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Print Labels | Label Sticker Printing Malaysia | 50percent Print

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Aug 3, 2017, 8:29:48 AM8/3/17
Label Sticker Printing Malaysia

Fifty percent print is Sticker Maker and also offers print labels services, customers are able to design and custom stickers in any desired sizes and shape. Thus, the end product will give a satisfying feeling towards the customer and also us in Fifty per cent print.

Short run sticker:

Short run sticker printing is suitable for small quantity and mostly use for label purposes. Custom stickers in short run frequently used by company that need to label their products in order to send the precise products to their customer by wide varieties of sizes for sticker printing. Short run sticker printing services will fit to all types of businesses that would like to advertise in a Innovative way.

Car Window Stickers:

Car Stickers can be printed either on single side or both sided. Window stickers are normally used by the car servicing centre to remind the customer on the next servicing date as it can be stick on the on the car windscreen. Car Window is another popular product to create and promote brand awareness.
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