I want to pay to clean a IP address from client, but, some IT without
credit card click No, and now we do not click to pay.
The IP Address is the related.
Please, tell me how I can pay to clean.
Comments posted to news.admin.net-abuse.blocklisting
are solely the responsibility of their author. Please
read the news.admin.net-abuse.blocklisting FAQ at
http://www.blocklisting.com/faq.html before posting.
Why do you want to waste your money to get de-listed from that list?
It is not a mail blocklist. Your mail will not be blocked because you
are on that list, unless you are trying to send to an extremly stupid
mail receiver who did not understand that it is not a blocklist.
I would just ignore the listing, it will go away by itself.
>Dear All:
>I want to pay to clean a IP address from client, but, some IT without
>credit card click No, and now we do not click to pay.
>The IP Address is the related.
>Please, tell me how I can pay to clean.
IIRC, Backscatterer also accepts PayPal...
He clicked "I don't like expressdelistings".
>The IP Address is the related.
>Please, tell me how I can pay to clean.
I have reenabled the expressdelisting option for you.
Try again, but make sure your system does no longer backscatter before you pay,
otherwise it would be a waste of money.
Claus von Wolfhausen
Technical Director