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Hank Kroll

Dec 7, 2008, 1:54:11 AM12/7/08
to News - news - news
The following is part of an article By Ned Rozell.
“…From about 18 to 14 million years ago---basswood trees grew in
Fairbanks, Hickory in eagle elms in Toke, Alaska. While boating the
upper Porcupine River in 1990, a group of scientists pulled over when
they saw a stump protruding from the wall of the Porcupine River
canyon. It was a sequoia tree, engulfed in a sea of lava many moons
ago. The farthest-north, sequoia alive today lives in Oregon.

“…If you had hiked across the North Slope 75-million years ago, you
would have thought you were in a Louisiana bayou, with the smell of
moist greenery in the air, ferns and evergreens in stead of tundra,
and the baby Brooks Range nudging upward on the southern horizon.

“Back then, your main concern would have been avoiding Albertosaurus,
the Alaska version of t-rex, who preyed on the seven other types of
dinosaurs living in northernmost Alaska. Albertosaurus and other cold-
blooded reptiles survived in a place that has changed so much that the
only current amphibians in Northern Alaska—wood frogs—don’t dare hop
there today. They don’t stray north of the Brooks Range.

“…If you sailed past the entrance to Glacier Bay with George
Vancouver in the late 1700’s , you would have seen a wall of ice where
the bay is now--a chunk of ice one mile high then. That’s impressive
but scientists found that Glacier Bay was a bay at least three or four
times in the 10,000 years before Vancouver sailed by. Their best guess
is that Glacier Bay has filled and emptied with ice over the centuries
because the sun’s strength isn’t constant—sometimes it has more punch
than other times, and ice recovers when the sun is weaker. (There is
no record of the sun burning hotter or at least hot enough to melt the
ice caps.)

“As for climate change affecting people, the residents of Shishmaref
and Kivalina aren’t the first Alaskans who might be forced out of
their homes by an environment in transition.

“Ten-thousand years ago, people evacuated the North Slope after living
there for centuries. The probable reason: the planet began recovering
from the last Ice Age. Ancient Paleo-Indians of the North Slope
survived there by hunting bison that lived on vast grasslands. As the
planet warmed, ice sheets melted, sea level rose, the bearing Land
Bridge was no more and the sudden looseness of the ocean made the air
moister. It began to rain more often on the North Slope and the new
wetness favored sedges like cotton grass, which nudged out the grasses
favored by bison. The bison disappeared, and with them went the people
who ate them. The North Slope slowly went to tundra and was unlivable
for a few thousand years, until the caribou trotted in.”


I measured the distance from central Oregon to the Arctic Circle on my
Encarta globe and it came to 1,800 miles. Did the pole suddenly shift
1,800 miles instantly freezing herds of mastodons, camels’ horses and
humans? What would have caused THAT?

When writing Cosmological Ice Ages I used the Encarta globe, rolled it
around to where I thought the North rotational pole was during the
last ice age and using a compass drew an ark connecting the Great
Lakes, Great Bear Lake, Great Slave Lake, Lake Victoria etc. and
continued drawing the circle around to Northern Norway. It appears
that the north rotational pole was west of Greenland between the
middle of Baffin Island and Greenland on the Arctic Circle. The
distance between that point and the present North rotational pole is
1,800 miles.

When writing Cosmological Ice Ages we counted the number of squiggles
on the benethic carbonate graph taken from a sea sediment sample off
the coast of Antarctica. The sediment dates back to 6-million years
BP. I count 58 Ice Age squiggles. Fifty-eight times the carbon
deposition waxed and waned in larger and larger cycles as our orbit
around another star system increased. By my calculations we now go out
to 9 light years and come back to 1/10 light year which puts us into a
100 to 1 ellipse. At the present time we are 8.5 light years and
traveling toward the light source at 7.5 kilometers per second. It
wasn’t always that way. Prior to the big explosion that occurred
between us an Orion our sun was in a nice circular orbit around
Sirius. Let me start from the beginning.


The authors solve the greatest mystery of all time by plotted our
sun’s course from its birthplace in Orion. Little Sirius B with 1.5
times the gravity of our sun grabbed hold of us putting us into orbit
around Sirius A. Our sun’s fortunate capture by the Sirius multiple
star-system took Earth out of a billion-year Ice Age with additional
light and heat.

It took the power of a white dwarf putting out hundreds of times more
UV than our sun to break through early Earth’s 1400 PSI C02 atmosphere
and get life started on the surface of the waters. There was no way
our wimpy sun could have created life on this planet. It doesn’t have
enough power to keep us out of ice ages and it has the wrong spectrum
to make plants grow well.

The invention of non-cyclic photosynthesis created eight times more
food production allowing predators to exist and gave us free oxygen
coal, oil and limestone all made from valuable life-giving, carbon
dioxide (Co2).

Global warming is a hoax perpetrated on humanity for societal
manipulation. The ICC didn’t consider recent volcanic eruptions that
each lowered global temperatures .6 degrees. Our sun doesn’t have
enough power to keep us out of Ice Ages otherwise we wouldn’t have
them! We are still in an Ice Age with an average temperature of 32
degrees! During all previous geologic ages when the majority of the
coal, oil and limestone were made from Co2 Earth’s average temperature
was 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

A stellar explosion three million years ago blasted our sun into an
elliptical orbit where we go out to nine light years below the
galactic plane and everything freezes up. Technically, given our
present position in relation to our host stars we should still be in
an Ice Age only, someone or something put the Moon in orbit around
Earth bouncing it off where the Arctic Ocean is now about 12,500 years

Egyptian legend says that the god, Thoth stole five days from the
Moon. Most everyone knows that there are 360 degrees in a circle. This
way of measuring segments of a circle has been in use before time
immemorial. This unit of measurement was used when it took Earth 360
degrees to orbit around the sun. When Thoth brought the Moon in, the
impact corrected Earth’s orbit around the sun from a rather elliptical
one to a nearly circular orbit and since it was knocked further away
from the sun it now takes five extra days to make a year.

The 2E20 Jule gravitational force of the Moon took us out of the Ice
Age prematurely giving mankind a few extra thousand years to get our
act together and get off the planet before everything gets fried on
the surface.

We put the mass of the earth, the mass of the moon, a speed of 2
kilometers per second and an angel of 11 degrees into a computer. The
result was that the impact would depress earth’s crust 5 kilometers
and the Arctic Ocean just happens to be 5 kilometers deep in its
deepest place. It has an average depth of 1.3 kilometers—plenty of
room for atomic submarines to skulk around in.

The resultant impact of the Moon traveled through the center of the
Earth raising the continent of Antarctica several thousand feet. It
now has an average altitude of 6,500 feet above sea level. Due to the
fact it has such high altitude it is much colder than the North Pole.

The Moon’s impact was enough to tilt the earth in relation to the suns
rays 23.5 degrees from the vertical. This doubled arable land on Earth
and doubled the productivity of the oceans making it possible for
Earth to sustain larger human and animal populations. There is much
more detail on the Moon coming in, in the book. It took over a year to
write the Moon chapter because there was so much research that needed
to be done sifting through the ancient data from all over the world.

Co2 is plant food! Without Co2 everything on the planet dies and you
can’t grow food. Our atmosphere is depleted to .033 % Co2 and our
government wants to take your tax dollars to pump it underground????

Given the fact that 99% of our atmosphere is gone from a high of 1450
PSI down to 14.5 PSI and that the major producer of free oxygen
“diatoms” are disappearing; will stupid humans keep on burning things?
We need to get a handle on this and start using sources of energy that
don’t consume oxygen like geothermal, solar, wind and tide.

COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES is about the conscious enlightenment of humanity
necessary to save itself from extinction. &

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