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Dec 4, 2011, 3:39:09 PM12/4/11
Sábado, 03 diciembre, año 2011 de Nuestro Salvador
Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

(QUITO (capital del Ecuador), RESCATADA POR LOS HIJOS DE
DIOS: Felices Días Festejos le deseamos de todo corazón a
cada una de todas las familias quiteñas dentro y fuera de
nuestra patria ecuatoriana en el día de su independencia del
yugo español. Pues que gocen con mucho amor, paz, equidad y
hermandad estos días festivos con los suyos y amistades de
todas partes los 477 años de autonomía.

Que nuestro Padre celestial los bendiga grande y ricamente en
todo momento de sus días de vida por toda la tierra, y que
los deseos de sus corazones siempre los cumpla sin demora, en
el nombre glorioso de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesús Cristo,
llenándolos así de los poderes sobrenaturales de su Espíritu
Santo para que jamás les falte ningún bien.

Porque Todopoderoso es nuestro Padre celestial para
bendecirnos en estos días y por siempre, en el nombre sagrado
de su Hijo Jesucristo, el dador: del amor, la fe, la
esperanza, el poder, la salud, la prosperidad, las riquezas,
la alegría de nuestros días y la salvación eterna de nuestras
almas vivientes para regresar al cielo en cualquier momento
para siempre. ¡Amén!

¡Felices Días de Fiestas Quiteñas 2011 a todos, en todo


The people said to Moses: We will do everything that our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (our Lord Jesus Christ, the nontstop
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood) has commanded for
us to do forever, so we may fulfill truth and justice on
earth and in heaven. Immediately, Moses returned to the
mountaintop where our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach was waiting to
let him know what exactly the people had said, so he may be
able to carry out our heavenly Father's will within their
lives thus to help them escape the cruel captivity from Egypt
to possess the Promised Land at once.

On this day, the Hebrews were accepting the terms of the
supreme celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood that our
heavenly Father had started with His blessed Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, The Chosen Lamb, within the Holy of Holiest in
heaven and over Mount Sinai's summit since the creation of
the world, so Israel with the nations may enjoy salvation
forever. Given that, it was over Mount Sinai's summit from
where our heavenly Father started initially His nonstop
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood of His blessed Son
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so he may shed his precious Holy
Spirit of the atoning-blood over the nations to escape
darkness to enter into an eternal Pact of Love, peace,
prosperity, and never-ending happiness.

Indeed, with this glorious celestial-sacrifice of the
atoning-blood of our Lord Jesus Christ millions became saved
in the ancient worlds, because our heavenly Father had
established His Son over Mount Sinai's summit as the Lamb
that takes the sin from the nations forever, so he may shine
over darkness thus to liberate from sin those that believe in
His Son's salvation. We remember the days of Noah, for
example, the entire world was flooded with waters from heaven
above and from the fountains from below the earth so every
living creature including animals may die, because the people
of the nations had turned their back on our heavenly Father's
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood that saves the
living souls of men.

At Sinai's summit, our heavenly Father manifested His love
for the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, so they may
finally receive within their hearts for justice to confess
with their lips for salvation His blessed Son's name, Yeshua
HaMoshiach; indeed, this was a glorious life that our
heavenly Father introduced into the Hebrews before giving
them the Promised Land. In other words, it was important for
our heavenly Father and the Hebrews as well to receive a new
life liberated from Satan's ancient lies, curses and the
terrible every day despairs to live chained and shackle to
captivity forever, so they may enjoy a new life filled with
the Holy Spirit in a land promised initially to their

Therefore, our heavenly Father from within the Holy of
Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai's summit as the
official sacrificial site of His anointed Chosen Lamb with
the atoning-blood to liberate Israel from captivity but also
the nations, then He miraculously granted every man, woman
and child a new life-the abundant-life of His blessed Son
Jesus Christ. This is the glorious celestial life that Moses
saw from a distance as he pastured his flocks that called him
to ascend to the mountaintop immediately, so he may become
born again in the power of the Holy Spirit to become as Jesus
Christ himself forever, pleasing our heavenly Father's will
always on earth and in heaven as well.

Truthfully, it only takes a moment of faith to believe for
justice within the heart to confess with the lips for
salvation our Lord Jesus Christ, so we may born again in a
minute in the Holy Spirit to become as holy as Jesus Christ
is in heaven from head to foot before our heavenly Father and
His angelic hosts. For it was reasonable for our heavenly
Father to give every one the life that could enter into
eternal life in heaven totally sacred and perfect to love and
serve Him in Spirit and in truth forever into eternity-and
this is the victorious abundant-life of His blessed Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach that we miraculously enjoy these days
without end.

Meaning also that whether our Lord Jesus Christ is in heaven
or on earth, he is your celestial-body of the sacred-flesh,
unbroken-bones and atoning-blood so you may become alive and
fill with light from the Holy Spirit to live your normal
celestial life these days and in eternity as well-indeed,
Jesus Christ is your sinless-body filled with eternal life
today. Therefore, our heavenly Father before He gave Israel
the Promised Land then He decided to give them first the
sacred and perfect life of His Son Jesus Christ, so every
man, woman and child may be reborn into the Holy Spirit of
eternal life that would eventually bring into the world His
Son as the Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood.

That is why that our Lord Jesus Christ stood firm over Mount
Sinai's summit with his face shining more dominant than the
sun over the earth, because he is the light of Israel and of
the nations as well, so they may escape darkness forever;
today: the only light that takes you back to paradise and
eternal life at once. Moreover, what better place on earth to
present His nonstoop celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood
of His Chosen Lamb that was sacrificed since the creation of
the world than Mount Sinai: Indeed, Mount Sinai's summit is
the initial place from where our heavenly Father laid down
His Son's life as sin's ransom, so Israel may walk from
darkness into light.

Mount Sinai's summit is the place from where our heavenly
Father preached and taught the ancient worlds as before
Noah's days, for example, about the great love of the Holy
Spirit that conducted this supreme celestial-sacrifice of the
atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, so they
may escape sin thus to reenter paradise and eternal life
forever. And the nations that turned their back from our
heavenly Father's nonstop celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-
blood over Mount Sinai's summit, then they were in danger
because our heavenly Father can very easily turn them into
hell or just let Satan do as he may please with them until
they will eventually die cursed with a terrible death.

That is true: The ancient worlds that turned their backs on
our heavenly Father's supreme celestial-sacrifice of the
atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ manifested with great
love and fire over Mount Sinai's summit, without a doubt they
were turned into hell so they may die lost in the midst of
the flames because they had no one to save them. That is
exactly what happened to Noah's ancient world, for example,
the nations were turned into hell because they refused to
believe within their hearts for justice to confess with their
lips for salvation our Lord Jesus Christ; and At Sinai our
heavenly Father said to Moses: Let me kill these people for
they have sinned against the nonstop celestial-sacrifice.

Our heavenly Father said firmly to Moses: I will kill the
people of Israel today and only you will be left behind, so I
can make a great nation from you that will honor my supreme
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood of Jesus Christ
slain since the creation of the world over this Mountain, so
the nations may serve me forever. Given that it was from over
Mount Sinai's summit and over His eternal rock where our
heavenly Father first accepted His blessed Son's atoning-
blood shedding over the world and His eternal creation, so by
the power of His atoning-blood He may save Israel from
darkness and the nations as well the He could begin a new
endless angelic Kingdom for eternity.

And this glorious angelic Kingdom where angels will live with
men, women and children from all the nations may come into
existence at once, if only the children of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob may finally honor and exalt forever our heavenly
Father's nonstop celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood of
His Son Jesus Christ over Mount Sinai or over Jerusalem's
holy hill. That is why that our heavenly Father after He
liberated the ancient Hebrews from Egypt by the supernatural
powers of His blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, then He
took them across the Red Sea in dry ground with walls of
waters on both sides, so as they may step into the desert
then they would feel an incredible thirst.

Truthfully, this thirst that the Hebrews felt immediately as
they stepped into the desert to experience the dry air, the
sun and the sand blowing into their faces, noses and throats
from everywhere, it was indeed the thirst that lost souls in
hell feel every moment of their tormented lives in the midst
of flames. This thirst that the Hebrews had could not be
quenched by all the waters from the Read Sea, wells or ponds
on earth, but only from the atoning-blood turned into living-
water from the eternal rock where our Lord Jesus Christ had
been slain since the creation of the world, so they may live
forever saved into eternity.

Moreover, our heavenly Father caused the Hebrews to search
for water into all the places that they visited but they
never found any, the only thing that the Hebrew saw all
around them it was sun and sand, and the wind blowing from
everywhere that would cause their eyes to irritate to become
blind and even thirstier than ever. Now, our heavenly Father
could have had caused water to rain so the Hebrews with their
animals may drink until He would lead them into a body of
water somewhere within the desert, but, He had a different
plan prepared since the creation of the world: here our
heavenly Father wanted the Hebrews to call upon Jesus Christ
for water.

Truly, our heavenly Father wanted them to ask Him to drink
from His eternal rock from where His blessed Son, our Lord
Jesus Christ, had been slain shedding his atoning-blood since
the creation of the world, so they may drink from him at
Mount Sinai's foot to quench their thirst and become born
again of His all-powerful Holy Spirit. Meaning also that
whoever drinks from the eternal rock at Mount Sinai's foot by
faith and receives the anointment of the Holy Spirit then he
will become reborn from the Holy Spirit of the blessed name
and of the glorified commandments to become new person
equipped to climb Mount Sinai thus to enter into the Holy of
Holiest in heaven forever.

Because, to ascend to where our Lord Jesus Christ was still
standing and his face shining as the sun shines powerfully
over the earth, then they had to be reborn not from the
spirit of error from Adam and Eve but from the Holy Spirit of
His blessed name and glorified commandments of eternal life.
Therefore, our heavenly Father wanted the Hebrews to become
born again at once from His blessed Son, our Lord Jesus
Christ, so they could very well ascend to the mountaintop
just as Moses and Aaron had done it earlier to meet His
blessed Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach face-to-face thus to begin a
relationship of love that will never end into eternity.

And this is the new relationship that our heavenly Father
still would love to have with the Hebrews through the
glorious nonstop celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood of
His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach slain since the creation of the
world, so they may become new people heavenly bound every day
of their lives on earth thus to enter eternal life forever.
At Sinai, it was important for the Hebrews to drink from our
heavenly Father eternal rock from where He had millenniums
earlier slain the glorious life of His blessed Son, our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach, so with his atoning-blood turned into
living water for the Hebrews to drink thus to become new
persons for His new Kingdom on earth and in heaven.

Additionally, our heavenly Father wanted the Hebrews to drink
directly from His eternal rock where His blessed Son had been
slain to shed the Holy Spirit of the atoning-blood since the
creation of the world, so they may become born again of His
Holy Spirit thus to become Gods and priests for the glory of
His name and eternal commandments. This was something that
our heavenly Father had waited for millenniums to fulfill, so
He may spark His glorious angelic Kingdom of Gods and priests
to serve Him over His nonstop celestial-sacrifice of the
atoning-blood of His Son slain for the glory of His name and
commandments since the creation of the world, so humankind
may live forever saved.

Moreover, the drinking directly from the eternal rock at
Mount Sinai's foot was indeed more to fulfill truth and
justice then to calm the agonizing hell like thirst of the
Hebrews and their live stock, so they may claim the eternal
privilege to enter into the Promised Land not only on earth
but also from heaven above. For the reason that, our heavenly
Father had descended from heaven with the New Jerusalem from
heaven above where His tree of life is the light that shines
throughout the long days of eternity so His children from
Israel and the nations may never stumble again in darkness as
Adam and Eve did in paradise, for example.

For this is the glorious land from heaven above that our
heavenly Father pulled Israel purposely from Egypt's
captivity so they may enter into it by drinking from the
living water of His eternal rock where His blessed Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach had been slain since the creation of the
world later to eat the daily bread from heaven, the manna.
Undeniably, the drinking from the eternal rock by the Hebrews
from where our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach was slain from the
creation of the world, it was to fulfill truth and justice
for every man, woman and child within Israel and the nations,
so their hearts, minds, souls, bodies and human spirit may
heal forever from the power of sin.

Lawfully, because of the drinking from the eternal rock at
Mount Sinai's foot, then the Hebrews where to become people
different from the nations of the entire world, so they may
live only to be Gods and priests for our heavenly Father's
blessed name and eternal commandments on earth with men and
in heaven with the angelic hosts. Moreover, the living water
that gushed out from the eternal rock from where our heavenly
Father had slain His Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood since
the creation of the world, it did not only satisfy the
Hebrews' thirst but also the nations everywhere as well,
because the water flooded abundantly the earth beyond its
horizons into eternity.

This is the beginning of the preaching and teaching of the
Gospel of Salvation that our heavenly Father had presented to
Adam and Eve as He commanded them to eat only from the fruit
of life that, in truth, is the nonstop celestial-sacrifice of
the atoning-blood Jesus Christ His obedient Son, so they may
live forever saved in paradise. In consequence, this was the
first time that our heavenly Father, by the strike of a man's
twig, had allowed living water to gush out from the eternal
rock so people may drink from it but also it may continue to
flow abundantly into the nations of the entire world for
other people to quench their thirst too perpetually.

At Sinai, we can see our heavenly Father's eagerness to
satisfy the Hebrews' thirst immediately not from the water of
the Red Sea or rains or hidden wells of water within the
desert but only from the eternal rock where His blessed Son
had been slain since the creation of the world, so the desert
may become a paradise for humankind. That is to say, also
that as the water by the strike of Aaron's twig, then the
eternal rock gushed out atoning-blood converted into living
water so Israel may quench their thirst with all the thirsty
nations of the world as well by the supernatural power of the
preaching and teaching of our heavenly Father's blessed name
and eternal commandments.

For water is the blood of the rock, the earth and everything
in it, including the heavens too, meaning that without water
then life is impossible anywhere on earth and beyond heaven-
so water is blood that gives life in abundance to those that
drink it as they may need it daily to continue to live
regardless of the physical state. Therefore, as our heavenly
Father called the Hebrews to drink from the eternal rock at
Mount Sinai's foot, then He was indeed given the Hebrews and
the nations everywhere as well to drink from the atoning-
blood of His sacrificed Son's life from the creation of the
world, so they may live regardless of the constant threats of
the desert.

Indeed, by drinking from the eternal rock where our heavenly
Father's Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood had been slain by
the Holy Spirit since the creation of the world, then the
Hebrews were able to become Gods and priests for the every
day service of our heavenly Father's nonstop celestial-
sacrifice of His Son's sacred life over Mount Sinai's summit.
On this day, our heavenly Father was able to satisfy the
souls of men's thirst with His Chosen Lamb's atoning-blood
that had been shed since the creation of the world by
converting it into living water so truth and justice may flow
the nations for sin to die and obedience to thrive forever
for generations to come into eternity.

Certainly, this was a glorious day from which our heavenly
Father had waited may generations to take place with the
nation that He had given birth through the glorious Pact of
Life that His Son Melchizedek (God's Righteousness) had
started with Abraham and his men at the Lord's Table, so
people may drink and eat from His eternal rock forever. For
it was Melchizedek as King of Salem (ancient Israel) that
called Abraham to the Lord's Table outside Jerusalem's gate
to eat and drink the manna (living-bread) and to drink from
the cup (living-water that flowed from the eternal rock), so
Israel may be born into a nation that will give birth to the
King Messiah, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach.

Inasmuch as, the gift of life it was to be only in Abraham's
son, Isaac, for he will carry the seed of salvation, the seed
that will give us the tree of life filled with fruit to eat
for every one willing to believe within his heart for justice
to confess with his lips for salvation, our Lord Jesus
Christ. Since then, Abraham and his children began to wait
for the coming of the King Messiah, but they did not know how
he was going to come into the world, for them this was a
mystery that it was to unfold in the day that our heavenly
Father will finally decide went to manifest it according to
the prophets' words.

Prophetically, the King Messiah was going to descend from
heaven but he was going to be born from the virgin womb of
one of their daughters, so his birth may be perfect, holy and
sinless, so he may not only give us eternal life but also a
sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones, and the atoning-blood for the
ultimate sacrifice for everyone's salvation. And the reason
that our heavenly Father was going to introduce His blessed
Son's life into every man, woman and child, it was to
increase the light of the Holy Spirit of His blessed name and
glorified commandments throughout the earth and the universe
as well, because His name and commandments must be exalted
throughout His glorious vast creation.

Therefore, the light that Moses saw as he pastured his flocks
at Mount Sinai, then he felt compelled to ascend to it to
meet our heavenly Father's Chosen Lamb slain from the
creation of the world, so his light may shine upon Israel to
flee Egypt thus to take this light into the nations so the
world may shine forever. Definitely, the birth of our Lord
Jesus Christ through the womb of one of Israel's daughter, it
was to manifest to Israel and the nations how His blessed Son
had been slain within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over
Mount Sinai's summit since the creation of the world, so
people may know and accept His unfailing love forever.

Because, our heavenly Father's unfailing love has been
transmitted to Adam and his children in paradise directly
from the nonstop celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood of
His blessed Son Jesus Christ slain from the creation of the
world, so His glorious Holy Spirit of love may finally enter
into their hearts to stay thus to make them reborn in
holiness forever. In addition, our heavenly Father had to
show how His glorious nonstop celestial-sacrifice of the
atoning-blood was conducted day by day in heaven the moment
His blessed Son was slain over the eternal rock from the
creation of the world, so people may live today on earth and
for eternity in heaven thus to enjoy truth, justice,
happiness, and love everlastingly.

In other words, this was the only way that our heavenly
Father could manifest to Israel and the nations how His
blessed Son was slain from the creation of the world as His
personal Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that will grant
resurrection not only to Adam and Eve in heaven but also to
their children on earth forever. That is why that as our
heavenly Father gave birth to Adam to live in His image and
according to His likeness, then He required from him and his
wife Eve that later was created from his fifth rib to eat
from the tree of life, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach that had
been slain since the creation of the world.

Because, by Adam and Eve eating from the tree of life, the
Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that was slain within the
Holy of Holiest in heaven and over the eternal rock at Mount
Sinai's summit, then they would eat and drink life to
continue to live in heaven forever saved with our heavenly
Father and His angelic hosts. However, since they waited too
long to eat from the tree of life that is the Chosen Lamb
with the atoning-blood that had been slain since the creation
of the world, then Satan immediately instructed the serpent
to deceive Eve, so Adam may never eat from the tree of life
but instead from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

For this was the tree of the forbidden fruit that our
heavenly Father had commanded Adam diligently not to eat from
it, because the day that he will eat from it then he with his
children will die to return to earth to the hole in the
ground from where He introduced His holy hands to rescue them
from darkness. Therefore, since Eve did not know Adam that
well much less our heavenly Father and His word that He had
personally manifested to be obeyed always, then Satan took
advantage of Eve's unawareness and caused her to sin by
believing the lies that he initially had told the old serpent
to manifest to her about the tree of knowledge of good and

And what the serpent had told Eve from Satan, it was
persuasive words to eat from the tree of knowledge of good
and evil too, because the day they may eat from it then their
eyes will be open to know good and evil just as God knows
with His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so they may become Gods too
forever. Indeed, Eve took from the forbidden fruit without
Adam's knowledge to eat, and gave him to eat with her
children as well for future generations to come, so their
eyes may be open to become just as God knows good and evil in
heaven, on earth and throughout creation-and this is the
disobedience that separated men from paradise.

This was the sin that our heavenly Father had warned Adam to
be careful with, because as he will eat from it then he will
die with his wife and children to return immediately to the
dust of the ground from where He took them one by one to
become His image to live according to His likeness forever.
However, our heavenly Father will let them return to the hole
in the ground each day from where He took them one by one to
become His image thus to live according to His likeness on
earth and in heaven always doing His glorious will within the
anointed life of His Son, because, He can resurrect them to
life anyday now.

Meaning that because of Adam's sin to eat from the forbidden
fruit instead of the fruit of life, our Lord Jesus Christ,
slain since the creation of the world so they may continue to
live in heaven without ever having to suffer the terrible
death of lies and curses, then they must now resurrect from
the earth's cavity to life. Meaning that everyone can
resurrect anytime now, if he/she can only believe within his
heart for justice to confess with his lips for salvation our
Lord Jesus Christ's name, because only our Lord Jesus Christ
is the nonstop celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood since
the creation of the world over Mount Sinai's summit, so
people may resurrect to life anyday now.

And this resurrection is for every one thus to die to abandon
sin on the earth's graveyard later to return to life through
the glorious tree of life, our Lord Jesus Christ, nailed to
Adam and Eve's crossed trees over the eternal rock, so by the
power of the atoning-blood then they will receive a new
sinless body to resurrect eternally saved. That is why that
our heavenly Father allowed His Son to be slain over
Jerusalem's holy hill just as he was slain initially within
the Holy of Holiest and over Mount Sinai since the creation
of the world, so through the tree of life's foundation-hole
coming up as a shoot from the earth's graveyard then
everybody may resurrect to paradise saved.

That is why also that our heavenly Father's Chosen Lamb's
atoning-blood is very important for every man, woman and
child within Israel and the nations everywhere these days, so
if they die then they can very well return to paradise with a
new glorified body that has never offended the Holy Spirit of
the blessed name and glorified commandments. And this is a
glorious life with sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-
blood that was born from one of David's virgin daughter in
due time, so we may receive a glorified body to live holy and
perfect on earth and to reenter paradise with a glorious
resurrection on the last day, so we may live forever happy
with our heavenly Father.

Because, as we believe within our hearts for justice to
confess with our lips for salvation our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach's name, then, we are reclaiming by justice our
sinless-bodies that we have hidden in him so we may be born
again not with these sinful bodies inherit from Adam and Eve
but instead in our savior's divine body. That is to say, also
that our heavenly Father has made our Lord Jesus Christ our
personal celestial-body with the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones
and atoning-blood liberated from sin forever because this is
the only human body possible that has fulfilled forever the
Holy Spirit of the name and the commandments on earth, so we
may ascend to eternal life in heaven anyday now.

That is why that our heavenly Father has made His Son our
high priest, Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to erase our
sins, mediator, King of kings and Lord of lords, because He
is each one of us before His holy presence on earth and in
heaven, so we may live eternally saved in His New Jerusalem
from heaven above. Truly, no one coming out from Egypt's
captivity or from the grave in the ground can ascend Mount
Sinai's summit to stand where our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach was
slain before our heavenly Father within the Holy of Holiest
in heaven since the creation of the world unless, of course,
he is reborn from the Holy Spirit that granted us eternal

Because, for every man, woman and child to ascend to Mount
Sinai's summit for our heavenly Father's truth and justice is
equal to return to paradise and eternal life, and no one can
return to eternal life in heaven unless he is born again to
become as His blessed Son Jesus Christ on earth and in heaven
forever. In other words, no one can return to paradise much
less enter into the New Jerusalem from heaven above unless
that one believes within his heart for justice to confess
with his lips for salvation our Lord Jesus Christ, our only
possible resurrection from the dead in this world thus to
return to heaven eternally saved from sin and death in hell.

Since the angelic Kingdom, paradise, the New celestial
Jerusalem, and the new earth can only accept as citizens
those that are reborn from the Holy Spirit that gave us Jesus
Christ initially through a virgin birth, so every man, woman
and child within Israel and the nations may become forever
blessed to live holy and perfect into all eternity. For this
is the ancient celestial maxim that no one can reenter
eternal life unless that one is holy and perfect as the
atoning-blood shed over Mount Sinai since the creation of the
world or over Jerusalem's holy hill, so he/ she may live
forever saved next to our heavenly Father, His tree of life,
His Holy Spirit, and the angels.

That is why that we are called by our heavenly Father from
paradise to eat and drink from the tree of life whenever we
seat with our loved ones and friends at home's dinner table,
so we may part take from the celestial-manna and drink from
the cup of the atoning-blood that has been converted into
living-water to quench our thirst for eternity. Really,
blessed we are as we seat at the dinner table to part take
from our daily foods and drinks to eat and drink from our
heavenly Father's Chosen Lamb slain since the creation of the
world, so we may eat bread from heaven and drink from the cup
of living water never to hunger and thirst in the desert or
hell forever.

For these is the food and drink that will give us our sacred-
flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood of our celestial-
bodies that are heavenly bound each day thus to reappear
before our heavenly within the Holy of Holiest of His nonstop
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood that will never
cease to plea for our blessings, health, happiness,
prosperity, richness, peace and salvation. That is why that
whenever you may have something to ask from our heavenly
Father, then you must do it through the ever-present
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood of His Son Jesus
Christ slain from the creation of the world, so he may
intercede for you as your personal priest and Lamb with the
atoning-blood thus to receive anything from heaven today.

Because, whatever you may ask from our heavenly Father in the
anointed name of His blessed Son Jesus Christ who was slain
from the creation of the world, then He will grant you
immediately, and if you have committed any sins then He will
certainly erase them forever to write your name instead in
His book of life to live forever saved. Moreover, as you
honor our heavenly Father's nonstop celestial-sacrifice of
the atoning-blood that our Lord Jesus Christ shed within the
Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai's summit since
the creation of the world, then He will always have His Holy
Spirit and faithful angels protecting you, your loved ones
and friends too wherever you may live.

That is why that it is a religious service to our heavenly
Father on earth with men and in heaven with angels to believe
within the heart for justice, confessing with the lips for
salvation His nonstop celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-
blood of His Chosen Lamb slain since the creation of the
world, so you may live today in perfect health. And,
unfortunately, to fail to recognize our heavenly Father's
nonstop celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood of His
blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ within your heart for
justice to confess with your lips His Son's name for
salvation, then you are not protected by this ancient
sacrifice that took place within the Holy of Holiest in
heaven and over Mount Sinai's summit.

And to live unprotected in this world, then this means that
Satan and his devils can deceive you whichever way possible
so you may become blind to the Holy Spirit of truth and
justice causing you to stumble each time you step forward in
this world to suffer terrible curses, problems, difficulties,
infirmities, and even death in hell too. Truly, this is the
eternal joy of salvation that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob came
to know as they accepted within their hearts for justice to
confess with their lips for salvation our Lord Jesus Christ's
anointed name that erases sins to heal their minds, souls,
bodies and human spirit thus making them heavenly bound
immediately by the power of faith.

Obviously, this is the faith that descended from heaven
millenniums ago as our heavenly Father accepted our Lord
Jesus Christ supreme celestial-sacrifice of his atoning-blood
over His Altar within the Holy of Holiest in heaven conducted
over Mount Sinai's summit, so not only to save later Israel
from captivity but also the nations from the power of Satan's
lie. Therefore, this is the faith that pleases our heavenly
Father in heaven with the angels since the beginning of time
and with men on earth, beginning with Israel, for example, so
His glorious will may be done on earth just as it is in
heaven for the glory of His blessed name and glorified

Lawfully, with this faith living within Israel just as our
heavenly Father intended it to be since the days that He
commanded His blessed Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach to pull Israel
from Egypt so they may escape slavery and eternal death in
hell finally to inherit a glorious land of milk and honey,
then the earth would have become a paradise forever. Because,
with the supreme celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood
that our heavenly Father received from His blessed Son Jesus
Christ within the Holy of Holiest in heaven to manifest
entirely over Mount Sinai's summit since the creation of the
world, it was to start a holy nation that will lead the
nations into a new endless angelic Kingdom for eternity.

That is correct. Our heavenly Father needed a nation to lead
the nations of the world into eternal life-the eternal life
of the New Jerusalem from heaven above-where Satan's lie is
no longer heard by any one, therefore love, peace, happiness
and goodwill reign supremely everywhere within the heart,
soul, mind, living-soul, body and human spirit of every one
forever. Meaning also that it was at Mount Sinai's foot where
our heavenly Father wanted to give to drink the atoning-blood
turned into living-water for the Hebrews to quench their
thirst but also dress them with the sacred-flesh, unbroken-
bones and atoning-blood of eternal life, so they may ascend
Mount Sinai to enter into the Holy of Holiest in heaven for

These days, the place where our Lord Jesus Christ met face-
to-face with Moses still is there as holy as the moment Moses
was told to remove his sandals because the place where he was
standing holy ground is forever, and where atoning-blood was
shed from the creation of the world so Israel may walk
liberated from Egypt into a blissful eternity. And for this
ancient daily service to our heavenly Father's nonstop
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood of His blessed Son
Jesus Christ that was slain from the creation of the world,
Israel was allowed to walk liberated from Egypt's captivity
to serve faithfully every day of their lives on earth as Gods
and priests to His nonstop celestial-sacrifice for eternity.

That is why that our heavenly Father rescued Israel from
Egypt, helped them crossed the Red Sea in dry ground, walked
the desert for three days in search of water, so they may
finally stand at Mount Sinai's foot where Jesus Christ was
slain from the creation of the world, so they may eat and
drink from His daily celestial-sacrifice. And this means to
serve our heavenly Father's celestial-sacrifice of the
atoning-blood of His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, so He may be glorified on earth by the nations
and in heaven by the angelic hosts thus to conquer new
glories, honors and sanctities never seen before by any one
yet, except our heavenly Father, of course.

And it was here at Mount Sinai's foot where our heavenly
Father eternal rock is, and where His Chosen Lamb was slain
from the creation of the world to shed his atoning-blood over
the nations, so Israel may live forever saved into eternity,
and where they once said before Moses: We will do everything
that the Lord Jesus Christ will command. And this is a
confession of obedience and faith that the Hebrews manifested
with their lips for salvation because they believed it within
their hearts for justice before Moses at Mount Sinai's
nonstop celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood that was
slain from the creation of the world, so they may serve our
heavenly Father's eternal sacrifice filled with the Holy
Spirit perpetually.

These days, this is our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit of the
blessed name and glorified commandments, so they may be
reborn at once to become filled with the Holy Spirit of
eternal life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ thus to become
just as he is from head to foot on earth and in eternity as
well. Because, the faith that we may have for our heavenly
Father's celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood of His
blessed Son can save us from sin and hell moreover restores
with His resurrection our living souls to the sacred-flesh,
unbroken-bones and atoning-blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, so
we may become Gods and priests for His daily celestial-
sacrifice of the atoning-blood in heaven.

In other words, our heavenly Father has granted us powers to
believe in His nonstop celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-
blood of His Son Jesus Christ, so we may become born again
from His Holy Spirit and not from the spirit of error of
Adam, so we may become His children only to live His perfect
and holy life, our Lord Jesus Christ. Because, only Jesus
Christ's life can live in paradise, in the angelic Kingdom,
in the New celestial Jerusalem, and, of course, in the new
earth with glorious heavens, moreover this is why our
heavenly Father began His celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-
blood in heaven and over Mount Sinai from the creation of the
world to begin a new angelic Kingdom anyday now.

However, this is going to be a new angelic Kingdom of Gods
and priests from the nations for the daily service of His
nonstop celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood of His
blessed Son Jesus Christ slain within the Holy of Holiest and
over Mount Sinai's summit from the creation of the world, so
we may live eternally saved into eternity. At last, our
heavenly Father's will is going to be fulfilled on earth just
as it is in heaven, because in heaven our Lord Jesus Christ
is remembered as our heavenly Father's Chosen Lamb with the
atoning-blood slain from the creation of the world to save
holy angels in heaven from Satan's attacks and men on earth
as well.

Because, in heaven our Lord Jesus Christ is the tree of life
for angels to eat and drink from but also is honored and
exalted before our heavenly Father as His Chosen Lamb
sacrificed since the creation of the world, so our heavenly
Father may save angels in heaven and men on earth from
Satan's lie that leads to total ruin. That is why that it is
the correct thing to do these days to believe within your
heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation our
heavenly Father's ancient nonstop celestial-sacrifice of His
Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood to save angels in heaven
from Satan's wilds and on earth to save the nations from
eternal death in hell.

And you can very well say the same words that the ancient
Hebrews confessed to Moses by saying: We will do everything
that our Lord Jesus Christ will command us, so we may live in
this life and in the next one to come only to please our
heavenly Father's heart filled with the Holy Spirit of truth
and justice. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man
comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua,
and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead,
then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the
dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your
personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the
NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the
HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and
believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you
will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified,
and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As
the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be
put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and
Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the
same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who
call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord
will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe
that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to
turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my
personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ
as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a
wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy
Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other
Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple
where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include
me in your prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers
are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how
important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered,
anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on
the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven
in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father,
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I
most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the
SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and
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