Tech Evening at Basingstoke Discovery Centre (Call for displays)

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Jul 12, 2017, 1:46:26 AM7/12/17
to Newbury Hackspace (NADHack)
As many of you may know we are working hard to start BadHaCK  (Basingstoke Hackspace) better known as Basingstoke Makerspace.

We are in the loop of having enough people prepared to support us once we have a suitable location, but we can't get a location without members and regular subscriptions.

To help promote BadHaCK and boost our membership,  we took the opportunity to participate in the Tech Evening at Basingstoke Discovery Centre this coming October, only to find out a couple of weeks ago that the event may be cancelled.

The event is now on again, with BadHaCK being the main (if only ! ) exhibitor.

We are able to provide a short talk on Makerspaces plus have about eight displays around the library which visitors can visit after the initial introduction.  There are in fact enough locations throughout the library to accommodate about twelve displays.  Our aim as with all Makerspaces is to show what anyone can.......... make/fettle/fix/hack.........themselves, aided by a range of equipment not always available to the individual. 

Would NADHack like to take the opportunity to both promote Makerspaces in general and publicise both themselves and Basingstoke Makerspace by providing a display too? 

Norman - M0JEC

Jul 12, 2017, 4:28:30 AM7/12/17
I personally think it would be good to showcase what we have done at NADHack in support of Basingstoke, maybe if we could have ‘adjoining stalls’ so it looks like a ‘joint effort’ this might be better than being completely separate?
Obviously depends on dates and peoples availability etc.
Maybe for those who are equal distance from both spaces (or just wish to do so?) we could offer a ‘joint’ membership so they can use NADHack facilities while waiting for Basingstoke to get up and running? (prices would need to be discussed of course)
Just a thought.
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Eric Rowen

Jul 12, 2017, 7:00:17 AM7/12/17
That is the sort of sentiment that is really appreciated !

The layout is not decided as yet,  and there are plenty of places around the library, say those with sockets on a wall not a pillar that would be suitable for two three or four tables which are about the size of a desk so adjacent NADHack and BadHaCK displays are perfectly feasible.

Without  premises of our own as yet, (although we have several possibilities that may come to fruition by October), we need to demonstrate as much what can be done as what we have the facility to do right now and this is where other Makerspaces can help us. 

Signing up members is what we need to do to get subscripts coming in as this has a positive knock on effect on other funding possibilities. and we are open to some form of joint membership if that works for some people. 

On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 9:28 AM, Norman - M0JEC <> wrote:
I personally think it would be good to showcase what we have done at NADHack in support of Basingstoke, maybe if we could have ‘adjoining stalls’ so it looks like a ‘joint effort’ this might be better than being completely separate?
Obviously depends on dates and peoples availability etc.
Maybe for those who are equal distance from both spaces (or just wish to do so?) we could offer a ‘joint’ membership so they can use NADHack facilities while waiting for Basingstoke to get up and running? (prices would need to be discussed of course)
Just a thought.
From: Eric
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2017 6:46 AM
Subject: [NADHack] Tech Evening at Basingstoke Discovery Centre (Call for displays)
As many of you may know we are working hard to start BadHaCK  (Basingstoke Hackspace) better known as Basingstoke Makerspace.
We are in the loop of having enough people prepared to support us once we have a suitable location, but we can't get a location without members and regular subscriptions.
To help promote BadHaCK and boost our membership,  we took the opportunity to participate in the Tech Evening at Basingstoke Discovery Centre this coming October, only to find out a couple of weeks ago that the event may be cancelled.
The event is now on again, with BadHaCK being the main (if only ! ) exhibitor.
We are able to provide a short talk on Makerspaces plus have about eight displays around the library which visitors can visit after the initial introduction.  There are in fact enough locations throughout the library to accommodate about twelve displays.  Our aim as with all Makerspaces is to show what anyone can.......... make/fettle/fix/hack.........themselves, aided by a range of equipment not always available to the individual.
Would NADHack like to take the opportunity to both promote Makerspaces in general and publicise both themselves and Basingstoke Makerspace by providing a display too?
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Jul 13, 2017, 5:11:16 AM7/13/17
to Newbury Hackspace (NADHack)
Hi Eric,

After recently having our first birthday in our workshop we know the struggle in attracting members at various events and the need to draw passing people in with interesting exhibits. We still go to events and are now getting an idea of what works and what doesn't. Having static equipment and exhibits is fine, but working exhibits are a bigger draw. With power a 3D printer can be demonstrated or even an industrial robot arm playing connect 4! Our recent biggest draw was my hackspace built full sized Dalek. It both scared and delighted people! One of our most heard comments is "We didn't know you existed", this is even from people who live close to the space and we are still getting this over a year after we opened. It is hard work to promote not just the idea of hackspaces/makerspaces but what you can do for prospective members.

One thing to take into account is the likely audience at the event, the day and time, what else is on at the same time, is it a school holiday etc. This could affect likely visitor numbers and types of visitors. We've seen that young families come to events we've run but not join as members, not sure of the reasons but the events do get people interested. NADHack, like a lot of spaces, is currently male dominated but this does cover a wide age range. We are now starting to see more female interest and members but it is still very low. 

How responsive are the venue to promoting the event on their own social media channels and other local media outlets?

Drop a mail to myself and Stuart L with details of date/venue/times etc and we'll put it in our calendar. Please keep us informed about the event as we'd be happy to help out with showing peopel what is possible!




Jul 17, 2017, 8:04:21 AM7/17/17
to Newbury Hackspace (NADHack)
To confirm the date and time,  it's  Wed 18th October,    1900 to 2030

Ben Norris

Jul 17, 2017, 12:15:56 PM7/17/17
to Newbury Hackspace (NADHack)
Thanks for your support and I'm really keen that we setup something like a joint or visiting membership in the future.  We need to be careful now though. It doesn't look like the grants that helped NADHack start will be available to us in the same way, so we are really dependant on getting enough members committing for us to get a space.  There is a danger of people taking the short term option to just use existing facilities (eg. I know several who use rLab who arn't getting involved till we have something), so we are trusting that the focus will be on raising the general enthusiasm.


Sep 7, 2017, 11:28:21 AM9/7/17
to Newbury Hackspace (NADHack)
We are getting close to the date for the Tech Evening at the Basingstoke Discovery Centre........... Wed Oct 18th.

We need to organise what display goes where, how the equipment for the display gets from the loading bay to the main area in the library, what setup time is needed and lots of other details. 

To help organise this Steve has created a spreadsheet accessible from our Google Group.   

If you have someone who is already a member of the Basingstoke Makerspace Google Group you can access the spreadsheet via "Spreadsheet for Displays, Tasks and People for Discovery Centre"

If not please ask for access to the group via our website (or by going direct to the Google Group_ 

and then access the spreadsheet 

Thanks again for agreeing to help promote Basingstoke Makerspace. 



Sep 9, 2017, 10:19:47 AM9/9/17
to Newbury Hackspace (NADHack)
If I can get transport, can I bring my Dalek?



Ben Norris

Sep 9, 2017, 12:00:07 PM9/9/17
to Newbury Hackspace (NADHack)
Yes! :D

Eric Rowen

Sep 9, 2017, 2:23:26 PM9/9/17
Just one Dalek?  or two?  :-)) 

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Sep 10, 2017, 5:13:20 AM9/10/17
to Newbury Hackspace (NADHack)
Only have 1.

Eric Rowen

Sep 13, 2017, 10:24:02 AM9/13/17
Will it fit in a hatchback   e.g. a Golf? 

On Sun, Sep 10, 2017 at 10:13 AM, Andrew <> wrote:
Only have 1.

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Sep 13, 2017, 4:27:44 PM9/13/17
to Newbury Hackspace (NADHack)
not a chance. I cant get it all into a Zafira,

It is full size.

On Wednesday, September 13, 2017 at 3:24:02 PM UTC+1, Eric wrote:
Will it fit in a hatchback   e.g. a Golf? 
On Sun, Sep 10, 2017 at 10:13 AM, Andrew <> wrote:
Only have 1.

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Eric Rowen

Sep 14, 2017, 1:16:15 AM9/14/17
Ah..  Give me the size, and if it can be placed on it's side for transport.  If we both work on a solution, which may well involve moving it to the library sooner than the day of the event (I will check with my contact there) as they have a large basement area for storage. 

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Eric Rowen

Sep 14, 2017, 12:34:20 PM9/14/17
Just had a note from the library, it is possible to move the Dalek there before the day of the event.

Helen seems aware that they can't climb stairs, time to implement the ability to use a lift, does that need the AI module? 


Sep 16, 2017, 4:22:57 AM9/16/17
to Newbury Hackspace (NADHack)
Dalek and its parts must be stored upright to prevent damage.

We'll get a van sorted.

Eric Rowen

Sep 16, 2017, 4:27:07 AM9/16/17
I have to arrange with Helen at the library access to the basement as this is a secure area including lift access.

Let me know when you are able to move it and I will arrange to be there at the loading bay.

Having as yet not needed to go to the loading bay, except from the basement area I need to sort out the vehicular access. 

On Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 9:22 AM, Andrew <> wrote:
Dalek and its parts must be stored upright to prevent damage.

We'll get a van sorted.

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Eric Rowen

Sep 20, 2017, 1:37:44 PM9/20/17
Does the Dalek have a voice, and if so can we pre-record a message, e.g. so the Dalek can greet people? 


Oct 3, 2017, 11:56:26 AM10/3/17
to Newbury Hackspace (NADHack)
Hi Eric/Ben,

What time is setup? Just planning logistics for this.



Eric Rowen

Oct 4, 2017, 6:20:43 AM10/4/17
Hi Andrew,

There are several constraints, listing everything I can think of so this document covers all possibilities and is available to everyone. 

  • The main constraint being that kit has to be moved to the display area from wherever it is stored between when the library closes at 1830 to be ready at 1900 when the event starts. A hectic 30 minutes, times are dictated by the DC. 
  • There are two storage areas,  basement (two floors down by lift) and community room (on the same level as the library) 
  • The community room can only be used on the day of the event but all day except between 1500 to 1600.
  • The basement storage area can be used prior to the day of the event and on the day of the event. 
  • Delivery to the basement on the day or prior to the day has to be via the loading bay, no parking allowed just immediate delivery and move to the basement .............loading bay and basement are on the same level. Library is two floor up and 50m to the community room. 
  • Access codes are needed for access to the basement and to the basement lift so restricted to one or two people 

The difficulty in using  the basement is that kit stored there and not moved during the day to the community room must be moved up two floors between 1830 and 1900.  This limits what can be moved and it is preferable that all kit is moved from the basement to the community room during the day and as noted we have the community room all day on the 18th except for 1500 to 1600. 

So the various scenarios are....

Kit can be delivered ....prior to the date of the event...... to the library loading bay and moved immediately on the same level to the basement storage area.  I need to arrange this with Helen the events manager. On the day of the event this kit can be moved at any time to the community room prior to 1830 

If kit can be carried by hand it can also be delivered any time on the day of the event, into the library via the public entrance straight  to the community room.  

Any kit (light or heavy) can be delivered any time on the day of the event,............. for storage in the basement.  This can be moved to the community room in the library at any time during the day or just prior to the event via the lift up two floors direct to where it will be displayed.  If just prior to the  event (this is not the preferred option) then it has to be moved as soon as the library closes at 1830 to be ready for display at 1900 when the event starts

If you can let me know your preferred option then I can start to arrange the required access, getting codes for doors and lift in restricted areas etc. 

There are two days when due to long term commitments I will not be available at all during the day. 

Thursday 12th Oct and Tuesday 17th Oct 



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Oct 4, 2017, 1:03:22 PM10/4/17
to Newbury Hackspace (NADHack)
A warning......... don't be too successful on the 18th, the Discovery Centre are having a lecture on Dr Who from a prof from some London university and may well ask for a return visit early in the new year! 


Oct 4, 2017, 6:11:05 PM10/4/17
to Newbury Hackspace (NADHack)
Hi Eric,

Looks like we'll be arriving on the day between 18:30 and 19:00 and would require parking to unload with step free access.



Ben Norris

Oct 4, 2017, 6:17:51 PM10/4/17
to Newbury Hackspace (NADHack)
IMHO that is cutting it very fine as everyone else will be in a mad rush to get things setup for that half hour. If you could possibly make a little earlier that might make things easier.


Oct 5, 2017, 2:35:54 AM10/5/17
to Newbury Hackspace (NADHack)
I will check with Helen on access to the loading bay, this takes a little organising and we will all be busy in the library itself at that time moving all the displays from the community room (needed for the initial intro before people visit the displays) to the main library area. 

The arrangement for the loading bay is...

  1. Collect the magnetic sign from the library 
  2. Drive round to loading bay and attach sign to car
  3. Stop at entrance and speak to attendant via intercom  
  4. Drive to library loading bay
  5. Unload and leave Dalek  (cars can only be left for 15 to twenty minutes at the bay)
  6. Drive back to nearest car park and walk to library and return magnetic sign
  7. Move Dalek into basement area (needs access codes) 
  8. Move Dalek to lift (lift from this level needs access codes) 
  9. Take lift up two floors   (there may be others needing the lift to from 1830 to 1900) 
  10. Move from lift into library area 
 If we allow five to ten minutes for each of the above, ten is more likely and assuming everything goes right first time, we have 50 to 100 minutes.  With a few delays it could be two hours from arrival to being in the library.

If at all possible could we get the Dalek there a couple of days in advance?

I am now available during the day on the Monday 16th and Tue 17th

Other complications could be when the loading bay area is open and when library staff are available on other days, other than the event day that is.

I will check on when the loading bay is available, plus (as below) the route through the shopping centre.


Depending on how you move the Dalek a possibility is the nearest car park which is five minutes from the library entrance, this does involve two slopes and cobbles.   Normally the lift is easily accessible from from the shopping area but with the main roller shutters down it nay be a convoluted route round corners not suitable for a trolley. 

Will you have a trolley available?

Eric Rowen

Oct 5, 2017, 2:43:37 AM10/5/17
I missed the step free access, easier to call you and discuss

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