In its May issue, FUTURECASTS online magazine - at
www.futurecasts.com - presents two Book Reviews: Wallace (Princeton U.),
"The Future of Ethnicity, Race, & Nationality; and, Inkeles (Hoover Inst.),
"One World Emerging?", which describe current global convergence ("melting
pot") processes and evaluate prospects for their future continuation and
Also in the May issue, FUTURECASTS begins its "Authoritative Myths"
series with its list of classic "20th Century Futurecasting Absurdities."
From pronouncements by Steffens on the left at the beginning of the century
to Gingrich on the right at the end - the list sets forth obviously absurd
assertions and forecasts that nevertheless were initially taken seriously by
significant segments of the population, but which ultimately were clearly
refuted by events. It is well to keep in mind the frequency with which
widely respected, sometimes highly credentialed authoritative individuals
have published the most absurd nonsense - and why it is vital to always
"question authority" to avoid having our understanding of the present
clouded - and our view of future prospects distorted.
Also in the May issue, FUTURECASTS continues its Depression Chronology
series with "The Debate Begins (beginning 1931)," bringing into focus
initial contemporary views of the causes of and cures for the Great
Depression. By presenting the chronological facts of that traumatic episode,
it is hoped to demystify an event that has for a variety of ideological
reasons been subjected to intentional obfuscation.
FUTURECASTS' Depression Chronology series - containing a wealth of
factual information - available in practical form nowhere else - will be
made available to educators for class use and distribution. This material
covers one of the most important, controversial and dramatic periods in
history, and constitutes a significant teaching resource and stimulus for
classroom discussion for pertinent history, economics, and political science
courses. Details are available on the FUTURECASTS web site.
In the June issue, FUTURECASTS will continue its Depression Chronology
series with "The Collapse of International Finance (end 1931)," and its
Authoritative Myths series, as well as presenting a Book Review: Shleifer &
Vishny, "The Grabbing Hand," analyzing the "pathologies" that afflict
government policy and the means available to deal with them.
Dan Blatt, Publisher,
FUTURECASTS online magazine,