gerv, blizzard, dmose, bsmedberg, justdave, bc, dria, beltzner, hecker,
mitchell, dbaron, beard, asa, rebron, brendan, justin, aravind,
chofmann, blake, pkim, marcia, davel, pav, jay, chase, polvi, karen,
paul reed, tim, jesse, schrep, jonas, jst, robert strong, vlad, coop,
mconnor, josh, dveditz.
*Firefox Summit*
- Went really well
- Having more of them would be good
- Criticism: no closing ceremony to say goodbye at
- Planning wiki link available soon
- People should be working on one of three things:
- 1.8/2.0 stuff on the branch
- 1.9/3.0 stuff on the trunk
- security release off a new 1.8.0 branch (security and
- Criteria for are looser than previous security releases
- Can perhaps take topcrashers and regressions on a case-by-case basis
- Thunderbird 1.5 going to RC by the end of this year
- Hoping to release in the early part of next year
- Latest 1.5 locales already out; almost done with that.
- Firefox start page will be updated to persuade 1.0 people to upgrade
to 1.5
- Bouncer is tracking how many people take that route
- Will turn up the volume on that encouragement as time progresses
- 1.0 auto-update process doesn't have an ideal user experience, and is
hard to roll out
- Quite a few people are on 1.0.4 or below, so are ignoring
notifications anyway
- So we aren't taking that path at the moment
- Momentum press release next week for 1.5, showing:
- CNET Editor's Choice November 2005
- PC Pro UK Real World Award
- 10,000,000th download
*Firefox Summit Results*
- Need to document appropriate outputs in pages linked from schedule
- Need the help of participants with this
*Newsgroup Reorg*
- justdave is working on this
- Working out the communications issues
- Going to conserve subscription lists for equivalent newsgroups
- Goal is to have this done by the end of December
Le 15/12/2005 10:56, Gervase Markham a ecrit :
> 2005-12-12 - Summary of staff meeting
> -------------------------------------------------
> - security release off a new 1.8.0 branch (security and
> stability)
> - Criteria for are looser than previous security releases
> - Can perhaps take topcrashers and regressions on a case-by-case basis
Will make it into
the security release? It's a pretty visible crash.
> - Criteria for are looser than previous security releases
> - Can perhaps take topcrashers and regressions on a case-by-case basis is a stopper for
corporate use. The autoupdate push to 1.5 should not happen, before
this one is fixed.