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Welcome to newsgroups and Usenet!

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NNQ Moderation Team

Apr 2, 2013, 3:18:56 AM4/2/13
Welcome to newsgroups and Usenet!

The newsgroups news.announce.newusers and news.newusers.questions are
intended as resources for newcomers to newsgroups.
News.announce.newusers is a "read-only" newsgroup with a collection of
basic information about newsgroups. News.newusers.questions is a
discussion newsgroup where you can post questions about newsgroups and
(hopefully!) get answers.

This posting is one of a set of standard informational articles
that are cross-posted regularly to news.newusers.questions and
news.announce.newusers. They contain general information about
newsgroups and pointers to further sources of information. The
current articles in this set are:

Welcome to newsgroups and Usenet!
What newsgroups are and how they work
Common questions about using newsgroups

If you are reading this article in news.announce.newusers, please
note that this group is strictly moderated and does not accept
ordinary postings. If you try to post a follow-up (response) to
one of these articles, it will automatically appear only in
news.newusers.questions. If you try to post a new message (that
is not a follow-up) in news.announce.newusers, it will
automatically be rejected.

If you want to post questions or comments about this article,
please post them in news.newusers.questions instead.

If you would like to add a new article to this set, please contact
the news.newusers.questions Moderation Board <>,
or post to news.newusers.questions. We welcome contributions and
suggestions, provided that they complement the existing articles

In general, before posting in news.newusers.questions, as with any
other online forum, you should first try to find the answer to
your question yourself. Possible sources include:

+ Your newsreader software's documentation
+ Your Internet service provider's or newsgroup service
provider's support staff
+ The news.newusers.questions web site
+ A search engine such as <> or

Also, news.newusers.questions is specifically for questions and
answers about using newsgroups and other general Internet
services. If you post a question about some other topic, you are
likely to be redirected to other newsgroups or other sources of
information on that topic.

This article was last revised on 31 December 2009.

The NNQ Moderation Board <>
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