NeuCLIR Topic Coming Soon

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Dawn Lawrie

Jun 15, 2022, 10:09:16 AM6/15/22
to neuclir-participants

We would like to give you more details about important dates including next week's release of topics. We also include some details that may be helpful for system development.

--- Important Dates ---
ASAP: TREC Registration:
Already: Document collection available for download (including translations of the documents into English)
June 22, 2022: Topics released with human translations of English topics into document languages
June 24, 2022: Machine translations and runs for reranking
July 26, 2022 AoE: runs submitted
October 2022: Relevance judgements and individual evaluation scores released
Late October 2022: Initial system description papers due
November 14-18, 2022: TREC 2022 conference (at NIST and/or virtual)

-- Details --
  • For Chinese, documents have been distributed as they were written in either Simplified or Traditional Chinese. Likewise, some human translations of topics will be in Traditional Chinese, while others are in Simplified Chinese. 
    • We have released a script to convert between Traditional and Simplified, which works well except for some named entities.
  • Topics will be released in a json format
  • Runs for reranking will index translated documents and produce a ranking with BM25. These runs will be released in the TREC submission format.
We are looking forward to your participation in the Track!

The NeuCLIR Organizers
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