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I would like to disable the entry and verification of OS (op_sys) and Hardware(rep_platform)

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May 22, 2017, 2:39:47 PM5/22/17
I don't have a need to have users enter an OS or Hardware when creating bugs, because our entire application is running from a browser. Our customer believes that having these 2 fields in the interface will only confuse the users.
I have been able to remove the entry of these 2 items from the html interface by editing the create.tmpl.html file, but when I try to save the bug, I get a big red box that warns me that I have not entered an OS.

I have dug around and can not find where this verification is happening.
I would be happy to put default values in the database, so that I don't need to change the database schema, I just don't want the users to have to enter anything.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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