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Mar 17, 2014, 9:19:05 PM3/17/14
Sábado, 15 de Marzo, 2014 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


Over the Mercy Seat, from there I (our heavenly Father) will
give the commands that Israel may follow all the days of
their lives-this is the sacred-life of our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) that will fulfilled and glorify for
every man, woman and child on earth the Holy Spirit of the
Ten Commands-and this is forever. Certainly, this is the Holy
of Holiest, within the Tabernacle of Reunion in heaven above,
because our heavenly Father was getting ready to grant not
only to Moses but also to every man, woman and child on
earth, starting with the nation of Israel that were on their
way to possess Canaan, the Most Holy Place in heaven's glory.

Moreover, it was our heavenly Father's Plan to grant to
Israel the entire Tabernacle of Reunion from heaven above,
where the angels have been receiving day and night their
daily portion of perfection and holiness from the rituals and
ceremonies conducted by our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, as
living acting high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-
blood that removes sin forever. This was important for our
heavenly Father to do with Israel, because He had not only
promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to grant them to live a
glorious life where His King Messiah is going to rule the
nations forever, but also He needed to grant them to attain
all the holiness necessary to conquer Canaan with all its
coming richness.

Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to have the Tabernacle
of Reunion removed immediately from heaven above so Israel
may possess it for a while (in its entirety), so they may
learn how this heavenly apparatus of perfect holiness works
with His Son running it as His personal Righteousness and
that of His holy angels, for holiness to thrive in heaven
persistently forever. And for this to happen, then our
heavenly Father had to summon Moses with Aaron, Abihu, Nadab
along with seventy of the elders from Israel, so they may
ascend to Mount Sinai's summit, but they were never allowed
to see the Lord, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, nevertheless
they could stay at a distance: kneeling, praying, worshiping
and exalting him all the time.

Nevertheless, only Moses was allowed to approach our Lord
Jesus Christ, because he is the one that had not only shed
his atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest of heaven's
glory to please all truth and justice before our heavenly
Father's Mercy Seat (and altar) sitting over the Arc of the
testimony, but also he was there ready to liberate them. All
others were never allowed to approach the mountain much less
touch it, because our heavenly Father with His blessed Son,
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, was descending to receive Moses
and his people, so they may have a meal with Him to celebrate
this powerful meeting that was taking place for the first
time with humankind and our living savior, Jesus Christ!

Once Moses with his people had had the meal with our heavenly
Father and His Son Jesus Christ as high priest and Chosen
Lamb with the atoning-blood that pleases all truth and
justice in heaven and earth, then He allowed Moses to ascend
higher to the mountaintop, because he was going to enter into
the Most Holy Place for the first time. The elders of Israel
stood behind as a white cloud covered them, so they may no
longer see the Lord and Moses as they both disappeared
ascending to the mountaintop to enter into the Most Holy
Place of the celestial Tabernacle of Reunion, for it was time
for Moses to stand at the Mercy Seat, to plea for Israel's
salvation from slavery.

Therefore, as Moses approached the entrance of the Tabernacle
of Reunion, then, he met Jesus Christ again engulf in the
holy fire of the eternal supreme celestial sacrifice of his
atoning-blood shed since Creation day to create the nations
with all thing, including every man, woman and child; here
Moses became much holier than ever, by the power of the
atoning-blood. This is our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood
sprinkled on the doorframe of the entrance, of the Tabernacle
of Reunion, so every one that may pass through it, then, that
one will become touched by the perfect holiness of our Lord
Jesus Christ's salvation-blood to become liberated from sin,
darkness and impurities thus to enter through the curtain
leading into the holy room.

The opening of the curtain of blue (heaven), purple (wine),
and scarlet (atoning-blood) leads into the holy room south
side where the golden chandelier with the nine-candles is
burning day and night, and opposite to it, on the north side
of the holy room, is the table with the bread of the presence
leading to another curtain of blue, purple and scarlet. This
second curtain, as it opens leads directly into the Most Holy
Place of the Tabernacle of Reunion, where the cherubim are
facing each other with their wings extended always crosswise
in the Holy Room, levitating and looking down to the Mercy
Seat with great amazement that sits over the Arc of the
testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ's nonstop sacrificed-life.

It is exactly here, where our heavenly Father said to Moses:
I will meet you there in person. I will speak to you about
all the commands that Israel must follow and obey to do all
the things that I may call them to exercise without delay,
for the glory of my great name that will live in the midst of
them, that is, if they obey my word thus to please all truth
and justice always. Now, our heavenly Father had chosen Moses
to ascend Mount Sinai to meet Jesus Christ engulfed in the
sacrificial fire, where he had shed his atoning-blood since
the creation of the world thus finally to sprinkle it all
over God's Creation, begin with the Tabernacle of Reunion's
doorframe, furthermore to let everyone else know that they
are always welcome, too.

For the reason that, our heavenly Father had called a man as
Moses, because he was someone that was just a shepherd
leading his sheep always around the mountain of the Lord,
moreover he confessed to our heavenly Father that had called
him to serve Him that he did not know how to express himself,
and that he had a stuttering problem. Surprisingly, Moses was
refusing to do our heavenly Father's will, so he may start
liberating Israel from the eternal bondage that the Egyptians
had submitted the Israelites for more than four-hundred years
already, so it was time for Israel to walk away liberated
from this terrible bondage to inhabit the land that He had
promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob forever.

In the meantime, our heavenly Father was becoming angry at
Moses, because he was still refusing to do His will to
liberate Israel from this terrible bondage that was causing
terrible suffering to Abraham's children, and that, this was
not going to come into a happy-ending in any day soon, unless
He acted immediately with Moses as His primary servant within
Egypt. However, even though Moses was backing down on our
heavenly Father's call to liberate Israel from the Egyptian
bondage, then our Father said: I know your brother Aaron that
he is a very eloquent person, and he will say anything that
you will put in his mouth to say to the people that I am
sending you to speak to.

He is on his way here, you will meet him soon, and the moment
you see Aaron, your brother, his heart will be filled with
joy; you will be a God to him, and he will be a prophet to
you, our heavenly Father assured to Moses, so he may obey Him
and do His will that He had called him. Surely, Aaron will be
your mouth piece to utter the words that I will say to you,
so he may speak to the ones that I am sending you, so they
may let my people go to the land that I have given them to
possess forever; you will be a god to Aaron, and he will be a
prophet to you.

After our heavenly Father had spoken to Moses this way, then
he was willing to execute His will, for he no longer felt
that his stuttering was a problem anymore, because now he had
his half-brother Aaron doing the talking for him, so our
heavenly Father's word may be delivered timely to the people
that most hear from Him: His warning. Nevertheless, our
heavenly Father called Moses to obey Him, even though he was
not religious (for he worshipped no idols, much less he was a
priest, although he was a Levite (for all priests are
Levites, but not all Levites are priests)), however our
Father allowed him to enter into the Holy of Holiest in
perfect holiness, with His Son Jesus Christ.

With this act of love to humanity, especially to Israel, our
heavenly Father needed the nations to understand that it was
His perfect will for every man, woman and child to ascend to
the mountaintop to see the Lord Jesus Christ at the entrance
of the Tabernacle of Reunion, so he may lead them through the
curtain into the Most Holy Place. Inasmuch as, it is only
here where our heavenly Father will meet every one that is
willing to be washed clean from sins, rebellions, curses,
sicknesses and threats of death on earth and in hell's
torment, by the power of His Son's atoning-blood shed since
Creation day in heaven's glory, for angels to receive always
perfect holiness, and humankind, as well.

Meaning that, our heavenly Father needed everyone from
everywhere to know, especially from Israel, that they did not
need to be religious or priest to enter into the Most Holy
Place, within the Tabernacle of Reunion, because the only one
that can truly provide true-and-perfect holiness always is
Jesus Christ, so every one only needs him to enter into it
believing everlastingly. Given that, once you enter into the
Tabernacle of Reunion's Holy of Holiest, and this is where
the cherubim are levitating over the Mercy Seat sitting over
the Arc of the testimony of Jesus Christ's sacrificed-life
written in the two-tablets of the commands, Aaron's staff,
and the Golden Jar of manna, then: You will never want to be
in any other place forever!

It is here where you need to discuss with our heavenly Father
your problems, difficulties, infirmities, and death threats
that Satan with his cronies may have thrown your way, with
our Lord Jesus Christ always standing next to you (with his
physical sacred-body that was crucified over Jerusalem's holy
hill), so you may enter into the Holy of Holiest anytime must
blessed forever. Moreover, our heavenly Father will be more
than happy to meet you anytime now, so you may have the
breathtaking opportunity to know Him just as holy and perfect
as He has always been forever, because, He is the One from
whom you were born initially through the Holy Spirit into His
image to live according to His amazing holiness perpetually.

That is why, that He gave birth to each one of us initially,
beginning with Adam, by the Holy Spirit's powers, so we may
live according to His likeness in His Son Jesus Christ's
perfect holiness, because he is the pleasure of His very
demanding heart for love, truth and justice with every angel
and with every man, woman and child. That is why, that our
heavenly Father loves us beyond all human understanding that
no one can truly understand His glorious love for each one of
us, but only His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit know
how much He really cares for us that He has granted us
amazing powers that we need to return to Him right now.

That is why, also that our Lord Jesus Christ was Holy
Spirit's born by the same powers that gave birth initially to
Isaac through his mother Sarah's barren-womb, so he may show
our heavenly Father's amazing love for each one of us through
His sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood thus to
grant us all the powers necessary to return to Him
immediately. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly
Father to manifest His amazing love for each one of us, by
granting us the Tabernacle of Reunion with the Most Holy
Place, so we may enter through the sacred-flesh, unbroken-
bones and atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ, because he
alone is the one at the entrance ready to wash us clean from

Really, our Lord Jesus Christ taught the Israelites through
his days within Israel that he alone is the door, and whoever
goes through him, then he will go in and out to find pasture,
because he is the one at the doorframe stained with his
atoning-blood to make anyone holy and perfect to enter into
our heavenly Father's holy presence forever. That is why,
also that our Lord Jesus Christ taught everywhere within
Israel that he alone is the bread of life that has come down
from heaven's glory, as from within the Holy of Holiest, of
the Tabernacle of Reunion that they knew very well, because
they lived with it for many years always to learn faith that
saves the living-soul.

For our heavenly Father needed every Israelite man, woman and
child to see how it works in heaven's glory to saturate every
angel, archangel, seraph, cherub and other holy creatures
from heaven above each day with perfect holiness, for our
Father's service to His holy name, because this is the only
holiness that He will receive to glorify Himself into
everlasting. That is why, that anyone approaching our
heavenly Father through the door, of the Tabernacle of
Reunion to meet Him in person within the Most Holy Place with
a different holiness that He knows not, then, He will reject
that one immediately, because this is a strange fire of
holiness that will fail to glorify Him forever.

That is why, that our heavenly Father warned everyone within
Israel that whoever (Hebrew or gentile) may bring their
animal-sacrifices to the entrance of the Tabernacle of
Reunion, so He may accept their sacrifices with atoning-
blood, as symbol of the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ
that shed his atoning-blood since Creation day to receive
blessing-whereas all others would be rejected. All other
animal sacrifices with atoning-blood that were done outside
the door of the entrance, of the Tabernacle of Reunion were
strange fires of men's or animal's holiness that our heavenly
Father will never accept, because, their holiness mounted
into filthy rags that offended Him, furthermore threatened to
contaminate His holy places with uncleanness, so they were
rejected without more ado.

That is why, that these days no matter how holy or amazing
your offerings may be before your eyes (and those of the ones
around you), but if they are done outside the entrance of the
Tabernacle of Reunion, then our heavenly Father will reject
them immediately as useless, dangerous, and as a threat ready
to contaminate His holy places in heaven's glory. Meaning
that, you can give everything you may have however, if what
you are giving to our heavenly Father has not been through
the entrance of the Tabernacle of Reunion to enter into His
Most Holy Place, in heaven's glory, then everything you may
have done as great, wonderful and amazing is useless to Him
in heaven, and to you on earth, too.

Therefore, whatever you may do for our heavenly Father's
glory on earth, in truth you are doing it for Him in heaven's
glory, and regardless of how small or big it may be before
your eyes (and those of others around you), He will accept it
gladly, that is, if you have been first through the entrance
of the Tabernacle of Reunion's doorframe. For the reason
that, nothing could ever enter into our heavenly Father's
holy presence in heaven's glory, without first going through
the entrance of the Tabernacle of Reunion, through the
curtain of blue, purple and scarlet leading into the holy
room with the Golden Lamp and the table with the bread of the
presence, placing you magnificently into the Most Holy Place.

For it is here, where our heavenly Father said to Moses, just
as He said to all others as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and
millions more through the years, beginning with the holy
angels from heaven above, see-and-receive Jesus Christ's
atoning-blood first, so they may receive the proper perfect
holiness to enter into His holy presence, and there He will
speak with everyone gladly. Now, if you are trying to enter
into our heavenly Father's Most Holy Place from outside the
entrance of the Tabernacle of Reunion that is His Son Jesus
Christ's sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones, and atoning-blood
ready to remove sin, then you are wasting your time, because
you will never come near Him much less get His attention to
speak with you in person.

Therefore, you must come to Him through the entrance, of the
Tabernacle of Reunion finally to enter into the Most Holy
Place, where the cherubim are standing with their wings
expanded crosswise the Most Holy Room, facing each other but
always looking down towards the Mercy Seat sitting over the
Arc of the testimony, so He may speak to you at last.
Certainly, our heavenly Father would love to speak to you
more than His most holy angels in heaven these days, because
the love that He feels for you is the same (love) that He has
always felt for His Son Jesus Christ, so He needs to say and
reveal things to you personally that He normally does with
His much-loved Son.

Our heavenly Father is eager to speak to you right now, and
the only one that is holding Him from doing it, is you,
because you still failed to approach Him through the
Tabernacle of Reunion that He granted you already in the
Sinai's desert, so you may see your high priest and Chosen
Lamb with the atoning-blood ready to remove sin. Since, once
you stand before our Lord Jesus Christ as you pass through
the door that leads into the entrance of the Tabernacle of
Reunion, then you have passed through the doorframe stained
with his atoning-blood shed over Jerusalem's holy hill to
remove sins forever, so you may stand sanctified within the
Most Holy Place to speak to our heavenly Father freely.

Moreover, as you stand before our heavenly Father with the
cherubim expanding their wings crosswise in the Most Holy of
Holiest room, always facing each other with their eyes
centered over the Mercy Seat sitting over the Arc of the
testimony of His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-life, then, He
will speak to you just as He speaks to His beloved Son
constantly. That is the purpose of the Tabernacle's Most Holy
Place right now in your life that you may get there instantly
washed clean by His Son's atoning-blood's powers from sin
thus to eliminate darkness from you forever, so you may be
filled magnificently with the Holy Spirit's perfect holiness,
transforming you into a newborn for heaven's glory forever
saved into everlasting.

Furthermore, you must enter into the Tabernacle of Reunion
these days, because it is here where our Father promised that
He will meet in person Moses, and anyone else that believes
in His Son Jesus Christ's salvation-work that was born by the
Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter to become the
holy-door leading us progressively into our Father's holy
presence everlastingly sanctified. Moreover, you must enter
into the Tabernacle of Reunion's Most Holy Place, the sooner
the better, because this is a place that you must visit
immediately not only to solve your problems, difficulties,
infirmities and even threats of death but also, because, if
you are planning to enter into heaven's glory, then this is
the place to do it right now.

You must do it immediately (and without delay), because the
angel of death may come to you without warning, and all the
sudden he can snatch you into the grave and hell's torment,
never to have the wonderful opportunity again to ascend into
heaven's glory to enter into the Most Holy Place to meet our
heavenly Father in person before you die. Therefore, you must
walk in into the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place in heaven's
glory, because anyday now is the proper time to make this
move before the angel of death may wise up against you trying
to surprise you into an early grave or descend into hell's
torment before time, because you have not been into heaven's
Most Holy Place yet.

Satan and the fallen angels, including the angel of death,
know very well if you have been into the Tabernacle's Most
Holy Place or not, and if you have been there already then
they will leave you alone, but if you have failed
persistently to be there, then they will return to you with
even greater powers than ever to destroy you. Indubitably, no
one can ever enter into heaven's glory much less enjoy our
heavenly Father's holy presence on earth without first having
gone through the doorframe of the Tabernacle of Reunion
stained with the atoning-blood to stand in the Most Holy
Place with Him, so powerful blessing may be possible for that
one, just as He blesses His Son Jesus Christ always.

Today, if you are finding excuses not go through the entrance
of the Tabernacle of Reunion to pass through the holy room
with the Golden Lamp and the nine-candles light up always,
and the table with the bread of the presence leading you into
the Most Holy Place to meet our Father in person, then you
are cheating yourself from powerful blessings. Surely, the
longer you may stay away from entering these days through the
doorframe of the Tabernacle of Reunion that will put you
right into the Most Holy Place without any sin problem to
meet our heavenly Father in perfect holiness forever, because
Jesus Christ is washing you from sin always, then Satan will
continue to lie to you until you die.

Satan will lie to your face without any shame at all until
you drop dead, because that is his goal in this world to
kill, to steal and to destroy, so you will miss the grand
opportunity to step into the Most Holy Place with our
heavenly Father thus to let Him tell you in person how much
He loves you. And if you fail again to enter into the
heavenly Tabernacle of Reunion that places you perfect-and-
holy within the Most Holy Place in heaven's glory to speak to
our heavenly Father in person about all the things that you
may desire, then, Satan will continue to do the evils that he
has done through the years until his last lie till now.

This means that Satan with his cronies will not only continue
to lie to you about anything (and everything), so you will
never find your way to the truth of all things, and finally
to miss heaven's glory forever, then he will lead you into
more problems, difficulties, infirmities and terrible threats
of death from conflicts, hidden holocausts, and hell's
torment. However, if you do all your work necessary these
days to make it into heaven's Tabernacle of Reunion to meet
our heavenly Father in person within the Most Holy Place,
washed clean from sin as you pass through the Tabernacle's
doorframe that is Jesus Christ bathe in his own atoning-
blood, then Satan will abandon you forever, because he cannot
see you anymore.

For Satan is blinded by the radiating light that comes into
your life from within the celestial Tabernacle of Reunion of
the Holy of Holiest, because, once you enter into the Holy of
Holiest in heaven's glory then our heavenly Father's holy
presence will always be with you, granting you amazing powers
to shun Satan every time he may harass you. That is to say,
also that once you enter into the Most Holy Place in heaven's
glory, because you have gone through the doorframe stained
with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed since
Creation day, and over Jerusalem's holy hill lately to end
sin forever, then you will be vested by our heavenly Father
with amazing powers that devils wished they had.

This means that, you will embark to live a brand new life,
and this will be the life that our heavenly Father needed to
install within you immediately after you were born by the
Holy Spirit into His image to live according to His perfect
likeness forever in heaven's glory, but He did not, because
you have willingly to accept it first. Meaning that, you have
to eat from the tree of life that is the food of angels in
heaven and on earth for every man, woman and child born again
by the powers of the Holy Spirit, as they have invoked Jesus
Christ as their personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the
atoning-blood that washes them clean from sin constantly.

And not until you eat from our Lord Jesus Christ, you will
never be allowed into the Tabernacle of Reunion that places
you within the Most Holy Place to speak to our heavenly
Father about things that may concern you and your loved ones,
too, so you may live a wonderful-life always Holy Spirit's
filled with liberating gifts-and-powers into everlasting
prosperity. Therefore, now is the opportunity of your entire
life, and this is that you may ascend into heaven's glory to
enter through the divine Tabernacle's doorframe stained with
our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed over Jerusalem's
holy hill lately, because the nails that wounded him, indeed
were nails prepared to hurt you until you will finally die
for hell's torment forever condemned.

You must act now, by entering the Tabernacle of Reunion's
doorframe that your forefathers received in the Sinai's
desert through the Holy Spirit, because, this glorious
Tabernacle descended from heaven's glory by the same powers
of the Holy Spirit that gave birth initially to Isaac from
his mother Sarah's barren-womb, so you may learn how to live
for our heavenly Father forever. These days, our heavenly
Father would love to meet you immediately within the
Tabernacle's Most Holy Place in heaven's glory, because, He
has so many things to do with you (and with your loved ones),
so He may be able to enrich your life abundantly by His Son
Jesus Christ's amazing powers won decisively over the
atoning-blood-spattered cross, at Jerusalem's holy hill.

These are amazing powers against Satan and his hidden lies
that he may have thrown against you from paradise through
Adam and Eve's rebellious lives, so you will never have the
chance to eat from the fruit of life that is His Son Jesus
Christ much less enter into the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest
to attain your share of powerful blessings. Surely, these are
the powers from heaven above, as from within the heaven's
glories Holy of Holiest, where our heavenly Father waits for
you, so you may live always dressed with powerful blessings
that you needed each day on earth and in heaven as well thus
to live a life of love, service and abundant glory, for His
very holy name.

Undeniably, it is here where our heavenly Father needs to get
to know you face-to-face within heaven's glory Most Holy
Place, just as He personally knows His Son Jesus Christ, and
every holy angel from heaven above that is always ready to
love, serve and glorify Him, because this is what makes His
very demanding heart for holiness happy always, since early
times. The glories of the Tabernacle of Reunion, from the
Most Holy Place in heaven makes Him very happy each day of
His divine life, especially as you enter through its
doorframe stained with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood
shed since Creation day for you finally to wash from sin
perpetually over Jerusalem's holy hill, ascending immediately
into the New celestial Jerusalem.

Today, if you were to ask where is the place that I am
supposed to meet our heavenly Father, and His high priest as
the Chosen Lamb that has shed the atoning-blood to erase sin
forever, then, the answer will be by angels and saved men
from everywhere through time: the celestial Tabernacle of
Reunion where the Most Holy Place is. That is why, that our
heavenly Father chose one man ready to walk away from Him, as
He personally called him to obey Him thus to enter into the
Most Holy Place in heaven's glory, and this was Moses
thinking that He was totally wrong, because he was not
religious much less a priest, besides he stuttered every time
he spoke.

Moreover, our heavenly Father chose Moses just as He would
normally take any man, woman and child on earth these days to
enter the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place thus to speak over the
Mercy Seat about how much He loves them, since the early days
of eternity, and how He has come this far only to receive
them with His arms wide-open. For it is here, where our
heavenly Father told Moses I will meet you over the Mercy
Seat within the Most Holy Place in heaven's glory and within
the Sinai's desert as well thus to speak about Israel,
because, it is here from where I will give all the commands
for every Israelite man, woman and child to follow and obey

And Moses with the people from all the twelve tribes of
Israel did exactly what our heavenly Father commanded them to
do from over the Mercy Seat, within the Tabernacle's Most
Holy Place, so everything may go well with each one of them
thus to execute His perfect will within their daily lives
through the Sinai's desert into Canaan, and heaven's glory
forever. Well, the same is true these days, our heavenly
Father still needs to speak to Israel and to everyone else
from all the nations of the entire world directly from the
Mercy Seat within the Most Holy Place in heaven, because,
Satan is roaming the earth as a hungry (and angry) lion ready
to attack and devour any of his usual victims.

That is why, that it is important that you may approach our
heavenly Father through the Tabernacle's doorframe stained
with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood that He personally
witnessed shed over Jerusalem's holy hill thus to destroy
your sins, so you may become so perfect and holy to enter
with Him into the Holy of Holiest to speak about anything
(and everything). For it is here, where you will listen to
the every word that will not only solve all of your problems,
difficulties, infirmities and terrible threats of death, but
also you will become confidently forever that you are God's
legitimate child, and ready to enter heaven's glory, never to
know sin again into eternity, but only abundant love, peace,
wisdom, and endless happiness.

For sure, the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place knows you very
well today, because our heavenly Father from there, in the
early days, He was always thinking about you, and how
wonderful you were going to be before His eyes, as you became
His legitimate child, Holy Spirit born in His image to live
according to His everlasting holiness forever in heaven's
glory. That is why, that as you may return through prayer-
and-faith to the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place, in heaven's
glory these days, then, you will feel that you have been
there at times, and this will be because our Father along
with His Son as high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood
Holy Spirit filled was there thinking of you through

Our heavenly Father would think: how wonderful His day will
certainly be just to see you Holy Spirit reborn by just
believing within your heart for justice to confess with your
lips for salvation His Son Jesus Christ, because, he alone is
your living-blood for eternal life on earth's richness these
days, and in heaven's glory forever into all eternity to
come. Our heavenly Father is there at the place that He said
He will be for Moses and for every man, woman and child from
Israel and the nations, for He is presently ready to speak
with you, just as He will normally speak to His Son, and to
every angel from heaven above of the things that filled their
hearts each day.

This is going to be a wonderful meeting that you will have
soon, as you make your way through the Tabernacle of Reunion
washed clean from sin, by the doorframe stained with our Lord
Jesus Christ's atoning-blood, so our heavenly Father may
receive you in perfect holiness to speak with you openly,
just as He normally speaks to His holy angels. You,
certainly, have a date with our heavenly Father through His
Son Jesus Christ, and I do not think that you should keep Him
waiting anymore, because, as you enter into His holy
presence, by the power of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-
blood and the Holy Spirit's presence, then you may have
finally found the happiness you have always searched for
until now.

Certainly, you are destined to have a personal encounter with
our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ that you will
never forget, because you will be talking about this great
meeting that you will have with Him soon to your loved ones
and friends from everywhere around the world, so they may
come immediately into the Holy of Holiest with you, too. This
is what you really need in this life, a personal encounter in
a one-to-one basis with the Maker of your life, in this world
and in the next one to come from heaven above, so you may
become rich with all the wonderful experiences that you will
live with our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the
Holy Spirit's amazing gifts-and-powes. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man
comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua,
and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead,
then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the
dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your
personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the
NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the
HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and
believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you
will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified,
and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As
the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be
put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and
Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the
same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who
call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord
will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe
that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to
turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my
personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ
as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a
wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy
Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other
Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple
where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include
me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers
are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how
important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered,
anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on
the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven
in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father,
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I
most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the
SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and

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