Happy Holidays!

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Lindsay Ditto

Nov 22, 2021, 11:30:48 AM11/22/21
to Never Too Old (A YA Book Club for Adults)
Please join us for our annual potluck style holiday party this year!

Please join us on Wednesday December 15th at 6:30 pm at Karen's backyard to celebrate the holidays.  We will have some heaters set up, but feel free to bring an extra blanket to stay warm and a mug for some warm spiked apple cider.  Feel free to bring a dish, treat, or drink to share.

If you would like to participate in our book exchange please bring a wrapped book. Also, we had so much fun two years ago with the additional tea exchange, that we've decided to bring it back! So, please bring a box of tea if you'd like to participate.

Please email or text me directly for Karen's address at lbd...@gmail.com or 773-790-6007.  

All are welcome, even if we haven't been in a while or are new to the group!

Very best, 


Dec 14, 2021, 8:19:06 PM12/14/21
to Never Too Old (A YA Book Club for Adults)
I'm working late tomorrow so I won't be able to make it, but I look forward to the next meeting!
Happy Holidays to all,
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