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ISP Ratings

Jan 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/11/98
to (Daniel R. Reitman) wrote:
- (Rai of Minoc, on the Sonoma shard) wrote:
->. . . .
-> Not at all. To the best of my knowledge, noone has ever been
->charged with any crime for canceling Usenet articles, let alone
->prosecuted or convicted.
->. . . .
-Maybe not, but I predict that sooner or later someone is going to sue
-someone for running a cancelbunny.

The CEO of TIAC, Tim Jackson, has pledged to sue those who
forge cancels on any of his users posts. Since a lot of them have
been forged cancelled of late I think we can expect a lawsuit quite


- Dan, ad nauseam

Bill Stewart-Cole

Jan 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/11/98

In article <699s81$>, "S. M. Slamon"
<> wrote:

> [ newsgroups deboursified ]
> In ISP Rantings <> wrote:
> : Since a lot of them have been forged cancelled of late I think

> : we can expect a lawsuit quite soon.

> Sure we can. Just like we can expect even *one* of the myriad of
> lawsuit threats made by Grubor to end up on a docket somewhere
> 'quite soon'.

Actually, the $cientology cancelbunny (and the attempted rmgroup) are part
of Grady Ward's countersuit against RTC.

He will lose on those point however (I am as formally qualified in the law
as Grady's lawyer[1], so take that for what it is worth)

[1] As in, NOT at all qualified[2].
[2] Which is no insult, as he's acting pro se.

Bill Stewart-Cole
I'm not spam-blocked because I like playing the hardass net-fascist.

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