Apparently interest in has waned.
Its moderators report that for some time nearly all they've been
seeing has been delisting requests for blocklists that don't care
to run delisting queues of their own. Thus, back in May, 2010,
the moderation team (from which I had resigned/retired back in
Feb. 2009) decided to shut the thing down.
Which, for whatever reasons, hasn't happened yet.
So I've "come out of retirement," as it were, to make it happen.
Since I was the group's co-proponent, I suppose I might as well
see to its demise. (At least in its current form.)
Sometime in the not-too-far-distant future, I guess NANABl
will either cease to exist or become an unmoderated newsgroup.
My argument would be to rmgroup it, being as, without moderation,
one imagines it would simply duplicate
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the many fine people
who gave of their free time and their knowledge to make NANABl the
useful resource it once was.
Jim Seymour -
LinxNet Spam Files:
"Some of the lies are so strange it makes you wonder about the spammer's
sanity." - Ed Foster, "The Gripe Line" 6/24/02
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