Sec. Napolitano's warning is prudent and realistic, make the neocon warmongers pay for the medical and financial disaster

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Apr 18, 2009, 2:54:48 PM4/18/09
to News - news - news
First the facts behind the Dept. of Homeland Security findings:

a) Secretary Napolitano has send a prudent and realistic warning to
the USA about one of the worst effects of this absurd Iraq War : a
small minority of returning veterans, 1 to 3 % , will develop extreme
violent reactions and instability prone to bullying,violence,hate ,
emotional and sometimes irrational reactions and mental disorders, and
as many studies and medical reports indicate , a small minority of
returning veterans , some of whom had already problems before they
went, became upon returning extremely violent, they found some of them
minority is sick and fixed on violent reactions, that's a cruel and
sad fact that the Medical Community will have to deal with re-training
and therapy, and some of you have seen it in Veterans Hospitals :
bullying and provoking people around them ,specially weaker and
smaller ones,and looking for fights and violent situations all the
time , this is a fact resulting from wars.

b) What Secretary Napolitano , President Obama and their whole Team
can do is to point out the roots of all this : all the neocons that
created the lies that got us into this mess: all the liars that went
on TV, Radio and Newspapers during 2002 and 2003 repeating the same
lies: if we don't attack and invade Iraq , biological and nuclear
bombs will rain over America , and variations of the same
nonsense...and when many of us pointed out that Saddam Hussein was
unable even to fly his own military planes because he could not even
get fuel, and that the US Military had Iraq totally surrounded, in a
total lock down, we were called un-patriotic , un-american and much
worst, and it's sad that it took 4 years for the majority of the
country to realize that the whole thing had been a lie and a criminal
fraud .

c) This Administration should demand accountability, from people that
were all the time in front of the cameras , from FoxTV to PBS and ABC,
from C-Span and NBC to CBS,radio and newspapers like Safire at the New
York Times , etc., like Chuck Schumer and Rahm Emanuel and Wolfowitz
and Perle and Feith, like Feinstein ,Boxer, Lieberman ,
Cheney ,Powell , Eliot Abrams and Ira Fleischer , all the paid
Military "experts and advisers", all the Hedge -Funds and Investment
Bankers that profited from the Military and Security Contractors as
main stockholders and Board Directors , from neocon leaders like
Rupert Murdoch , Larry Silverstein ( WTC ) and Maurice Greenberg and
Frenkel from AIG, all the people that pushed for this absurd war with
lies , fear mongering and paranoia , get them to pay for this mess and
to pay for the mentally-sick returning veterans, let them take
responsibility for their incompetent ,fraudulent and criminal acts.

And in my opinion, this Administration should make clear - and most
people know - that the root of all the hate is the Palestine-Israel
issue, where extreme orthodox Israelis are stealing the land from
Palestinian farmers to build their own homes and all done with USA
Taxpayers money, their earth movers and weapons are also paid by USA
Taxpayers money, their radios, their cluster bombs, their white
phosphorus bombs, their shells, their walls and Humvees , all it's
paid with the biggest USA Stimulus Package in American History to
people that never worked or paid taxes in the USA : these extreme
orthodox Israeli land grabbers, and we must work to create the 2 State
solution and impose Peace between these 2 with the Rule of Law and the
Law of the Gun if necessary , or they will destroy the USA and the
whole world Peace ,sooner or later.

And the African-American Community must also stand up and make all
these points and many more, very clear, because if we don't, these
extreme fanatics, and with military precision, will bring all of us
down.... these Facts and making America Energy Independent with
Solar,Wind and Wave, Geothermal Energy , with fuel-cells and advanced
batteries and all made in the USA are the key, the training ,
manufacturing and the installation is the way , the only part missing
is our will to stand up and tell the Truth, to demand to talk about
the Truth, and here, we must ask President Obama and Vice-President
Biden to take back, for the American People, networks like C-Span,PBS
and NPR which have become the platform of these extreme neocon
warmongers to push their lies and fears, to push their agendas and
manipulate the USA, and since most of them are members of the
Intelligence of a foreign State, apply the Article I, Section 9 of the
USA Constitution : " No Person Holding any Office...shall accept any
Office ... from a Foreign State.." These neocons must resign their
positions in the Intelligence of the Mossad and the Army of Israel at
once , that's the Law and the USA Constitution, now we need to find
the real patriots that will stand-up to the Crime and the High Treason
or we will lose this great country to these thieves working to install
their other State laws above our USA Constitution.
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