(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iv�n Valarezo)
(LLUVIAS DESBORDADORAS EN BRASIL: Lamentamos la p�rdida de vidas preciosas en
las torrenciales sufridas recientemente en nuestra hermana naci�n de Brasil.
Oramos por todas las familias que perdieron a sus amados y pertenencias, para
que nuestro Padre celestial les consuele y les supla todas sus necesidades de
acuerdo a sus grandes riquezas en el para�so y por toda la tierra tambi�n, en
el nombre bendito de su Hijo amado, �nuestro Se�or y salvador Jesucristo!
Sus amados desaparecidos est�n en las manos de nuestro Padre celestial,
porque todo lo que sale de la mano de nuestro Dios y Fundador de nuestras
vidas celestiales y terrenales tiene que regresar en su d�a y hora, para
volverlos a retomar en su seno y no dejarlos alejar de �l jam�s, por amor a
su Hijo amado. Ellos est�n gozando de su nueva vida infinita en el reino
angelical, para seguir comiendo y bebiendo de su fruto de vida y de salud
eterna, nuestro �rbol de la vida eterna, nuestro Se�or y salvador Jesucristo.
El Esp�ritu Santo de nuestro Padre celestial consuela sus corazones y les
promete una vida mejor en la tierra y en el para�so tambi�n, porque esa es la
voluntad sagrada de nuestro Padre celestial para con cada uno de todos los
hombres, mujeres, ni�os y ni�as de toda las naciones de la tierra.
desaparici�n de seis de nuestros miembros de la fuerza a�rea ecuatoriana
cuando uno de sus aviones se estrello (se desconoce las fallas mec�nicas en
vuelo que produjo la tragedia fat�dica), en Pastaza, Ecuador. Nuestras
condolencias son para las familias y sus amistades por tan terrible p�rdida
de sus muy amados.
Ellos est�n en la gloria de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Hijo amado,
nuestro Se�or Jesucristo, para seguir viviendo sus nuevas vidas infinitas del
nuevo reino celestial, en donde jam�s volver�n a tener hambre ni sed, porque
el fruto de vida es su pan de cada d�a.
Ellos est�n felices en la presencia gloriosa de nuestro Padre celestial,
gracias a la gracia salvadora de su Hijo amado, nuestro Se�or y salvador
Jesucristo, y desean volver a ver pronto, cuando Dios quiera, a cada uno de
los suyos, para seguir viendo juntos en el Esp�ritu Santo de nuestro Dios y
Padre celestial que est� en el cielo.)
Love is the fulfillment of the Ten Commandments. This is the reason our
heavenly Father had to send our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach to Israel as His only
Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, so he may fulfill the Holy Spirit of His
commandments with the precious love of the Holy Spirit of His blessed
salvation name.
This precious and glorious Holy Spirit of the blessed name could found not be
in any man throughout the history of Israel but only in the perfect virgin
birth, consecrated life, crucifixion, death and resurrection of His Son Jesus
Christ, so the Holy Spirit of the blessed commandments could be at last
glorify on earth and in heaven forever. Therefore, with the ultimate
glorification and honor to the blessed commandments of eternal life within
the heart and life of every man, woman, and child within Israel and the
nations, then our heavenly Father could send His blessings filled with
miracles, signs and great wonders, so people may live liberated forever from
the every day curse of the commandments.
For the reason that curse is the man that could not honor much less glorify
within his heart and entire life the Holy Spirit of the commandments before
our heavenly Father and His blessed faithful angels in heaven, for example,
so exalted He may be forevermore in all eternity to come of the brand new
Jerusalem from heaven above. Therefore, any one that could never glorify and
much less honor within his heart and entire life the Holy Spirit of the
commandments, then lost he was eternally, and this is never to receive much
less know our heavenly Father's blessed glory of constant blessing thus to
live in His wonderful blissful kingdom on earth and in heaven forever.
This is the eternal life that Adam and Eve lost in paradise before Satan's
lies that they both believed by the lying mouth of the old serpent, so they
may never know our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ within their
hearts forever. Indeed, this is our heavenly Father's blessed angelic kingdom
nowadays, where everything is love, peace and prosperity for every one that
confesses the glorious love of His Son Jesus Christ, for he not only is His
personal Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, but also he is His Son and the perfect
righteousness for His blessed name and fulfilled commandments in eternity.
Truly, this is the Holy Spirit's love from our heavenly Father's blessed name
and glorified commandments that has not only fulfilled every principle of His
perfect will on earth through His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, but also it has
granted us forgiveness with eternal salvation for every one that believes
with the heart to confess with his lips His Son's name. That is why that for
every one everywhere on earth that wants to fulfill within his heart our
heavenly Father's perfect will for his entire life, then he must believe
within his heart for justice and confess with his lips for salvation our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach's blessed name, because His Son's powerful name
forgives and grants us eternal life.
Truthfully, by believing within our hearts for justice and confessing with
our lips for salvation our Lord Jesus Christ's anointed name that has powers
and authorities from our heavenly Father in this life and for the next one to
come in heaven, then exalting we are also above all darkness our heavenly
Father's Holy Spirit ancient love for us. Moreover, this is our heavenly
Father's Holy Spirit of love that reigns supremely in the Kingdom of heaven
and will continue to reign supremely all over His brand new creation of new
earth with glorious heavens that will continue to encourage every heart to
believe for justice and every tongue to confess for salvation His glorious
Son's anointed name.
Truly, this is our heavenly Father's ancient love from which He did not only
create mankind in paradise beginning with Adam and Eve but also every man,
woman and child individually, so they may inherit His wonderful eternal life
that His Son Jesus Christ has brought into earth for those that love Him with
His blessed Holy Spirit's anointment. Because, those that love our heavenly
Father through the blessed name of His Son Jesus Christ and His glorified
commandments, then they are indeed loving His Holy Spirit just as His
faithful angels love His Holy Spirit since the day of their individual
creation in heaven, for the constant service of His perfect will for all
eternity to come.
What is more, these days this is our heavenly Father's ancient Holy Spirit of
love that will not only bless you continually wherever you may live on earth,
because you have believed within your heart for justice and confess with your
lips for your eternal salvation, but also it will fill you with indescribable
peace, power, prosperity, and blissful-happiness. In truth, this is the life
that your heart and living soul has always required from you to have through
your faith in our heavenly Father and His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so you may
live every day of your life saturated with the precious and all-powerful
presence of His Holy Spirit with the sole purpose to enrich your life
In reality, your life without our heavenly Father's every day blessing from
heaven through the wonderful and glorious life of His Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, then you would have never been able to attain any sin forgiveness
much less peace and happiness for your entire life, in this life and in the
next one to come in heaven forever. Because, you needed our heavenly Father's
blessed ancient love to fulfill and glorify greatly His blessed commandments,
commandments so righteous that only the Holy Spirit's ancient love could
fulfill them in this life and for ages to come well into all eternity through
our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the only possible savior for Israel and
the nations eternally.
Moreover, this wonderful ancient love from our heavenly Father that not only
created every man, woman and child, beginning with Adam and Eve in paradise,
but also created the wonderful and royally brand new Jerusalem from heaven
above where Satan's lies could never invade again the human spirit of man,
because Jesus Christ's gracious love reigns supremely forevermore in
eternity. This means that when Satan's spirit of error that conflicts always
with our heavenly Father's words and promise of a better life disappears with
the presence of His Holy Spirit in our lives, then liberated we will be from
Satan's hold, so we may only know love, truth, and justice thus to see always
and everywhere increasing glory forevermore.
Actually, this is the loyal life that your heart, soul, mind, body, and human
spirit are compatible with since the day you saw light in heaven as our
heavenly Father created you within the foundation of His ancient love, so you
may live to be His image and according to His likeness forever on earth and
in heaven as well. Moreover, since Adam lost this precious life in paradise
due to Satan's lies through the serpent, it has not ceased desiring to have
you back in heaven, because you are still God's image and likeness that this
glorious life, filled with eternal love for you and your loved ones, would
love to embrace you with richness these days and forevermore.
Meaning that you must accept within your heart, as you hear our heavenly
Father's gospel of salvation preached through God's word or by the mouths of
his servants, then you must humble yourself, just as our Lord Jesus Christ
humbles before you so he may inherit your sins with the intent to liberate
you, and he received them cheerfully forever. Indeed, this ancient love that
has fulfilled within our Lord Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit of our heavenly
Father's blessed name and His glorious commandments, so we may not live under
its curses anymore, but now instead live happy ever after with its every hour
glorious blessing for love, peace, prosperity and happiness, needs to come
into your life today.
These days, this wonderful ancient love that has glorified our heavenly
Father's commandments comes towards you every hour with blessings that you
would normally never thought possible for you to attain, but since it loves
you so dearly then it comes to you from our heavenly Father with great joy to
love you more, and bless you as never before. This ancient love, it has power
and authority for you and your loved ones, and you only need to claim it
through the wonderful and glorious name of our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so it
may minister into your life as God's Lamb with the rich atoning-blood, and
high priest status to intercede for you and your loved one's sake.
The powerful ancient love that has always existed within our heavenly
Father's heart and His Son Jesus Christ's heart as well, once it enters into
your life, then it will never leave or abandon you, because its love for your
manifested it was over Adam's and Eve's crossed trees so you may know and
receive it within you with confidence. Nowadays, love is knocking at your
heart's door, so you may let it in to seat at your heart's center where your
thoughts and desires are born, so you may become a different person with a
Spirit that will love and care for you and your eternal soul, so you may know
how to love and serve your God forever.
Truly, this ancient love fulfills our heavenly Father's humanly impossible
commandments to fulfill on earth and in paradise, however, once it enters
into your heart then it will never abandon you, because it must live within
you thus to grow unto our heavenly Father's and His Son's Holy Spirit
statures, so you may continue to be as God himself forever. And this is our
heavenly Father's will that you may continue to grow supernatural within the
powers and authorities of the Holy Spirit of His blessed name and eternal
commandments, so you may manifest before Him as His Son or God, for the
service and glory of His blessed name and glorified commandments, in heaven
and on earth forever.
Because, within the brand new Jerusalem that He has created personally for
the ancient love that He personally feels for each one of us, saturated He
has it with abundant Holy Spirit of love so angels and Gods as Himself (saved
men and women, that is) will love, serve, and glorify Him forever and ever in
all eternity to come. In other words, our heavenly Father wants angels,
archangels, seraphim, and other holy creatures from heaven and the earth
likewise as men, women, and children to become born again into His Holy
Spirit, so they may become again as in the beginning holy Gods for the love,
glory, honor, and perpetual sanctity for His precious name and glorified
commandments forever.
Meaning that you are God before our heavenly Father, His Son, and His Holy
Spirit, because when you were born in heaven, then you became a living God in
His image and according to His likeness so you may love, serve, and honor Him
within a new eternal life that could only exist within an angelic kingdom of
perpetual love. And this is to love, serve, honor, and glorify Him just as
His angelic hosts have done it since the day of their individual creation for
all eternity to come with the sole purpose to attain new glories and never-
ending sanctities for His blessed name and glorified commandments on earth
and in heaven as well.
Because, the truth is that our heavenly Father sent His Son Jesus Christ as
His personal Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so he may pour His Holy Spirit's
ancient love all over the land of Israel and the nations with the purpose
that His will done may be on earth just as it is in heaven these days and
forevermore in eternity. Therefore, obligated we are to receive the
supernatural power of the mighty baptism of His Holy Spirit by invoking our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach's holy name, so our heavenly Father may fill our
hearts, minds, bodies and entire human spirit with His ancient love that
fulfills and glories His blessed name and commandments at the same once and
for all.
Truly, with these supernatural blessings living within our every day life on
earth and in paradise likewise, because the Holy Spirit's baptism of our
heavenly Father's ancient love towards His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach and each
one of us within all the nations, beginning within Israel, for example, is
perpetual, so we may serve Him in spirit and in truth everlastingly. That is
to say, also that there is a Holy Spirit's baptism that appointed it is unto
us by our heavenly Father, so filled we may be by His supernatural powers and
authorities as we believe within our hearts for justice and confess with our
lips for salvation the blessed name of His Son Jesus Christ.
In other words, it is our duty these days to enrich ourselves, by invoking
our Lord Jesus Christ blessed name, with the mighty Holy Spirit's baptism so
filled we may be with our heavenly Father's ancient love towards His Son
Jesus Christ and each one of us beginning with Adam and Eve thus for us to
receive blessing unceasingly. Really, this is the life for which our heavenly
Father conceived you within His image and according to His likeness, so you
may live it with Him on earth and in paradise too, always enjoying His great
richness of His blessed heart that only wants the best of heaven and earth
for you, given that you are His faithful-servant forever.
Meaning also that you have been missing blessings from heaven and earth,
because anointed you have not being by our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit
baptism within your heart and entire life, so you may receive great blessings
from His holy presence, because He loves you as He has always loved His
blessed Son Jesus Christ, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach. Therefore, without
delay, you should invoke our Lord Jesus Christ as your savior, because he is
your Lamb for the continuous atoning-blood sacrifice in heaven, moreover he
is your high priest before our Father so you will always have an advocate
that is ready to represent you in heaven's court concerning any thing that
you may need from God's throne.
Truthfully, to live filled with the Holy Spirit's baptism and fire from
heaven, then you will always have the Spirit that continuously fulfills our
heavenly Father's will and perfect commandments through His blessed Son Jesus
Christ's heavenly-celebrated life, moreover His blessed name will do miracles
and wonders within your heart, mind, body and life, because you are His Son
forever. Indeed, this Holy Spirit's ancient love between our Father and His
Son Jesus Christ will do wonders for you and your loved ones too, because He
loves you, and because He enjoys blessing His sanctified Son Jesus Christ
within your heart, mind, body and entire human spirit, so anything that you
may desire then you will have it always.
Meaning also that, because, you did the right thing before our heavenly
Father by accepting within your heart the blessed heavenly life of His Son,
since he is His personal-confident Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach before His angels
in heaven and before men on earth, then He will flow abundantly His eternal
love throughout your entire life, so you may live peacefully forever. These
days, you must believe within your heart for justice and confess with your
lips for salvation our Lord Jesus Christ's anointed name, so our heavenly
Father's Holy Spirit baptism of His great name and glorified commandments may
flow throughout your entire life with miracles and wonders, so you will
always be a blessing for others wherever you may go.
Beyond doubt, with our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit of His ancient love for
you and your loved ones, then you will learn how to love and serve Him, so
you may live a peaceful life always, sin and problem free as well, so you
will never have to suffer any terrible sickness from Satan or his wicked
cheating followers. Because, anytime Satan will come against you as a hungry
roaring Lion, ready to kill and devour your entire life, then our heavenly
Father's Holy Spirit of love for you and your loved ones will be there to
defend you with power and authority, in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, so
you may overcome Satan's deceptions forever.
In other words, as Satan comes against you as a devouring beast because he
hates you due to the fact created you were in God's image and according to
His likeness, then the Holy Spirit that is already in you, because: baptized
you have been in the name of Jesus Christ, Satan will flee from you with his
darkness. This darkness cannot stand the presence of the Holy Spirit's
baptism within the heart, body and life of any man, woman, and child that
have believed within his heart for justification and confess with his lips
our Lord Jesus Christ for salvation and blessing from a brand new eternal
life in eternity that has no beginning nor end forever.
Moreover, Satan will flee from any one that he has set up himself to attack
with his wicked devils, because the Holy Spirit commanded diligently he is by
our Father to defend any one that believes within his heart for justification
to confess with his lips His Son's blessed name for salvation, healing, and
endless prosperity these days and eternity. Truthfully, any one that has the
Holy Spirit's baptism will always be victorious over Satan's darkness and his
two-faced wicked followers everywhere, because just as Jesus Christ defeated
could never be by Satan, well the same is true with our heavenly Father's
Holy Spirit's baptism, so we have overwhelming confidence that Satan's
attacks destroyed they are forevermore within your entire life.
Furthermore, with our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit of His ancient love for
you and your loved ones, protected you are continually, no matter where you
may go on this earth, for our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit of love will
always fill in with power every problem, difficulty, infirmity, and even
threats of death, so nothing will ever harm you forever. That is true: our
heavenly Father's Holy Spirit of His ancient love will fill you with power
and authority so He may protect you always from all dangers wherever you may
live on earth, so when problems, difficulties, infirmities, and even threats
of death may appear against you, then the Holy Spirit will cause those
injustices to disappear immediately.
Or, you may also pray to our heavenly Father, in the name of His blessed
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, to baptize with His mighty Holy Spirit any problem,
difficulty, infirmity or threat of death that you may have within your life
from Satan and his wicked followers, so these injustices may disappear from
out of your life at once. That is correct: Our heavenly Father has given you
power, in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, to fill in prayer with His Holy
Spirit any problem, difficulty, infirmity, and even any threats of death from
Satan and his wicked devils, so you will always stand on top of any darkness
to step on it victoriously forever.
Truly, our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit of His ancient love for you will
protect, heal, and bless you from Satan's wilds, so you may live a constant
peaceful life, always ready to do His will on this earth and in paradise too,
for the ultimate glory and honor of His blessed name and glorified
commandments before His angelic hosts. These days, our heavenly Father's Holy
Spirit baptism of His ancient love for you and your loved ones is very
important so you may escape all of Satan's wilds but also filled you may be
with His blissful eternal life that only knows how to bless and enrich your
life beyond measure, so you may be very holy forever.
All these wonderful things from heaven and from all over the entire earth,
our heavenly Father granted them to you, if you only become baptized with His
Holy Spirit and fire from heaven, so you may honor Him by always doing His
glorious will within your life, through His blessed Son Jesus Christ of
Nazareth, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach. In his day, Satan tried to do the same
with our Lord Jesus Christ, when he questioned him by saying: Are you God's
Son, if so, and then turn this stone into bread.
Do not tempt your Lord God; man will not live by bread alone but by every
word that comes out our heavenly Father's mouth, therefore, you must serve
and adore Him only, our Lord Jesus Christ responded to Satan's wild. Later,
Satan took Jesus Christ to the pinnacle of the temple, and said to him cast
yourself down, if you are God's Son. Then Jesus Christ told Satan again,
written it is-you will not test your Lord God; you must serve and adore Him
Afterward, Satan took Jesus Christ to a mountaintop, and said to him: You see
all these glories and richness of the nations, given they were to me, I can
give them in turn to any one I may wish. If you, today, bow down and worship
me from the mountaintop, I will surely give them to you. And our Lord Jesus
Christ responded to Satan with a rebuke, by assuring him that he is a created
fallen archangel, and that he most serve the Lord God only-after that Satan
fled from our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, because filled he was with our
heavenly Father's Holy Spirit, so darkness could not stand any longer in our
Savior's presence.
Well, this is what our heavenly Father is doing with each one of us when He
granted us His Son Jesus Christ's blessed life and His Holy Spirit's baptism,
so filled we may be with His ancient love that fulfills His commandments and
pleases His blessed name for us to receive lawfully every blessing from
heaven and earth as well. This also means that surely we have not only the
glories from heaven but also from the nations, because we will rule with
Jesus Christ the entire earth for millenniums so we may conduct rightfully
our heavenly Father's will for the glory and never-ending honor to His
blessed name and glorified commandments within His Son Jesus Christ's
resurrected life.
Because, the truth is that our heavenly Father's temple for His holy name,
manna, and blessed commandments had always been His Son, in heaven for the
angels, and since he was born in Israel, then he also is the temple for
mankind, so angels and men may approach our heavenly Father through the
glorious body and atoning-blood of Jesus Christ. Therefore, with our Lord
Jesus Christ living within your heart, then you have a temple filled with the
Holy Spirit of the ancient love that blesses our heavenly Father's majestic
name and fulfills His glorious commandments forever, so you may live your
entire life always enjoying love, peace, glory and never-ending happiness.
Meaning also that our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit of His ancient love
continues to come upon your entire life since even before conceived you were
within our heavenly Father's image and according to His likeness, so you may
enjoy constantly the goodness of heaven and earth too, because the nations
belong to our Father and His Son Jesus Christ forever. That is to say, also
that our heavenly Father loves dearly all the nations, beginning with Israel,
just as He has always loved His angelic Kingdom where He has lived from
eternity to eternity, because in this glorious love for His blessed name and
glorified commandments He created heaven and the nations for the worship and
service to His Son.
That is why that our heavenly Father needs to see us receive today His Son
Jesus Christ as our personal Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, because he is His Son
and eternal temple in heaven and earth as well, so His Holy Spirit of His
ancient love may flow through His blessed name, manna, and glorified
commandments into the nations forevermore. Therefore, as written it is for
our heavenly Father so loved the world that, in due time, He gave His only
begotten Son that whosoever may believe in him will not perish in his sins
but instead, by invoking his name, may have life abundantly in this life and
in the next one to come within the brand new celestial Jerusalem.
These days, we may enjoy our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit for His ancient
love towards His Son Jesus Christ and every one of us all over the earth,
because He granted us power and authority to love and serve Him beyond all
darkness from Satan and his lying devils, so we may live securely within the
eternal life's light perpetually. Therefore, with our heavenly Father living
within our hearts and eternal souls through the blessed presence of the Holy
Spirit of His name and glorified commandments, then His ancient love moves
generously and with power through our every day lives protecting and blessing
us every step of the way back to heaven, to where we were born from God.
Meaning also that we are initially God's children in heaven because we came
out from Him as men and women in His holy presence, and the same is true all
over the earth, we continue to be God's children, however, this time we must
be born again from His Holy Spirit of love so we may return to paradise
immediately. Therefore, love is the fullness of the Holy Spirit of the
fulfilled and glorified commandments within the glorious life of His Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach, so any one that believes within his heart for justice and
confesses with his lips for salvation the blessed name of His eternal Lamb,
Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and then blissful salvation flows abundantly
everywhere forevermore.
For this is the Holy Spirit of salvation that every man, woman, and child
need throughout Israel and the nations, so they may not have to live under
the curse of the commandments but continuously blessed by the same Holy
Spirit of the commandments and of the blessed name too, because our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach has supremely pacified them forever. Truly, in our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach we have a true friend, because he is our heavenly Father's
Son in heaven for angels and on earth for humankind, so we may not live worry
about a very holy name that we cannot pronounce with our lips or perfect
commandments impossible to fulfill, because Jesus Christ glorified them once
and for all.
Moreover, since our Lord Jesus Christ conquered for us our heavenly Father's
blessed name and commandments too difficult to fulfill much less glorified
them within our hearts, bodies, souls, and human spirit, then he has indeed
liberated us to worship our heavenly Father through His blessed name and
fulfilled commandments that will always continue to bless and enrich our
lives perpetually. Therefore, today we can trust blindly our heavenly
Father's Holy Spirit of love from where we were born in heaven to become His
image and according to His likeness forever in paradise, on earth, and within
the brand new Jerusalem from heaven above, where we will continue to grow to
our heavenly Father's personal stature and His Son's too in eternity.
Nowadays, as we receive our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit of love by faith in
His Son Jesus Christ, then fulfilled we have all obligations to His blessed
name and glorified commandments, so we may enjoy abundantly each day's
blessing after blessing of miracles and great wonders in heaven and on earth
thus to enrich our living souls forevermore. These blessings are ready to
descend into your life, that is, if you are willing to invoke our heavenly
Father's blessed name that lives in perfect sanctity within our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach's heart and atoning-blood, so you may stop suffering Satan's lies
of darkness and terrible problems, difficulties, infirmities, and even
threats of death, but instead enjoy abundantly eternal life forever.
To this day, suffered you have Satan's wilds but with our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach living within your heart, then our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit
of His ancient love for you will also live within you thus to protect you
from sin and its darkness, so you may walk always within life's eternal light
that filled it is with blessings unendingly. Indeed, this is our heavenly
Father's celestial life that He personally prepared for you with all its
glorious blessings of miracles and great wonders to enjoy every day of your
entire life in paradise, on earth, and within the brand new Jerusalem from
heaven above where you will enjoy love, health and eternal happiness with an
unending divine prosperity.
This is our heavenly Father's ancient Holy Spirit of love that will always
make your heart, soul, body, and human spirit very happy no matter where you
may live in paradise, on earth or within the brand new Jerusalem from heaven
above where everything filled it is gloriously with love and eternal peace
for every one forever and ever. Then, say enough to Satan's indifference
towards you and your loved ones to enjoy now abundantly our heavenly Father's
Holy Spirit baptism and fire from heaven of His ancient love filled with
blessing and unending health in this life and for the next one to come in
eternity, so you may live as our God lives filled with pleasure always.
Because, our heavenly Father needs to have His image and likeness within you
to enjoy the same heavenly pleasures that He has always enjoyed in heaven
from eternity to eternity that is why that it is very important that you
believe with your heart for justice and confess with your lips for salvation,
His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach. That is why that it is very important for you,
your loved ones and even your friends too to live day-by-day filled with the
Holy Spirit that brought our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach into Israel's life to
resurrect him on the third day, so our heavenly Father may be very happy with
you thus to pour blessings upon you beyond measure.
For our heavenly Father's image and His likeness that dwells within you begs
for the holy presence of the Holy Spirit of the ancient love that will
satisfy forever its hunger for the bread of life and its thirst for to drink
from the cup of wine, so they may grow normally within you for our Father's
eternal newfound glories. The bread of life, and the cup of wine that shed it
was at the foot of Jerusalem's holy hill as our Lord Jesus Christ presented
his atoning-blood for eternal salvation nailed to the crossed trees of Adam
and Eve, so Satan's indifference may die at last for God's ancient love for
every one everywhere may live forever and ever.
For this is the divine love that came down from our heavenly Father with
Jesus Christ of Nazareth as His personal confident the Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach to pour over every one's life that believes with his heart for
justice and confesses with his lips for salvation, the blessed name and the
glorified commandments for forgiveness, health and eternal salvation. Amen!
(Carta del cielo):
You will drink from the cup I drink and be baptized with the baptism that I
am baptized with, but to seat at my right or left is not for me to grant this
right to any one. Only our heavenly Father can give any one the right to seat
at my right or left. After all, these places prepared have been only for
those that are worthy of such honor in heaven, our Lord Jesus Christ declared
openly to his apostles this truth to be revealed in due time to the entire
Faithfully, our heavenly Father will grant every one to drink from the cup
that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach drank from, moreover baptize him or her with
the Holy Spirit's baptism and fire from heaven, so they may walk righteously
within His holy presence on earth and in paradise as well for the glory and
honor of His great name. Indeed, these days we are all drinking from the cup
that our heavenly Father gave His Son Jesus Christ to drink, so he may honor
and glorify greatly within the hearts and living souls of every man, woman
and child within Israel and the nations His purity, with the purpose to
baptize them with His Holy Spirit and fire.
Because, the Holy Spirit's baptism is important in every one's life that is
willing to love and serve our heavenly Father in this life and in the next
one to come, so he or she may have power to do things that our heavenly
Father requires from every one thus to gain new glories and honors to His
great name. Truly, any one not baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire, indeed
he has not yet opened his mind, opened his ears, and opened his eyes to see
clearly things hidden from him because of Satan's lie and darkness from
paradise; therefore, the Holy Spirit baptism is an urgent need for everyone
to wake up to God's light forever.
Certainly, without the Holy Spirit's baptism and fire from heaven above our
Lord Jesus Christ could have never done the great works of miracles, signs,
and wonders that he had to do for the people of Israel, so they may heal from
the infirmities and darkness, and escape finally Satan's hold and the
terrible death in hell, for example. In due time, our Lord Jesus Christ
baptized he had to be with water in the Jordan river by John the Baptist
first and then by our heavenly Father with the His Holy Spirit and fire, so
he may fulfill all truth and justice for the sake of every man, woman and
child within Israel and the nations as well.
Now, the reason that our Lord Jesus Christ baptized he had to be with water
from John, it was because men must drink water every day to stay alive on
earth, therefore by bathing himself with water then he was replacing forever
this earthly water with the living water from his atoning-blood, so people
may continue to live everlastingly. That is to say, also that our Lord Jesus
Christ with his glorious body has blessed the potable water from the entire
earth, so people may present it before drinking it before our heavenly
Father, in thanks giving, and then drink it as the Holy Spirit of the
atoning-blood from the continuous sacrifice in heaven, so they may live
In other words, since water is life on earth, then our heavenly Father had to
have His Son Jesus Christ submerge into it, so to bless it eternally before
His holy presence, so people may continue to live everlastingly since His Son
Jesus Christ is every one's eternal life on earth with men and in heaven with
angels, for example. Subsequently, after John baptized our Lord Jesus Christ
with the water that men drinks for life on earth, then our heavenly Father
had to baptize him with His Holy Spirit as His personal Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, so people may finally baptized be also with His Holy Spirit so
they may return to paradise to drink from the living water forever.
This is the reason that each time we drink a glass of water, juice or wine,
for example, then we can bless it before our heavenly Father in the name of
His Son Jesus Christ thus to accept it as his atoning-blood that we may drink
for forgiveness, healing, and eternal salvation on earth and in heaven as
well. Because, in Egypt our Lord Jesus Christ converted all water into blood
from rivers, ponds, waterholes, and lakes, so the Egyptians may have no water
to drink or for their daily use until they let Israel go to the promise land
with her people and stock, so they may drink from the living water from
above, Jesus Christ in personam!
Indeed, our Lord Jesus Christ converted all water bodies into blood within
Egypt and not the land of Goshen where the Israelis lived, because he wanted
to show them both that he had power to save them from the power of sin and
death by the supernatural powers of his atoning-blood that he would later
shed for every one's salvation. Therefore, the conversion of water into blood
was important thus to let the Egyptians and the Israelis know that he has the
power to save them, if they believe in his name, and this means saved to be
at once from the power of the eternal captivity of sin, lies, deceptions, and
death in hell forever and ever.
Because, the truth is that sin, lie, holocausts, and hells are eternal, if
they are not washed away, in due time, as with water and soap from the bodies
and living souls of men, women, and children with the supernatural cleansing
powers of his atoning-blood that once was stained over Israel's doorframe
posts, but these days it is in heaven. Without a doubt, only the Holy Spirit
of the atoning-blood sacrifice that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach shed over the
wooden crossed poles of Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill can really
act upon our bodies and souls as heavenly water and soap to wash us clean
from sin, lies, infirmities, problems, difficulties, holocausts, and death in
hell as well.
This is the supernatural powers and authorities that our heavenly Father has
granted upon our lives and living souls, so we may not only escape Satan and
his wicked spirit of error but also we can become born again into our
heavenly Father's virgin world that He has prepared with glorious mansions
for us to inherit and enjoy forever. Therefore, the conversion of water into
blood it was very important within Egypt, so the Israelis and the rest of the
nations could understand that their salvation hides within the supernatural
powers of his plentiful atoning-blood, the Lamb's blood that he would shed
over the Israelis home doorpost and later in Jerusalem's holy hill, for every
one's never-ending salvation.
Meaning that it was important for our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach to shed his
precious atoning-blood over Jerusalem's doorframe crossed posts, so the land
that our heavenly Father had chosen for this supernatural continues blood
sacrifice may not only bless the nations but also heaven, therefore this
ultimate atoning-blood sacrifice is in heaven these days for every one to
claim it. In addition, we can see that the Israelis had to cross the Red Sea
with Jesus Christ's leadership, so they may step into salvation at the other
end; here our Lord Jesus Christ did not convert the sea into blood, however,
he baptized them with water so they may continue to live protected until they
reach the promise land.
This water baptism that the Israelis received under the Red Sea, it was very
important undeniably, so they may wash themselves clean from all the
impurities that they may have received while they lived in Egypt for more
than four hundred years, then later baptized they could be from heaven with
the manna, so they may reach the promise land. So, the water baptism at the
Red Sea was important for the Israelis later to receive the manna from
heaven, furthermore have special supernatural protection to make it into the
promise land thus to possess it for the coming of the King Messiah, our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach, so he may finally baptize them with His Holy Spirit and
Therefore, it was urgent that John baptized Jesus Christ at the Jordan River,
so he may fulfill all truth and justice for Israel and the nations as well,
forever and ever, on earth and in heaven, so with this water baptism they
were all ready to eat and drink from the daily manna from heaven. And the
manna began to fall around the Israelis' camp, then our heavenly Father was
getting them ready for the Holy Spirit's baptism and fire, so they may have
power over Satan's sin and death as well as they walked towards the promise
land, where they would meet face-to-face with the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach,
the baptizer of their living souls.
For whenever they would meet him, then our Lord Jesus Christ would baptize
each one of them with the Holy Spirit and fire as their personal Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, who will not only forgive their sins but also heal their bodies
with his bread of life and cup of wine, so they may never hunger or thirst
again forever. Indeed, our Lord Jesus Christ had to do this for the Israelis
wherever they may live in Israel or abroad, so they may have power to love
and serve our heavenly Father, because truly to love and serve our heavenly
Father's blessed name and glorified commandments, then you need abundant
power from above as the Holy Spirit and fire.
Therefore, when John baptized Jesus Christ in the river, then our savior was
blessing the water that every man, woman, and child drinks on this earth with
the living water that emanates from out of his holy body as our heavenly
Father's Lamb that forgives sin and heals our hearts, minds, bodies, and
human spirit, so we may have power. Indeed, this is the living water of life
that will nourish day-by-day our new glorify bodies and blessed souls,
because we will be drinking water from heaven thus to continue to live not as
sinners before our heavenly Father but as His Son Jesus Christ, so we may do
His will forever and ever in all eternity to come.
Then, as our Lord Jesus Christ blessed with his holy body and atoning-blood
the water that every one drink in this world, only then our heavenly Father
could baptize him with His Holy Spirit and fire from above, so a new virgin
world may begin for the sake of every living eternal soul within Israel and
the nations correspondingly. Meaning that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is
important in our lives, so the fire from the continuous atoning-blood
sacrifice of God's Lamb, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, may never leave but
instead continue to burn within our bodies and living souls, so we may live a
lovely and peaceful life only to love and serve our heavenly Father forever.
For this is the Holy Spirit and burning fire that Moses saw at first glance
at Sinai's top as our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach was manifesting himself to
Israel as the savior and liberator of their eternal souls from the land of
Egypt, so they may go to live in a new land where the milk and honey are
abundant forever. Here, as Moses saw our Lord Jesus Christ standing in the
midst of the Holy Spirit's burning fire from our heavenly Father's eternal
altar from heaven, then he became a faithful believer in him as our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach, thereafter, without delay, Moses became baptized with the
Holy Spirit and fire, so he may do God's will diligently for Israel.
This is the Holy Spirit's baptism with fire from heaven that changed Moses
from a sinful man into a man that was willing to do whatever God would
require from him for the glory and honor of His Son's name and atoning-blood,
so Israel may escape Egypt's captivity and begin a new life filled with His
Holy Spirit and fire. Because, the Spirit of our heavenly Father's name and
eternal commandments as the eternal life itself for angels and men likewise
in heaven, paradise, the earth, and the brand-new celestial Jerusalem,
indeed, it is always His Holy Spirit only; meaning also that there is no
greater Spirit than the Holy Spirit that gives life to everything everywhere
for God's glory.
For that reason, there is only one God Holy Spirit in heaven and within our
heavenly Father's creation such as paradise, earth, and the brand new
Jerusalem from heaven, so people may receive Him by the way of baptism
directly from our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, because he is the only one that
can baptize men with fire from above. That is why that our heavenly Father
baptized initially with His Holy Spirit every one that would meet with His
high priest and King of Salem, Melchisedec His Son, so he may meet there with
Abram and his men of war for a new covenant and promise for a better life
filled with His Holy Spirit and fire.
For this is the Holy Spirit of the atoning-blood of the continues sacrifice
from heaven that has washed away sin from the lives of every man, woman and
child from all the nations, so they may live in the light of salvation and
thus never die in the eternal darkness of Satan's lies and incredible tricks
to destroy life everywhere. That is why that the Holy Spirit's baptism and
fire from heaven are very important within our lives, so we may live an
exceptional life, which can only please our heavenly Father on earth and in
paradise as well, for the ultimate glory and honor of His blessed name and
glorified commandments forever in eternity.
Historically, this is the Holy Spirit that would not only enter into David's
virgin daughter womb thus to give us a brand new virgin eternal life, never
lived by angels in heaven but only by our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus
Christ, and His Holy Spirit, so we may totally abandon Adam's wicked life of
the spirit of error forever. Since it was because of the spirit of error that
our heavenly Father decided to let Adam and Eve abandon paradise to live on
earth until they would receive a brand new birth from His Holy Spirit through
His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood from above, so in the future they may
return to live with Him their eternal life forever.
For this is the only way, truth and life that Adam and every one of his
descendants may return to paradise and their holy celestial blissful life, so
they may continue to live with our heavenly Father, His Holy Spirit, and
every angel too thus to part take together forever from the bread of life and
the wine of happiness. Today, this is the tree of life that would continue to
provide the living bread and the cup of wine that represents the atoning-
blood that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach shed from out his body over
Jerusalem's holy hill, so he may defeat sin, death and Satan's every lie,
liberating like this every one that believes in him for eternal life.
From this tree of life, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, angels will continue to
eat and drink from it along with every man, woman and child from Israel and
the nations as well that have believed in their hearts to confess with their
lips his blessed name, so baptized they may be with the Holy Spirit and fire
for constant enrichment. This is the Holy Spirit's baptism and fire from
heaven that will enrich our daily lives on earth and in paradise as well, so
Satan with his old serpent may never again enter into our lives with his
wicked and terrible lies that have caused to human kind so many troubles and
even terrible deaths to this day.
Indeed, this Holy Spirit's baptism and fire from heaven will give us a brand
new birth thus to escape Satan on earth and in paradise as well, so we may
open our eyes, minds, ears and understanding to hear and understand
everything that we may see and hear on earth and in heaven as well, for God's
ultimate newfound glories. Here, every Hebrew person may receive the mighty
baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire from heaven above, so the mind that is
closed along with their ears and eyes that are also closed, then opened they
may be finally by the supernatural Holy Spirit virgin rebirth into a new
world where they can see and understand everything forever.
Because, since the day our heavenly Father pulled Israel from Egypt's
captivity, He has not given them a mind to understand, ears to hear, nor eyes
to see, because they must be reborn from the Holy Spirit of the blessed name
and the glorified commandments, so they may never walk into any satanic trap
as the Nazi Holocaust, for example. For the reason that, the Nazi Holocaust
as any other holocaust, without a doubt, is for those that have their minds
without understanding, ears that cannot hear, and eyes that cannot see
anything until it is too late, because baptized they have never been with the
mighty baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire from heaven to escape Satan.
Undeniably, with the Holy Spirit's baptism and fire from heaven above, Satan
and his strange lies will not longer deceive us but, instead, we will escape
every trap setup against us on earth the Holocaust and in paradise the
forbidden fruit, so liberated we may be finally from any captivity thus to
love and serve our heavenly Father forevermore. Indeed, with the Holy
Spirit's baptism and fire from heaven we will escape any attack from God's
enemy, moreover, any terrible Holocaust that he may have for us waiting, we
will escape from it, because we will have power to run away from it so we may
never fall into it for eternal destruction of our bodies and living souls.
Truthfully, only our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach can open the Holocaust's door
and no one can close it until the last one has enter into it because of
rebellion against him and his atoning-blood sacrifice in heaven, moreover he
is the only one that can close it, so the ones that believe in his great work
may escape from it forever. Furthermore, with the Holy Spirit's baptism and
fire from heaven, we have supernatural powers and authorities to do great
things for ourselves and for our heavenly Father's blessed glories of His
holy name and glorified commandments within His Son Jesus Christ blessed
life, so we may never see the Holocaust's fires but instead see only the
light for eternal life.
Because, the Holy Spirit's baptism and fire from heaven have powers and
authorities to defeat Satan's lies and shutdown the doors of any Holocaust,
so they may never come into your life or the lives of your loved ones to
touch you much less hurt you in any form; truly, with the Holy Spirit you are
safe always forever. That is why our heavenly Father poured down from heaven
with powers and great authorities the Holy Spirit of His great name and
blessed commandments, even before He began to do anything with the entire
earth and its life in it, of animals and humankind, for example, so he may at
last subdue all darkness from Satan forever.
Moreover, at last baptize the entire earth with His Holy Spirit through the
blessed and glorified life of His Son Jesus Christ thus fulfilling all truth
and justice forever and ever in every life of man, woman and child, so they
may become his legitimate sons and legitimate daughters for a better world to
enjoy each day in eternity. Therefore, the Holy Spirit's baptism and fire
from heaven are very important in the life of every angel in heaven and in
every one on earth too, so darkness defeated and vanished may finally be from
the entire human race and the earth itself forever, giving way like this to a
virgin world filled abundantly with His Holy Spirit.
Indeed, this a glorious virgin world with a brand eternal life never lived by
any angel in heaven but only by our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ,
and His Holy Spirit, so we may inherit it in these days by just confessing
with our mouths his holy name, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, the savior of
Israel and the nations. Definitely, with the Holy Spirit's baptism and fire
from heaven waiting for you to ask for it from our heavenly Father, it cannot
wait any longer; it needs to descend upon you and deliver its endless ancient
blessings for glory and honor of the blessed name and glorified commandments
thus to change the entire earth with a healthier life immediately.
Because, within the Holy Spirit's baptism, we can reenter our eternal life,
as Adam and Eve lost it in paradise, due to Satan's lies, moreover we can
change the entire earth's spirit of error into our heavenly Father's Holy
Spirit of His blessed name and glorified commandments, so we may leave a
glorious earth behind as we return to paradise. Truly, this will be a
glorious virgin earth, just as our heavenly Father wanted it to be initially
without Satan's lies, ailments, and violence, so He may finally live
peacefully with every man, woman and child from the nations of the entire
human race, beginning with Israel, so to do His will on earth as it is in
heaven forever.
These days, it is the Holy Spirit's baptism of the blessed name and glorified
commandments that Israel needs thus to love our heavenly Father and serve Him
every day of her entire earthly life, so our heavenly Father's blessed name
and glorified commandments within our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach may finally
blessed be correctly and honor forever within our eternal heaven. This
glorious Holy Spirit's baptism and fire from heaven may happen to you and to
your loved ones anytime now, the moment you begin to ask for it from our
heavenly Father, so He may pour it over you through the glorious and
victorious life of His Son Jesus Christ, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach,
Israel's God and only hope.
Moreover, our heavenly Father will command immediately His Holy Spirit to
descend upon your entire life and with fire from heaven, so transformed you
may be into a holy person, not with the spirit of error from Adam and Eve
but, instead, filled with the Holy Spirit of His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach: so
you may live for Him forever. Because, the truth is that no one can really
love much less serve faithfully our heavenly Father as angels do in heaven
without the Holy Spirit's baptism and fire from above, so ask our heavenly
Father for the Holy Spirit's baptism so bestowed you may be with power from
Him and thus begin to do great things for His glory.
The Holy Spirit's baptism with fire from above will change your life by
opening your mind, heart, ears, and understanding consequently every thing
that you may see and hear you will understand it completely, and nothing will
be darkness for you anymore, because the Holy Spirit dwells within you as
never before, so you may live a blessed life always. These days, our heavenly
Father wants to be a provider to you as no one has ever been that good to you
through the blessed and victorious life of His Son Jesus Christ over Satan's
lies, so you may stop suffering the wicked presence of the spirit of error
and, instead, enjoy always the wonderful presence of His Holy Spirit.
Truthfully, our heavenly Father has watched you since the foundations of the
heavens and the earth to see the moment that you will ask Him for His Holy
Spirit's baptism and fire from above, so you may wake before him as a new man
ready to do anything that would bring glory to His blessed name and glorified
commandments. This day, our heavenly Father needs you, your loved ones and
friends as well baptized with His Holy Spirit of His blessed name and
glorified commandments, so He may do wonderful things every second of your
entire life well into eternity thus for you to become the enriched person
that He has hoped always to see in you forever.
That is why that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach stated clearly before his
apostles that they could very well drink from the same cup that he has drunk
every day of his entire messianic life within Israel, but to seat at his
right or left hand in heaven, it is not for him to give to any one. These are
privileges that rightly belong to those that baptized they have been with the
Holy Spirit and fire from heaven, so they may do our heavenly Father's will
on earth just as angels do it in heaven since the day they were created by
the supernatural powers of His blessed word.
Meaning also that the seats to seat in heaven at our Lord Jesus Christ right
or left side have being granted by our heavenly Father for those that are
willing to obey and follow Him through the supernatural manifestation of the
Holy Spirit of His blessed name and glorified commandments within the
glorious life of His Son Jesus Christ. That is to say, also that if our
heavenly Father can put a camel through the needle's eye, then he can very
well seat at the right and left of His Son Jesus Christ the entire human
race, if filled they are within their hearts and living souls with the Holy
Spirit of His blessed name and glorified commandments.
So feel blessed and privileged these days to inherit the Holy Spirit's
baptism and fire from heaven, because our heavenly Father will have room to
seat you at His Son Jesus Christ's left or right side, so you may enjoy the
good life to be a God just as He is forever, having angels around you always
to serve you. Therefore, drink each day generously from our Lord Jesus
Christ's cup, so our heavenly Father will fill you with His Holy Spirit for
the blessed name and fulfilled commandments, so you may enjoy your eternal
life's privileges just as you were already living in paradise with His holy
angels and great men from the past that did His will forever.
Truly, our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit will change your entire life on this
hour, that is, the moment baptized you become supernaturally with fire from
heaven above, so you will have a brand new start on earth and in eternity
too, always enjoying the good life of our heavenly Father and His faithful
angels well into all eternity to come. So, do not put off our heavenly
Father's Holy Spirit to work mightily within you and your loved ones, for He
waited patiently for this day and hour to come into you as His blessed Holy
Spirit enters into your life with power and authority to do great things that
normally you could never do them on earth or paradise.
With our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit, indeed connected you will always be
to Him and His continuous atoning-blood sacrifice, so He may answer properly
your heart's desire, so you may live a peaceful and prosperous life that will
only bring joy, richness, and heavenly-goodness thus to fill you with things
that you would have never thought possible to have them. Yes, you may seat at
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach's left or right side on this very hour, just stay
connected to heaven and our Mighty God through the blessed presence of His
Holy Spirit for the great name and fulfilled commandments, so you may receive
continually gifts that you never thought they existed-but they are yours to
keep perpetually.
Truly, Satan will let loose immediately to you or to your loved ones as
friends and family, for example, blessings that legally belong to you since
the first days of human life in paradise, so you may live a healthy and
wealthy life only to know love, truth, justice and glory forever, because you
are God's son/daughter as always. Satan will never again take hold of your
life or anything that belongs to you, because now our heavenly Father's Holy
Spirit reigns supremely within you and your loved ones as well, in this life
and in the next one to come, so you may never cease to live in peace,
moreover filled with the blissful happiness from heaven above.
In truth, with the Holy Spirit's baptism and fire from heaven dwelling within
you, then for our Father you are just as Moses, King David, or Jesus Christ
himself in His glorious presence, believe it or not; straightforwardly, with
the Holy Spirit dwelling within you, then for our heavenly Father you are His
Son Jesus Christ from head to foot. That is to say, also that the Holy
Spirit's baptism and fire from heaven are supernatural powers going
throughout your life constantly, so you may learn more how to love and serve
our heavenly Father through the glorious life of His Son Jesus Christ with
the sole purpose to enrich you mightily on earth and in heaven likewise
In addition, without this Holy Spirit's baptism and fire from heaven, then no
one can ever live his or her life protected from the terrible presence of
Satan's lies and wicked attacks on earth and in paradise too; these days, you
are vulnerable to Satan and his wicked lies that can only offend you and cast
you into hell's fire. That is why that our heavenly Father required that His
Son Jesus Christ baptized would always be with His Holy Spirit and fire from
above, and all His prophets, ministers, and servants of His word and
commandments within Israel and the nations, so Satan would never be able to
defeat them in any of his desperate usual attacks.
Because, Satan knows very well that he has to attack every blessing that our
heavenly Father sends upon earth thus to bless His people and the nations
with the light of the truth between Him and His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach with
the purpose to change the entire world from darkness to the light of His
blessed Holy Spirit. However, the truth is that to this day Satan has never
been successful in stopping any blessing from our Father that he has sent
upon earth to those that believe within their hearts to confess with their
lips the supernatural Holy Spirit atoning-blood sacrifice of His Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, so Israel with the nations may wash clean from sin forever.
The sin from paradise is to believe against the fruit from the tree of life
that quenches our hunger and thirsts each day of our entire lives on earth
and in paradise too, our Lord Jesus Christ, that is; therefore to reject
Jesus Christ as God's Anointed One, or Israel's Holy One, for example, is sin
in God's sight always. Furthermore, the only way that our heavenly Father can
truly stop dead on its track every attack from Satan upon His people of the
nations is by the Holy Spirit's baptism and fire from heaven, so this is why
that every one baptized must be with the Holy Spirit by simply invoking the
glorious name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Moreover, this divine belief of the heart and confession of the tongue can be
carry out any hour of the day by any one over the entire earth, so our
heavenly Father could send into his/her life immediately the Holy Spirit's
mighty baptism and fire from heaven thus to change dramatically his/her life,
so he/she may know Him personally forever. Truly, this will be carry through
with the sole purpose nowadays by our Father and his Son to protect you from
enemy attacks and like this to enrich your entire life, and of your loved
ones, as family and friends that is, with blessings that rightly belong to
you since the day conceived you were in heaven for God's glory.
Therefore, called you are these days, without doubt, to drink from our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach's cup and be baptized with our heavenly Father's Holy
Spirit of His blessed name and glorified commandments, so you may become a
very powerful person before Him and His enemies, so like this guided you will
always be by His Holy Spirit to all truth. For the Holy Spirit has been sent
into the world since the early days of creation to subdue all enemy forces,
moreover, to guide every man, woman and child from all the families of the
nations into all truth and justice, so they never lose any of the heavenly
blessing to live a peaceful and very happy life forever.
So, the Holy Spirit's baptism and fire from heaven are an urgent need
nowadays for every one everywhere, so no one may come into your life with
terrible lies thus to deceive you to death just as Adam and Eve deceived they
were in paradise, so they may lose forever that wonderful and glorious life
with God in eternity. Because, in paradise Adam and Eve were deceived by the
best of friends, the serpent with Satan behind her as always, so they may
both lose their celestial life and eternal blessing that rightly belong to
them, because initially Adam became a living being as God-and-human all at
once for our heavenly Father's virgin births of never-ending new glories.
Therefore, with the Holy Spirit's mighty baptism and fire from heaven above,
you will not only receive power and authority at the same time, from our
heavenly Father that will continue to grow, spiritually speaking, from within
you, so you may have these days the celestial blissful life that our Father
and His Son Jesus Christ enjoy every day. Furthermore, at last you will
become exactly the same person that our heavenly Father created in you to be
before His Holy presence in heaven, on earth, and within the brand new
celestial Jerusalem, so you may become so lovable and faithful to Him as His
Son Jesus Christ has always been since from eternity to eternity.
Definitely, a life filled with the Holy Spirit's baptism and fire from heaven
is a glorious life every day of our entire life on earth and in heaven too,
so we may never fall into Satan's lies and terrible traps of eternal darkness
and destruction but, instead, we will enjoy the every day goodness from
heaven for God's glory. Enriched we are indeed day by day with our heavenly
Father's mighty baptism of His Holy Spirit and fire from heaven above of his
continuous atoning-blood sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth, our
high priest, forever and ever. Amen!
(Carta del cielo):
There is a glorious baptism of the Holy Spirit ahead of me, and how concerned
I am until it takes place within me, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach literately
declared openly before his apostles in the land of Israel, so they may
righteously inherit the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire with the rest of
Israel as well. This is supernatural power directly from our heavenly Father
that He had personally promised to send from heaven over the entire earth
thus to suppress darkness, but also it has come into Israel's life these days
thus to input eternal life forever into every one of His creatures, so the
wonderful life of His Holy Spirit may thrive endlessly everywhere.
This is our heavenly Father's ancient work to change the entire earth with
humankind in it from the spirit of error and eternal darkness, into a
blissful life filled with His Holy Spirit and the shinning light of His
blessed name and glorified Ten Commandments, for example, so people may live
at last for Him only as angels do in heaven. For the spirit of error from the
entire earth must be changed with every one's personal baptism into the Holy
Spirit of the blessed name and of the glorified commandments within the
messianic life of our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as God's Lamb and high priest
between Him and men, so a brand new world may be born soon everywhere for
every one.
This is the earth with its glorious heavens that our heavenly Father
conceived each one of us in, in His image and according to His likeness, so
we may live in it with Him always enjoying the wonderful fruit from the tree
of life, our Lord Jesus Christ, with the purpose to serve and honor Him
through the ages forever. In reality, this will be a brand new world never
seen by angels before much less by men where the spirit of it, it will never
be again the spirit of error from Adam and Eve but our heavenly Father's Holy
Spirit of His blessed name and fulfilled commandments within the perfect and
unblemished life of His Son Jesus Christ.
Truly, we are in victory each hour that we live on earth and in heaven as
well as in paradise or as in the brand new Jerusalem from heaven above, where
every one's life is a truthful blissful life, filled with the constant
glories of our heavenly Father and His blessed tree of life, our Lord Jesus
Christ. Indeed, soon we will see and enjoy forever a new world with new earth
and glorious skies where only truth and justice may thrive forever within the
angelic hosts and men's brand new eternal celestial life, so our heavenly
Father served may be at last in spirit and in truth by every one everywhere
and forevermore in eternity.
Because, it is our heavenly Father's perfect will that the new world that He
is creating personally by the Holy Spirit's supernatural powers of His
blessed name and glorified commandments may usher into eternity a glorified
way to serve and honor Him with new glories, honors, and sanctities never
attained by angels or men since the day of their individual creation. That is
why that our heavenly Father needs to teach each one of us just as He taught
Adam and Eve in paradise, and later on earth too, to nourish only from His
tree of life, so we may be exactly as He intended us to be from the start,
and this is to be exactly as His Son Jesus Christ.
Meaning that we are Gods in our heavenly Father's eyes, because He personally
molded each one of us to be exactly as His Son Jesus Christ in paradise, on
earth and in the brand new Jerusalem from heaven above, where we will
continue to grow forever in the perfect life of His Son Jesus Christ and of
His Holy Spirit. Therefore, excited our heavenly Father is indeed about the
new world that is about to come into existence before His eyes and the eyes
of His creatures as angels and men alike in heaven and on earth as well
prosper, so He may enjoy new honors, glories and sanctities never seen before
by any one of His celestial loved ones.
Therefore, blessed we are supernaturally in the highest heavens, on earth and
within the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above, because our heavenly Father
has defeated Satan victoriously in all his wicked battles through the virgin
birth, consecrated life, crucifixion, death, resurrection and ascension back
to heaven, so we may never lose any battle against him and his wicked ones.
And on top of all these wonderful and great victories over Satan and his
followers, our heavenly Father has granted each one of us to receive every
day the supernatural baptism of His Holy Spirit, so we may have more power
than we will ever know within our entire life on earth and in heaven thus to
defeat always every Satanic lie.
Indeed, there are glorious days coming ahead within the hearts and lives of
those that love and serve our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit of His blessed
name and glorified commandments through His Son Jesus Christ, because he
alone is His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach in heaven for angels and on earth for
men, so a new virgin world is ahead for us for sure. This world with new
earth and glorious skies is better than the worlds that our heavenly Father
created previously, because it will flourish from the start with the Holy
Spirit of the blessed name and fulfilled commandments within the sacred life
of Jesus Christ, so every one will follow him as the love, truth and life
that leads to newfound glories everlastingly.
Moreover, these great works that our heavenly Father had to start then within
Israel, a land that will not only receive the Israelites escaping the long-
term captivity in Egypt but also it would give birth into a brand new life
never seen by angels in heaven much less by sinners on earth-indeed, this is
our unique eternal life to live today. A brand-new celestial life, truly
filled with the baptism of His Holy Spirit of the blessed name and the
fulfilled commandments within the life of His Son Jesus Christ, so every man,
woman and child from the nations at last may become born again into a virgin
glorious world never inhabited by any one before in heaven or on earth.
This is the virgin world that our Lord Jesus Christ brought into Israel's
life and the nations too, so the entire old world converted may be into a
wonderful brand new one with the entire human race teeming with the Holy
Spirit's eternal life, so Satan and his terrible lies may no longer touch
much less prosper within the human spirit forever. Truthfully, this is a
wonderful world that our heavenly Father begun to create with the help of His
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach and His Holy Spirit of His blessed name and glorified
commandments, so at last truth and justice may thrive everywhere with the
purpose to manifest our heavenly Father's infinite glories to every one
everywhere and forevermore in eternity.
In due time, our heavenly Father sent His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach to be born
by the supernatural powers of the Holy Spirit of His blessed name and
commandments within the virgin womb of David's daughter, so His wonderful
never-ending baptism of His Holy Spirit may reach every one everywhere thus
to usher a virgin world into existence for His heart's pleasure. This is the
virgin world that makes happy your heart, soul, and entire human spirit.
Moreover, this Holy Spirit's baptism administered can only be by our heavenly
Father through the faith that we may have thriving for His Son Jesus Christ,
so the Holy Spirit that brought our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach into Israel's
life then it will enter into our hearts forever, furthermore it will
transform us into new holy creatures ready to live eternally.
Meaning that any one that has not received the mighty baptism of the Holy
Spirit of the blessed name and of the commandments cannot enter into the
virgin eternal life of the brand new celestial Jerusalem, where filled is
every one with love and richness-so every one everywhere get baptized quickly
with the Holy Spirit and fire, the sooner the better. This is the reason that
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach declared openly to his disciples that he was
waiting from our heavenly Father for the glorious Holy Spirit's baptism of
the blessed name and glorified commandments, not because he needed it, but
because he is the first and the last of God's children for the new ages to
come well into all eternity.
Moreover, as the baptism of the Holy Spirit came into his glorious messianic
life, then a virgin world began to exist because now new powers and
authorities he had begun to receive from our heavenly Father so men may live
in peace at last liberated from Satan on earth and in paradise likewise, for
the joy of His eternal glorious heart. This also meant that since our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach had received the baptism of the Holy Spirit of the blessed
name and the commandments, then every man, woman and child from Israel may
also receive it, so it may spread all over the earth with a brand new future
of better days to live everywhere for every one forever in eternity.
This is the baptism of our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit that will make us
born again not into the spirit of error's realm but from above as from where
we were first conceived within our heavenly Father's hands, so we may become
perfect living beings in His image and according to His likeness for ages to
come well into all eternity. Truly, with this wonderful and glorious baptism
of the Holy Spirit, then we will be reborn into our heavenly Father's blessed
name and glorious commandments of a wonderful and eternal celestial life that
will only bring love, peace, blessing and never-ending happiness into our
hearts and living souls, so we may live never to know lie and sickness again
Furthermore, these days our heavenly Father's baptism is what you need
desperately, so you may become His especial child in His sight, moreover you
will be very especial to Him so you may have the privilege to an eternal
blissful life never known to angels or men that will only descend into your
life every day thus to enrich you mightily. Truly, with this celestial
glorious baptism of our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit, without a doubt, Satan
with his lies of sickness, problems, difficulties, and diseases will
immediately flee from out of your life never to return again, because now God
and His Holy Spirit, thanks to Jesus Christ, dwells within you on earth and
forevermore in paradise as well.
That is why our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach used to say during the days he lived
in Israel: I have a baptism to receive from our heavenly Father that is in
heaven, and how worried I am until it becomes part of me thus to fulfill at
last all truth and justice for every one within Israel and the nations
forever. And as this Holy Spirit's baptism at last came into his glorious
life, then greatly glorified our heavenly Father was in the uppermost heavens
by His angels and saved men, women and children saved from ancient nations
that found their personal salvation in believing within their hearts and
confessing with their lips the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
For it is in believing within our hearts and confessing with our lips truth
and justice that our Father will grant us to see our salvation within His Son
Jesus Christ glorious life over Israel, moreover He will baptize us
individually with the Holy Spirit of His blessed name and fulfilled
commandments, so we may enter into His blissful life at once. Today, you have
the same feeling within you that Jesus Christ had in his days to have this
Holy Spirit's baptism of the blessed name and glorified commandments, so you
may move from the spirit of error of darkness and death, unto the Holy Spirit
blessed and enriched life that only knows goodness and never-ending happiness
for you and your loved ones.
This is the moment for you and your loved ones to receive the mighty baptism
of our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit for His blessed name and glorious
commandments, so you may love and serve Him with power and authority on earth
and in heaven as well for all eternity to come. Truthfully, this glorious
Holy Spirit baptism is your first step or door into a glorious life filled
with our heavenly Father's every day blessing of love, peace, prosperity,
richness, and happiness never-ending, in this life and in the next one to
come, so you may never again live under Satan's lies from paradise but only
in the power of a breathtaking blissful-life. Amen!
(Carta del cielo):
John the Baptist declared openly that sent he was into Israel to baptize with
water those that forsake their sins to turn to God. Moreover, he announced
with great urgency within his heart that there was one greater than him
within the midst of the Hebrews, he is so greater than him that he is not
even consider worthy to be his servant in heaven and on earth.
Nonetheless, he alone has power and authority to baptize every one who is
willing to believe in his name with the supernatural powers of the Holy
Spirit and fire from heaven as well, so they may be reborn into our heavenly
Father's glory to have exalted and honored His blessed name and fulfilled
commandments. Undeniably, this is the one that John manifested to be the King
Messiah to come into Israel's life to do our heavenly Father's will within
the heart and living soul of every man, woman and child, so they may become
His legitimate children forever and ever on earth and in eternity as well.
For the one who sent John into Israel, also assured him that whenever he will
see the Holy Spirit descend from heaven to rest upon his head as a dove, then
he is the Rabbi Yeshua HaMoshiach, the one that has the power and authority
to forgive sin and heal every one that comes into his presence.
Categorically, this God Himself in the flesh and atoning-blood for Israel and
the nations, so they may receive him as their personal savior and leader of
their entire lives on earth and in heaven as well, as the brand new Jerusalem
from heaven above where everything is love, truth and justice for every one
forever and ever in eternity.
(This is exactly what our heavenly Father told Moses: I will send before you
my Holy Angel, he will not forgive your sins nor your rebellions; he will be
hard with you just as I am hard with you these days because of your sins.
This is why I am not going with you, because, if I go with you, you may sin
against me and then I will have to kill you in the way to the promise land.
So, for this reason, I am sending my Holy One before you, he is My Rebbe and
your Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, the Holy One and King Messiah for Israel
forever; listen to him and do not get into his nerves as you have done with
me to this day with your rebellious heart.)
Indeed, this is God's Son and blessed Lamb with the atoning blood for the
ultimate sacrifice that has put an end to sin and the power of the angel of
death within Israel and the entire human race, so people may resurrect to
eternal life on earth and in heaven as well as in the brand new Jerusalem
from heaven above. This is our Lord Jesus Christ the savior from heaven for
Israel and the nations, so they may escape Satan and his lies filled with
darkness that have brought into their lives over the years so much pain and
destruction to the point that many people, if not all of them, see an
uncertain future in the entire world.
Nonetheless, the truth is that our Lord Jesus Christ has defeated Satan with
the supernatural powers and authorities granted unto him by our heavenly
Father, so he may not only descend into Israel's life from out one its
daughter virgin womb, but also our heavenly Father entrusted him supernatural
powers to fulfill His Ten Commandments. Commandments so holy that not even
very especial and powerful angels in heaven were ever found worthy to receive
much less fulfill and glorify to the full the Holy Spirit of the written
word, so people may find forgiveness for sin, health and the every day
blessing of an eternal life that will only know love, peace, prosperity and
happiness forever.
Truthfully, only our Lord Jesus Christ as the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach was
found worthy not only to receive it within his heart and atoning-blood for
the ultimate blood sacrifice launched from Israel' holy hill outside
Jerusalem into the blissful brand new holy life never lived by angels in
heaven much less by sinners on earth, but also to glorify it forever.
Certainly, our Lord Jesus Christ was born from King David's elected daughter,
so he may enter into the world through Israel's life by breaking the virgin
womb of a woman, introducing like this into the life of every man, woman and
child the Holy Spirit that will not only fulfill the commandments but also
glorify it forever well into all eternity.
Therefore, our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit of His blessed name and of His
written Law had to enter into David's elected daughter, so not only he will
give us the fulfillment of it, but also granted us the unique virgin birth to
life for every man, woman and child thus to enter into eternity blessed and
justified by the written Law. Meaning also that the Holy Spirit of the
written Law has to approve our hearts, minds, bodies and living souls, so we
may not only live a holy life on earth blessed by our heavenly Father every
time directly from His heavenly continuous atoning-blood sacrifice, our Lord
Jesus Christ's high priesthood ministry, but also approve us completely for
eternity at once.
Because, in eternity we will not continue to any further extent the sinful
life that we received initially by default from Adam and Eve the day they eat
from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but instead injected we will be
into the tree of life, our Lord Jesus Christ, so we may eat eternal life
continuously and forever. This means that we will continue to eat from the
Holy Spirit of the Law well into all eternity, so we may not only enjoy the
richness of its precepts that pleases our heavenly Father's holy heart and
living soul, but also we will grow to our Father's divine stature to attain
new glories never seeing or conquered before by any one.
Indeed, with our Lord Jesus Christ living within our hearts as our heavenly
Father's and Israel's Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, then we are not only enjoying
the continuous blessings of His living heavenly atoning-blood sacrifice but
also we are enjoying his constant mediation, so our sins forgiven may be and
thus continue to receive blessings that will accompany us each day and
forever. That is why that John the Baptist declared openly to the Hebrews by
stating that he had come into Israel's life to baptize with water those that
forsake their sins for God's sake, so they may put an end to sin and death
within their life with the assured hope for a better tomorrow within each day
of their entire life.
Moreover, these are days that are full of life and blissful joys that will
never cease to enrich our hearts, souls, minds, bodies and human spirit, so
we may be mold at last by the supernatural powers of the Holy Spirit of the
written Law into our heavenly Father's children, and this is for us to be
exactly as His Son forever. Because, the beginning of the sinful life for
every man, woman and child from all the nations, without a doubt, is Adam;
however, the new rebirth for eternal life that will never die in this life or
in the next one to come is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, so we may live with truth and justice forever.
Historically, Adam brought the spirit of error into the world the day he
descended from paradise thus to populate the nations with human life,
however, our Lord Jesus Christ also descended from paradise as God's tree of
life, as King Melchisedec, as Lamb and High Priest, so the Holy Spirit of the
Law may enter into men's life for a new birth. This new birth for every man,
woman and child from Israel and the nations as well, found it is only in our
Lord Jesus Christ's virgin birth into the world through David's elected
daughter, so Israel and the nations repopulated may be with a new birth that
will replace universally the spirit of error with the Holy Spirit's blessings
for eternal life.
Truly, this is the only way possible from which our heavenly Father plans not
only finally to get rid of Satan and his eternal lies from paradise from out
of every man's, woman's and child's heart, mind, body, and living soul but
also finally recreate the entire earth with new heavens and new earth for His
Holy Spirit to thrive forever. And this glorious new earth with new heavens
our heavenly Father has started within His Son Jesus Christ's virgin birth
from David's elected daughter, so at last heaven and earth may pass away with
its spirit of error thus to give way to the infilling of His Holy Spirit of
His glorious name and glorified commandments for the entire human race.
That is why that our Lord Jesus Christ manifested openly to Israel as the
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach that every man, woman and child needed to reborn not
from Adam's and Eve's spirit of error but from his Holy Spirit of His blessed
name and glorified commandments, so they may all be able to enter into his
brand new earth with glorious heavens. This brand new heavenly Kingdom
already exists these days, and it is waiting for each one of us to enter into
it any day now, so we may enjoy its wonderful every day blessing from our
heavenly Father's Holy Spirit of His blessed name and glorified commandments
that are ready to fill our entire lives with miracles and new never-ending
This is true in recent times: we already have a wonderful glorious life
waiting for each one of us to enjoy within our reborn hearts, minds, bodies,
souls and human spirit, so we may not suffer any more Satan's twisted lies
from paradise, but instead enjoy only love, grace, truth and justice from the
tree of life, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach. And for this to happen within our
inner beings these days, according to our heavenly Father's Salvation Plan
and never-ending happiness, starting here on earth within our Lord Jesus
Christ's virgin birth, consecrated life to the commandments and blessed name,
crucifixion and death over Adam and Eve crossed trees, resurrection on the
third day to heaven, then we must be reborn immediately.
This means that baptized we must be with the Holy Spirit of the glorified
commandments and blessed name by invoking our Lord Jesus Christ as our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach as we believe within our hearts that he has come into the
world to fill us with our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit of eternal life, so
we may become ageless forever. Definitely, this is the baptism of our
heavenly Father's Holy Spirit of His great name and blessed commandments
within our Lord Jesus Christ's supernatural life that will not only replace
the spirit of error from Adam and Eve by default, however, it will also guide
us constantly back into every blessing that legally belong to us since day
one in paradise.
This baptism of our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit of His blessed name and
glorified commandments started with Israel's patriarchs as they partook from
our Lord's Table the bread and the wine of life that has blessed them with
forgiveness of sin and the infilling of an eternal life that will take them
into heaven forever thus to know only truth forever. Truthfully, this is the
everlasting Holy Spirit of the blessed name and the glorified commandments,
moreover is the same Spirit that brought the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach into
Israel's life as God's Lamb and High Priest to assure us the never-ending
atoning-blood sacrifice within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, so our Father
will bless us as the best of friends forever.
Really, this is the Holy Spirit that we need each day of our entire lives on
earth and in heaven not only to please our heavenly Father's ancient love for
our living souls, but also we will live a holy life that pleases always all
love, truth and justice within our inner beings so we may never abandon
paradise again forever. Moreover, this is the Holy Spirit that will not only
keep us connected constantly to our heavenly Father's blessed all-powerful
name and glorified commandments in Jesus Christ His Son, but also it will
keep us connected to our supreme atoning-blood sacrifice within the Holy of
Holies in heaven, so we never miss again any of our every day blessing from
Absolutely, blessed we are eternally every day of our entire life on earth
and in heaven as well as we accept our heavenly Father's baptism of His Holy
Spirit that our Lord Jesus Christ has brought into our lives as the only true
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach that will continue to intercede for our living souls
before our heavenly Father in eternity. Therefore, this Holy Spirit's baptism
of the blessed name and the fulfilled commandments must be part of our entire
lives by just invoking with our lips and believing within our hearts in the
wonderful work that our Lord Jesus Christ has done for each one of us, over
the holy hill of Jerusalem, and within the Holy of Holies in heaven.
Blessed we are forever beyond question, starting the moment we came into the
world, and the only thing we have to do for wonderful things to descend from
heaven above it is believe always in the wonderful holy work that our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach has done for us as God's Son, Lamb and High Priest on earth
and in heaven likewise. That is why that it is very important for every
Abraham's descendant, before or after the manifestation of the Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach into the world, to receive the Holy Spirit baptism of the all-
powerful name and glorified commandments, so all love, truth and justice
fulfilled may be on earth and in heaven as well for God's never-ending
infinity glories.
Otherwise, there are no new glories available for our heavenly Father's
blessed name and glorified commandments on earth with humankind and in heaven
with the angelic hosts, for example, so our heavenly Father may conquer new
horizons from the brand new eternity yet come into our new eternal lives in
the near future thus to enrich His holy life even farthermore. Truly, with
the Holy Spirit's baptism that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach entrusted us,
undeniably, we are more than conquers in this life and in the next one to
come on earth and in heaven as well, so we may live in eternal peace for ages
to come well into all eternity.
Because, at last the Holy Spirit of the blessed name and the glorified
commandments that have done so much good for our entire lives these days and
for all eternity to come, then it would have become part of our entire
supernatural human experience before our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus
Christ and His angelic hosts as well. Fortunately, to be baptized of the Holy
Spirit of God filled is truly to be with God's ancient love and never-ending
mercies on earth and in heaven as well, so we may be enriched constantly with
the wonderful fruits from heaven and earth thus never to know hunger and
thirst again for ages to come into all eternity.
Moreover, if, within Israel every man, woman and child become baptized in the
Holy Spirit of the blessed name and fulfilled commandments by our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach as our Lord and savior in this life and for the next one to
come, then our heavenly Father would have at last fulfilled His holiest will
on earth and for eternity likewise. Because, the Holy Spirit's baptism means
that our Father has completed His holiest work within the life of every man,
woman and child that He has conceived within His image and according to His
likeness, starting with Adam and Eve, so we may know widely His unique love,
truth and justice towards His Son that has done it all for us forever.
This Holy Spirit's baptism means that sealed and declared holy we are
everlastingly to inherit life while we are still living our normal lives on
earth bound to an eternal life that has no beginning nor ending, because we
believed in our heavenly Father's unique love, truth and justice manifested
to us from top to bottom, through His Son Jesus Christ. Meaning also that
Satan's terrible lies from paradise have no power over our lives on earth and
in paradise as well, so we may at last live liberated only to know love,
peace, happiness and the blessed every day prosperity of the Holy Spirit's
all-powerful name and glorified commandments within our inner beings and
entire lives as well.
Since the Holy Spirit's baptism has to grow within our inner beings thus to
mold us at last into the person that our heavenly Father innately programmed
each one of us to be as His blessed Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth, our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach, so we may enjoy our pristine eternal life with Him to the
full in all eternity. In truth, without this precious Holy Spirit's baptism
then no one will ever be able truly to honor and glorify our heavenly
Father's Holy Spirit of the blessed name and fulfilled commandments within
the supernatural life of His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so He may at last boast
to Himself that He has fulfilled His great work within all of us forever.
Therefore, the Holy Spirit's baptism within our human life and celestial
eternal life as well it is very important, perhaps much more important than
what we would ever know, so we may pass from a cursed life inherited from
Adam in paradise into a brand-new holy and glorious blissful life never lived
by any one yet, except our Father, of course. That is to say, also that our
heavenly Father, even though we were born sinners into the world,
nonetheless, He loves us just as His Son Jesus Christ loves each one of us
with nails pierced through his hands, thorax and feet as well, so he may
inject us by the supernatural atoning-blood Holy Spirit into his glorious
brand-new eternal life.
Furthermore, the Holy Spirit's baptism within our lives these days, indeed,
it is an awakening from the darkness of an eternal unawareness of paradise,
into a glorious light to know supernaturally the wonderful fruitful hidden
gifts of the blessed name and glorified commandments that the only thing they
may want to do in us it is to please our Father everlastingly. Therefore, in
these days, just as in the past, it is our heavenly Father's perfect will for
every man, woman and child from within Israel to ask Him for the supernatural
Holy Spirit's baptism of the blessed name and fulfilled commandments, so they
may finally do His will thus to open heaven's windows and filled them
abundantly with gifts for eternal life.
This direct order from our heavenly Father for Israel to be baptized with the
Holy Spirit of the blessed name and glorified commandments abrogated cannot
be by any one but fulfilled it most be within their hearts, minds, bodies,
and living souls, so their human spirit blessed may live in this life on in
the next one to come forever in eternity. This Holy Spirit's baptism will not
only have the names of every one written within our heavenly Father's book of
life, but fulfilled they may also have forever every word and tilde from the
written commandments thus to please all love, truth and justice on earth and
in heaven likewise for ages to come well into all eternity.
In truth, ever since our heavenly Father commanded His Son Jesus Christ to
pull out Israel from the Egyptian captivity, He has not ceased to hope to see
all of Israel baptized with the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit of His
great name and blessed commandments, commandments completely glorified in
Israel within His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach messianic ministry. Truthfully, to
this day the glorification of our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit of His great
name and blessed commandments have not ceased to be blessed and exalted
within the hearts and living souls from every man, woman and child that
confesses it with their lips and believes within their hearts the blessed
name of His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, the Christ!
For this is the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach that was born into Israel through
David's elected daughter as God's Only Son that gave the entire human race
the blessed virgin rebirth for every man, woman and child, so they may
experience the Holy Spirit's mighty baptism of the great name and blessed
commandments for eternal life. Therefore, whenever we see Israel totally
baptized with our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit of the written fulfilled Law
and the great name that brought them out of Egypt's captivity with miracles
and great signs in the heavens and on earth, then we will at last see the
Israel that have been our heavenly Father's dream since early ages
John the Baptist gave testimony of himself by asserting to his disciples that
he was not the Messiah to come into the world. However, sent he was by our
heavenly Father to baptize with water those that were willing to abandon
their sins for the never-ending divine reconciliation with God and His
greater Kingdom in heaven above, so they may live blessed every day of their
entire existence on earth and in eternity as well.
On the other hand, John did testify that Jesus Christ had come into Israel to
baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire of the great name and the blessed
glorified commandments, so eternal life with blessings may begin properly for
every one everywhere around the earth forever and ever, well into all
eternity. Therefore, baptized Israel must be these days with the Holy Spirit
and fire from the great name and the holy commandments, so finally the
Hebrews may live to enjoy peace with abundance of love and prosperity from
all the nations for the ultimate glory and honor of our heavenly Father in
heaven and on earth, forever and ever.
Happy New Year 2011 to every one everywhere around the world, and let Jesus
Christ enter into your heart and living soul, so the Holy Spirit of the
commandments may declare you holy and reborn into God's Son or daughter that
will only enjoy the blissful angelic life that our heavenly Father prepared
for those that love Him through His Son. Amen!
(Carta del cielo):
Moses' Law could not save us at all, because of our sinful birth from the
spirit of error, since we are the descendants of the first human being that
have ever lived believing lies in paradise, Adam and Eve. Truly, they both
sinned against our heavenly Father, when they failed to eat from the fruit of
life, which are indeed the bread and the wine from the Lord's Table, our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, David's Son (Jesus Christ of Nazareth)!
In paradise, our heavenly Father conceived each one of us in His image and
according to His likeness, so we may live as Gods forever and ever with His
angelic hosts, never to know sin and death but only truth, justice and His
glorious righteous presence for all eternity to come. That is why that in the
day our heavenly Father conceived each us, then we became living Gods in
heaven and before all of His angelic hosts, so we may be very holy Gods
forever to all His angelic hosts in the highest heavens.
Now, for each one to continue to be God in heaven, and this is to be God just
as our heavenly Father is God and also His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus
Christ) are Gods, then we had to continue to part take from His Dining Table,
and this is to eat from His bread and drink from His cup of eternal life. For
the reason that, for each one of us to continue to be God just as our
heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit are Gods, then we
must continue to consume the food and drink that keeps our blood holy, divine
and perfect, so we may never die but continue to live forever in eternity.
This is the reason that Adam and Eve had to abandon their holy life in
paradise, because they ceased to be as God before our heavenly Father and His
holy angels, and this began to happen with them the moment they failed to eat
and drink from the fruit of life, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, for example.
Instead, they both eat from the forbidden fruit and drank from the spirit of
error, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, causing them to cease to
be Gods before our heavenly Father and His holy angels, just as their blood
began to hunger and thirst or gasp for air from the life that they were
leaving behind in paradise.
However, even though Adam and Eve ceased to be Gods in heaven, because their
blood became sick for the lack of the bread of life and the cup of wine from
His Holy Spirit of eternal life, our heavenly Father love for them never
died, instead He began to love them even more than ever. Moreover, because of
this great love that our heavenly Father feels not only for Adam and Eve but
also for their children, then He decided to send His Holy Temple with His =
name in it and glorified Law, so He may be born in the midst of them thus to
reinsert them back into His holy and glorious life.
This time, our heavenly Father was not only sending His Temple with His all-
powerful name it but also His glorious Ten Commandments tables totally
fulfilled and glorified, so it may grant forgiveness for sin, blessing,
health, and everlasting life to every one that obeys and follows His Son
Jesus Christ back to heaven. Therefore, for our heavenly Father to have Adam
and his children back home in paradise, then He had to feed them the bread of
life and give them to drink from the cup of the Holy Spirit, so they may
become reborn not within Adam's spirit of error but within His Son Jesus
Christ' Holy Spirit of eternal life.
For this is the life that not only glorifies our heaven Father blessed all-
powerful name but also exalts and honors His eternal commandments, so
forgiveness, grace, blessing, health, prosperity, peace, happiness and the
brand new blissful eternal life may flourish within every one's heart willing
to believe and confess His saving name. This is to say, also that with Jesus
Christ of Nazareth living within our hearts and entire body then our heavenly
Father's name along with holy commandments blesses us as never before,
because now we are God's children reborn within His Holy Spirit never to die
again to sin and lie.
With Jesus Christ living within our hearts and entire bodies, then the Holy
Spirit of the commandments when it sees each one of us it will have only
love, grace and blessing for us because it has declared us holy in Jesus
Christ's atoning-blood, so we may renter eternal life on earth and in heaven
as well forever and ever. This is the Holy Spirit of the commandments that
descended with Moses to be introduced into Israel's life, but when it saw
Israel's golden calf, then violently left Moses' hands to enter into the
heart of earth to wait for the coming of the Messiah, the Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, so it may give eternal life to all.
In Christmas time, our heavenly Father's Temple with His glorious blessed
name in it by the supernatural powers of His Holy Spirit rested upon David's
virgin daughter, so she may give birth to His Son Lord Jesus Christ of
Nazareth, within the boundaries of the House of Israel, so at last they may
have a living savior and a King forever. Nine months later the virgin from
the House of Israel gave birth to a very holy child, bringing into the world
our heavenly Father blessed name within His very holy body and life, so it
may live within the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with the sole
purpose to fulfill and glorify the Ten Commandments for the entire human
Within this holy birth, we did not only receive at last our heavenly Father's
holy Temple with His all-powerful name dwelling within in perfect holiness
and never-ending righteousness, but also our divine or God's atoning blood,
so it may enter into our hearts and travel throughout our bodies forever, so
we may become Gods again for His brand new celestial Jerusalem. On this day,
we all became Gods again just as our heavenly Father conceived Adam and Eve
to be Gods before Him and His holy angels in paradise forever and ever, so we
may be His children always obeying and doing His glorious will to attain new
glories and honors never conquered by angels before.
Truthfully, one of the greatest glories and honors never conquered by any one
before in heaven or on earth, indeed, it was to fulfill and glorify His Holy
Spirit of His glorious commandments, so His blessed name may be glorified
forever and ever in heaven with the angels and on earth with mankind. Here is
another glory conquered by our Lord Jesus Christ when he descended from the
cross, he went right into the presence of the first two tables of the
commandments that left Moses' hands to enter into the heart of the earth to
wait for the coming of the King Messiah.
Consequently, when the Holy Spirit of the commandments saw Jesus Christ
coming to it as the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, then it declared him holy and
without sin, so it raised our savior to the highest heavens on the third day
thus for love, forgiveness, peace, grace, life, happiness and eternal health
may flourish everywhere for every one forever. This means that the Holy
Spirit of the commandments did not only conquer the heart of the earth but
also the entire earth with its nations, including Israel, so to impart love,
grace, forgiveness, and blessings without end within an eternal life that has
no beginning nor end for those that love our heavenly Father through His Son
Jesus Christ.
Therefore, on these days, we have become Gods again just as Adam and Eve
became living Gods in paradise before our heavenly Father and His angelic
hosts, so we may begin to enjoy the never-ending blessings of a glorious
heavenly life never known to angels before much less to humankind. This also
means that we will not only become as Gods before our heavenly Father and His
Holy Spirit in heaven and on earth, but also we have the right and the power
to return to our glorious life in paradise thus to continue to live the
wonderful life from heaven that blesses our living hearts and souls forever
in eternity.
Meaning that the first tables of the commandments that rested within the
heart of the earth waiting patiently for the promise of our heavenly Father
to send soon His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach to rescue it, then it did not only
recognize Jesus Christ as God's Son but also every one that believes in his
name, then it recognizes him/her as God's child. Furthermore, the only thing
that we have to do for each one of us not only to be born again within our
heavenly Father's Holy Spirit of eternal life with its richest every day
blessing, indeed, it is just to believe within our hearts and confess with
our lips His Son Jesus Christ, because he is our only eternal righteous
Indeed, Jesus Christ has become our only eternal righteousness that only
fulfills our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit of His commandments but also it
exalts greatly His blessed name within our hearts, souls, minds, bodies and
human spirit, so we may only know truth and justice forevermore well into all
eternity to come. For soon we will see not only our heavenly Father and His
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as His Son and Holy Lamb with his atoning-blood, but
also we will see His glorified commandments declaring us holy for God's
glory, so we may return to our heavenly life very soon thus to enjoy the
brand new Jerusalem from heaven above forever.
This is true: Our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit of the commandments has
declared each one of us, by the millions, from all the races, families,
tribes, lineage, towns, cities and kingdom very holy for our heavenly
Father's coming new glories, thanks to the virgin birth, sacred life,
crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, defeating
Satan forever. Then, on these holy days we celebrate our rebirth within our
heavenly Father's Holy Spirit that has entered into our hearts and throughout
our living bodies, so our flesh, bones, blood and human spirit may be reborn
into our heavenly Father's heavenly Kingdom, so we may continue to be His
holy children forever in eternity.
In truth, with Jesus Christ living within our hearts and living souls, then
we have abandoned forever the spirit of error with its flesh, broken bones,
and ill-blood bound to hell that we inherited from Adam in paradise, so we
may retake the brand new holy life. This brand new life is dressed with the
flesh, unbroken bones, and healthy blood from our Lord Jesus Christ, so we
may live as Gods forever on earth and within the brand new Jerusalem from
heaven above, where every one obeys and glorifies the Holy Spirit of the
commandments and the blessed name forever in all eternity to come.
These days, we are all ready to reenter the blessed old paradise, so we may
enjoy our brand new glorious life that our Lord Jesus Christ attained for
each one of us as he laid his life on the crossed dead trees from Adam and
Eve, giving us like this that wonderful glorious transfusion from his Holy
Spirit for eternal life. This is the atoning blood from the early eternal
pact and oath that Abram, Isaac and Jacob made with Melchisedec at the blood
Jerusalem's doorposts, so we may become Gods again but this time with the
blood of the King Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach!
Truly, with Moses we could never fulfill much less glory our heavenly
Father's Holy Spirit of the commandments and His blessed name, because these
commandments and blessed name could only be honored and glorified by God
Himself. However, with Jesus Christ living within our hearts and living
souls, then we have not only glorified and exalted our heavenly Father's Holy
Spirit of the commandments and blessed name, but also the same Holy Spirit of
the first tables of the commandments that declared Jesus Christ holy,
amazingly has declared us holy for God's glory on earth and in heaven
Merry Christmas 2010 to every one everywhere around the world, and let Jesus
Christ enter into your heart and living soul, so he may give you that
wonderful blood-transfusion that you need immediately to be born again into a
living God that will only enjoy the blissful angelic life that our Father
prepared for those that love Him through His Son, Jesus Christ!
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the
Father, but by me" John, 14:6
Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be
Romans 10: 9
You must do the Following:
Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See
10-: 9-10
Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior.
Romans 10:13
What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS
CHRIST in Prayer...?
Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the HOLY
will listen to you AND DO IT:
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your
heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with
your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who
trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between
Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same,
the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for,
"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13
Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.
If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY
Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?
YES _____? or, NO ______?
Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?
If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life
with Him. Now:
Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in
prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in water submersion
and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve
with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where
JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.
Tell others about JESUS.
Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your
prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very important in
heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven;
Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on
the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of
Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit,
and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest
too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY
ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME
of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.