Present: marcia, asa, seth, marcia, myk, scc, blizzard, brendan,
mitchell, darin, gerv.
- found a bug and Seth has a fix; if we take it, we
slip 24 hours
- RC3 this week for sure
- Final late this week or early next
- Problem with Modern and meta refresh; could be a common one
- This could cause a 48 hour delay
- Freeze scheduled from 24 hours from now
- Asa's been busy with the branch and doesn't have an update on trunk
- Brendan says he knows of no major regressions
- No major milestone on the trunk limits our testing coverage of trunk
- Maybe push the alpha out two weeks - talk to drivers
*Mozilla Firebird 0.7*
- Ben Goodger is getting a mustfix buglist together
- This will get translated into bug flags eventually
*Thunderbird 0.1*
- Slowly getting better
- 2 or 3 items left on mscott's list for 0.1
- One of those is to get as much of the rest of the app themed up
as possible (Arvid)