The best way to deal with this listing source is to inform the people
who use their listing service and tell them what backscatter is up to.
Enough anger will eventually get results. I've informed the owner of
the business that my company provides IT services for and they are
truly outraged.
I attempted to post previously on this site. It was, of course,
blocked. I'm curious to see what reason they use to block this message.
Comments posted to
are solely the responsibility of their author. Please
read the FAQ at before posting.
It would be hard to post the contents of a message,
if they reject the attempt to send a message to a spamtrap,
before the SMTP transaction gets to the data stage.
If they rejected after the end of data, then they could
have the content.
> The best way to deal with this listing source is to inform
> the people who use their listing service and tell them
> what backscatter is up to.
If mail server administrators are using DNSbls without
being aware of their listing and delisting policies,
or monitoring what each DNSbl returns for their mailflow
spam and ham, and adjusting how the DNSbl is used by their
SpamControl's rejecting / scoring / filtering / ...
or if their endusers are not getting messages the endusers
need / want / expect, then their endusers are likely to
give them negative feedback.
Complaints from senders who don't like being listed by
DNSbls are much less likely to get much traction.
> Enough anger will eventually get results.
Really, what kind of results?
Tilting at windmills?
> I've informed the owner of the business that my company
> provides IT services for and they are truly outraged.
(Shrug) ... and who cares?
If _recipients_ don't need / want / expect messages that
are being sent from your mail servers, I can't see why
anyone else would care much about your (or your companies
owner's) opinion about a DNSbl, than you care about the
DNSbl's opinion.
> I attempted to post previously on this site.
> It was, of course, blocked.
> I'm curious to see what reason they use to block this message.
They? They who? The moderators of the USENET newsgroup , that have nothing
to do with any specific DNSbl / BlackList / WhiteList,
rather they just decide if posts meet the groups criteria
for acceptance for posting. <>
E-Mail Sent to this address <>
will be added to the BlackLists.
>The best way to deal with this listing source is to inform the people who
>use their listing service and tell them what backscatter is up to.
But that doesn't seem to be what you did.
>Enough anger will eventually get results.
Indeed,and if they realize that they've been lied to the results might not
be what you want.
>I attempted to post previously on this site.
What site?
>It was, of course, blocked.
Why "of course"? Was it off topic?
>I'm curious to see what reason they use to block this message.
Who is "they"? Are you talking about your usenet article or some unrelated
message posted somewhere else?
Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, truly insane Spews puppet
I reserve the right to publicly post or ridicule any abusive
E-mail. Reply to domain Patriot dot net user shmuel+news to contact
me. Do not reply to
> Complaints from senders who don't like being listed by
> DNSbls are much less likely to get much traction.
Well, not the kind he wants, but it might convert a temporary block into a
permanent one.
Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, truly insane Spews puppet
I reserve the right to publicly post or ridicule any abusive
E-mail. Reply to domain Patriot dot net user shmuel+news to contact
me. Do not reply to