America will never go back to the Moon.

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Hank Kroll

Nov 25, 2008, 12:49:37 PM11/25/08
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China, India or maybe Japan Maybe--but, not the US because all the
German Nazi scientists either died of old age or retired. NASA has
become just another stagnant job-security-oriented civil service
organization. Prove me wrong!

Once in a while they make a press announcement to keep the public
interested in Space and wring more dollars out of congress. But, like
all government organizations the level of incompetence has reached a
point where there is no individual creative thought left. Nobody is
willing to stick his neck out for fear of being fired. We got the best
Civil Service workers money can buy.

If another American ever sets foot on the Moon he will be working for
a private sector company and not NASA which means they will have to
have a pretty good reason for going there. If a private sector company
is successful in getting to the Moon it probably won’t be based in
America because our government discourages space development. They
don’t like competition because it might show them up. They want to
keep us earthbound.

The energy companies have gotten so big that they manage the
government instead of the other way around. There can be no
progressive science in America because all real scientific
advancements dealing with energy production are quashed and in many
cases the inventor killed. There is so much technology out there than
can be used to reduce the cost of commuting to work and ease the
burden on the taxpayers but they intend to keep us on earth as energy
hostages forever.

The use of H2O2 could reduce the amount of carbon fuels burned by
half. The technology to add the extra oxygen molecule to water to make
hydrogen peroxide is well understood and surplus electric power from
windmills and solar could be used to make the stuff during times of
off peak loads. We are not talking about the 3% stuff in your medicine
cabinet. We’re talking 90% or better H2O2.

One of the augments against wind and solar power is that when
electricity is needed the wind isn’t blowing or it is a cloudy day.
When the electricity isn’t needed the wind is blowing and the sun is
out. All the surplus energy from wind, tide and solar could be used to
manufacture H2O2 out of water. The Aleutian Islands have enough wind
power to power the world. H2O2 can be transported in oil tankers. If
it is spilled into the ocean it doesn’t stick to wildlife and it mixes
well with seawater. We still need oil to make the plastic to coat the
inside of the tanker holds so there is no danger of the oil companies
going out of business. Oil is useful to make things like houses,
computers and toys for out children but we shouldn’t be burning it.

When injected into a coal fired generating plant H2O2 it will reduce
emissions by over half. The same goes when burned with any carbon fuel
because not only are you adding oxygen there is the extra kick of

When mixed with recycled rubber tires H2O2 would produce more thrust
in NASA’s present booster-rockets allowing then to put bigger
payloads into space. They might have to re-engineer the rockets to
make them stronger but the technology is there.

One thing that has always puzzled me for some time: each time NASA
launches the Space Shuttle they jettison the big red tank partially
filled with liquid oxygen and let it fall back to Earth and burn up in
the atmosphere. Why would they do that after getting it above 95% of
the atmosphere? If they put a couple of Jato bottles on it to boost it
up into orbit instead of letting it fall and burn they could link them
together with special docking collars and make a real space station.

A large percentage of us should be living and working in space by now.
Instead, we are sitting down here making plans to kill off most of the
world’s population so that a few can keep on burning things until it
and all the oxygen is gone.

Utilizing H2O2 is just one of many types of technology that won’t put
the energy companies out of business but will clean up the environment
and reduce the consumption of free oxygen.

Earth has already lost 98% of its oxygen and the major producers of
free oxygen are dieing or already extinct. Many of the creatures that
produced limestone are gone and the diatom and phytoplankton
populations are down more than 50%. This is the last gasp for so-
called intelligent life on this planet. We need to get off the planet
and assist life in other biospheres. No—I believe it is our mandate to
get off the planet and assist life in other biospheres.

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