who would challenge
the evil empire from then on.
8. Doing all the "real life" testing in the simplest
war theater possible. Nuking those "infidel" Iraqi
in the middle of the desert is like squashing lice
on a piece of paper, a piece 'o cake thing.
If you couldn’t win in that theater,
better commit suicide.
Actually, you don't even need
all these fancy gadgets
to "win" there.
It is the easiest thing there is.
About the only problem
is the desert sand associated equipment issues,
that had to be tested and resolved anyways.
9. Last, but not in significance,
it restored a sour in the wounds
of these monsters,
damaged by the war in Vietnam.
Restoring the American "pride".
All the idiots forever
need a reinforcement of their "pride",
just to make sure
no one knows they are but idiots.
Nice, huh?
Say: yup, yup, bio-robots.
Beauty and cunningness of the scheme
is simply incomparable.
It is a masterpiece in deception,
that allowed them
to have virtually unlimited violence
and FULL freedom
to do literally ANYTHING THEY PLEASE,
and they are still doing it,
to this very moment.
There is just nothing like it.
That is how the New World Order begun.
You see, there is a lil difficulty here.
The concept of New World Order
is a perversion.
It is a perversion
of one of the most ancient Masonic symbols,
going back to the very roots of mankind.
It is perversion
of the issue of progress,
which was the original ancient concept
of "New Order Of The Ages",
just as recorded on the back
of your one dollar bill.
It is an act of evil,
a hand of the beast again.
The sign of 666 at work.
The original concept
was something TOTALLY different.
It was a realization of mankind
that with creation of the first stone building,
which is the very root of Masonry,
what you have created
is truly a new world order.
Thus "Novus Ordo Seclorum".
Well, because before that,
the mankind was just a bunch of gypsies
and traveling tribesmen.
They lived like a wind,
never getting stuck
any place in the world.
Because they could just pick up
their tents and gadgets,
and go anywhere they like.
Nothing to hold on to.
Once the first stone building was created,
the story was TOTALLY different.
You couldn't just pick up and go.
Now you started forming
the streets and cities.
You had first primitive
water distribution systems.
That was a genuine revolution
in mankind's history.
That created a totally new world order.
That is the root of Freemasonry,
even though some donkeys
place it somewhere in the 18th century,
being the dummies they are,
not even knowing their own roots
or merely trying to deceive all.
By the way,
anybody knows where did the symbol
of skull and bones come from?
The same symbol you carry
on the charred black, black flags
on the nukelar submarines
of the biggest class there is?
[Nukelar is a modern version of the term nuclear,
used by the top commandoes
and government of the evil empire,
because they are simply
unable to pronounce nuclear,
so superior they are to others...
That is why they are your "leaders"
on the first place.
Didn't you know?
The same thing is with many other words.
So, your "superior" Aryan race of rulers
are but fat pigs,
whose brain can not coordinate
the simplest activities,
associated with language and words.
THAT is how corrupt you have become.
Say hello to Jesse With The Helm
and a Nukelar Bomb Up His Fat Ass.
The symbol of skull and bones is a Masonic symbol.
A symbol of TREMENDOUS power and horror,
used to incapacitate people.
It was the beginning of organized manipulation
of fear...
That is why I say:
THAT is how you tick.
And you don't even know it.
THAT is a pity thing about it.
You have been programmed
on the subconscious level
with the tricks of constant
and unending repetition,
of the simplest and most idiotic
templates and ideas there are.
You tick that way
because several generations before you
this mystic symbol was used
to install the immense fear in all.
Your empty skull,
and your hollow bones.
That is how it is,
that is how it is.
Better fall down on your knees and tremble.
This symbol was used
for all sorts of most horrendous
and destructive acts
throughout the history of times.
with the help of the same Freemasons,
it was placed on the flags
of the biggest nuclear
submarines there are,
belonging to the evilest empire
there ever was,
there is,
or there can ever be.
Well, simple.
To desensitize the minds of those sailors,
working this giant killing machine
of incomprehensible proportions,
so they simply become numb in their being,
as this is about the only way
to make you do what they do,
destroy all life on Earth.
You must be TOTALLY desensitized
and dumb as a piece of wood.
You must be the MOST obedient thing there is
and NEVER EVER question
ANY of what you are about to do.
You must be as dumb,
as a piece of wood,
not to insult
that piece of wood.
That is why I say
the land the most horrendous hype,
and violence unseen,
the land of plastic smile,
the land where the templates are made
to prototype you all
into dumb, insensitive bio-robots,
the walking zombies,
craving for more "excitement",
which they forever multiply,
as with every "more exciting picture",
you become dumber and dumber,
more insensitive
and more idiotic.
By now, you are but walking zombies
and they can feed you
the lowest grade shit there is,
and you will eat it and say
"yummy yam yummy,
I want more of that".
So dull and insensitive
you have become.
THAT is where the roots
of terrorism are.
Because you are so insensitive
that you start doing things
and poke your dirty, arrogant nose
into the affairs of those,
you do not either comprehend
nor care to even bother
to comprehend at all,
and so you go around the world
and squash everyone
with your fascist boot of
"power makes right",
and when these people object,
you pull out your Texas style gun
and shut them between the eyes,
like you have shot your own president,
one of the brightest stars
in your entire history and heritage,
because that man alone
went against his own clique of Freemasons,
not even knowing who they are,
those death seeking monsters,
serving the sign of the beast,
and was able single handedly,
just with the help of that Russian simpleton,
another giant, Khrushchev,
save the Earth
from inevitable self-destruction.
Even Kennedy
was unable to make the first step...
All the recommendations by his own
top brass in military were made
to nuke those Russians.
All the red hot buttons
of global nuclear mutual annihilation
were opened
and all the codes were handy,
just one word,
and the world is finished.
You all have to fall down on your knees
and kiss the ass of that Russian peasant,
the same man,
who took off his shoe
in your house of delusions
and did the only thing possible
to wake up all the zombies,
from the slumber you were in,
so he banged that shoe,
and he banged that shoe,
and he banged that shoe,
and he banged that shoe.
So, you've got the message indeed.
Although, later on,
you arrogant fascist pigs,
laughed at him
as a "typical Russian commie with the mind of a peasant".
Oh yeas?
That "typical Russian commie"
saved the world, dummies,
as not only he contacted Kennedy,
but he did something,
that never happened before,
He went on the open air
on the Radio Moscow,
and made his offer to the world.
Kennedy could not manage to do it.
But he did.
Because it was a matter of seconds then...
You were all hanging
on a thread so thin,
even the devil himself would not manage
to hold you on it.
But that Russian peasant
had enough heart,
yes, listen dummies,
not BALLS, you call heart,
but REAL heart
of sensitivity,
the greatest treasure there is,
the wisest thing there is,
the very essence of existence.
He simply FELT the world,
and he didn't think for a second
about his pride
or his "great nation".
No he simply felt LIFE as such.
Better make a Khrushchev Day.
This is an official request
from Acharya Veeren.
Better comply,
better comply.
And that day,
better be made a GLOBAL holiday
for ALL people
to remember the story,
that is about to unfold again.
Only this time,
you have a Freemason, monster,
ruling in your house of delusions,
so you don't have much hope.
Doomed you are, bio-robots.
Doomed to oblivion.
But I will not let you do that.
I shalt stand in front of all your lands of corruption,
in the white robe, naked,
no pockets, no chains,
and I shalt face you
and I shalt not move an inch,
and you can do all you want,
and there can be no compromise.
Nope, that is but an insult.
Stubborn is for kids,
But there is no mountain
in the world or beyond,
that can stand this way.
I call upon one of the brightest stars
the mankind has ever seen.
His name is Mansur,
The Great Massacred.
His last words were:
You can not kill me, fools,
and he laughed,
and I just add,
in the "modern terms":
Because it is not technically possible.
You can not simply look at the flag
with skull and bones,
and you MUST do it in the navy,
because that is a sacred act of submittal,
again, a mystical procedure,
and FEEL anything.
If you feel ANYTHING,
you would eventually feel so horrified,
realizing what kind of "job" are to do,
you would simply go mad.
Your mind would explode.
You MUST eventually become TOTALLY insensitive,
so these Freemasons, Bushes and woods,
no matter what derivative they are,
would be able to give the order
oh horrendous potence
to destroy the whole world,
free sucking, or otherwise.
Nice, huh?
Does ANYBODY know
that there exist no procedure
on those submarines on what to do
after the first strike?
Yup, yup.
One more time:
There are only procedures on how to release them
and how to follow any additional orders on
how to release more.
After that...
The instruction book for the bio-robots,
brainwashed to oblivion
to believe their "job"
is to protect freedom and democracy,
simply goes blank.
There exist no procedure on what to do after that.
Well, simple.
According to the top commanders of US military
and navy, they know 100% that this is the end of
the world.
There simply is no need to have any procedures
because those very bio-robots, even if they somehow,
magically, manage to make it to the shore alive,
once they get out of the boat,
they'd be dead in nanoseconds,
or even if they are not dead,
who gives a flying dead chicken,
because the whole planet Earth
is as dead, as it gets.
THAT is what this NWO thing is all about.
The work of the beast.
So is your so called "modern world",
at least in the lands of that evilest empire of all.
One more time:
I am Acharya Veeren,
the Self-Appointed Council of Osho,
poisoned by this very evil empire,
on the subjects of arts and science.
Poisoned according to direct instructions
and orders given by the president reganoid,
to Edwin the fat mouse,
the attorney general
of the united sucking states.
What I say is what you get.
What stands behind me
is Osho, Pythagoras, Socrates,
Jay Krishnamurti, Siberian Shamans,
Mansur and some other entities.
I came here for one reason,
but ended up doing
something else.
Fine. Not a problem at all.
We have plenty of results this way also.
Everything is fine and dandy.
You take care of me, like you did not take care
of your own child. That is for your own good.
Ok, back to the original subject.
Itshehebe piranha, the next big-8 fuehrer wannabe,
makes some ass licking, sucking sounds here,
running itshehebe's mealy mouth and licking Russ’s ass,
comparing him to those
"TRULLY responsible people".
Oh, you sucky piranha,
you triggered something
you can not even begin to comprehend.
The game is different now.
Oh no. I don't do "bad" things.
YOU do, fascists, you see.
Ima WEALLY nice peison.
I do no harm to anyone or anything.
But YOU do, and you do plenty.
In fact, that is about the only thing,
you are all "good at",
destruction of anything,
that does not align
with your perverted power hungry tendencies
of global domination,
so sick you have become.
Zo, itshehebe says:
"Russ is like our RESPONSIBLE
president Bush, push, push in the bush",
that pervert that 'never inhaled',
but even if he did,
it was such a long time ago,
it wouldn't even be funny by now.
You don't even know much about your new fuehrer
of the evil empire, or do you? All nicely suppressed,
just like in Germany, during the WWII period,
or in the socialist Russia, or places like that.
Now, that monster, who already destroyed
the infrastructure of Afghanistan,
one of the most devastated and the poorest
countries in the world,
tortured millions of totally innocent people,
just to get "the terrorist number one",
ended up getting the whole country of Afghanistan.
Is THAT how you deal with the sovereign nations?
Then your entire infrastructure
of the international affairs is finished.
Well, the terrorist number sucking one is who again?
Well, the same monster,
reigning the terror
throughout the entire planet Earth.
Now he can fabricate any excuse he wants
and attack any country he wants using this
"war on terrorism" guilt and fear manipulation
Nice, huh.
Interestingly enough, there is forever war on
anything that is a problem.
"War on drugs", "war on education", "war on terrorism"
and on and on and on.
The minds of these monsters are filled with war
to the brim. Their warring mind can not simply
comprehend that you do not solve ANYTHING with
these "wars". You only show what a monster you are.
These mentally retarded idiots are even able
to create "war on peace" it seems.
All they know is war.
"They talk about peace
while preparing for war".
- Osho.
That is why you have the military budget
of the USA at the highest level at any time
in its history. It has nothing to do with
this terrorism concoction. Terrorism has been
here since the dawn of civilization. It is here
and it will remain here until the people's
consciousness is on the level where it is.
You can not "win" that war.
Not possible, even in principle.
All you will manage to do
is to drag the whole world
into the last war in the mankind's history.
In order to "win" that war
you'd have to stop living.
And the evidence regarding Bin Laden's involvement is?
Oh, not even brought into the court room
to be considered by the judge and jury?
How exciting!
Truly New World Order has arrived.
Forget about law, justice, democracy,
freedom, privacy.
Basically, you can just shove that constitution
up your sorry asses.
There is basically nothing of it left
beyond your craving for violence,
the so called "freedom" to bare arms.
What kinda freedom is that?
Freedom to kill?
What do you do with arms?
Fart into a barrel?
I wish some of your so called heroes
would do that.
Would be nice if someone pulls the trigger.
Why suffer unnecessary?
Would be much more peaceful
on the planet Earth.
One more time:
Did they have the court proceedings started already?
Oh, they give a fuck about that, huh?
No need for that kind of "overhead"?
Nice progress have you made,
oh evilest of all evil,
calling others evil,
just to delude all,
and buy yourself a generation of time.
Then, suckazoids,
that is the END of democracy
as you know it.
That is the end of justice as you know it.
That is the end of your freedom,
lil did you know.
It is a TRULLY "new world order" now.
The verdict before the jury began.
THAT is what you have on your hands now.
One more time:
The verdict before even the court is in order.
WHO determines guilt?
Push, push in the bush?
Even BEFORE the court proceedings STARTED?
How funny.
They want to catch Bin Laden.
Three months have passed.
Afghanistan and its infrastructure,
of which there is not much to brag about
on the first place, is utterly destroyed/
The next wave of civil war
and fight between different
warlords and clans for control
has been started already.
The evil empire is closer to the southern border
of Russia, than it has ever been.
Now, they even have their own military bases
in the former USSR countries now.
Do you think they will EVER move out?
Did they move out of Saudi Arabia
since the Iraq conflict?
Interesting, ain't it.
And where is Bin Laden?
Btw, do you know what kinda family is he coming from?
Do you know how many billions upon billions of your
hard earned dollares has flown through those hands?
Do you know how many and what kinds of deals
and wheels and agreements
exist between your top brass and them?
Can you imagine that Bin Laden
will NEVER been caught?
You mean with all your advanced gadgets,
and defectors by tens of thousands,
and all your killer squads,
each carrying a few million dollars worth
of gadgets of all kinds conceivable,
with all your global spy satellite networks,
and all the other gadgets,
there is just no one
who knows the REAL story?
How funny.
How is it possible?
Ok, let us not rush the show.
Slowly, slowly.
One step at a time.
Then itshehebe says that "the responsible people
are solving the problems in the Middle East,
which is a lewsing proposition".
Nice, huh?
Oki, doki.
The BIGGEST problem in the Middle East was created
by whom recently?
Well, the same evil Bush, suckazoids.
As soon, as he became the president,
he IMMEDIATELY made a statement that
the USA won't waste much time on getting
involved in the Palestinian/Israeli dispute
and they should resolve it themselves.
What a nice hint.
Even itshehebe is prolly jealous.
What a masterpiece of deception!
And what happened next?
Well, who knows, may be the first phases
of the WWIII, just like the Afghanistan is.
Now you have a raging war going on there.
The Israel, armed to the tooth
by the same evil monsters, Freemasons and gang,
being given billions of dollars annually,
and, most likely, not as loans,
but according to some specially cooked up procedure.
So, this money never has to be paid back.
Nice, huh?
Is THAT how the IMF loans work?
Is THAT how the rest of the world is being treated?
When USSR felt apart and the west raged in joy,
how much assistance did Russia, Ukraine and former
USSR countries received?
Well, about 3 billion bucks annually, if you are lucky.
All in loans.
Now, 3 billion bucks for the country of the size of
Russia and Ukraine is what?
Well, it is like someone gives you a few pennies
as a loan and then goes on the idiot box
and brags about all the money they GIVE
as HELP. And all this money has to be returned.
But they never ever say they LOANED this money
and they never ever mention that Russia and even
USSR is on record of ALWAYS paying back any and
all loans back to the times of Czar.
But they make it sound like they are just giving
all this money left and right and omitting the
word "loan". You mean the American would simply
GIVE money to ANYBODY?
Not even funny.
At a time of global economic problems in 1998,
Mexico, one of the most corrupt countries in
the world, Indonesia and South Korea were given
how much assistance? Well 20 to 40 billion dollars
each. Literally within weeks.
Comparing the significance and impact of those
countries on the world affairs and world economic
stability to Russia, Ukraine and East European
countries, what do you see?
Well, another scam, of course.
The destruction of Russian and Ukrainian economies
were designed where and by whom?
Well, the dude from Harvard University by the
name Jeffrey Sacks. He was even awarded a
noble prize for such a rapid destruction of
the entire economy of former USSR in the record time.
There has never been an economy
in the entire history of mankind that has been
destroyed so effectively and so fast as it was
the case with Russia, Ukraine and former USSR
Well, no wonder this corrupt Noble committee,
controlled by the same interests gives him
a Noble prize for this grand scam.
Now, Israel gets to be armed to the tooth and nail
and receives a stable annual sum of money in billions
and that money does not have to be even paid back
most likely. They are kinda part of the budget of
the USA.
Israel conducts the military operations against
the officials, organizations and civilians in the
Palestine, using tanks, rockets, airplanes and helicopters
in a state terrorism campaign and even has guts
to call it "war on terrorism". But when Palestinians
are trying to free their land from the aggressors,
OCCUPYING those lands for nearly half the century,
they are called terrorists. All they have is rocks
and AK-47 rifles to defend themselves.
The USA introduces one of the most unprecedented
resolutions regarding withdrawals from the occupied lands,
that practically reverses its previous position.
They condemn the Israel in the harshest terms in history
for disproportional response. Then the US representative
goes to Israel and does not go to Palestine.
Why do you go talk to the one you condemn in harsh terms
and do not go talk to the one you don't?
The most amazing part of this scam is that the USA
reversed its own position and not only that,
but was the country to INTRODUCE that very resolution.
What a nice scam!
Sure, by now, it is clear as a bell as Israel
went completely mad with their military campaigns
against anything they like in Palestine.
To continue supporting Israel in the former framework
is to effectively expose your own face
as a face of evil.
That is why these masters of deceit and manipulation
decided to introduce that resolution. At the end,
they expect to be called "heroes" again and their
name will be recorded in the history books as
initiators of the breakthrough agreement.
That is how the masters of manipulation of symbology
operate even out of totally bankrupt position,
they were in, just before the introduction of that
That resolution should have been vetoed
by all the countries in the world as a symbolic
gesture. But nobody had enough guts to do it.
Furthermore, in that very resolution, there is
no specific term of establishment and recognition
of independent Palestinian state as it ought to
have been done. Instead, there is merely a mentioning
of withdrawal from the occupied territory and
a deception campaign calling it "effectively
recognizing the Palestinian state".
They can spend another 30 years truly recognizing
the Palestinian state. Meanwhile, violence will
go on and since Palestine is not even a state,
no international conventions and treaties are
applicable to the military operation and all
the other campaigns against the Palestinian people.
Well, the same Masonic scam.
Just another twist on it.
In the United Nations any resolution that
supports the Palestinian people simply gets vetoed
by the USA.
Nice, huh.
No wonder there is terrorism in the world.
What else are the Palestinian people to do
to defend their land and restore justice?
What CAN they do?
Now, why Israelis are not called terrorists
even though even the evil empire admits their
military attacks are "disproportionate"?
You mean the Palestinian rocks and rifles
are more terrorist than the American planes,
rockets and tanks, provided to Israelis?
According to what monkey logic?
One person hits another one.
That one hits him back.
Then the first one hits even harder
and so is the other.
Now. The cops come in and, call one person
a terrorist?
But which one?
If you use the argument "he did it first",
then you need to go back to the 1967, at the
very least, when Israel occupied the Palestinian
lands. Then, the Israel is terrorist.
If you use the argument that the one that hits
harder is a terrorist, then the terrorist turns
out Israel again.
If you use the argument of who is provoking it,
then the Israel is terrorist again as they
CLEARLY provoked pretty much predetermined
response by, first of all, building the housing
on the occupied territories.
And, as the latest thread of escalation of violence,
which goes back to more than a year ago,
what was the event that caused it?
Well, the insult to one of the most sacred Palestinian
religious sites when this Israeli monster, a prime
minister, went to SPECIFICALLY insult Palestinian
people, knowing ALL TOO WELL that the response
will be literally inevitable.
Who is the REAL terrorist?
Planet Earth,
planet Earth,
ANY active neurons on line?
Are missing something here?
I'd LOVE to hear the REAL story on this
Masonic scam.
The Palestinian people only have what to defend themselves?
Rocks? Or some AK-47 rifles they pass around
to shut at the tanks?
Nice arrangement.
Now, the Israel OCCUPIES the Palestinian land.
There WAS a formal resolution in the
United Nations, condemning it.
Why don't these monsters hit Israel
like they hit Iraq, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan?
What is the difference between one occupation
and another?
Anybody has a sucking clue?
Even to call it a double standard is simply senile.
It is not a double standard,
but a PURE form of monstrosity
and deception of the ultimate proportions,
done by the evilest of all evil.
Another nice twist is with Milosevic.
He is being judged by the international tribunal.
Well, but the story is that he was simply
fighting the same kind of terrorists, trying to
invade Kosovo, the ancient land with evidence
of it being the land of Slave people every
single block and every single street.
Some of the most beautiful and ancient temples
and churches in the world.
Now, those Albanian terrorists,
arms and drug dealers
were supported by whom again?
Well, the evil empire, of course.
The grossly exaggerated hype that there
were nearly 100 thousands of innocent people
killed by Yugoslavs turned out to be what?
Well, the typical lie again, what else?
When the investigators went there after the
conflict, they were expected to be overwhelmed
by all these mass graves and what did they find?
Sorry to tell you, nothing even worth mentioning.
It was on order of hundreds and not hundred
thousand. About a thousand times less than
all the hype seeking media and all the corrupt
politicians, lying their teeth off in their
never ending campaign of deception claimed
and claimed every single day.
The same tricks as Hitler's discovery.
By merely repeating the same lie ad nausea,
eventually it inevitably became the "truth"
and so everyone accepted it a such.
But it was an utter and complete lie
and a deliberate deception to sway the world
opinion to support these monsters from the
evil empire, destroying the infrastructure
of Yugoslavia.
So, those investigators went back home
frustrated and felt cheated indeed.
Just within the last couple of days,
the evilest empire of all,
massacred how many INNOCENT CIVILIAN people
in Afghanistan?
Well, more than in the entire conflict in Kosovo.
Now, they just kill anyone they like
and then put a label on their dead bodies:
"Terrorist", and so the whole world happily
and unquestionably supports them like they
are doing under direct guidance and instructions
by god.
What kind of monstrosity is that?
Even Ghingis Khan, Alexander da Great,
Napoleon, Hitler and other monsters would
have enough guts to do it in such an open
and deceitful manner. They'd try to at least
fabricate a case first and conduct a cooked
up the court proceedings before they kill
their victims.
But these servants of the beast with the faces
of monsters do not even need that much.
Question: will the evilest empire of all
be EVER brought to the international war
tribunal to face "justice" by their appointees
in that very court.
You must be kidding, aren't ya?
Now, the destruction of retreating army
that does not pose resistance,
just like it was in Iraq is what?
Well, it is a WAR crime.
One more time:
at least according to the international conventions.
What are we dealing with here?
What a dumb question!
We are dealing with global hegemony of evil.
Simple as it is.
The evilest of ALL evil
that ever was, is, or even CAN be in principle.
How long do you think it is going to continue
before all the Arab countries say:
"Fuck it, enough is enough.
We need to organize better,
just like we did in the Oil Cartel,
and oppose those Freemasons
and stand behind OUR people"?
Get the drift?
You have a WWIII cooking on your plate.
Afghanistan, a lil more oil on the pan
in Israel/Palestine region,
slowly, slowly,
you'll be there in no time.
The pity is, the whole world will be with you,
monsters with mealy mouths, bragging about
the freedom and democracy, justice and piss,
while destroying it left and right.
Yes, piss. That is not a typo.
On the top of a pile of shit,
the size of which
the world has never seen before
in its entire history.
You destroyed thousands of years of work
by the mankind, groping slowly, slowly
to make life more humane, peaceful and
orderly, to create the concepts of justice,
human rights, democracy, freedom
and the international treaties and organizations.
You destroyed it all by now.
What is left of it?
And for what?
Hey, itshehebe piranha with the shark teeth,
you are the next fuehrer wannabe.
Tell me, for what?
Then she says that the same "responsible people"
are "looking for the cure for cancer".
Nice, huh.
Trying to make a subtle,
subconscious association
between CLEARLY "good" and that,
which they want to fabricate as "good",
while knowing all too well,
it is the evilest of all evil there is.
So, within one sentence, this pervert
connects Russ Allbery, the godfather of brainwashing
with the world "heroes", like that criminal, Bush,
and makes an associative link with fighting cancer,
which is clearly and obviously something "good",
to wrap it all up.
A masterpiece of deception indeed.
This is just a typical technique, used nearly every
sentence these perverts open their sucky input holes
and say anything.
Itshehebe piranha is evil ok.
As evil, as it gets.
That is EXACTLY the kind of people,
that forever crave for power,
control, domination and oppression.
The perverts.
That is your next fuehrer in the making,
dummies, supporting all this humongous
oppression of your freedom to speak
and exchange your ideas without some
fascist censor canceling your articles
left and right or depriving you the ability
to associate as you please,
which is a violation of one of the
most BASIC, mind you, BASIC human RIGHTS.
You understand?
It is a RIGHT, not a "privilege".
You have a GIVEN right to associate
and associate as YOU please, and not some
fascist, telling you where, when or how.
Signed by nearly all the countries in the world
into the international conventions on Basic Human Rights.
All these deceitful associations, perversions
and deceit is one of the MAIN aces in the deck
of the evil empire, doing all they can
to destroy any other alternative
to the system of ruthless exploitation
of everything that moves
and does not move for that matter.
Hey, itshehebe, what did you do with the cards
on the table?
"Mixing shit with sand to make a statue of Reagan"?
Well, as the story goes,
there is not enough shit for that.
That honorary 33rd degree Freemason, Reagan,
is so full of it, there isn't enough shit
in the whole free sucking world
to make a statue of him.
Poor you, poor you.
> please, people. develop a sense of perspective for what
> responsible, knowledgeable people could and should be doing, will
> ya?
Here comes the guilt manipulation trick.
Directly from the Aryan race's ass.
On your knees, mortals.
Your mommy has arrived.
Or is it your daddy?
Well, I have no clue, weally.
You are ALL guilty, bio-robots!
You need itshehebe
to protect you from "evil".
> hunting down bloxy's isn't even remotely on the list of things the
> big-8 needs.
Itshehebe, being the next fuehrer wannabe,
knows what big-8 TRULLY needs.
But you, lil bio-robots,
how COULD you POSSIBLY know what YOU need?
You need to be told
what is what,
how to think,
what to say,
where to go,
how to associate,
and who you are.
Otherwise, you'll simply get confused,
at least as this shark claims.
Because that program in the CPU between
your ears has such a limited instruction set,
you'll lock up before you even say hello.
I'd LOOOOOVE to see that list.
All these dummies, that try to bite the ass of someone,
they'd LOVE to annihilate, poison, hang or kill,
do not even realize what kinda shit is gonna blow up
into PIRANHAS face and theirs.
Poor you,
poor you.
> why in the world should russ get involved?
YOU are here.
First of all, Russ was supposed to retire almost a year ago.
It was announced about a year and a half ago,
but he was pissed that the idea was not originated by him,
but by Bloxy's.
Finally, Russ realized it is time
"to move on to better things",
because, by now, he does not look much better
than Mr. Big Red Ass, Jay Denebeim,
one of the most blatant fascist oppressors
in the entire history of big-sucking-8,
a typical excuse of the cowards,
that eventually get exposed
for what they truly are,
just like those Bushes,
that will end up being the vice presidents
of some of the major military contractors
or shit of that grade, once they retire.
And all this stupid filth and infidels
are bringing up Russ back into equation,
like HE is the real master of disaster.
You are such a filth, bio-robots.
You are so guilty of...
Well..., long story indeed.
Unless piranha puts you straight
and tells you what are those TRUE and GENUINE
issues of big-8, you will self destruct here
it seems.
You want to bite whose ass again?
Your own?
Oki, doki.
Be my guest.
Full service, just as usual.
Ima weally nice peison,
I toldya.
I service any kind of lice.
Come suck my ass.
It is so full of sweet, sweet blood.
You'll be swimming in it.
> you
> might wish to entertain the idea that he has a life, and that what
> volunteer work he already does is plenty to fill up his free time.
Russ has to retire.
He sucks so bad,
that it is much better for him to just split.
You need a new fuehrer anyways.
Fresh blood and all that...
Tale abandoned you
totally and completely,
and even if he still exists,
he never talks to mortals anyways.
So, it is not clear
how you can call someone your representative
if he never even bothers to talk to
his "electorate".
At the very best, he has zome sucky perl script,
to piss in your faces in automated manner.
At least you have a happy volunteer, piranha,
willing to work itshehebe's ass for your benefit,
totally for free. No money, no honey. Nothing.
Just pure service to mankind.
Dedication like you never seen before.
PURE love of heart
for the benefit of ALL mankind.
What a deal!
Why are you trying to resurrect Russ?
He is dead,
al least as far, as Usenet goes.
Sure, he can still torture you here and there
and he is probably still a maintainer of your
most popular news server software, INN,
getting some "sponsorship" money from the
Defense Information Systems Agency, DISA,
just as sponsors link from Internet Software Consortium,
ISC, reflects.
But he can just disappear from the obvious
and dedicate his time on getting your arses
properly lined up via very news propagation
infrastructure and the underlying protocols,
such as NNTP.
PLENTY of "progress" has been made already.
This puppy is ready for the next phase
in world domination and hegemony of evil.
You'll see.
Didn't he tell you he has "better things to do"
than wasting his valuable time on you?
Are you as dumb, as a piece of wood?
Or dumber?
> if you think this guy is abusive (and i grant you that he is), you
> have the same power as every one of us has -- you can determine
> his ISP, and you can request that his ISP deal with him.
Zig hail!
The first task of ANY fuehrer
is to annihilate the dissidents.
Good luck, itshehebe.
Have a nice hearty lick
on my noble Russian ass.
You, being the pure Aryan race of rulers,
simply LOOOVE to suck on the royal Russian ass.
Plenty of evidence on record.
But, just to put things in perspective,
it might be a good idea to first go see
The Hermitage in St. Petersburg
just to realize what a slime you are,
while, at the same time, thinking
you are some kind of an Aryan race
of pure blooded.
It kinda brings you back to life
and excites your dulled imagination.
I know that.
Well, be my guest.
> hint:
> you wouldn't be the first.
You'd be sucking like the rest.
For as long, as you...
Well, lets leave zome fun for the future.
> but maybe there is power in numbers in
> this case;
Yup, yup.
Dropping a hint here and there?
Nice woik. But you didn't WEALLY inhale, right?
Conspiracies ALWAYS work.
There is ALWAYS power in numbers,
in ANY kind of sucking enterprise.
Just one suckazoid sucks.
Sure he/she sucks pretty good indeed.
No question abouts its.
But when you get a thousand of those...
Do they suck good.
Even black holes feel jealous.
> i wouldn't know.
No, how would you?
Such an innocence!
Such a sincerity.
Such a purity of heart.
Such a dedication to the issues of public service
and freedom.
How would even the idea arise in a head like yours?
Btw, did you upgrade that CPU between your ears?
I have heard, they are running at 2 gigs right now.
I wouldn’t be surprised you are still running
on an equivalent of a kerosene engine,
looking at your logic.
Yup, you can only drop hints here and there.
Not that you EVER suggest anything,
or anything like that.
But sure, there is a possibility
to do zome creative manipulations.
Go consult alt.freemasonry.
Those dudes are the masters of it all.
We had zome friendly chats with them.
I like their style.
I have to admit,
you suck so bad,
only if you knew how bad you suck
compared to the real Freemasons.
Not that I claim you are some unreal thing.
Do you need zome links?
There are some web pages on specific techniques
of manipulation and fabrication,
deceit, redirections and things like that.
Powerful stuff, I tellya.
Russ knows plenty of that.
Ask him.
> you can also alias them out, you
> wouldn't be alone in that either.
Yup, yup.
Not only you get rid of the "problem" for yourselves,
but you will prevent ALL of your customers
from seeing all this "horrible" stuff,
"corrupting the minds of youth",
the main charge against Socrates,
who gave you the idea of Democracy.
Nice, itshehebe.
Doing a good woik zo far,
making a big red ass off yourself.
Just like a REAL fuehrer.
I like your style. Subtle but perverse.
Just like that Russ.
You have something in common.
What could that be?
> on the other hand, accounts are a dime a dozen, and i personally
> find it easier to killfile abusive people if they don't hop from
> one to the next.
Hop, hop, hop.
Where AM I right now?
Oh, is it you, bio-robots, here again?
How unfortunate.
Any place I hop,
I see the same faces.
Must be zome karma-marma.
>-- piranha
[Pissing against the wind]
March 19, 2002
FWIW, the checkgroups showed up here, passed our PGP verification, and
was processed (no changes resulted).
Andrew, Supernews - individual and corporate NNTP services
It has in the past they have showen checkgroup posts. If checkgroups
was only sent to control I do not believe google will pick it up.
> >I do belevie Russ sent the post.
> Actually, I sent the post, on behalf of Russ and piranha and myself.
> Russ sent the post about checkgroups, and the checkgroups itself.
Okay you sent the post. Looking back it was signed by three and sent
from not Russ' account.
But did the usenet PARTICIPANTS approved this
"power" transition?
>Todd McComb
<> wrote:
>Longtime news.announce.newgroups moderator David C. Lawrence aka
>"Tale" is unable to continue in his public role, as he will be
>dedicating more time to his private life. We hope the entire Usenet
>community joins us in wishing him well, and thanking him for his
>years of service.
>The PGP key to issue control messages in the Big 8 (comp, humanities,
>misc, news, sci, soc, talk) hierarchies has been passed to Russ
>Allbery. Russ's long association with Tale and dedication to the
>Usenet community serves to insure that there will be no disruption
>to the affairs of the Big 8 or news.announce.newgroups.
Well, this simply exposes the lie, perpetuated by the
power hungry "rulers" of big-8, claiming big-8 is some
kind of a democratic system.
If this were a democratic system, then...
Well, then the issues of concern to the entire set of
hierarchies are to be resolved via voting process.
This "passing of power" also invalidates the entire
"voting" scam. Otherwise, on what basis you torture
people for months during the group creation scam,
insulting, rediculing and harassing them, while
you are trully a totalitarian clique, passing "power"
via appointment by the previous fuehrer, David Lawrence
aka tale?
>In fact, some elements of Usenet administration which had been
>unavoidably neglected in the recent past will be returned to a
>healthier footing. For instance, checkgroups will be issued shortly.
>In order to improve the administration of the Big 8, more teamwork
>and team decision-making have been instituted. Immediately joining
>Russ in overseeing the Big 8 process are Group Advice members
>piranha and Todd M. McComb. A broader group of volunteers will
>be collected in order to better cover the needs of news.announce.newgroups
>and the various Big 8 databases during periods when any one volunteer
>might be overwhelmed.
>This plan has the explicit approval of Tale
Explicit APPROVAL of Tale, associated with ISC,
Internet Software Consortium,,
sponsored in part by DISA, Defense Information Systems Agency?
So, will the ISC get out of the loop finally?
Anybody wants to take a bet on this?
> and will be undertaken
>with continued cooperation and support from,
Oh, here it is.
All the bets are off.
>as per his desire.
But this whole scam supposed to be democracy,
at least as you, perverts, peddle it.
So, you ARE admitting in this very post that
it IS in fact a totalitarian system?
Well, the "vote" scam is but history now.
> At this time, the formerly-unofficial group creation
>guidelines prepared by Russ Allbery
I thought he claimed they are "official".
So, you ARE admitting they were forever Unofficial?
> will appear as the new official
>guidelines, also with the full consent of Tale.
Does Tale OWN the big-8?
Is he the ONLY one that counts?
Well then.
You yourself with your own hand PROVED
he always was a PURE grade dictator,
a fuehrer of big-8.
But what about DA people, you perverts?
>Further revisions to streamline the group creation process are
>planned, with an eye toward making it less frustrating for all
ALL concerned?
Meaning this new clique of dictators,
the Trilateral Commission?
> These will proceed according to 1) Time needed to update
>scripts created by Tale, 2) Public sentiment,
What does it mean public "sentiment"?
How is it going to impact ANYTHING,
if ALL you have is a PURE grade dictatorship
and totalitarianism?
>and 3) Desire not to
>change too much too quickly.
>In this time of transition, we are sad to see Tale go, as well as
>heartened and optimistic about our new ability to fix those portions
>of the process which had fallen into neglect. We hope that the
>Usenet community joins us in that enthusiasm, while retaining
>patience for the unavoidable problems which will occur along the
>Russ Allbery
>Todd McComb
So, WHO elected your so called "moderation team"?
Here is a picture of one of these "rulers",
Todd McComb from
Looks like a genuine public servant.
Red horns, satanic look and all that.
VERY appropriate.
Oh, another trilateral commission,
Russ, piranha and Todd McComb?
What a company!
Zig heil!
>We definitely *should* fix the archiving issue. I believed the
>announcement would be archived. There are lots of things we need
>to fix.
>Todd McComb
I like your picture with red horns
on that totally fascist version of usenet, Usenet 2
> FWIW, the checkgroups showed up here, passed our PGP verification, and
> was processed (no changes resulted).
Cool, I didn't break anything. I was pretty sure because I double-checked
it locally, but it's good to have confirmation.
Now will UNS use it? *sighes* At least a current checkgroup can be
used (if I can find it in archives) to try to get them to configure
flags correctly.
I do know the change was being worked on and that you were doing alot of
the work already. I certainly hope that broken parts of the big-8 will
be fixed in the next few months.
May blessings be with you and the mod team in this endevor.
--- Aahz <*> (Copyright 2002 by
Hugs and backrubs -- I break Rule 6
Androgynous poly kinky vanilla queer het Pythonista
"There are ways of doing things so that they reflect more favorably on the
Earth government. And so it was decided you needed a political officer.
Someone who could whisper in your ear. Who could warn you about governmental
policies you might 'bump into'. Someone who could keep you from making
costly political mistakes that might jeopardize your career back home."
--JMS, "Voices of Authority"
> Todd Michel McComb wrote:
> > In article <>, <> wrote:
> > >Google does not report any posting of a checkgroup Yet.
> > I don't know if Google shows control messages or not....
> It has in the past they have showen checkgroup posts. If checkgroups
> was only sent to control I do not believe google will pick it up.
I think this is probably correct.
Numerous hierarchies auto-post their checkgroups to news.admin.hierarchies.
While this is arguably a serious waste of bandwidth, and while it does
make it kinda hard to find the discussion posts in nah, I do want to
raise one issue.
When checkgroups were first issued by Gene Spafford, there were
numerous complaints from people with older versions of the news
software. This, not the inet distribution, is the historic reason
checkgroups were always posted as normal rather than control messages;
the inet distribution just put the nails in the coffin. I recognise
that nobody today is running a news server program written after the
creation of checkgroups (except for a few hobbyists running a 1980
version of A News).
But the side effect is that we had a publicly posted, and usually
archived, document listing the Big 8 groups. I think my posts of
last winter have already shown how valuable such documents can be
for historical purposes. It's worth mentioning that for the period
from late 1996 to January 1, 2002 I have *NO* other lists; there are
other means for tracking the changes in the Big 8 - specifically the
news.announce.newgroups archive - but these require immensely more
effort to use and are apparently also unreliable, if this thread is
any indication. (For much of this period the UVV posts also provide
such a means, with similar difficulties.) Basically, the checkgroups
of 1998-2000 are all there is for the researcher in a hurry.
Given the present rate of change in the Big 8 list, such lists don't
need to be made very often; the semi-monthly checkgroups of 1998-2000
are, for historical purposes, overkill. I actually prepared a bare-bones
List of Active Newsgroups post last January 1, based on the active file
at, with the intent of posting it at least to news.lists.misc
(I forget where else, but not news.announce.newusers anyway). I still
have hopes of posting that list, no matter how late it is, *as* a
historical resources, once I have an ISP again (it's on my home computer)
and once I can figure out an appropriate Newsgroups: header. (The reason
I didn't post it at the time was that tale, who was after all the *last*
person to post a List of Active Newsgroups, is the moderator of
news.lists.misc - or was - has that changed too? And no matter how
mean I've been to him, I didn't want to insult him *that* directly.)
Anyway, back to my point. I would think that a once-a-year list of
groups, publicly posted, would be adequate for many purposes. I do
think it might be worth posting a trial balloon to news.admin.hierarchies
to see how many people actually make use of the publicly posted-ness of
the checkgroups that appear there; if there are enough such people, then
perhaps publicly posting (*as well as* control-message posting) the
checkgroups, perhaps not as often as control-message posting, would be
a good idea.
But if the new team, hooray for whom, don't want to deal with that,
I'll be perfectly willing to do once-a-year lists as my connect status
and so forth allow.
Joe Bernstein
Joe Bernstein, writer