currently shows AS {23126} as listed with 620,544 IPs and 39,830 Level
1 listings in the last 7 days.
While this page
shows it unlisted with 87,552 IPs and 42 Level 1 complaints in the
last 7 days.
The first page references AS 5668 and I thought that might have
something to do with it, but adding in the numbers for that AS still
doesn't make it add up to anything I find meaningful.
Can anyone explain the discrepancies in how I'm reading the numbers?
- Josh
Comments posted to
are solely the responsibility of their author. Please
read the FAQ at before posting.
The discrepancy has disappeared since the above post was made.
You have found a display error in our website. Fixed.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
The listing of IP in AS 5668 is correct.
BGP routing table entry for
Paths: (6 available, best #6, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)
Not advertised to any peer
29449 5392 6453 3561 22561 5668 {23126}, (aggregated by 5668
Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, external
Last update: Sat Jan 2 21:06:18 2010
Claus von Wolfhausen
Technical Director