Important announcements

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Stuart Livings

May 2, 2018, 6:48:57 AM5/2/18
This year is a significant year for Newbury Hackspace.  We've crested 30
regular members, we're talking seriously about expansion of the space,
we've lost some members to moving house and gained new members with new
and varied interests.

We've done a large number of events and been in the public media several
times, we've got more events coming up this year (more projects required
for display!) and the membership has expressed lots of interest in
acquiring different equipment and increasing the project possibilities.

I'd like to invite all of you to this year's Annual General Meeting on
Friday 29th June 2018 at 7pm.  The AGM will offer a summary of the
year's activities, some ideas for what's coming up and the important
opportunity for the membership to guide future development.

With this year's AGM you have an opportunity to drive the Hackspace
forward.  For a number of personal reasons I shall be stepping down as a
director without re-standing, I shall continue as a very active member.

Matt and Andrew will be stepping down (as per the Hackspace rules) but
will be re-standing for election, together with any of you who wish to
stand.  If anyone wishes to discuss the roles and responsibilities of
the director please let one of us know.

I wholly encourage you to get involved.  Fresh eyes, fresh ideas and
fresh enthusiasm are critical to drive the Hackspace forward. If you
wish to nominate yourself anonymously please feel free to do so, if you
wish to stand publicly please respond here, if you wish to make a post
campaigning for votes then also: Please do so.

I look forward to seeing you all at the social event on 25th May and
again at the AGM on 29th June.


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