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Moderator Vacancy Investigation (MVI)

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Big 8 Management Board

Sep 12, 2017, 6:34:38 PM9/12/17
moderated group

This is a formal Moderator Vacancy Investigation (MVI), begun because
moderated newsgroup is not
functioning, and may have been abandoned by its moderator(s).

This investigation will attempt to verify the reasons for non-function,
and may result in the removal of the group or the selection and
installation of a new moderator. In practice, the Big-8 Management Board
considers the third alternative--changing the status of the group from
moderated to unmoderated--as likely to cause more harm than good.


According to Stephen Thomas Cole, in a post to news.groups.proposals on
February 11th 2017 (As detailed in article
<o7kfvs$fui$> posted to news.groups.proposals
February 11th) the group has ceased functioning.

The last post was approved on 2016-05-19, which seems to be after the
modbot died so was likely posted outside of moderation.

Probe posts showed no result. Eventual contact with the remaining
moderator via Twitter (as detailed in post made to news.groups.proposals
February 11th) revealed that the modbot had failed and that the
moderator had little or no interest in resurrecting moderation.

NEWSGROUPS LINE: Sports Entertainment. (Moderated)



CHARTER OF is to be a forum for the
discussion of all aspects of professional wrestling. As such, all
manner of discussion related to professional wrestling is considered to
be on-topic, including but not limited to:

1) Show reports,
2) Discussions of match, house show, television show and PPV results and
quality (or lack thereof),
3) Discussions of the business aspects of pro wrestling such as angles,
booking, promoting, acquisition and development of talent, including
speculation as to the future,
4) History of pro wrestling,
5) Personal experiences, and anecdotes on pro wrestling,
6) Discussion of upcoming house shows, television programs, PPVs and
7) Discussion of secondary media such as tapes, newsletters, and
8) Limited announcements of upcoming shows, television/radio programs,
and matches,
9) Regularly posted FAQs and FAQ related documents,
10) All posts to Rec.Sports.Pro-Wrestling.Info ("RSPWI"), to be posted
by the moderator of RSPWI to RSPWM unless requested by the author that
the article not be posted to RSPWM,
11) Other forms of sports entertainment for which no group currently

The following items are off-topic, and may be rejected by the moderation

1) Encoded binaries, or requests for binaries.
2) HTML-encoded posts.
3) Blank posts.
4) Articles with all quoted text, and no original text. Such posts as
a "me too" are also off-topic by this criteria.
5) Duplicate posts, either by accident or design.
6) Spews or floods of a large number of articles for a single
individual or group.
7) Posts written as if the poster were a professional wrestling persona.
Such posts include works of fiction (e.g. the RSPWF).
8) "News posts" that are intended to be taken seriously (not obviously
satire) but are patently untrue. Known false rumors are also
considered off topic by this criteria.
9) Requests for the posting of information, when that information can be
reasonably be expected to be posted shortly, shall be rejected.
(ex. PPV results, FAQs). If appropriate, the moderator may mail such
information, or the location of such information, directly to the
poster (ex. FAQs).
10) Posts whose primary purpose is to advertise for a web page.
11) Any advertisement that has been posted to RSPWM within the previous
fourteen days.
12) A post that, in the opinion of the moderator, in whole or in part,
is meant to insult or anger any poster or reader of the newsgroup
(aka a "flame") is considered off topic and shall be rejected.
[Posts that are directed at the content of a previous post are
acceptable; ad homeneim attacks are not.]
13) A post that, in the opinion of the moderator, in whole or in part,
is meant to provoke any poster or reader of the newsgroup (aka a
"troll") is considered off topic and shall be rejected.
14) Any post that, in the opinion of the moderator, does not contain
on topic material. This may include posts with some on-topic
content, or with an "ObWrestling," if in the opinion of the moderator
the post is essentially off topic.

The moderators shall not use personal opinion as to the "quality" of
the post in determining approval/rejection. All posts shall be
approved except where rejection criteria is specified.

It is expected that this charter will be modified by the readership
over time as needed. The procedure for modification will be similar
to standard Usenet guidelines, except as follows:

- news.groups and news.announce.newgroups need not be involved
- Discussion and voting periods are 14 days.
- Should UVV members be unable/unwilling to run the vote, the RSPWI
moderator or their consenting designee shall run the vote.


The first recorded newgroup control is dated 1998-03-12


10 September 2017: MVI

Big 8 Management Board

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