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[ANN] Bugzilla 2.16rc2 Available

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Dave Miller

Jun 8, 2002, 2:50:23 AM6/8/02
After dealing with all the issues raised by testers from the RC1
release, the second release candidate is now ready to be tested. This
time, there is a fair possibility this will be the last release

This is not designated as 'stable', and any use on production systems is
totally at your own risk. Of course, if you're prepared to take that
risk, production testing could be very useful in producing a stable 2.16

Unlike past releases, this release candidate has not yet been placed on
"", although it will hopefully be on June
the 10th.

If you'd like to try out the latest 2.16 prerelease code
(which may or may not be later than 2.16rc2), you can look at

For details of upgrade options and download locations see

Don't forget to also read the release notes at docs/rel_notes.txt within
the downloaded archive or at
(although the website version is always what's currently in CVS).

There have been various documentation updates since rc1, including
documentation on customising templates, however there are known issues
remaining with the documentation and hence it is likely to be updated
before release.

Fixes since RC1:

- queryhelp no longer shows confidential products.
(bug 93167, 148687)
- Fixed possible cross site scripting attacks on the edit users page
(which is a problem only if users are able to bless other users).
(bug 147486)
- Bugzilla did not unescape URL parameter names, which meant that some
browsers (NetPositive) would have problems, including possibly
removing confidentiality restrictions, and not working with advanced
(bug 148919)
- The data directory gets the correct permissions set by
(bug 144285)
- Banner HTML and Entry Header HTML are separate templates again.
(bug 142890, 148919)
- Fixed problems under Windows with the product change page.
(bug 145030)
- Prevented a web server log warning that can occur for new users doing
(bug 148767)
- The query page no longer can die for users currently without a cookie.
(bug 145702)
- The webdotbase parameter is now properly documented, ie you may need
to make .htaccess changes when you alter it.
(bug 147476)
- Fixed an ugly HTML error on the entry page.
(bug 148363)
- Midair collisions will no longer double line feeds.
(bug 144728)
- A default background is specified again.
(bug 147272)
- Sorting order on the choose product page is now right.
(bug 148157)
- Non-admins who can bless other users now have an edit users link in
the footer.
(bug 145849)
- The bug sort order on votes on the bug list page is now correct again.
(bug 146091)
- Fixed script errors under IE when selecting multiple products on the
query page.
(bug 144768)
- Fixed HTML compliance issues.
(bug 47251)
- The describe components page, change columns page, and product change
page (on bug entry) had logged out footers.
(bug 145113, 149964, 144165)
- Describe components displayed the wrong components if you had access
to only one product.
(bug 144565)
- Dependency tree no longer eats all available memory if there's a
circular dependency (ie database corruption).
(bug 143560)
- Prevented web server log warnings generated by dependency tree.
(bug 143743)
- Don't give special styling to confidential bugs if usebuggroups is on.
(bug 143547)
- Multiple template formats now work properly with the bug entry page.
(bug 143486)
- Template module tests in are now properly ordered.
(bug 143586)

Dave Miller Project Leader, Bugzilla Bug Tracking System
Lead Software Engineer/System Administrator, Syndicomm Online

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