Hello, all. I've been playing around with using networkx to create a graph layout which I can then send to tikz...
Do Directed Graphs treat layouts differently than Undirected Graphs?
The following screenshots show the tikzpictures created from the Undirected Graph (top photo) and the Directed Graph (bottom photo). The ONLY thing I changed in my code was the method of creating the graphs (see the line of code before each screenshot).
Why would the layouts come out so differently? I am using the same node/edge dataframes....
I am using the Kamada_Kawai layout, none of the other layouts produced a useful result for me...at least when I was only working with the Undirected version.....
# Undirected
G = nx.Graph(list(all_edge_df.index.values))
# Directed
G = nx.DiGraph(list(all_edge_df.index.values))
**Note that the reason I experimented with Directed Graphs is a topic for another thread...