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God bless Professor Chode-ov?

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Apr 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/29/98
to (JungleAcid) escribió en artículo:

>Couldn't stop (Archie Leach) from writing:
>> Eew. I hate it when I realize I might have been so unwittingly staring
>> into Nietzsche's abyss....
>"How have we made weverything around us clear and free and easy and
>simple! how we have been able to give our senses passport to
>everything superficial, our thoughts a divine desire for wanton leaps
>and wrong inferences! how from the beginning we have contrived to
>retain our ignorance in order to enjoy an almost inconceivable
>freedom, lack of scruple and caution, heartiness, and gaiety of
>life--in order to enjoy life! And only on this now solid, granite
>foundation of ignorance could knowledge rise so far--the will to
>knowledge on the foundation of a far more powerfull will: the will to
>ignorance, to the uncertain, to the untrue! Not as it's opposite,
>but--as it's refinement!"
> - Mr. Nietzsche.

Or, perhaps;

"Battle not with monsters, lest you become a monster. Gaze not into
the abyss, for the abyss gazes also into you."
-Fred Nietzsche

coochie coo
ben capoeman mhm 15x1 wsd10 balloo at wilhelp dot com
jelliebun's dainty ursine of delight meow meow

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