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May 1, 2011, 12:07:53 AM5/1/11
Sábado, 30 de abril, año 2011 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil,
Ecuador - Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


Nuestras oraciones de amor eterno del Espíritu Santo, del nombre
Todopoderoso de nuestro Padre celestial y de sus Diez Mandamientos
infinitamente cumplidos y glorificados en la vida santísima de su Hijo
Jesucristo, son para las familias de las victimas que perdieron a sus
amados cuando lluvias torrenciales inundaron sus pueblos como en Colombia,
Ecuador y otras regiones de nuestro continente iberoamericano. En estos
días, son muchas las familias que han sufrido la desaparición de sus amados
y vecinos también, que el corazón santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial se
preocupa por ellos como siempre, puesto que nuestro Dios se duele cuando
sus hijos e hijas sufren males terribles de la naturaleza de los cuales
siempre están fuera de todo control humano.

También deseamos recordar recientemente los terribles tornados que
invadieron algunos estados de los Estados Unidos, como el estado de
Alabama, por ejemplo, en donde, aparentemente desaparecieron muchas
personas dejando a sus familias sin hogar y hondamente angustiadas.
Esperamos que los gobiernos de nuestro gran continente americano del sur y
del norte se acerquen a las victimas de sus pueblos con ayudas
humanitarias, para que ellos retomen sus vidas nuevamente y así puedan
vivir normalmente y sin más problema alguno, por causa de las lluvias
torrenciales o de los torbellinos asesinos del sur-oeste de los Estados
Unidos, por ejemplo.

Estas victimas de las lluvias torrenciales y de los ciclones asesinos se
encuentran en la presencia santísima de nuestro Padre celestial en el reino
angelical, gracias a la gran obra salvadora que nuestro Señor Jesucristo
llevó acabo en las afueras del monte santo de Jerusalén, para derramar su
sangre reparadora como el Cordero de Dios que quita el pecado del mundo.
Ésta sangre santísima y purificadora limpió de todo pecado a sus hijos e
hijas desaparecidas recientemente en estos desastres de la naturaleza
mencionados anteriormente, por lo tanto, pudieron ascender al paraíso para
seguir viviendo sus vidas celestiales, en las cuales nacieron como ángeles
del seno santo de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Espíritu Santo para ser
sus retoños para siempre.

Actualmente, cada uno de ellos se encuentra en su hogar eterno del nuevo
reino angelical, porque en el día de su nacimiento como ángel del paraíso
nació para llevar la imagen de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Espíritu
Santo, para vivir conforme a la semejanza gloriosa de su Hijo Jesucristo en
la tierra y en el cielo también. Realmente, todos ellos han encontrado al
fin su paz anhelada de su alma viviente y la felicidad inagotable de su
corazón eterno, para seguir amando a nuestro Padre celestial a través de
las edades de la eternidad venidera, por medio de su fruto de vida eterna,
el pan y el vino de la Cena del SEÑOR, ¡nuestro Señor y salvador

Por cuanto, del paraíso descendimos a la tierra para vivir nuestras vidas
humanas hasta volver a nacer en el conocimiento de la luz verdadera de la
Pascua de nuestro Padre celestial, nuestro Señor Jesucristo, entonces en
estos días, en un momento de fe y de oración, despertamos en la vida
eterna, La Nueva Jerusalén santa y gloriosa del nuevo reino angelical. Y
despertamos en la tierra para la vida del paraíso para seguir amando a
nuestro Padre celestial y a su Espíritu Santo al participar de su Cena
Santa del pan y de vino del Pacto eterno de la salud inmortal de todos
nosotros, la carne sagrada, los huesos inquebrantables y la sangre
reparadora de su Hijo amado, ¡nuestro Señor Jesucristo!

Felices Días de la Pascua judía y del SEÑOR a todos ustedes, y que
disfruten mucho de sus comidas típicas como ya es costumbre, para que estén
siempre saludables, vigorosos, valientes y felices delante de nuestro Padre
celestial que está sentado en su Trono glorioso con su Hijo Jesucristo, y
su Espíritu Santo rodeado por sus huestes angelicales. ¡Amén!)


Moses said: I will go up to see the strange sight, because the fire is
burning with all its intensity for three days but it is not consuming the
mountaintop as normal fires would by now. Indeed, Moses was not concerned
at all that the fire would consume the bush around the mountaintop for he
was not under threat from it nor his flock of sheep but the light
illuminated his heart, mind, living soul that his human spirit was hungry
and thirsty for more.

However, since Moses has seeing the strange fire burning for great
distances and for few days already, then he became more concerned to know
why the fire was not moving but, instead, fixed it was in one place alone.
On the third day Moses got closer to the light of the strange sight,
strange to his eyes and to his heart that was becoming hungry and thirsty
for God and His Passover Lamb shining brighter than the sun during the day
and at night as well that illuminated him within his darkness thus to
awaken him from his eternal-sleep.

All the sudden, as Moses approaches the fire, someone within the fire began
to speak to him and the closer he got to the fire it did not burn him at
all; indeed he was as safe as the Passover Lamb, our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, hanging on the pole within the epicenter of the celestial-
sacrifice heavenly fire. Nonetheless, the voice that was coming out from
the fire, it did not seeing strange to him at all, since the One burning
within the fire spoke to him with power and authority, the power and
authority from our heavenly Father for he was speaking to him as Israel's
every day Passover Lamb from the Holy of Holiest in heaven.

Then, the strange voice within the strange fire said to Moses: I am the God
of your ancestors. I have come down from heaven to rescue their children
for I have seen how the slave drivers treat them. They are suffering and
their cry has come up to the highest heaven as within their living temple,
God's Temple and of his faithful ones that is, the Holy of Holiest of the
Tabernacle of God's and of His entire angelic Kingdom.

To this day, their cry fills God's Temple everywhere, and this is why I am
here before you burning within this supreme celestial-sacrifice as God's
Passover Lamb, so Israel liberated may be from the power of their enemies
to conquer a land where they will meet, love, worship and serve their God
forever and ever. This is the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Jebusites,
Amorites, Perizzites, and Hivites filled with milk and honey that I will
give it to you, so you may love, serve and worship your God forever and
ever well into all eternity, for he alone is your only possible salvation
in this life and in the next one to come.

Your God will liberate you from your enemies by the supernatural power and
authorities of His Passover Lamb that He has personally sent to you, so you
may walk away from the land of your eternal troubles into a land that
filled it is with goodness, peace, and endless happiness forever and ever.
Really, your God alone is your Passover Lamb for each one of you and for
the families of the nations of the entire world as well, so their sins
forgiven they may be before our heavenly Father thus for you to return to
heaven in your last day of life on earth.

For God's temple claims for your liberties from Egypt's slavery and
everywhere around the world, so you may live in peace only to love, serve
and worship your living God on this Mount Sinai and where He will later
take you to meet Him face-to-face as the God of your ancestors and your
eternal life forever in eternity. And with His Chosen Passover Lamb, our
heavenly Father does not only want to liberate you from slavery but also he
wants to live with you in the land that He has personally chosen for this
purpose, so you may live with Him in perfect peace and eternal love of all
the things that He will grant you to have forever.

Our heavenly Father through this Passover Lamb, He wants to save you from
the power of Satan and his terrible lies, curses, and angel of death,
moreover He wants to dress you with the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood
of His Son, and so you may have life in abundance on earth and in heaven
forever in all eternity to come. That is to say, also that your Passover
Lamb alone is your holy-flesh, unbroken bones, and atoning-blood filled
with health and wealth to enjoy your eternal life on earth already and in
heaven as well as within the brand new Jerusalem from heaven above where
only truth and justice thrive for ages to come well into all eternity.

Indeed, this is the eternal life that our heavenly Father has granted to
you and to your loved ones for millenniums to come, so you will love, serve
and worship your God within a holy celestial body that does not know sin
much less death, your eternal Passover Lamb, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach,
the Savior of Israel and the nations. Therefore, go, the voice within the
burning bush said to Moses, and tell the Hebrews that they must return with
you to this Mountain to worship and serve the God of Abraham, the God of
Isaac and the God of Jacob thus for you to start a brand new life worthy to
reenter heaven soon.

And then, Moses said to the voice that was speaking to him within the
burning bush, if I go to the Hebrews to tell them what you have said to me
on this day, and they respond to me by saying who is this God that is
sending you to us with these words. What is the name of this God that you
are speaking to us about from Mount Sinai? Besides, why should we obey him
to go to serve God in another land?

Then, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach said to Moses, you will manifest openly
to the Hebrews that I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God
of Jacob; in other words, tell the Hebrews that I am the Passover Lamb for
Abraham, the Passover Lamb for Isaac, and the Passover Lamb for Jacob.
Furthermore, tell them that I am that I am have sent you to them, so they
may obey may voice to follow me into eternal liberty from sin and from the
every day suffering from captivity, for I am the door out from slavery and
eternal death of sin in hell, furthermore I am the door back to heaven

Here, Moses understood that he had to obey the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as
God's Passover Lamb from the celestial-sacrifice that had descended over
Mount Sinai's summit from within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, so Israel
may receive the Holy Spirit of liberation from sin and death thus for them
to make it into the Promised Land alive and well. Moreover, as our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach was speaking to Moses within the burning-bush, which was
indeed the Passover celestial-sacrifice from our heavenly Father's Holy
Spirit of the blessed name and of the Ten Commandments, then the Holy
Spirit entered into Moses so filled he may be with power and authority thus
to overcome darkness and enter into the eternal-light forever.

This is the eternal-light of the Passover Lamb that began to manifest
openly to Moses and then to Israel, so they may no longer live in darkness
but the light of the celestial-sacrifice of the Holy Spirit of the blessed
name and of the commandments, so Israel with the nations may ascend into
paradise forever. For this is the New Jerusalem from heaven above where our
heavenly Father meets around the clock every man, woman and child that
believes, so they may not only enter into the Holy of Holiest where
Israel's liberation from Egypt began but also the salvation of every
nation, so they may continue to live their celestial lives forever in

In this celestial city, no sinner will ever enter because our heavenly
Father has declared that no one with sin can live within its quarters, so
His glorious life may flourish clean, pure and holy as His tree of life
within the epicenter of paradise, the land of the free and brave that love,
serve and worship Him forever. And this is His blessed Son, our Lord Jesus
Christ the fearless, because he is not only His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach,
but also His high priest and Passover Lamb with the atoning-blood that
blots out sin forever within the life of every man, woman and child that on
earth and in paradise confesses his anointed name for eternal salvation.

Indeed, this is why that Adam had to abandon paradise because he and his
wife Eve believed to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil,
therefore, they were living in sin before our heavenly Father because of
the forbidden fruit that was in them and their children too, therefore,
they failed to stay in His new angelic-Kingdom. This is why that Adam and
Eve had to abandon paradise, so they may give birth to their children that
were to born in rebellion against Him and His fruit of life, our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach, thus by the power of the Holy Spirit of the Passover
Lamb then they may eat the manna to return to heaven soon.

Because, by eating from the forbidden fruit Adam and Eve had to abandon
their celestial-lives in heaven never to enter into our heavenly Father's
glorious brand new angelic kingdom as the brand New Jerusalem from heaven
above, unless they eat back their way into heaven by eating and drinking
the manna from God's Passover Lamb, our Lord Jesus Christ. In other words,
because Adam and Eve abandoned paradise due to eating from the forbidden
fruit, then they can only return to heaven by eating from the right fruit,
and this is our Lord Jesus Christ, because Jesus Christ is His blessed Son
and Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach that can intercede for men's behalf on earth
and in heaven too forever.

However, since old days, for our heavenly Father in heaven and on earth
there is no greater Passover Lamb than His blessed high priest and Son, our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, because he has manifested himself as His ultimate
sacrifice over Mount Sinai's zenith and Jerusalem's holy hill so Israel and
the nations saved they could be from sin forever. Moses, therefore,
descended from the mountaintop after speaking face-to-face with the Lord
Jesus Christ as God's Passover Lamb to release Israel from bondage, so they
may leave Egypt to stand before Mount Sinai to drink plenty from the
sacrificial bloody-rock that emanates water to quench the Hebrews' thirst
and of their livestock too to love and serve the Lord-God forever.

Indeed, this is the sacrificial bloody-rock that also gave bread to eat to
the Hebrews and their livestock at Mount Sinai and throughout its barren
desert until they may find their way into the Promised Land where the
entire nation was to love, serve, and worship God at the bloody-rock's foot
for God's glory and His blessed name in eternity. Truly, this is the bread
and butter of our heavenly Father's Passover Lamb that liberated Israel
with might from Egypt's captivity plus help them cross the Red Sea, so they
may stand at Mount Sinai's foot to nourish directly from the sacrificial
bloody-rock thus for them to become like His Son, His personal Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, filled with eternal-life everlastingly.

Meaning that Moses and Israel never stopped eating and drinking from the
sacrificial bloody-rock after Moses preached and taught it to the them,
because, it was our heavenly Father's perfect will for Israel to eat and
drink constantly from it at Mount Sinai, since He wanted them to serve Him
at its foot, so healing may spread throughout the land. In other words,
Israel was serving our heavenly Father around Mount Sinai's bloody-rock
since the day they stood in front of it to drink plenty from it, so they
may quench their thirst and hunger, therefore, Israel never stopped
drinking and eating from Mount Sinai's sacrificial-rock no matter where the
Holy Spirit of the commandments took them through the desert.

This is the service that our heavenly Father wanted the Hebrews to honor
before Him and His Son Jesus Christ, because, He did not only give them
water from it as His Passover Lamb's atoning-blood but also gave them manna
each time a sacrifice executed it was with rituals, then He could behold at
Mount Sinai's celestial-sacrifice for salvation. This is also the supreme
celestial-sacrifice of His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, which
lives within the Holy of Holiest as God's Unique Passover Lamb, so his
atoning-blood may liberate Israel from Egypt's captivity and help them
cross the Red Sea under dried ground, so they may serve Him always by
drinking living water from His blessed Son forever.

For the water and the manna that blesses every man, woman, and child within
Israel and the nations always come down to earth directly from within the
Holy of Holiest in heaven over Mount Sinai and Jerusalem's holy hill, so
they may quench their thirst and hunger each time the part take from the
Lord's Table at home's dining table. Moreover, the Hebrews had to drink and
eat from the bloody rock at Mount Sinai not only because our heavenly
Father wanted them to serve Him through it, where His Passover Lamb
manifested himself surrounded by the sacrificial fire to release them from
Egypt, but also they had to prepare themselves because they were going to
meet God in person.

This means that our heavenly Father was planning to meet His Chosen people
face-to-face in the land that He had prepared since the foundations of the
heavens and earth thus to forgive their sins and blessed them mightily with
a brand new glorious eternal life filled with miracles and great wonders
everywhere, so they may enjoy endless happiness forever. This meant eternal
peace for Israel and the nations too, because, now they were going to live
with God himself every day as their personal savior and high priest, our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, David's son and Passover Lamb from the Holy of
Holiest in heaven to escape sin and the consequences of death on earth and
in hell as well.

Therefore, in due time, visited Israel was going to be by God Himself thus
bringing into the world eternal life dressed with a very holy-flesh,
unbroken bones, and an atoning-blood for everybody that believes in his
heart for justice to confess with his lips for salvation His Son's name,
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, Creator of heaven and earth. For this is the
eternal life that our heavenly Father wants to see in every man, woman and
child within Israel and the nations too, so He may be able to live with
them in eternal peace and happiness on earth and in heaven as within the
brand New Jerusalem from heaven above where everyone loves His Passover
Lamb eternally.

For our heavenly Father's Passover Lamb must be eaten and drunken directly
from him, so we may have our sins forgiven and filled with the Holy Spirit
of the blessed name and glorified commandments but also loved he must be by
our hearts, souls, minds, bodies and human spirit thus to fulfill truth and
justice within us forever in eternity. That is to say, also that our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach is not only the Creator of heaven and earth but of every
life in it, and this includes the nations with all their individual animal
kingdoms everywhere, beginning with Israel, for example.

For the reason that Israel became a nation with the Lord's Supper that
presented it was personally by King of Salem (ancient Jerusalem),
Melchizedek, where at the place of the bloody-rock he personally served the
Passover Lamb's bread and the wine to Abram and his men, so they may eat
and drink with him for Israel to become a nation. This means also that
Israel as a nation has to eat and drink daily from the eternal bloody rock
the Passover Lamb's food that served it was by King Melchizedek at Salem's
gate to Abram and his men and to Moses within the Holy of Holiest a Mount
Sinai's zenith, so they may live victoriously always over Satan's constant

In truth, if Israel obeys our heavenly Father by partaking from the Lord's
Table just as Abram and his men did initially at Salem's gate by
Melchizedek as He served the Passover Lamb's food, moreover continues to
drink from the bloody-rock at Mount Sinai's celestial-sacrifice, then
Israel will overpower Satan's lie to prosper continuously on earth and in
heaven forever. Indeed, this is for Israel to exist in the world only to
eat and drink from the eternal sacrificial bloody-rock at Mount Sinai and
Jerusalem's holy hill thus to fulfill all truth and justice for the Holy
Spirit of the blessed name and of the glorified commandments, so the entire
earth filled it may be with angelic life everywhere everlastingly.

For our heavenly Father's will is that His will done it may be on earth
with men just as it is in heaven with His angelic host since the endless
ages of eternity into our days, so we may all live with Him and His Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach's personal eternal-life that dresses us each day with
health, wealth, and endless-happiness. Really, this is the celestial-life
that our hearts, minds, living-souls, bodies and human spirit seek for
constantly since the day we opened our eyes in this world, and we cannot
find it ever in anything but only in Jesus Christ as we believe within our
hearts for justice to confess with our lips for salvation his set apart
anointed name.

For this is the true blissful eternal-life that our heavenly Father has
granted us in heaven even before we were born from Him as His legitimated
children to bear His image thus to live accordingly in His likeness forever
on earth and in heaven too, so we may love, serve and worship Him every
step of the way into eternity. That is to say, also that we were born into
heaven, paradise, earth and for the brand New Jerusalem from heaven above
to live only our heavenly Father's blissful enriched eternal-life that His
tree of life has offered us since we were born directly from Him in heaven,
so we may enjoy our eternal happiness every moment in all eternity.

Therefore, that is why that we must eat and drink from the eternal
sacrificial bloody rock at Mount Sinai's foot and Jerusalem's holy hill
too, so we may walk away from Satan's hidden holocaust into our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach's enriched celestial-life that takes us every step of the
way into heaven, so we may enjoy true-life as we should everlastingly.
Because, the truth is that we were born directly from our heavenly Father
in His image thus to live only according to His likeness but in the
wonderful and glorious eternal-life of His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach and not
from Adam's and Eve's rebellious-life that ate from the forbidden fruit
that Satan through the ancient serpent gave them to sin forever.

That is true. Our heavenly Father conceived each one of us in His image to
live according to His likeness in all eternity but only within the blessed
and glorious eternal life of His daily food or fruit, His anointed Son, our
Lord Jesus Christ; this is why that His Son is our only Passover Lamb
forever, so we may live enriched forever. Otherwise, we could never live in
the image and much less according to His likeness on earth, in paradise or
within the brand New Jerusalem from heaven above, unless we walk away from
the forbidden fruit to eat from the fruit of life, our Passover Lamb, Jesus
Christ, and only then we will enter into our heavenly Father's will

That is why that our heavenly Father gave to eat and drink from His Chosen
Passover Lamb to Abram and his men by the King of Salem, Melchizedek, so
Israel may be born into the holy flesh, unbroken bones, and atoning-blood
of His King Messiah, so we may live not in Adam's sinful-flesh but in His
Son's sacred-flesh only. For it is only in His Son's flesh, unbroken bones,
and atoning-blood that His image and likeness are going to manifest within
each man, woman and child all over the entire earth, so we may abandon on
earth Adam's sinful life to return to heaven to live the eternal life that
filled it is with peace and endless-blessings in eternity.

Given that, the truth is that the sinful-body, broken-bones, and ill-blood
that we have inherited from Adam, indeed attracts into our hearts all kinds
of problems, difficulties, infirmities, and other wicked devils as the
angel of death, for example, so our living souls become sick and die
spiritually to descend into hell tormented within Adam's wicked sinful-life
forever. However, the sacred flesh, unbroken bones, and atoning-blood that
we inherit through our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach by eating his manna and
drinking from his cup of wine, then our living-souls attract heavenly
blessings that come into our lives directly from the Holy of Holiest in
heaven, so we may live an enriched life always on earth and in heaven too.

This means also that if Satan's name lives within your heart or any of his
idols, images or sculpture's name, then curses may attract into your heart
and living-soul so you may suffer problems, difficulties, infirmities and
even strange deaths; however, as Jesus Christ enters into your heart then
Satan leaves for your soul to receive blessings with endless-miracles. That
is why that our heavenly Father commanded His Passover Lamb to descend over
Mount Sinai's summit completely cover with fire, the supreme celestial
sacrifice fire of the Holy Spirit's blessed name and glorified
commandments, so we may eat and drink from the Lord's Table thus to inherit
eternal life filled with endless blessings that enriches our lives

Therefore, the moment you eat and drink from the Lord's Table the bread and
wine just as Abram with his men did at Salem's bloody gate or Moses over
Mount Sinai's Holy of Holiest manifestation of the Passover Lamb, where
Moses was served too by Melchizedek so he may eat to reborn into celestial-
life, then you will renew forever. Instantly, you will be reborn into
eternal-life, just as Moses did over Mount Sinai's summit as our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach appeared within the Holy of Holiest as God's Passover
Lamb, so he may have power to liberate Israel from Egypt, then you will
have power too filled with blessings and endless-miracles that will
astonish your loved ones and friends forever.

This is the rebirth that our heavenly Father loves indeed, a very holy life
that will only attract blessing after blessing within your life and of your
loved ones as well, including of your friends to everywhere around the
world, because the life that our heavenly Father loves that is the one that
He blesses the most always every day. This also means that our heavenly
Father did not love at all Adam's sinful life in paradise, because he was
living a life that was contrary to our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, therefore
He could not bless Adam's sinful life much less of his wife Eve; however,
the moment they eat from the fruit of life, then blessed they became

And Adam and Eve could only blessed be on earth as they both became the
cross over Mount Moriah for Abraham as he was ready to sacrifice his only-
son, Isaac, over the burning wood, but the moment Abraham was about to
implement our heavenly Father's word, then the cross saved Isaac for it had
caught by the horn a lamb. Instead of Abraham killing his only-son, Isaac,
then he offered the lamb that nearby caught it was by the horn across the
twigs of two trees that were on Mount Moriah's summit to become the cross
that would sacrifice the lamb in Isaac's place thus affirming how our
heavenly Father's Son was to surrender his righteous-life to save humankind

On this day, our heavenly Father declared openly to Israel and the nations
as well as how His blessed Son Jesus Christ was going to lay down his
blessed life, so every man, woman and child may live liberated from sin,
sicknesses, and the eternal death in hell by just believing his great work
of salvation as God's Passover Lamb. This is our heavenly Father's Passover
Lamb that Abram and his men eat and drank from, and so did Moses first
within the Holy of Holiest and then Israel at Mount Sinai's foot, so they
may enter into an eternal Pact of love and endless-grace within the
Promised Land, the Land that flows with milk and honey from the atoning-

This is correct. Our heavenly made the bloody rock to outpour living-water
as a river of atoning-blood, so it may quench the Hebrews' thirst and gave
them to eat manna from it, so, later, He will do the same within the
Promised Land to give living-water to drink and manna from the bloody rock
to eat to everyone that believes in His Son. Since then, this is the
eternal Passover Lamb sacrifice that every one in heaven and all over the
earth the Lord's people eat and drink from thus to please all truth and
justice before our heavenly Father, so He may receive us in heaven each day
to continue to eat and drink from the celestial manna, our Lord Jesus

Because, the truth is that every one that lives in heaven, paradise or the
brand New Celestial Jerusalem, for example, must eat and drink from the
bloody rock the living bread and water, so they may continue to live in
peace with our heavenly Father and with every angel, archangel, seraph,
cherub, and other holy creatures in heaven. That is to say, also that
lawfully called we are by our heavenly Father to eat from the fruit of life
in paradise, on earth, and within the brand New Celestial Jerusalem, so we
may fulfill all truth and justice thus to love and serve our God filled
with the Holy Spirit of His blessed name and glorified commandments

Therefore, everywhere, each time you take a bite from the Lord's Table then
you are part taking from our ancient Passover Lamb's sacred-flesh, so you
may never hunger again and drink from the cup of wine (that could be water,
juice or any other drink) for the atoning-blood that will erase your sins
from within you to please heaven forever. For this is the righteous life
that will be part of your entire brand new glorified body that will please
all truth and justice before our heavenly Father on earth and in heaven, so
you may live as God's legitimate child in all eternity to come within the
New Jerusalem from heaven above where every one is loved everlastingly.

And you will become a new person before our heavenly Father the moment you
eat and drink from His Passover Lamb's food, because this is the angelic-
food that served it was to Abram and his men and later to Moses at Mount
Sinai's summit finally to feed Israel, indeed, served it is nowadays
everywhere so you may have abundant life forever. Meaning also that each
time you part take from the Lord's Table then eating you are indeed the
sacred-flesh and drinking from the cup of the eternal Pact of Life between
you and our heavenly Father, and done this is forever just as Abram and
later Moses did it to please truth and justice, so Israel may live in peace

For where there is no truth and justice then there it could never be peace
and happiness within the hearts of every man, woman, and child, because the
land that does not bless and honor our heavenly Father's Passover Lamb's
food, then the land will not yield its fruits for every one's peace,
health, wealth, and endless sweet-happiness. For this is the eternal life
that our heavenly Father has sent to fill the entire earth beginning with
Abram, Moses and all of Israel so truth and justice for every man, woman
and child from all the nations may flourish freely each day before our
heavenly Father on earth and in heaven as within the New Jerusalem from

Otherwise, truth and justice for every one on earth fulfilled they may
never be before our heavenly Father, so He may allow them into His brand
new angelic Kingdom from heaven above where every one's lives to enjoy the
every day blessing of eternal-love, the ancient love between our heavenly
Father and His Son Jesus Christ, Israel's ancient Passover Lamb. Indeed,
this is our heavenly Father's Passover Lamb that Abram and his men ate at
the Lord's Table that King of Salem, Melchizedek, served at the bloody-rock
outside Salem (present day Jerusalem), and later served it was to Moses and
Israel at Mount Sinai's foot, so the nations may eat from it also at
Jerusalem's holy hill to please truth and justice forever.

Presently, this is the eternal salvation that the soul of every man, woman
and child from all the families of the nations, beginning with Israel,
needs to have before our heavenly Father in heaven, so He may forgive their
every day sin and reconstruct their lives with a new Spiritual birth of His
Holy Spirit's name and blessed commandments. Truly, this is the glorious
life that our heavenly Father intents to construct within the heart, soul,
mind, body and human spirit of every one of His blessed child within Israel
and the nations too, for He is looking for a brand new angelic Kingdom to
thrive on earth as it is in heaven for His eternal newly conquered glories.

For there are glories yet to conquer that the angels from heaven cannot and
will not do for us, because we must do them by ourselves in our faith in
Jesus Christ alone, we must conquer them despite all odds, for our heavenly
Father's Holy Spirit of the blessed name and glorified commands' new
infinite glories in all eternity. Indeed, this is a glorious world from
which our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach referred to before his disciples as he
prayed before our heavenly Father in heaven for those that believe in his
name and said: Father, I pray for these that you have given me and for
those that will come after them because of the word of their testimony.

I pray not that you take them from the world but that you will protect them
from all evil by the power of your name. I pray not for the world but for
these that have believed in me, because, even though they are in the world
they do not belong to the world; just like me, I am in the world but I do
not belong to the world but from the world above only. Truly, they belong
to the world from above, therefore, I pray that you protect and bless them
every day of their entire lives, so they may make it into your brand new
kingdom above where sin and injustice do not prevail but only love, truth,
and eternal salvation of their living souls that will enjoy your eternal
happiness forever.

These are the ones that will walk in streets of gold that lead to eternal
mansions in heaven, so they may love, serve, and worship you always
enjoying the greatest riches that you have created in eternity thus to
conquer new honors, glories of infinite sanctities for the Holy Spirit of
your blessed name and glorified faultless commandments. Because, to please
truth and justice of the Holy Spirit of your blessed name and glorified
faultless commandments, then we must eat and drink daily from the Passover
Lamb's bread and cup of wine, so we may live filled constantly with the
every day blessing of your Holy Spirit's eternal life, our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, the anointed Christ!

Nowadays, this is a glorious blissful-life, which the only thing that will
do for you after cleansing you from within your sins, curses, and terrible-
infirmities of death, it will be to enrich you with miracles, wonders, and
blessings from the holy land of the New Celestial Jerusalem, so you may eat
from her fruits as if you were already living there. That is the
supernatural power of faith at work; faith in the blessed name that our
heavenly Father has granted us through the glorious life of His Son Jesus
Christ, our soon coming King Messiah over Israel and the nations, so we may
abandon Adam's sinful flesh on earth to enter into His Son's sacred flesh
to live eternally blessed forever.

That is correct. You will live from the daily fruits from the world above,
just as Moses lived forty days and forty nights within the Holy of Holiest
at Mount Sinai's summit where served he was the bread and wine, because our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach prayed for your sake so you may live protected
under His name and eat from His angelic-food always. And the food that our
heavenly Father will give you to eat and drink, it will only bring health,
power and wealth into your life, your loved ones, including your friends
everywhere around the world, because the Passover Lamb's prayer is that you
may live protected under His name and to nourish daily from His angelic
manna to live forever blessed.

Indeed, this is the strange light that Moses saw the first day, the second
day and the third day, because it was our heavenly Father's Passover Lamb
that was giving himself openly to save Israel and the nations from the
captivity of sin and death in hell, so we may live blessed every day on
earth and in heaven forever. These days, the strange light continues to
call you from the mountaintop, just as it called Moses and many others over
the years so you may approach it in prayer and in faith to receive your
portion of the sacred-flesh and atoning-blood that will heal your body and
bones thus for you to live blessed and happy forever after.

Happy Passover Lamb Festivities everywhere around the earth and in heaven
too for every one that loves, serves, and honors our heavenly Father
through the sacred work that He has manifested over the years through His
loved ones, beginning with our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, because he alone is
His blessed Son that pleases Him perfectly well all the time. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt
be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior.
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS
CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the HOLY
HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your
heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is
with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says,
"Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no
difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or
not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who
call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be
saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin.
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new
life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD
in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in water
submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship,
and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a
Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your
prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very important in
heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven;
Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died
on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy
of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of
Holiest too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all
in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank

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