My host is listed on
Entry matching your Query: E-356058
CASE: C-1010
Dynamic IP space, generic DNS/rDNS, no PTR
Direct connections to MX not permitted, you
need to use your ISP servers or smarthostSpecial Reason:
Dynamic IP, generic DNS, missing rDNS/PTR not permitted for direct
email connection. You must use correctly configured [with registered
working abuse contact] static IP / ISP mail servers / smarthost
Entry created 2008-06-08
I recognized that the PTR (DNS reverse mapping) was missing. I fixed
this problem yesterday morning. But the host is still listed on APEWS.
The FAQ says the APEWS listing will b removed automatically when the
problem is fixed. This can take up to 8 hours.
Is the problem still present or do I just have to wait some more time?
Comments posted to
are solely the responsibility of their author. Please
read the FAQ at before posting.
{I certainly missing where it says that.}
Where does it say that? Please quote exactly and provide a link.
I very much doubt that APEWS is doing any kind of active
checking of IPs they have listed to see if the reason they
have them listed goes away.
{There appears to be on the order of sixteen thousand CIDRs
in APEWS L2 current zone file.}
> This can take up to 8 hours.
"There can be up to a eight (8) hour time lag in the
de-listing process. "
I think that is more likely about something like,
after they actually delist a IP,
till their DNS zone file gets updated.
> Is the problem still present
N.A.N-A.Bl readers can only guess.
Which IP might you be referring to?
I only see one relevant entry in their current zone file Listed at APEWS-L2 - visit$
> or do I just have to wait some more time?
Based on past observations, likely a very long time.
{Barring some undocumented method to cause APEWS to
recheck a IP's RDNS PTR.}
E-Mail Sent to this address <>
will be added to the BlackLists.
That's It's a network, not a single IP.
> I recognized that the PTR (DNS reverse mapping) was missing.
Presence (or absence) of rDNS for a single host is not an adequate
reason for de-listing (or listing) a /16.
> I fixed this problem yesterday morning. But the host is still listed
> on APEWS.
The problem is more likely in this area: Dynamic IP space, generic
DNS/rDNS. I.e. maybe the netblock isn't dynamic space; but APEWS seems
to think it is.
Note that the rDNS for the network address is:
Let's try rDNS =
That certainly looks/smells generic. The rDNS seems to be a function of
the IP address.
> Is the problem still present or do I just have to wait some more
> time?
If there really is a problem, then fixing the rDNS for a single host
won't have fixed it. I doubt that waiting will change anything.
>My host is listed on
Your host or the IP block it's in? Are you Deutsche Telekom?
>I recognized that the PTR (DNS reverse mapping) was missing. I fixed this
>problem yesterday morning.
For one IP address or for the entire block? The first couple of IP
addresses I tried had generic rDNS to subdomains of
Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, truly insane Spews puppet
I reserve the right to publicly post or ridicule any abusive
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